BILL REQ. #: Z-0844.3
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/18/08. Referred to Committee on Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness.
AN ACT Relating to identifying specific programs that are able to have access to criminal history record information; amending RCW 50.12.010 and 43.101.095; adding a new section to chapter 51.04 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 74.04 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 43.20A RCW; adding a new section to chapter 46.01 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 19.86 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds it necessary to
provide the authority to allow specific units within the agencies
affected by this act to access criminal history information for
certified criminal justice purposes. For the agencies indicated in
sections 2 through 7 of this act, the accessing of this information is
for investigative purposes so that the agencies are able to efficiently
address areas of potential fraud and abuse and to maintain the safety
of investigative staff. For the agency responsible for administering
and enforcing section 8 of this act, accessing this information is
necessary for any purpose associated with employment by the commission
or peace officer certification.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 51.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) There is established an investigation unit within the
department for the purpose of detection, investigation, and prosecution
of any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful under this title. The
director will employ supervisory and investigative personnel for the
program, who must be qualified by training and experience.
(2) The director and the investigation unit are authorized to
receive criminal history record information that includes nonconviction
data for any purpose associated with the investigation, abuse, fraud,
or suitability for involvement of persons under Title 51 RCW.
Dissemination or use of nonconviction data for purposes other than that
authorized in this section is prohibited.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 74.04 RCW
to read as follows:
There is established a unit within the department for the purpose
of detection, investigation, and prosecution of any act prohibited or
declared to be unlawful in the programs administered by the department.
The secretary will employ qualified supervisory, legal, and
investigative personnel for the program. Program staff must be
qualified by training and experience.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 43.20A RCW
to read as follows:
The secretary is authorized to receive criminal history record
information that includes nonconviction data for any purpose associated
with an investigation under chapter 74.04 RCW. Dissemination or use of
nonconviction data for purposes other than that authorized in this
section is prohibited.
Sec. 5 RCW 50.12.010 and 1977 c 75 s 75 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The commissioner shall administer this title. He shall have
the power and authority to adopt, amend, or rescind such rules and
regulations, to employ such persons, make such expenditures, require
such reports, make such investigations, and take such other action as
he deems necessary or suitable to that end. Such rules and regulations
shall be effective upon publication and in the manner, not inconsistent
with the provisions of this title, which the commissioner shall
prescribe. The commissioner, in accordance with the provisions of this
title, shall determine the organization and methods of procedure of the
divisions referred to in this title, and shall have an official seal
which shall be judicially noticed. The commissioner shall submit to
the governor a report covering the administration and operation of this
title during the preceding fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, and
shall make such recommendations for amendments to this title as he
deems proper. Such report shall include a balance sheet of the moneys
in the fund in which there shall be provided, if possible, a reserve
against the liability in future years to pay benefits in excess of the
then current contributions, which reserve shall be set up by the
commissioner in accordance with accepted actuarial principles on the
basis of statistics of employment, business activity, and other
relevant factors for the longest possible period. Whenever the
commissioner believes that a change in contribution or benefit rates
will become necessary to protect the solvency of the fund, he shall
promptly so inform the governor and legislature and make
recommendations with respect thereto.
(2) There is established a unit within the department for the
purpose of detection and investigation of fraud under this title. The
department will employ supervisory and investigative personnel for the
program, who must be qualified by training and experience.
(3) The commissioner or the commissioner's duly authorized designee
is authorized to receive criminal history record information that
includes nonconviction data for any purpose associated with the
investigation for abuse or fraud under chapter 50.20 RCW.
Dissemination or use of nonconviction data for purposes other than that
authorized in this section is prohibited.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 A new section is added to chapter 46.01 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) There is established an investigation unit within the
department for the purpose of detection, investigation, and prosecution
of any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful in the programs
administered by the department. The director will employ qualified
supervisory, legal, and investigative personnel for the program.
Program staff must be qualified by training and experience.
