BILL REQ. #: H-5149.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to community-based behavioral health services; amending RCW 71.24.025, 71.24.300, 71.24.320, and 71.24.330; reenacting and amending RCW 71.24.035; and adding a new section to chapter 71.24 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 71.24 RCW
to read as follows:
In the event that an existing regional support network will no
longer be contracting to provide services, it is the intent of the
legislature to provide flexibility to the department to facilitate a
stable transition which avoids disruption of services to consumers and
families, maximizes efficiency and public safety, and maintains the
integrity of the public mental health system. By granting this
authority and flexibility, the legislature finds that the department
will be able to maximize purchasing power within allocated resources
and attract high quality organizations with optimal infrastructure to
perform regional support network functions through competitive
procurement processes. The legislature intends for the department of
social and health services to partner with political subdivisions and
other entities to provide quality, coordinated, and integrated services
to address the needs of individuals with behavioral health needs.
Sec. 2 RCW 71.24.025 and 2007 c 414 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in
this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Acutely mentally ill" means a condition which is limited to a
short-term severe crisis episode of:
(a) A mental disorder as defined in RCW 71.05.020 or, in the case
of a child, as defined in RCW 71.34.020;
(b) Being gravely disabled as defined in RCW 71.05.020 or, in the
case of a child, a gravely disabled minor as defined in RCW 71.34.020;
(c) Presenting a likelihood of serious harm as defined in RCW
71.05.020 or, in the case of a child, as defined in RCW 71.34.020.
(2) "Available resources" means funds appropriated for the purpose
of providing community mental health programs, federal funds, except
those provided according to Title XIX of the Social Security Act, and
state funds appropriated under this chapter or chapter 71.05 RCW by the
legislature during any biennium for the purpose of providing
residential services, resource management services, community support
services, and other mental health services. This does not include
funds appropriated for the purpose of operating and administering the
state psychiatric hospitals.
(3) "Child" means a person under the age of eighteen years.
(4) "Chronically mentally ill adult" or "adult who is chronically
mentally ill" means an adult who has a mental disorder and meets at
least one of the following criteria:
(a) Has undergone two or more episodes of hospital care for a
mental disorder within the preceding two years; or
(b) Has experienced a continuous psychiatric hospitalization or
residential treatment exceeding six months' duration within the
preceding year; or
(c) Has been unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity
by reason of any mental disorder which has lasted for a continuous
period of not less than twelve months. "Substantial gainful activity"
shall be defined by the department by rule consistent with Public Law
92-603, as amended.
(5) "Clubhouse" means a community-based program that provides
rehabilitation services and is certified by the department of social
and health services.
(6) "Community mental health program" means all mental health
services, activities, or programs using available resources.
(7) "Community mental health service delivery system" means public
or private agencies that provide services specifically to persons with
mental disorders as defined under RCW 71.05.020 and receive funding
from public sources.
(8) "Community support services" means services authorized,
planned, and coordinated through resource management services
including, at a minimum, assessment, diagnosis, emergency crisis
intervention available twenty-four hours, seven days a week,
prescreening determinations for persons who are mentally ill being
considered for placement in nursing homes as required by federal law,
screening for patients being considered for admission to residential
services, diagnosis and treatment for children who are acutely mentally
ill or severely emotionally disturbed discovered under screening
through the federal Title XIX early and periodic screening, diagnosis,
and treatment program, investigation, legal, and other nonresidential
services under chapter 71.05 RCW, case management services, psychiatric
treatment including medication supervision, counseling, psychotherapy,
assuring transfer of relevant patient information between service
providers, recovery services, and other services determined by regional
support networks.
(9) "Consensus-based" means a program or practice that has general
support among treatment providers and experts, based on experience or
professional literature, and may have anecdotal or case study support,
or that is agreed but not possible to perform studies with random
assignment and controlled groups.
(10) "County authority" means the board of county commissioners,
county council, or county executive having authority to establish a
community mental health program, or two or more of the county
authorities specified in this subsection which have entered into an
agreement to provide a community mental health program.
