WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Washington state legislature to
recognize excellence in all fields of endeavor; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump has exhibited true excellence during his tenure
as state representative for the citizens of the 7th legislative
district, comprised of Ferry, Stevens, Lincoln, and Pend Oreille
counties, and parts of Spokane and Okanogan counties; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump and his wife of 48 years, Brenda, have 3 grown
children, 7 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump has a degree from Sound Baptist College; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump has been employed in the mining industry for 26
years; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump served as state representative from the 7th
legislative district from 1997-2008, and over his years in the House
has served in the majority, the minority, and the House of
tie, as a cochair, vice-chair, and ranking member, and on the K-12,
Natural Resources and Parks, Agriculture and Ecology, Appropriations,
Transportation, Technology, Energy and Communications, Hood Canal,
Environmental Health, and Rules Committees; and
WHEREAS, Bob Sump is respected for his Christian faith, his
sincerity, his honesty, his kindness, and his friendship;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives
of the state of Washington honor Bob Sump for his years of dedicated
service, his personal and professional integrity, and his faithfulness
to the principles and ideals that he worked so diligently for on behalf
of the citizens of this state; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives to Bob Sump.