Passed by the House February 18, 2008 Yeas 94   ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 11, 2008 Yeas 48   ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is HOUSE BILL 2542 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Prefiled 01/08/08. Read first time 01/14/08. Referred to Committee on Finance.
AN ACT Relating to enforcement of cigarette taxes through regulation of stamped and unstamped cigarettes; amending RCW 82.24.080, 82.24.020, 82.24.110, and 82.24.250; creating a new section; and prescribing penalties.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that under Article III
of the treaty with the Yakamas of 1855, members of the Yakama Nation
have the right to travel upon all public highways. It is the
legislature's intent to honor the treaty rights of the Yakama Nation,
while protecting the state's interest in collecting and enforcing its
cigarette taxes.
Sec. 2 RCW 82.24.080 and 1995 c 278 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to levy a tax on
all of the articles taxed under this chapter, sold, used, consumed,
handled, possessed, or distributed within this state and to collect the
tax from the person who first sells, uses, consumes, handles, possesses
(either physically or constructively, in accordance with RCW 82.24.020)
or distributes them in the state. It is further the intent and purpose
of this chapter that whenever any of the articles taxed under this
chapter is given away for advertising or any other purpose, it shall be
taxed in the same manner as if it were sold, used, consumed, handled,
possessed, or distributed in this state.
(2) It is also the intent and purpose of this chapter that the tax
shall be imposed at the time and place of the first taxable event and
upon the first taxable person within this state. Any person whose
activities would otherwise require payment of the tax imposed by
subsection (1) of this section but who is exempt from the tax
nevertheless has a precollection obligation for the tax that must be
imposed on the first taxable event within this state. A precollection
obligation may not be imposed upon a person exempt from the tax who
sells, distributes, or transfers possession of cigarettes to another
person who, by law, is exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter or
upon whom the obligation for collection of the tax may not be imposed.
Failure to pay the tax with respect to a taxable event shall not
prevent tax liability from arising by reason of a subsequent taxable
(3) In the event of an increase in the rate of the tax imposed
under this chapter, it is the intent of the legislature that the first
person who sells, uses, consumes, handles, possesses, or distributes
previously taxed articles after the effective date of the rate increase
shall be liable for the additional tax, or its precollection obligation
as required by this chapter, represented by the rate increase. The
failure to pay the additional tax with respect to the first taxable
event after the effective date of a rate increase shall not prevent tax
liability for the additional tax from arising from a subsequent taxable
(4) It is the intent of the legislature that, in the absence of a
cigarette tax contract or agreement under chapter 43.06 RCW, applicable
taxes imposed by this chapter be collected on cigarettes sold by an
Indian tribal organization to any person who is not an enrolled member
of the federally recognized Indian tribe within whose jurisdiction the
sale takes place consistent with collection of these taxes generally
within the state. The legislature finds that applicable collection and
enforcement measures under this chapter are reasonably necessary to
prevent fraudulent transactions and place a minimal burden on the
Indian tribal organization, pursuant to the United States supreme
court's decision in Washington v. Confederated Tribes of the Colville
Indian Reservation, 447 U.S. 134 (1980).
Sec. 3 RCW 82.24.020 and 2003 c 114 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) There is levied and there shall be collected as provided in
this chapter, a tax upon the sale, use, consumption, handling,
possession or distribution of all cigarettes, in an amount equal to the
rate of eleven and one-half mills per cigarette.
(2) An additional tax is imposed upon the sale, use, consumption,
handling, possession, or distribution of all cigarettes, in an amount
equal to the rate of five and one-fourth mills per cigarette. All
revenues collected during any month from this additional tax shall be
deposited in the violence reduction and drug enforcement account under
RCW 69.50.520 by the twenty-fifth day of the following month.
(3) An additional tax is imposed upon the sale, use, consumption,
handling, possession, or distribution of all cigarettes, in an amount
equal to the rate of ten mills per cigarette through June 30, 1994,
eleven and one-fourth mills per cigarette for the period July 1, 1994,
through June 30, 1995, twenty mills per cigarette for the period July
1, 1995, through June 30, 1996, and twenty and one-half mills per
cigarette thereafter. All revenues collected during any month from
this additional tax shall be deposited in the health services account
created under RCW 43.72.900 by the twenty-fifth day of the following
(4) Wholesalers subject to the payment of this tax may, if they
wish, absorb one-half mill per cigarette of the tax and not pass it on
to purchasers without being in violation of this section or any other
act relating to the sale or taxation of cigarettes.