(11) "Department" means the department of social and health
(12) "Designated mental health professional" means a mental health
professional designated by the county or other authority authorized in
rule to perform the duties specified in this chapter.
(13) "Emerging best practice" or "promising practice" means a
practice that presents, based on preliminary information, potential for
becoming a research-based or consensus-based practice.
(14) "Evidence-based" means a program or practice that has had
multiple site random controlled trials across heterogeneous populations
demonstrating that the program or practice is effective for the
(15) "Licensed service provider" means an entity licensed according
to this chapter or chapter 71.05 RCW or an entity deemed to meet state
minimum standards as a result of accreditation by a recognized
behavioral health accrediting body recognized and having a current
agreement with the department, that meets state minimum standards or
persons licensed under chapter 18.57, 18.71, 18.83, or 18.79 RCW, as it
applies to registered nurses and advanced registered nurse
(16) "Long-term inpatient care" means inpatient services for
persons committed for, or voluntarily receiving intensive treatment
for, periods of ninety days or greater under chapter 71.05 RCW. "Long-term inpatient care" as used in this chapter does not include: (a)
Services for individuals committed under chapter 71.05 RCW who are
receiving services pursuant to a conditional release or a court-ordered
less restrictive alternative to detention; or (b) services for
individuals voluntarily receiving less restrictive alternative
treatment on the grounds of the state hospital.
(17) "Mental health services" means all services provided by
regional support networks and other services provided by the state for
persons who are mentally ill.
(18) "Mentally ill persons," "persons who are mentally ill," and
"the mentally ill" mean persons and conditions defined in subsections
(1), (4), (27), and (28) of this section.
(19) "Recovery" means the process in which people are able to live,
work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.
(20) "Regional support network" means a county authority or group
of county authorities or other ((nonprofit)) entity recognized by the
secretary in contract in a defined region.
(21) "Registration records" include all the records of the
department, regional support networks, treatment facilities, and other
persons providing services to the department, county departments, or
facilities which identify persons who are receiving or who at any time
have received services for mental illness.
(22) "Research-based" means a program or practice that has some
research demonstrating effectiveness, but that does not yet meet the
standard of evidence-based practices.
(23) "Residential services" means a complete range of residences
and supports authorized by resource management services and which may
involve a facility, a distinct part thereof, or services which support
community living, for persons who are acutely mentally ill, adults who
are chronically mentally ill, children who are severely emotionally
disturbed, or adults who are seriously disturbed and determined by the
regional support network to be at risk of becoming acutely or
chronically mentally ill. The services shall include at least
evaluation and treatment services as defined in chapter 71.05 RCW,
acute crisis respite care, long-term adaptive and rehabilitative care,
and supervised and supported living services, and shall also include
any residential services developed to service persons who are mentally
ill in nursing homes, boarding homes, and adult family homes, and may
include outpatient services provided as an element in a package of
services in a supported housing model. Residential services for
children in out-of-home placements related to their mental disorder
shall not include the costs of food and shelter, except for children's
long-term residential facilities existing prior to January 1, 1991.
(24) "Resilience" means the personal and community qualities that
enable individuals to rebound from adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats,
or other stresses, and to live productive lives.
(25) "Resource management services" mean the planning,
coordination, and authorization of residential services and community
support services administered pursuant to an individual service plan
for: (a) Adults and children who are acutely mentally ill; (b) adults
who are chronically mentally ill; (c) children who are severely
emotionally disturbed; or (d) adults who are seriously disturbed and
determined solely by a regional support network to be at risk of
becoming acutely or chronically mentally ill. Such planning,
coordination, and authorization shall include mental health screening
for children eligible under the federal Title XIX early and periodic
screening, diagnosis, and treatment program. Resource management
services include seven day a week, twenty-four hour a day availability
of information regarding enrollment of adults and children who are
mentally ill in services and their individual service plan to
designated mental health professionals, evaluation and treatment
facilities, and others as determined by the regional support network.
(26) "Secretary" means the secretary of social and health services.
