BILL REQ. #: S-0155.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/09/2007. Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
AN ACT Relating to retirement benefits for domestic partners; amending RCW 2.10.030, 2.12.030, 2.12.048, 2.14.110, 28B.10.400, 28B.10.431, 41.20.085, 41.24.180, 41.26.030, 41.26.030, 41.26.090, 41.26.160, 41.26.161, 41.26.460, 41.26.470, 41.26.510, 41.26.520, 41.32.260, 41.32.520, 41.32.785, 41.32.790, 41.32.805, 41.32.810, 41.32.865, 41.32.895, 41.35.010, 41.35.115, 41.35.220, 41.35.440, 41.35.460, 41.35.470, 41.35.650, 41.35.710, 41.37.010, 41.37.170, 41.37.250, 41.37.260, 41.40.010, 41.40.0931, 41.40.185, 41.40.188, 41.40.190, 41.40.220, 41.40.235, 41.40.250, 41.40.270, 41.40.660, 41.40.670, 41.40.700, 41.40.710, 41.40.805, 41.44.030, 41.40.835, 41.44.170, 41.44.190, 41.44.210, 41.44.220, 41.50.700, and 41.54.034; reenacting and amending RCW 41.24.172, 41.32.010, and 41.40.170; creating a new section; providing effective dates; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1 RCW 2.10.030 and 1997 c 88 s 5 are each amended to read as
(1) "Retirement system" means the "Washington judicial retirement
system" provided ((herein)) in this chapter.
(2) "Judge" means a person elected or appointed to serve as judge
of a court of record as provided in chapters 2.04, 2.06, and 2.08 RCW.
"Judge" does not include a person serving as a judge pro tempore except
for a judge pro tempore appointed under RCW 2.04.240(2) or 2.06.150(2).
(3) "Retirement board" means the "Washington judicial retirement
board" established ((herein)) in this chapter.
(4) "Surviving spouse" means the surviving widow ((or)), widower,
or domestic partner of a judge. "Surviving spouse" does not include
the divorced spouse of a judge.
(5) "Retirement fund" means the "Washington judicial retirement
fund" established ((herein)) in this chapter.
(6) "Beneficiary" means any person in receipt of a retirement
allowance, disability allowance or any other benefit described
((herein)) in this chapter.
(7) "Monthly salary" means the monthly salary of the position held
by the judge.
(8) "Service" means all periods of time served as a judge, as
((herein)) defined in this chapter. Any calendar month at the
beginning or end of a term in which ten or more days are served shall
be counted as a full month of service: PROVIDED, That no more than one
month's service may be granted for any one calendar month. Only months
of service will be counted in the computation of any retirement
allowance or other benefit provided for in this chapter. Years of
service shall be determined by dividing the total months of service by
twelve. Any fraction of a year of service as so determined shall be
taken into account in the computation of such retirement allowance or
(9) "Final average salary" means (a) for a judge in service in the
same court for a minimum of twelve consecutive months preceding the
date of retirement, the salary attached to the position held by the
judge immediately prior to retirement; (b) for any other judge, the
average monthly salary paid over the highest twenty-four month period
in the last ten years of service.
(10) "Retirement allowance" for the purpose of applying cost of
living increases or decreases includes retirement allowances,
disability allowances and survivorship benefit.
(11) "Index" means for any calendar year, that year's annual
average consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical
workers, all items (1957-1959 equal one hundred) -- compiled by the
bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(12) "Accumulated contributions" means the total amount deducted
from the judge's monthly salary pursuant to RCW 2.10.090, together with
the regular interest thereon from July 1, 1988, as determined by the
director of the department of retirement systems.
(13) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 2 RCW 2.12.030 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 154 s 1 are each amended
to read as follows:
Supreme court, court of appeals, or superior court judges of the
state who retire from office under the provisions of this chapter other
than as provided in RCW 2.12.012 shall be entitled to receive monthly
during the period of their natural life, out of the fund hereinafter
created, an amount equal to one-half of the monthly salary they were
receiving as a judge at the time of their retirement, or at the end of
the term immediately prior to their retirement if their retirement is
made after expiration of their term. The surviving spouse or domestic
partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 of any judge who shall have
heretofore retired or may hereafter retire, or of a judge who was
heretofore or may hereafter be eligible for retirement at the time of
death, if the surviving spouse had been married to the judge for three
years or the domestic partner had been in the domestic partnership for
three years, if the surviving spouse had been married to the judge
prior to retirement or the domestic partner had been in the domestic
partnership prior to retirement, shall be paid an amount equal to one-half of the retirement pay of the judge, as long as such surviving
spouse or domestic partner remains unmarried. The retirement pay shall
be paid monthly by the state treasurer on or before the tenth day of
each month. The provisions of this section shall apply to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner of any judge who dies while
holding such office or dies after having retired under the provisions
of this chapter and who at the time of death had served ten or more
years in the aggregate as a judge of the supreme court, court of
appeals, or superior court or any of such courts, or had served an
aggregate of twelve years in the supreme court, court of appeals, or
superior court if such pension rights are based upon RCW 2.12.012.
