Passed by the House April 16, 2007 Yeas 95   ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 13, 2007 Yeas 47   ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 1859 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/30/2007. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
AN ACT Relating to publications of the statute law committee; and amending RCW 40.04.031, 1.08.110, 34.05.210, 34.05.312, 34.05.380, and 42.56.580.
Sec. 1 RCW 40.04.031 and 2006 c 46 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
The statute law committee, after each legislative session, shall
distribute, sell, or exchange session laws as required under this
(1) One set shall be given to the following: The United States
supreme court library; each state adult correctional institution; each
state mental institution; the state historical society; the state bar
association; the Olympia press corps library; the University of
Washington library; the library of each of the regional universities;
The Evergreen State College library; the Washington State University
library; each county law library; and the municipal reference branch of
the Seattle public library.
(2) One set shall be given to the following upon their request:
Each member of the legislature; each state agency and its divisions;
each state commission, committee, board, and council; each community
college; each assistant attorney general; each member of the United
States senate and house of representatives from this state; each state
official whose office is created by the Constitution; each prosecuting
attorney; and each public library in cities of the first class.
(3) Two sets shall be given to the following: The administrator
for the courts; the library of congress; the law libraries of any
accredited law schools established in this state; and the governor.
(4) Two sets shall be given to the following upon their request:
Each United States district court in the state; and each office and
branch office of the United States district attorneys in this state.
(5) Three sets shall be given to the library of the circuit court
of appeals of the ninth circuit, upon its request.
(6) The following may request, and receive at no charge, as many
sets as are needed for their official business: The senate and house
of representatives; each county auditor, who shall receive and
distribute sets for use by his or her county's officials; the office of
the code reviser; the secretary of the senate; the chief clerk of the
house of representatives; the supreme court; each court of appeals in
the state; the superior courts; the state library; and the state law
(7) Surplus copies of the session laws shall be sold and delivered
by the statute law committee, in which case the price of the bound
volumes shall be sufficient to cover costs. All money received from
the sale of the session law sets shall be paid into the ((state
treasury for the general fund)) statute law committee publications
(8) The statute law committee may exchange session law sets for
similar laws or legal materials of other states, territories, and
governments, and make such other distribution of the sets as in its
judgment seems proper.
Sec. 2 RCW 1.08.110 and 1977 ex.s. c 240 s 2 are each amended to
read as follows:
The statute law committee, in addition to the other
responsibilities enumerated in this chapter, shall ((cause to be))
publish((ed)) the Washington State Register as created in RCW
34.08.020. The statute law committee ((and/or)) or the code reviser
may adopt ((such)) rules as are necessary for the effective operation
of ((such)) this service. The statute law committee, in its
discretion, may publish the Washington State Register exclusively by
electronic means on the code reviser web site if it determines that
public access to the Washington State Register is not substantially
diminished. If the statute law committee publishes the Washington
State Register exclusively by electronic means on the code reviser web
site, the electronic copy posted on the code reviser web site shall be
considered the official copy of the Washington State Register.
The code reviser shall provide a paper copy of any issue of the
register or any register filing upon request. The code reviser may
charge a reasonable fee for printing and mailing the paper copy.
Sec. 3 RCW 34.05.210 and 1988 c 288 s 201 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The code reviser shall cause the Washington Administrative Code
to be compiled, indexed by subject, and published. All current,
permanently effective rules of each agency shall be published in the
Washington Administrative Code. Compilations shall be supplemented or
revised as often as necessary and at least annually in a form
compatible with the main compilation.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the code reviser
shall prescribe a uniform numbering system, form, and style for all
proposed and adopted rules.
(3) The code reviser shall publish a register setting forth the
text of all rules filed during the appropriate register publication
(4) The code reviser may omit from the register or the compilation,
rules that would be unduly cumbersome, expensive, or otherwise
inexpedient to publish, if such rules are made available in printed or
processed form on application to the adopting agency, and if the
register or compilation contains a notice stating the general subject
matter of the rules so omitted and stating how copies thereof may be
(5) The code reviser may edit and revise rules for publication,
codification, and compilation, without changing the meaning of any such
(6) When a rule, in whole or in part, is declared invalid and
unconstitutional by a court of final appeal, the adopting agency shall
give notice to that effect in the register. With the consent of the
attorney general, the code reviser may remove obsolete rules or parts
of rules from the Washington Administrative Code when:
(a) The rules are declared unconstitutional by a court of final
appeal; or
(b) The adopting agency ceases to exist and the rules are not
transferred by statute to a successor agency.