(2) The director and the investigation unit are authorized to
receive criminal history record information that includes nonconviction
data for any purpose associated with an investigation conducted by the
investigation unit established under this section. Dissemination or
use of nonconviction data for purposes other than that authorized in
this section is prohibited.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 A new section is added to chapter 19.86 RCW
to read as follows:
There is established a unit within the office of the attorney
general for the purpose of detection, investigation, and prosecution of
any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful under this chapter. The
attorney general will employ supervisory, legal, and investigative
personnel for the program, who must be qualified by training and
experience. The attorney general is authorized to receive criminal
history record information that includes nonconviction data for any
purpose associated with the investigation of any person doing any act
herein prohibited or declared to be unlawful under this chapter.
Dissemination or use of nonconviction data for purposes other than that
authorized in this section is prohibited.
Sec. 8 RCW 43.101.095 and 2005 c 434 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) As a condition of continuing employment as peace officers, all
Washington peace officers: (a) Shall timely obtain certification as
peace officers, or timely obtain certification or exemption therefrom,
by meeting all requirements of RCW 43.101.200, as that section is
administered under the rules of the commission, as well by meeting any
additional requirements under this chapter; and (b) shall maintain the
basic certification as peace officers under this chapter.
(2)(a) As a condition of continuing employment for any applicant
that has been offered a conditional offer of employment as a fully
commissioned peace officer or a reserve officer after July 24, 2005,
including any person whose certification has lapsed as a result of a
break of more than twenty-four consecutive months in the officer's
service as a fully commissioned peace officer or reserve officer, the
applicant shall successfully pass a psychological examination and a
polygraph or similar test as administered by the county, city, or state
law enforcement agency that complies with the following requirements:
(i) The psychological examination shall be administered by a
psychiatrist licensed in the state of Washington pursuant to chapter
18.71 RCW or a psychologist licensed in the state of Washington
pursuant to chapter 18.83 RCW. The examination shall consist of, at a
minimum, a standardized clinical test that is widely used as an
objective clinical screening tool for personality and psychosocial
disorders. The test that is used and the conditions under which the
test is administered, scored, and interpreted must comply with accepted
psychological standards. Additional tests may be administered at the
option of the employing law enforcement agency.
(ii) The polygraph examination or similar assessment shall be
administered by an experienced polygrapher who is a graduate of a
polygraph school accredited by the American polygraph association.
(b) The employing county, city, or state law enforcement agency may
require that each peace officer or reserve officer who is required to
take a psychological examination and a polygraph or similar test pay a
portion of the testing fee based on the actual cost of the test or four
hundred dollars, whichever is less. County, city, and state law
enforcement agencies may establish a payment plan if they determine
that the peace officer or reserve officer does not readily have the
means to pay for his or her portion of the testing fee.
(3) The commission shall certify peace officers who have satisfied,
or have been exempted by statute or by rule from, the basic training
requirements of RCW 43.101.200 on or before January 1, 2002.
Thereafter, the commission may revoke certification pursuant to this
(4) The commission shall allow a peace officer to retain status as
a certified peace officer as long as the officer: (a) Timely meets the
basic law enforcement training requirements, or is exempted therefrom,
in whole or in part, under RCW 43.101.200 or under rule of the
commission; (b) meets or is exempted from any other requirements under
this chapter as administered under the rules adopted by the commission;
(c) is not denied certification by the commission under this chapter;
and (d) has not had certification revoked by the commission.
(5) As a prerequisite to certification, as well as a prerequisite
to pursuit of a hearing under RCW 43.101.155, a peace officer must, on
a form devised or adopted by the commission, authorize the release to
the commission of his or her personnel files, termination papers,
criminal investigation files, or other files, papers, or information
that are directly related to a certification matter or decertification
matter before the commission.
(6) The commission is authorized to receive criminal history record
information that includes nonconviction data for any purpose associated
with employment by the commission or peace officer certification under
this chapter. Dissemination or use of nonconviction data for purposes
other than that authorized in this section is prohibited.
(7) For a national criminal history records check, the commission
shall require fingerprints be submitted and searched through the
Washington state patrol identification and criminal history section.
The Washington state patrol shall forward the fingerprints to the
federal bureau of investigation.