Sec. 3 RCW 2.12.048 and 1991 c 159 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
If a judge who was a member of this system left the system before
July 1, 1988, and neither the judge nor the judge's surviving spouse or
domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010: (1) Was eligible at that
time to receive a benefit under this chapter; or (2) has received an
amount under a sundry claims appropriation from the state legislature
intended as a refund of the judge's contributions paid under RCW
2.12.060; then the judge or the judge's surviving spouse or domestic
partner may apply to the department for and receive a refund of such
Sec. 4 RCW 2.14.110 and 2005 c 282 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
If a member dies, the amount of the accumulated contributions
standing to the member's credit at the time of the member's death shall
be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust, or
organization as the member has nominated by written designation duly
executed and filed with the administrative office of the courts. If
there is no such designated person or persons still living at the time
of the member's death, the member's accumulated contributions shall be
paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as defined in
RCW 41.40.010 as if in fact the spouse or domestic partner had been
nominated by written designation or, if there is no such surviving
spouse or domestic partner, then to the member's legal representatives.
Sec. 5 RCW 28B.10.400 and 1979 ex.s. c 259 s 1 are each amended
to read as follows:
The boards of regents of the state universities, the boards of
trustees of the regional universities and of The Evergreen State
College, and the state board for community and technical colleges
((education)) are authorized and empowered:
(1) To assist the faculties and such other employees as any such
board may designate in the purchase of old age annuities or retirement
income plans under such rules ((and regulations)) as any such board may
prescribe. County agricultural agents, home demonstration agents, 4-H
club agents, and assistant county agricultural agents paid jointly by
the Washington State University and the several counties shall be
deemed to be full time employees of the Washington State University for
the purposes ((hereof)) of this section;
(2) To provide, under such rules ((and regulations)) as any such
board may prescribe for the faculty members or other employees under
its supervision, for the retirement of any such faculty member or other
employee on account of age or condition of health, retirement on
account of age to be not earlier than the sixty-fifth birthday:
PROVIDED, That such faculty member or such other employee may elect to
retire at the earliest age specified for retirement by federal social
security law: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any supplemental payment
authorized by subsection (3) of this section and paid as a result of
retirement earlier than age sixty-five shall be at an actuarially
reduced rate;
(3) To pay to any such retired person or to his or her designated
beneficiary(s), each year after his or her retirement, a supplemental
amount which, when added to the amount of such annuity or retirement
income plan, or retirement income benefit pursuant to RCW 28B.10.415,
received by ((him or his)) the person or the person's designated
beneficiary(s) in such year, will not exceed fifty percent of the
average annual salary paid to such retired person for ((his)) the
highest two consecutive years of full time service under an annuity or
retirement income plan established pursuant to subsection (1) of this
section at an institution of higher education: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That
if such retired person prior to ((his)) retirement elected a
supplemental payment survivor's option, any such supplemental payments
to such retired person or his or her designated beneficiary(s) shall be
at actuarially reduced rates: PROVIDED FURTHER, That if a faculty
member or other employee of an institution of higher education who is
a participant in a retirement plan authorized by this section dies, or
has died before retirement but after becoming eligible for retirement
on account of age, the designated beneficiary(s) shall be entitled to
receive the supplemental payment authorized by this subsection (3) of
this section to which such designated beneficiary(s) would have been
entitled had said deceased faculty member or other employee retired on
the date of death after electing a supplemental payment survivors
option: PROVIDED FURTHER, That for the purpose of this subsection, the
designated beneficiary(s) shall be (a) the surviving spouse or domestic
partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 of the retiree; or, (b) with the
written consent of such spouse or domestic partner, if any, such other
person or persons as shall have an insurable interest in the retiree's
life and shall have been nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the retiree's institution of higher education.