(7) ((Registers and)) Compilations shall be made available, in
written form to (a) state elected officials whose offices are created
by Article II or III of the state Constitution or by RCW 48.02.010,
upon request, (b) ((to)) the secretary of the senate and the chief
clerk of the house for committee use, as required, but not to exceed
the number of standing committees in each body, (c) ((to)) county
boards of law library trustees and to the Olympia ((representatives of
the Associated Press and the United Press International without
request, free of charge)) press corps library, and (d) ((to)) other
persons at a price fixed by the code reviser.
(8) The board of law library trustees of each county shall keep and
maintain a complete and current set of registers and compilations when
required for use and inspection as provided in ((RCW 27.24.060))
chapter 27.24 RCW. If the register is published exclusively by
electronic means on the code reviser web site, providing on-site access
to the electronic version of the register shall satisfy the
requirements of this subsection for access to the register.
(9) Registers shall be made available in written form to the same
parties and under the same terms as those listed in subsection (7) of
this section, unless the register is published exclusively by
electronic means on the code reviser web site.
(10) Judicial notice shall be taken of rules filed and published as
provided in RCW 34.05.380 and this section.
Sec. 4 RCW 34.05.312 and 2003 c 246 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
Each agency shall designate a rules coordinator, who shall have
knowledge of the subjects of rules being proposed or prepared within
the agency for proposal, maintain the records of any such action, and
respond to public inquiries about possible, proposed, or adopted rules
and the identity of agency personnel working, reviewing, or commenting
on them. The office and mailing address of the rules coordinator shall
be published in the state register at the time of designation and ((in
the first issue of each calendar year)) maintained thereafter on the
code reviser web site for the duration of the designation. The rules
coordinator may be an employee of another agency.
Sec. 5 RCW 34.05.380 and 1989 c 175 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Each agency shall file in the office of the code reviser a
certified copy of all rules it adopts, except for rules contained in
tariffs filed with or published by the Washington utilities and
transportation commission. The code reviser shall place upon each rule
a notation of the time and date of filing and shall keep a permanent
((register)) written record of filed rules open to public inspection.
In filing a rule, each agency shall use the standard form prescribed
for this purpose by the code reviser.
(2) Emergency rules adopted under RCW 34.05.350 become effective
upon filing unless a later date is specified in the order of adoption.
All other rules become effective upon the expiration of thirty days
after the date of filing, unless a later date is required by statute or
specified in the order of adoption.
(3) A rule may become effective immediately upon its filing with
the code reviser or on any subsequent date earlier than that
established by subsection (2) of this section, if the agency
establishes that effective date in the adopting order and finds that:
(a) Such action is required by the state or federal Constitution,
a statute, or court order;
(b) The rule only delays the effective date of another rule that is
not yet effective; or
(c) The earlier effective date is necessary because of imminent
peril to the public health, safety, or welfare.
The finding and a brief statement of the reasons therefor required
by this subsection shall be made a part of the order adopting the rule.
(4) With respect to a rule made effective pursuant to subsection
(3) of this section, each agency shall make reasonable efforts to make
the effective date known to persons who may be affected by it.
Sec. 6 RCW 42.56.580 and 2005 c 483 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Each state and local agency shall appoint and publicly identify
a public records officer whose responsibility is to serve as a point of
contact for members of the public in requesting disclosure of public
records and to oversee the agency's compliance with the public records
disclosure requirements of this chapter. A state or local agency's
public records officer may appoint an employee or official of another
agency as its public records officer.
(2) For state agencies, the name and contact information of the
agency's public records officer to whom members of the public may
direct requests for disclosure of public records and who will oversee
the agency's compliance with the public records disclosure requirements
of this chapter shall be published in the state register at the time of
designation and ((annually every year)) maintained thereafter on the
code reviser web site for the duration of the designation.
(3) For local agencies, the name and contact information of the
agency's public records officer to whom members of the public may
direct requests for disclosure of public records and who will oversee
the agency's compliance within the public records disclosure
requirements of this chapter shall be made in a way reasonably
calculated to provide notice to the public, including posting at the
local agency's place of business, posting on its internet site, or
including in its publications.