(27) "Seriously disturbed person" means a person who:
(a) Is gravely disabled or presents a likelihood of serious harm to
himself or herself or others, or to the property of others, as a result
of a mental disorder as defined in chapter 71.05 RCW;
(b) Has been on conditional release status, or under a less
restrictive alternative order, at some time during the preceding two
years from an evaluation and treatment facility or a state mental
health hospital;
(c) Has a mental disorder which causes major impairment in several
areas of daily living;
(d) Exhibits suicidal preoccupation or attempts; or
(e) Is a child diagnosed by a mental health professional, as
defined in chapter 71.34 RCW, as experiencing a mental disorder which
is clearly interfering with the child's functioning in family or school
or with peers or is clearly interfering with the child's personality
development and learning.
(28) "Severely emotionally disturbed child" or "child who is
severely emotionally disturbed" means a child who has been determined
by the regional support network to be experiencing a mental disorder as
defined in chapter 71.34 RCW, including those mental disorders that
result in a behavioral or conduct disorder, that is clearly interfering
with the child's functioning in family or school or with peers and who
meets at least one of the following criteria:
(a) Has undergone inpatient treatment or placement outside of the
home related to a mental disorder within the last two years;
(b) Has undergone involuntary treatment under chapter 71.34 RCW
within the last two years;
(c) Is currently served by at least one of the following child-serving systems: Juvenile justice, child-protection/welfare, special
education, or developmental disabilities;
(d) Is at risk of escalating maladjustment due to:
(i) Chronic family dysfunction involving a caretaker who is
mentally ill or inadequate;
(ii) Changes in custodial adult;
(iii) Going to, residing in, or returning from any placement
outside of the home, for example, psychiatric hospital, short-term
inpatient, residential treatment, group or foster home, or a
correctional facility;
(iv) Subject to repeated physical abuse or neglect;
(v) Drug or alcohol abuse; or
(vi) Homelessness.
(29) "State minimum standards" means minimum requirements
established by rules adopted by the secretary and necessary to
implement this chapter for: (a) Delivery of mental health services;
(b) licensed service providers for the provision of mental health
services; (c) residential services; and (d) community support services
and resource management services.
(30) "Treatment records" include registration and all other records
concerning persons who are receiving or who at any time have received
services for mental illness, which are maintained by the department, by
regional support networks and their staffs, and by treatment
facilities. Treatment records do not include notes or records
maintained for personal use by a person providing treatment services
for the department, regional support networks, or a treatment facility
if the notes or records are not available to others.
(31) "Tribal authority," for the purposes of this section and RCW
71.24.300 only, means: The federally recognized Indian tribes and the
major Indian organizations recognized by the secretary insofar as these
organizations do not have a financial relationship with any regional
support network that would present a conflict of interest.
Sec. 3 RCW 71.24.035 and 2007 c 414 s 2, 2007 c 410 s 8, and 2007
c 375 s 12 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) The department is designated as the state mental health
(2) The secretary shall provide for public, client, and licensed
service provider participation in developing the state mental health
program, developing contracts with regional support networks, and any
waiver request to the federal government under medicaid.
(3) The secretary shall provide for participation in developing the
state mental health program for children and other underserved
populations, by including representatives on any committee established
to provide oversight to the state mental health program.
(4) The secretary shall be designated as the regional support
network if the regional support network fails to meet state minimum
standards or refuses to exercise responsibilities under RCW 71.24.045,
until such time as a new regional support network is designated under
RCW 71.24.320.
(5) The secretary shall:
(a) Develop a biennial state mental health program that
incorporates regional biennial needs assessments and regional mental
health service plans and state services for adults and children with
mental illness. The secretary shall also develop a six-year state
mental health plan;
(b) Assure that any regional or county community mental health
program provides access to treatment for the region's residents,
including parents who are defendants in dependency cases, in the
following order of priority: (i) Persons with acute mental illness;
(ii) adults with chronic mental illness and children who are severely
emotionally disturbed; and (iii) persons who are seriously disturbed.