Sec. 6 RCW 28B.10.431 and 1983 1st ex.s. c 56 s 2 are each
amended to read as follows:
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, effective
July 1, 1983, the monthly benefit of each person who either is
receiving a benefit pursuant to a program established under RCW
28B.10.400 for their service as of July 1, 1978, or commenced receiving
a monthly benefit as a surviving spouse, domestic partner as defined in
RCW 41.40.010, or written designated beneficiary with an insurable
interest in the retiree as of a date no later than December 31, 1982,
shall be permanently increased by a postretirement adjustment of $.74
per month for each year of creditable service the faculty member or
employee established with the annuity or retirement income plan. Any
fraction of a year of service shall be counted in the computation of
the postretirement adjustment.
Sec. 7 RCW 41.20.085 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 181 s 6 are each
amended to read as follows:
Whenever any member of the police department of any such city shall
die, or shall have heretofore died, or whenever any such member who has
been heretofore retired or who is hereafter retired for length of
service or a disability, shall have died, or shall die, leaving a
surviving spouse, domestic partner, or child or children under the age
of eighteen years, upon satisfactory proof of such facts made to it,
the board shall order and direct that a pension equal to one-third of
the amount of salary at any time hereafter attached to the position
held by such member in the police department at the time of ((his)) the
member's death or retirement, not to exceed one-third of the salary of
captain, shall be paid to the surviving spouse or domestic partner
during the surviving spouse's or domestic partner's life, and in
addition, to the child or children, until they are eighteen years of
age, as follows: For one child, one-eighth of the salary on which such
pension is based; for two children, a total of one-seventh of said
salary; and for three or more children, a total of one-sixth of said
salary: PROVIDED, If such spouse, domestic partner, or child or
children marry, the person so marrying shall receive no further pension
from the fund. In case there is no surviving spouse or domestic
partner, or if the surviving spouse shall die, the child or children
shall be entitled to the spouse's or domestic partner's share in
addition to the share specified herein until they reach eighteen years
of age. No spouse or domestic partner shall be entitled to any
payments on the death of a retired officer unless such surviving spouse
or domestic partner has been married to or in a domestic partnership
with such officer for a period of at least five years prior to the date
of his or her retirement.
As of April 25, 1973, a surviving spouse or domestic partner not
otherwise covered by the provisions of section 2, chapter 78, Laws of
1959, shall be entitled to a pension of three hundred dollars per
"Surviving spouse" as used in this section means surviving female
or male spouse.
"Domestic partner" as used in this section has the definition in
RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 8 RCW 41.24.172 and 1999 c 148 s 16 and 1999 c 117 s 6 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
Before beginning to receive the retirement pension provided for in
RCW 41.24.170, the participant shall elect, in a writing filed with the
state board, to have the retirement pension paid under either option 1
or 2, with option 2 calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to
option 1.
(1) Option 1. A participant electing this option shall receive a
monthly pension payable throughout the participant's life. However, if
the participant dies before the total retirement pension paid to the
participant equals the amount paid on behalf of the participant into
the principal fund, then the balance shall be paid to the participant's
surviving spouse, domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010, or if
there be no surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to the
participant's legal representatives.
(2) Option 2. A participant electing this option shall receive a
reduced monthly pension, which upon the participant's death shall be
continued throughout the life of and paid to the participant's
surviving spouse or domestic partner named in the written election
filed with the state board, however, in the event that the surviving
spouse or domestic partner dies before the participant, the
participant's monthly retirement allowance shall increase, effective
the first day of the following month, to the monthly amount that would
have been received had the participant elected option 1.
Sec. 9 RCW 41.24.180 and 1999 c 148 s 17 are each amended to read
as follows:
The board of trustees of any municipal corporation shall direct
payment from the principal fund in the following cases:
(1) To any participant, upon his or her request, upon attaining the
age of sixty-five years, who, for any reason, is not qualified to
receive the monthly retirement pension provided under this chapter and
who was enrolled in the retirement provisions and on whose behalf
annual fees for retirement pension were paid, a lump sum amount equal
to the amount paid into the fund by the participant.
(2) If any participant who has not completed at least ten years of
service dies without having requested a lump sum payment under
subsection (1) or (3) of this section, there shall be paid to the
participant's surviving spouse or domestic partner as defined in RCW
41.40.010, or if there be no surviving spouse or domestic partner, then
to such participant's legal representatives, a lump sum amount equal to
the amount paid into the fund by the participant. If any participant
who has completed at least ten years of service dies other than as the
result of injuries received or sickness contracted in consequence or as
the result of the performance of his or her duties, without having
requested a lump sum payment under subsection (1) or (3) of this
section and before beginning to receive the monthly pension provided
for in this chapter, the participant's surviving spouse or domestic
partner shall elect to receive either:
(a) A monthly pension computed as provided for in RCW 41.24.170
actuarially adjusted to reflect option 2 of RCW 41.24.172 and further
actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years
between the participant's age at death and age sixty-five; or
(b) A lump sum amount equal to the amount paid into the principal
fund by the participant and the municipality or municipalities in whose
department he or she has served.