(5) For purposes of this chapter, "possession" shall mean both (a)
physical possession by the purchaser and, (b) when cigarettes are being
transported to or held for the purchaser or his or her designee by a
person other than the purchaser, constructive possession by the
purchaser or his or her designee, which constructive possession shall
be deemed to occur at the location of the cigarettes being so
transported or held.
(6) In accordance with federal law and rules prescribed by the
department, an enrolled member of a federally recognized Indian tribe
may purchase cigarettes from an Indian tribal organization under the
jurisdiction of the member's tribe for the member's own use exempt from
the applicable taxes imposed by this chapter. Except as provided in
subsection (7) of this section, any person, who purchases cigarettes
from an Indian tribal organization and who is not an enrolled member of
the federally recognized Indian tribe within whose jurisdiction the
sale takes place, is not exempt from the applicable taxes imposed by
this chapter.
(7) If the state enters into a cigarette tax contract or agreement
with a federally recognized Indian tribe under chapter 43.06 RCW, the
terms of the contract or agreement shall take precedence over any
conflicting provisions of this chapter while the contract or agreement
is in effect.
Sec. 4 RCW 82.24.110 and 2003 c 114 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Each of the following acts is a gross misdemeanor and
punishable as such:
(a) To sell, except as a licensed wholesaler engaged in interstate
commerce as to the article being taxed herein, without the stamp first
being affixed;
(b) To sell in Washington as a wholesaler to a retailer who does
not possess and is required to possess a current cigarette retailer's
(c) To use or have in possession knowingly or intentionally any
forged or counterfeit stamps;
(d) For any person other than the department of revenue or its duly
authorized agent to sell any stamps not affixed to any of the articles
taxed herein whether such stamps are genuine or counterfeit;
(e) For any person other than the department of revenue, its duly
authorized agent, or a licensed wholesaler who has lawfully purchased
or obtained them to possess any stamps not affixed to any of the
articles taxed herein whether such stamps are genuine or counterfeit;
(f) To violate any of the provisions of this chapter;
(((f))) (g) To violate any lawful rule made and published by the
department of revenue or the board;
(((g))) (h) To use any stamps more than once;
(((h))) (i) To refuse to allow the department of revenue or its
duly authorized agent, on demand, to make full inspection of any place
of business where any of the articles herein taxed are sold or
otherwise hinder or prevent such inspection;
(((i))) (j) For any retailer to have in possession in any place of
business any of the articles herein taxed, unless the same have the
proper stamps attached;
(((j))) (k) For any person to make, use, or present or exhibit to
the department of revenue or its duly authorized agent, any invoice for
any of the articles herein taxed which bears an untrue date or falsely
states the nature or quantity of the goods therein invoiced;
(((k))) (l) For any wholesaler or retailer or his or her agents or
employees to fail to produce on demand of the department of revenue all
invoices of all the articles herein taxed or stamps bought by him or
her or received in his or her place of business within five years prior
to such demand unless he or she can show by satisfactory proof that the
nonproduction of the invoices was due to causes beyond his or her
(((l))) (m) For any person to receive in this state any shipment of
any of the articles taxed herein, when the same are not stamped, for
the purpose of avoiding payment of tax. It is presumed that persons
other than dealers who purchase or receive shipments of unstamped
cigarettes do so to avoid payment of the tax imposed herein;
(((m))) (n) For any person to possess or transport in this state a
quantity of ((sixty)) ten thousand cigarettes or less unless the proper
stamps required by this chapter have been affixed or unless: (i)
Notice of the possession or transportation has been given as required
by RCW 82.24.250; (ii) the person transporting the cigarettes has in
actual possession invoices or delivery tickets which show the true name
and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of
the consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of the
cigarettes so transported; and (iii) the cigarettes are consigned to or
purchased by any person in this state who is authorized by this chapter
to possess unstamped cigarettes in this state;
(((n))) (o) For any person to possess or receive in this state a
quantity of ten thousand cigarettes or less unless the proper stamps
required by this chapter have been affixed or unless the person is
authorized by this chapter to possess unstamped cigarettes in this
state and is in compliance with the requirements of this chapter; and
(p) To possess, sell, distribute, purchase, receive, ship, or
transport within this state any container or package of cigarettes that
does not comply with this chapter.