Such programs shall provide:
(A) Outpatient services;
(B) Emergency care services for twenty-four hours per day;
(C) Day treatment for persons with mental illness which includes
training in basic living and social skills, supported work, vocational
rehabilitation, and day activities. Such services may include
therapeutic treatment. In the case of a child, day treatment includes
age-appropriate basic living and social skills, educational and
prevocational services, day activities, and therapeutic treatment;
(D) Screening for patients being considered for admission to state
mental health facilities to determine the appropriateness of admission;
(E) Employment services, which may include supported employment,
transitional work, placement in competitive employment, and other work-
related services, that result in persons with mental illness becoming
engaged in meaningful and gainful full or part-time work. Other
sources of funding such as the division of vocational rehabilitation
may be utilized by the secretary to maximize federal funding and
provide for integration of services;
(F) Consultation and education services; and
(G) Community support services;
(c) Develop and adopt rules establishing state minimum standards
for the delivery of mental health services pursuant to RCW 71.24.037
including, but not limited to:
(i) Licensed service providers. These rules shall permit a county-operated mental health program to be licensed as a service provider
subject to compliance with applicable statutes and rules. The
secretary shall provide for deeming of compliance with state minimum
standards for those entities accredited by recognized behavioral health
accrediting bodies recognized and having a current agreement with the
(ii) Regional support networks; and
(iii) Inpatient services, evaluation and treatment services and
facilities under chapter 71.05 RCW, resource management services, and
community support services;
(d) Assure that the special needs of persons who are minorities,
elderly, disabled, children, low-income, and parents who are defendants
in dependency cases are met within the priorities established in this
(e) Establish a standard contract or contracts, consistent with
state minimum standards ((and)), RCW 71.24.320((,)) and 71.24.330((,
and 71.24.3201)), which shall be used in contracting with regional
support networks. The standard contract shall include a maximum fund
balance, which shall be consistent with that required by federal
regulations or waiver stipulations;
(f) Establish, to the extent possible, a standardized auditing
procedure which minimizes paperwork requirements of regional support
networks and licensed service providers. The audit procedure shall
focus on the outcomes of service and not the processes for
accomplishing them;
(g) Develop and maintain an information system to be used by the
state and regional support networks that includes a tracking method
which allows the department and regional support networks to identify
mental health clients' participation in any mental health service or
public program on an immediate basis. The information system shall not
include individual patient's case history files. Confidentiality of
client information and records shall be maintained as provided in this
chapter and in RCW 71.05.390, 71.05.420, and 71.05.440;
(h) License service providers who meet state minimum standards;
(i) Certify regional support networks that meet state minimum
(j) Periodically monitor the compliance of certified regional
support networks and their network of licensed service providers for
compliance with the contract between the department, the regional
support network, and federal and state rules at reasonable times and in
a reasonable manner;
(k) Fix fees to be paid by evaluation and treatment centers to the
secretary for the required inspections;
(l) Monitor and audit regional support networks and licensed
service providers as needed to assure compliance with contractual
agreements authorized by this chapter;
(m) Adopt such rules as are necessary to implement the department's
responsibilities under this chapter;
(n) Assure the availability of an appropriate amount, as determined
by the legislature in the operating budget by amounts appropriated for
this specific purpose, of community-based, geographically distributed
residential services;
(o) Certify crisis stabilization units that meet state minimum
standards; and
(p) Certify clubhouses that meet state minimum standards.
(6) The secretary shall use available resources only for regional
support networks, except to the extent authorized, and in accordance
with any priorities or conditions specified, in the biennial
appropriations act.
(7) Each certified regional support network and licensed service
provider shall file with the secretary, on request, such data,
statistics, schedules, and information as the secretary reasonably
requires. A certified regional support network or licensed service
provider which, without good cause, fails to furnish any data,
statistics, schedules, or information as requested, or files fraudulent
reports thereof, may have its certification or license revoked or
(8) The secretary may suspend, revoke, limit, or restrict a
certification or license, or refuse to grant a certification or license
for failure to conform to: (a) The law; (b) applicable rules and
regulations; (c) applicable standards; or (d) state minimum standards.
(9) The superior court may restrain any regional support network or
service provider from operating without certification or a license or
any other violation of this section. The court may also review,
pursuant to procedures contained in chapter 34.05 RCW, any denial,
suspension, limitation, restriction, or revocation of certification or
license, and grant other relief required to enforce the provisions of
this chapter.