If there be no such surviving spouse or domestic partner, then
there shall be paid to the participant's legal representatives a lump
sum amount equal to the amount paid into the fund by the participant.
(3) If any participant retires from service before attaining the
age of sixty-five years, the participant may make application for the
return in a lump sum of the amount paid into the fund by himself or
Sec. 10 RCW 41.26.030 and 2005 c 459 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context:
(1) "Retirement system" means the "Washington law enforcement
officers' and fire fighters' retirement system" provided herein.
(2)(a) "Employer" for plan 1 members, means the legislative
authority of any city, town, county, or district or the elected
officials of any municipal corporation that employs any law enforcement
officer and/or fire fighter, any authorized association of such
municipalities, and, except for the purposes of RCW 41.26.150, any
labor guild, association, or organization, which represents the fire
fighters or law enforcement officers of at least seven cities of over
20,000 population and the membership of each local lodge or division of
which is composed of at least sixty percent law enforcement officers or
fire fighters as defined in this chapter.
(b) "Employer" for plan 2 members, means the following entities to
the extent that the entity employs any law enforcement officer and/or
fire fighter:
(i) The legislative authority of any city, town, county, or
(ii) The elected officials of any municipal corporation;
(iii) The governing body of any other general authority law
enforcement agency; or
(iv) A four-year institution of higher education having a fully
operational fire department as of January 1, 1996.
(3) "Law enforcement officer" beginning January 1, 1994, means any
person who is commissioned and employed by an employer on a full time,
fully compensated basis to enforce the criminal laws of the state of
Washington generally, with the following qualifications:
(a) No person who is serving in a position that is basically
clerical or secretarial in nature, and who is not commissioned shall be
considered a law enforcement officer;
(b) Only those deputy sheriffs, including those serving under a
different title pursuant to county charter, who have successfully
completed a civil service examination for deputy sheriff or the
equivalent position, where a different title is used, and those persons
serving in unclassified positions authorized by RCW 41.14.070 except a
private secretary will be considered law enforcement officers;
(c) Only such full time commissioned law enforcement personnel as
have been appointed to offices, positions, or ranks in the police
department which have been specifically created or otherwise expressly
provided for and designated by city charter provision or by ordinance
enacted by the legislative body of the city shall be considered city
police officers;
(d) The term "law enforcement officer" also includes the executive
secretary of a labor guild, association or organization (which is an
employer under RCW 41.26.030(2)) if that individual has five years
previous membership in the retirement system established in chapter
41.20 RCW. The provisions of this subsection (3)(d) shall not apply to
plan 2 members; and
(e) The term "law enforcement officer" also includes a person
employed on or after January 1, 1993, as a public safety officer or
director of public safety, so long as the job duties substantially
involve only either police or fire duties, or both, and no other duties
in a city or town with a population of less than ten thousand. The
provisions of this subsection (3)(e) shall not apply to any public
safety officer or director of public safety who is receiving a
retirement allowance under this chapter as of May 12, 1993.
(4) "Fire fighter" means:
(a) Any person who is serving on a full time, fully compensated
basis as a member of a fire department of an employer and who is
serving in a position which requires passing a civil service
examination for fire fighter, and who is actively employed as such;
(b) Anyone who is actively employed as a full time fire fighter
where the fire department does not have a civil service examination;
(c) Supervisory fire fighter personnel;
(d) Any full time executive secretary of an association of fire
protection districts authorized under RCW 52.12.031. The provisions of
this subsection (4)(d) shall not apply to plan 2 members;
(e) The executive secretary of a labor guild, association or
organization (which is an employer under RCW 41.26.030(2) as now or
hereafter amended), if such individual has five years previous
membership in a retirement system established in chapter 41.16 or 41.18
RCW. The provisions of this subsection (4)(e) shall not apply to plan
2 members;
(f) Any person who is serving on a full time, fully compensated
basis for an employer, as a fire dispatcher, in a department in which,
on March 1, 1970, a dispatcher was required to have passed a civil
service examination for fire fighter;
(g) Any person who on March 1, 1970, was employed on a full time,
fully compensated basis by an employer, and who on May 21, 1971, was
making retirement contributions under the provisions of chapter 41.16
or 41.18 RCW; and
(h) Any person who is employed on a full-time, fully compensated
basis by an employer as an emergency medical technician.