(2) It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to
possess or to:
(a) Transport in this state a quantity in excess of ((sixty)) ten
thousand cigarettes unless the proper stamps required by this chapter
are affixed thereto or unless: (((a))) (i) Proper notice as required
by RCW 82.24.250 has been given; (((b))) (ii) the person transporting
the cigarettes actually possesses invoices or delivery tickets showing
the true name and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and
address of the consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of
the cigarettes so transported; and (((c))) (iii) the cigarettes are
consigned to or purchased by a person in this state who is authorized
by this chapter to possess unstamped cigarettes in this state; or
(b) Receive in this state a quantity in excess of ten thousand
cigarettes unless the proper stamps required by this chapter are
affixed thereto or unless the person is authorized by this chapter to
possess unstamped cigarettes in this state and is in compliance with
this chapter.
Violation of this ((section)) subsection (2) shall be punished as
a class C felony under Title 9A RCW.
(3) All agents, employees, and others who aid, abet, or otherwise
participate in any way in the violation of the provisions of this
chapter or in any of the offenses described in this chapter shall be
guilty and punishable as principals, to the same extent as any
wholesaler or retailer or any other person violating this chapter.
(4) For purposes of this section, "person authorized by this
chapter to possess unstamped cigarettes in this state" has the same
meaning as in RCW 82.24.250.
Sec. 5 RCW 82.24.250 and 2003 c 114 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) No person other than: (a) A licensed wholesaler in the
wholesaler's own vehicle; or (b) a person who has given notice to the
board in advance of the commencement of transportation shall transport
or cause to be transported in this state cigarettes not having the
stamps affixed to the packages or containers.
(2) When transporting unstamped cigarettes, such persons shall have
in their actual possession or cause to have in the actual possession of
those persons transporting such cigarettes on their behalf invoices or
delivery tickets for such cigarettes, which shall show the true name
and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of
the consignee or purchaser, and the quantity and brands of the
cigarettes so transported.
(3) If ((the)) unstamped cigarettes are consigned to or purchased
by any person in this state such purchaser or consignee must be a
person who is authorized by this chapter to possess unstamped
cigarettes in this state.
(4) In the absence of the notice of transportation required by this
section or in the absence of such invoices or delivery tickets, or, if
the name or address of the consignee or purchaser is falsified or if
the purchaser or consignee is not a person authorized by this chapter
to possess unstamped cigarettes, the cigarettes so transported shall be
deemed contraband subject to seizure and sale under the provisions of
RCW 82.24.130.
(5) Transportation of cigarettes from a point outside this state to
a point in some other state will not be considered a violation of this
section provided that the person so transporting such cigarettes has in
his possession adequate invoices or delivery tickets which give the
true name and address of such out-of-state seller or consignor and such
out-of-state purchaser or consignee.
(6) In any case where the department or its duly authorized agent,
or any peace officer of the state, has knowledge or reasonable grounds
to believe that any vehicle is transporting cigarettes in violation of
this section, the department, such agent, or such police officer, is
authorized to stop such vehicle and to inspect the same for contraband
(7) For purposes of this section, the term "person authorized by
this chapter to possess unstamped cigarettes in this state" means:
(a) A wholesaler, licensed under Washington state law;
(b) The United States or an agency thereof; ((and))
(c) Any person, including an Indian tribal organization, who, after
notice has been given to the board as provided in this section, brings
or causes to be brought into the state unstamped cigarettes, if within
a period of time after receipt of the cigarettes as the department
determines by rule to be reasonably necessary for the purpose the
person has caused stamps to be affixed in accordance with RCW 82.24.030
or otherwise made payment of the tax required by this chapter in the
manner set forth in rules adopted by the department; and
(d) Any purchaser or consignee of unstamped cigarettes, including
an Indian tribal organization, who has given notice to the board in
advance of receiving unstamped cigarettes and who within a period of
time after receipt of the cigarettes as the department determines by
rule to be reasonably necessary for the purpose the person has caused
stamps to be affixed in accordance with RCW 82.24.030 or otherwise made
payment of the tax required by this chapter in the manner set forth in
rules adopted by the department.
Nothing in this subsection (7) shall be construed as modifying RCW
82.24.050 or 82.24.110.
(8) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting any
otherwise lawful activity under a cigarette tax compact pursuant to
chapter 43.06 RCW.
(9) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the
right to travel upon all public highways under Article III of the
treaty with the Yakamas of 1855.