(10) Upon petition by the secretary, and after hearing held upon
reasonable notice to the facility, the superior court may issue a
warrant to an officer or employee of the secretary authorizing him or
her to enter at reasonable times, and examine the records, books, and
accounts of any regional support network or service provider refusing
to consent to inspection or examination by the authority.
(11) Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other remedy,
the secretary may file an action for an injunction or other process
against any person or governmental unit to restrain or prevent the
establishment, conduct, or operation of a regional support network or
service provider without certification or a license under this chapter.
(12) The standards for certification of evaluation and treatment
facilities shall include standards relating to maintenance of good
physical and mental health and other services to be afforded persons
pursuant to this chapter and chapters 71.05 and 71.34 RCW, and shall
otherwise assure the effectuation of the purposes of these chapters.
(13) The standards for certification of crisis stabilization units
shall include standards that:
(a) Permit location of the units at a jail facility if the unit is
physically separate from the general population of the jail;
(b) Require administration of the unit by mental health
professionals who direct the stabilization and rehabilitation efforts;
(c) Provide an environment affording security appropriate with the
alleged criminal behavior and necessary to protect the public safety.
(14) The standards for certification of a clubhouse shall at a
minimum include:
(a) The facilities may be peer-operated and must be
(b) Members and employees must work together;
(c) Members must have the opportunity to participate in all the
work of the clubhouse, including administration, research, intake and
orientation, outreach, hiring, training and evaluation of staff, public
relations, advocacy, and evaluation of clubhouse effectiveness;
(d) Members and staff and ultimately the clubhouse director must be
responsible for the operation of the clubhouse, central to this
responsibility is the engagement of members and staff in all aspects of
clubhouse operations;
(e) Clubhouse programs must be comprised of structured activities
including but not limited to social skills training, vocational
rehabilitation, employment training and job placement, and community
resource development;
(f) Clubhouse programs must provide in-house educational programs
that significantly utilize the teaching and tutoring skills of members
and assist members by helping them to take advantage of adult education
opportunities in the community;
(g) Clubhouse programs must focus on strengths, talents, and
abilities of its members;
(h) The work-ordered day may not include medication clinics, day
treatment, or other therapy programs within the clubhouse.
(15) The department shall distribute appropriated state and federal
funds in accordance with any priorities, terms, or conditions specified
in the appropriations act.
(16) The secretary shall assume all duties assigned to the
nonparticipating regional support networks under chapters 71.05, 71.34,
and 71.24 RCW. Such responsibilities shall include those which would
have been assigned to the nonparticipating counties in regions where
there are not participating regional support networks.
The regional support networks, or the secretary's assumption of all
responsibilities under chapters 71.05, 71.34, and 71.24 RCW, shall be
included in all state and federal plans affecting the state mental
health program including at least those required by this chapter, the
medicaid program, and P.L. 99-660. Nothing in these plans shall be
inconsistent with the intent and requirements of this chapter.
(17) The secretary shall:
(a) Disburse funds for the regional support networks within sixty
days of approval of the biennial contract. The department must either
approve or reject the biennial contract within sixty days of receipt.
(b) Enter into biennial contracts with regional support networks.
The contracts shall be consistent with available resources. No
contract shall be approved that does not include progress toward
meeting the goals of this chapter by taking responsibility for: (i)
Short-term commitments; (ii) residential care; and (iii) emergency
response systems.
(c) Notify regional support networks of their allocation of
available resources at least sixty days prior to the start of a new
biennial contract period.
(d) Deny all or part of the funding allocations to regional support
networks based solely upon formal findings of noncompliance with the
terms of the regional support network's contract with the department.
Regional support networks disputing the decision of the secretary to
withhold funding allocations are limited to the remedies provided in
the department's contracts with the regional support networks.
(18) The department, in cooperation with the state congressional
delegation, shall actively seek waivers of federal requirements and
such modifications of federal regulations as are necessary to allow
federal medicaid reimbursement for services provided by free-standing
evaluation and treatment facilities certified under chapter 71.05 RCW.
The department shall periodically report its efforts to the appropriate
committees of the senate and the house of representatives.