(5) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created
in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(6) "Surviving spouse" means the surviving widow or widower of a
member. "Surviving spouse" shall not include the divorced spouse of a
member except as provided in RCW 41.26.162.
(7)(a) "Child" or "children" means an unmarried person who is under
the age of eighteen or mentally or physically handicapped as determined
by the department, except a handicapped person in the full time care of
a state institution, who is:
(i) A natural born child;
(ii) A stepchild where that relationship was in existence prior to
the date benefits are payable under this chapter;
(iii) A posthumous child;
(iv) A child legally adopted or made a legal ward of a member prior
to the date benefits are payable under this chapter; or
(v) An illegitimate child legitimized prior to the date any
benefits are payable under this chapter.
(b) A person shall also be deemed to be a child up to and including
the age of twenty years and eleven months while attending any high
school, college, or vocational or other educational institution
accredited, licensed, or approved by the state, in which it is located,
including the summer vacation months and all other normal and regular
vacation periods at the particular educational institution after which
the child returns to school.
(8) "Member" means any fire fighter, law enforcement officer, or
other person as would apply under subsections (3) or (4) of this
section whose membership is transferred to the Washington law
enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system on or after
March 1, 1970, and every law enforcement officer and fire fighter who
is employed in that capacity on or after such date.
(9) "Retirement fund" means the "Washington law enforcement
officers' and fire fighters' retirement system fund" as provided for
(10) "Employee" means any law enforcement officer or fire fighter
as defined in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
(11)(a) "Beneficiary" for plan 1 members, means any person in
receipt of a retirement allowance, disability allowance, death benefit,
or any other benefit described herein.
(b) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 members, means any person in receipt
of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter
resulting from service rendered to an employer by another person.
(12)(a) "Final average salary" for plan 1 members, means (i) for a
member holding the same position or rank for a minimum of twelve months
preceding the date of retirement, the basic salary attached to such
same position or rank at time of retirement; (ii) for any other member,
including a civil service member who has not served a minimum of twelve
months in the same position or rank preceding the date of retirement,
the average of the greatest basic salaries payable to such member
during any consecutive twenty-four month period within such member's
last ten years of service for which service credit is allowed, computed
by dividing the total basic salaries payable to such member during the
selected twenty-four month period by twenty-four; (iii) in the case of
disability of any member, the basic salary payable to such member at
the time of disability retirement; (iv) in the case of a member who
hereafter vests pursuant to RCW 41.26.090, the basic salary payable to
such member at the time of vesting.
(b) "Final average salary" for plan 2 members, means the monthly
average of the member's basic salary for the highest consecutive sixty
service credit months of service prior to such member's retirement,
termination, or death. Periods constituting authorized unpaid leaves
of absence may not be used in the calculation of final average salary.
(13)(a) "Basic salary" for plan 1 members, means the basic monthly
rate of salary or wages, including longevity pay but not including
overtime earnings or special salary or wages, upon which pension or
retirement benefits will be computed and upon which employer
contributions and salary deductions will be based.
(b) "Basic salary" for plan 2 members, means salaries or wages
earned by a member during a payroll period for personal services,
including overtime payments, and shall include wages and salaries
deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections 403(b),
414(h), and 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, but shall
exclude lump sum payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused
accumulated vacation, unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of
severance pay. In any year in which a member serves in the legislature
the member shall have the option of having such member's basic salary
be the greater of:
(i) The basic salary the member would have received had such member
not served in the legislature; or
(ii) Such member's actual basic salary received for nonlegislative
public employment and legislative service combined. Any additional
contributions to the retirement system required because basic salary
under (b)(i) of this subsection is greater than basic salary under
(b)(ii) of this subsection shall be paid by the member for both member
and employer contributions.
(14)(a) "Service" for plan 1 members, means all periods of
employment for an employer as a fire fighter or law enforcement
officer, for which compensation is paid, together with periods of
suspension not exceeding thirty days in duration. For the purposes of
this chapter service shall also include service in the armed forces of
the United States as provided in RCW 41.26.190. Credit shall be
allowed for all service credit months of service rendered by a member
from and after the member's initial commencement of employment as a
fire fighter or law enforcement officer, during which the member worked
for seventy or more hours, or was on disability leave or disability
retirement. Only service credit months of service shall be counted in
the computation of any retirement allowance or other benefit provided
for in this chapter.
