BILL REQ. #: H-1032.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/24/2007. Referred to Committee on Local Government.
THAT, At the next general election to be held in this state the
secretary of state shall submit to the qualified voters of the state
for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to
Article XI, section 3 of the Constitution of the state of Washington to
read as follows:
Article XI, section 3. (1) No new counties shall be established
which shall reduce any county to a population less than four thousand
(4,000), nor shall a new county be formed containing a less population
than two thousand (2,000). There shall be no territory stricken from
any county unless a majority of the voters living in such territory
shall petition therefor and then only under such other conditions as
may be prescribed by a general law applicable to the whole state.
Every county which shall be enlarged or created from territory taken
from any other county or counties shall be liable for a just proportion
of the existing debts and liabilities of the county or counties from
which such territory shall be taken: Provided, That in such accounting
neither county shall be charged with any debt or liability then
existing incurred in the purchase of any county property, or in the
purchase or construction of any county buildings then in use, or under
construction, which shall fall within and be retained by the county:
Provided further, That this shall not be construed to affect the rights
of creditors.
(2) For purposes of efficiency, cost savings, and improved service,
two or more counties may consolidate or merge any statutory or
constitutional function or structure, in a manner as prescribed by law.
The legislature may implement this subsection and may place
additional requirements or conditions on the consolidation or merging
of statutory or constitutional county functions or structures by
enacting general laws applicable to the whole state.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the secretary of state shall cause
notice of this constitutional amendment to be published at least four
times during the four weeks next preceding the election in every legal
newspaper in the state.