Sec. 4 RCW 71.24.300 and 2006 c 333 s 106 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Upon the request of a tribal authority or authorities within a
regional support network the joint operating agreement or the county
authority shall allow for the inclusion of the tribal authority to be
represented as a party to the regional support network.
(2) The roles and responsibilities of the county and tribal
authorities shall be determined by the terms of that agreement
including a determination of membership on the governing board and
advisory committees, the number of tribal representatives to be party
to the agreement, and the provisions of law and shall assure the
provision of culturally competent services to the tribes served.
(3) The state mental health authority may not determine the roles
and responsibilities of county authorities as to each other under
regional support networks by rule, except to assure that all duties
required of regional support networks are assigned and that counties
and the regional support network do not duplicate functions and that a
single authority has final responsibility for all available resources
and performance under the regional support network's contract with the
(4) If a regional support network is a private ((nonprofit))
entity, the department shall allow for the inclusion of the tribal
authority to be represented as a party to the regional support network.
(5) The roles and responsibilities of the private ((nonprofit))
entity and the tribal authorities shall be determined by the
department, through negotiation with the tribal authority.
(6) Regional support networks shall submit an overall six-year
operating and capital plan, timeline, and budget and submit progress
reports and an updated two-year plan biennially thereafter, to assume
within available resources all of the following duties:
(a) Administer and provide for the availability of all resource
management services, residential services, and community support
(b) Administer and provide for the availability of all
investigation, transportation, court-related, and other services
provided by the state or counties pursuant to chapter 71.05 RCW.
(c) Provide within the boundaries of each regional support network
evaluation and treatment services for at least ninety percent of
persons detained or committed for periods up to seventeen days
according to chapter 71.05 RCW. Regional support networks may contract
to purchase evaluation and treatment services from other networks if
they are unable to provide for appropriate resources within their
boundaries. Insofar as the original intent of serving persons in the
community is maintained, the secretary is authorized to approve
exceptions on a case-by-case basis to the requirement to provide
evaluation and treatment services within the boundaries of each
regional support network. Such exceptions are limited to:
(i) Contracts with neighboring or contiguous regions; or
(ii) Individuals detained or committed for periods up to seventeen
days at the state hospitals at the discretion of the secretary.
(d) Administer and provide for the availability of all other mental
health services, which shall include patient counseling, day treatment,
consultation, education services, employment services as defined in RCW
71.24.035, and mental health services to children.
(e) Establish standards and procedures for reviewing individual
service plans and determining when that person may be discharged from
resource management services.
(7) A regional support network may request that any state-owned
land, building, facility, or other capital asset which was ever
purchased, deeded, given, or placed in trust for the care of the
((mentally ill)) persons with mental illness and which is within the
boundaries of a regional support network be made available to support
the operations of the regional support network. State agencies
managing such capital assets shall give first priority to requests for
their use pursuant to this chapter.
(8) Each regional support network shall appoint a mental health
advisory board which shall review and provide comments on plans and
policies developed under this chapter, provide local oversight
regarding the activities of the regional support network, and work with
the regional support network to resolve significant concerns regarding
service delivery and outcomes. The department shall establish
statewide procedures for the operation of regional advisory committees
including mechanisms for advisory board feedback to the department
regarding regional support network performance. The composition of the
board shall be broadly representative of the demographic character of
the region and shall include, but not be limited to, representatives of
consumers and families, law enforcement, and where the county is not
the regional support network, county elected officials. Composition
and length of terms of board members may differ between regional
support networks but shall be included in each regional support
network's contract and approved by the secretary.
(9) Regional support networks shall assume all duties specified in
their plans and joint operating agreements through biennial contractual
agreements with the secretary.
(10) Regional support networks may receive technical assistance
from the housing trust fund and may identify and submit projects for
housing and housing support services to the housing trust fund
established under chapter 43.185 RCW. Projects identified or submitted
under this subsection must be fully integrated with the regional
support network six-year operating and capital plan, timeline, and
budget required by subsection (6) of this section.
