BILL REQ. #: H-0368.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/16/2007. Referred to Committee on Insurance, Financial Service & Consumer Protection.
AN ACT Relating to an identity theft grant program; adding a new section to chapter 43.10 RCW; and making an appropriation.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 43.10 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The attorney general shall develop a grant program to provide
funding for persons and organizations that provide:
(a) Education to aid seniors in preventing identity theft;
(b) Assistance to aid seniors in recovering from identity theft;
(c) Education to aid persons with a developmental disability and
their legal representatives in preventing the theft of the identity of
persons with a developmental disability;
(d) Assistance to aid persons with a developmental disability and
their legal representatives in recovering from the identity theft of
the identity of persons with a developmental disability; or
(e) Any combination of the above.
(2) The attorney general shall make an annual report regarding the
development and the implementation of the grant program to the
legislature by December 1st. The first report is due December 1, 2008.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 The sum of one million five hundred thousand
dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, from the general fund to the
attorney general for the purposes of section 1 of this act.
Administrative costs for development of the program and ongoing
administration by the attorney general must be paid out of this