HOUSE RESOLUTION NO.2007-4619, by Representatives Kessler, Skinner, Lantz and Hankins

     WHEREAS, The arts are essential to the human experience, providing a means to express our communal joys and sorrows; and
     WHEREAS, The arts contribute to vital and vibrant communities across the state and enhance the quality of life for all Washington's citizens; and
     WHEREAS, The arts have tremendous educational, community, and economic value; and
     WHEREAS, Arts education improves student achievement as part of a complete education, and contributes to increased attendance, student leadership, and self-esteem; and
     WHEREAS, Public art projects enhance public spaces, encouraging community dialogue and participation in the arts; and
     WHEREAS, Arts organizations and artists create cultural opportunities and improve community vitality, contributing to the economic vitality of businesses and individuals through the revitalization of communities and downtowns;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the value of the arts, and join Christine O. Gregoire, Governor of the state of Washington, in observing February 15, 2007, as Arts Day in the state of Washington; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives to Kris Tucker, Executive Director of the Washington State Arts Commission and Gretchen Johnston, Executive Director of the Washington State Arts Alliance.

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4619 adopted by the House of Representatives
February 14, 2007

Richard Nafziger, Chief Clerk