Sec. 5 RCW 71.24.320 and 2006 c 333 s 202 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) ((The secretary shall initiate a procurement process for
regional support networks in 2005. In the first step of the
procurement process, existing regional support networks may respond to
a request for qualifications developed by the department. The
secretary shall issue the request for qualifications not later than
October 1, 2005. The request for qualifications shall be based on
cost-effectiveness, adequate residential and service capabilities,
effective collaboration with criminal justice agencies and the chemical
dependency treatment system, and the ability to provide the full array
of services as stated in the mental health state plan, and shall meet
all applicable federal and state regulations and standards. An
existing regional support network shall be awarded the contract with
the department if it substantially meets the requirements of the
request for qualifications developed by the department.)) If an existing regional support network chooses not to
respond to ((
(2)(a)the)) a request for qualifications, or is unable to
substantially meet the requirements of ((the)) a request for
qualifications, or notifies the department of social and health
services it will no longer serve as a regional support network, the
department shall utilize a procurement process in which other entities
recognized by the secretary may bid to serve as the regional support
network ((in that region. The procurement process shall begin with a
request for proposals issued March 1, 2006)).
(((i))) (a) The request for proposal shall include a scoring factor
for proposals that include additional financial resources beyond that
provided by state appropriation or allocation.
(((ii) Regional support networks that substantially met the
requirements of the request for qualifications may bid to serve as the
regional support network for other regions of the state that are
subject to the request for proposal process. The proposal shall be
evaluated on whether the bid meets the threshold requirement for the
new region and shall not subject the regional support networks'
original region to the request for proposal.))
(b) Prior to final evaluation and scoring of the proposals all
respondents will be provided with an opportunity for a detailed
briefing by the department regarding the deficiencies in the proposal
and shall be provided an opportunity to clarify information previously
(b) The request for proposal shall also include a scoring factor
for proposals submitted by nonprofit entities that include a component
to maximize the utilization of state provided resources and the
leverage of other funds for the support of mental health services to
persons with mental illness.
(c) The department shall provide detailed briefings to all bidders
in accordance with department and state procurement policies.
(2) A regional support network that voluntarily terminates, refuses
to renew, or refuses to sign a mandatory amendment to its contract to
act as a regional support network is prohibited from responding to a
procurement under this section or serving as a regional support network
for five years from the date the department signs a contract with the
entity that will serve as the regional support network.
Sec. 6 RCW 71.24.330 and 2006 c 333 s 203 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Contracts between a regional support network and the department
shall include mechanisms for monitoring performance under the contract
and remedies for failure to substantially comply with the requirements
of the contract including, but not limited to, financial penalties,
termination of the contract, and reprocurement of the contract.
(2) The regional support network procurement processes shall
encourage the preservation of infrastructure previously purchased by
the community mental health service delivery system, the maintenance of
linkages between other services and delivery systems, and maximization
of the use of available funds for services versus profits. However, a
regional support network selected through the procurement process is
not required to contract for services with any county-owned or operated
facility. The regional support network procurement process shall
provide that public funds appropriated by the legislature shall not be
used to promote or deter, encourage, or discourage employees from
exercising their rights under Title 29, chapter 7, subchapter II,
United States Code or chapter 41.56 RCW.
(3) In addition to the requirements of RCW 71.24.035, contracts
(a) Define administrative costs and ensure that the regional
support network does not exceed an administrative cost of ten percent
of available funds;
(b) Require effective collaboration with law enforcement, criminal
justice agencies, and the chemical dependency treatment system;
(c) Require substantial implementation of department adopted
integrated screening and assessment process and matrix of best
(d) Maintain the decision-making independence of designated mental
health professionals;
(e) Except at the discretion of the secretary or as specified in
the biennial budget, require regional support networks to pay the state
for the costs associated with individuals who are being served on the
grounds of the state hospitals and who are not receiving long-term
inpatient care as defined in RCW 71.24.025; ((and))
(f) Include a negotiated alternative dispute resolution clause; and
(g) Include a provision requiring a regional support network to
provide the department one hundred eighty days' advance notice of its
intent to voluntarily terminate, refuse to renew, or refuse to sign a
mandatory amendment to its contract to act as a regional support