(i) For members retiring after May 21, 1971 who were employed under
the coverage of a prior pension act before March 1, 1970, "service"
shall also include (A) such military service not exceeding five years
as was creditable to the member as of March 1, 1970, under the member's
particular prior pension act, and (B) such other periods of service as
were then creditable to a particular member under the provisions of RCW
41.18.165, 41.20.160 or 41.20.170. However, in no event shall credit
be allowed for any service rendered prior to March 1, 1970, where the
member at the time of rendition of such service was employed in a
position covered by a prior pension act, unless such service, at the
time credit is claimed therefor, is also creditable under the
provisions of such prior act.
(ii) A member who is employed by two employers at the same time
shall only be credited with service to one such employer for any month
during which the member rendered such dual service.
(b) "Service" for plan 2 members, means periods of employment by a
member for one or more employers for which basic salary is earned for
ninety or more hours per calendar month which shall constitute a
service credit month. Periods of employment by a member for one or
more employers for which basic salary is earned for at least seventy
hours but less than ninety hours per calendar month shall constitute
one-half service credit month. Periods of employment by a member for
one or more employers for which basic salary is earned for less than
seventy hours shall constitute a one-quarter service credit month.
Members of the retirement system who are elected or appointed to a
state elective position may elect to continue to be members of this
retirement system.
Service credit years of service shall be determined by dividing the
total number of service credit months of service by twelve. Any
fraction of a service credit year of service as so determined shall be
taken into account in the computation of such retirement allowance or
If a member receives basic salary from two or more employers during
any calendar month, the individual shall receive one service credit
month's service credit during any calendar month in which multiple
service for ninety or more hours is rendered; or one-half service
credit month's service credit during any calendar month in which
multiple service for at least seventy hours but less than ninety hours
is rendered; or one-quarter service credit month during any calendar
month in which multiple service for less than seventy hours is
(15) "Accumulated contributions" means the employee's contributions
made by a member, including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2),
plus accrued interest credited thereon.
(16) "Actuarial reserve" means a method of financing a pension or
retirement plan wherein reserves are accumulated as the liabilities for
benefit payments are incurred in order that sufficient funds will be
available on the date of retirement of each member to pay the member's
future benefits during the period of retirement.
(17) "Actuarial valuation" means a mathematical determination of
the financial condition of a retirement plan. It includes the
computation of the present monetary value of benefits payable to
present members, and the present monetary value of future employer and
employee contributions, giving effect to mortality among active and
retired members and also to the rates of disability, retirement,
withdrawal from service, salary and interest earned on investments.
(18) "Disability board" for plan 1 members means either the county
disability board or the city disability board established in RCW
(19) "Disability leave" means the period of six months or any
portion thereof during which a member is on leave at an allowance equal
to the member's full salary prior to the commencement of disability
retirement. The definition contained in this subsection shall apply
only to plan 1 members.
(20) "Disability retirement" for plan 1 members, means the period
following termination of a member's disability leave, during which the
member is in receipt of a disability retirement allowance.
(21) "Position" means the employment held at any particular time,
which may or may not be the same as civil service rank.
(22) "Medical services" for plan 1 members, shall include the
following as minimum services to be provided. Reasonable charges for
these services shall be paid in accordance with RCW 41.26.150.
(a) Hospital expenses: These are the charges made by a hospital,
in its own behalf, for
(i) Board and room not to exceed semiprivate room rate unless
private room is required by the attending physician due to the
condition of the patient.
(ii) Necessary hospital services, other than board and room,
furnished by the hospital.
(b) Other medical expenses: The following charges are considered
"other medical expenses", provided that they have not been considered
as "hospital expenses".
(i) The fees of the following:
(A) A physician or surgeon licensed under the provisions of chapter
18.71 RCW;
(B) An osteopathic physician and surgeon licensed under the
provisions of chapter 18.57 RCW;
(C) A chiropractor licensed under the provisions of chapter 18.25
(ii) The charges of a registered graduate nurse other than a nurse
who ordinarily resides in the member's home, or is a member of the
family of either the member or the member's spouse.
(iii) The charges for the following medical services and supplies:
(A) Drugs and medicines upon a physician's prescription;
(B) Diagnostic x-ray and laboratory examinations;
(C) X-ray, radium, and radioactive isotopes therapy;
(D) Anesthesia and oxygen;
(E) Rental of iron lung and other durable medical and surgical
(F) Artificial limbs and eyes, and casts, splints, and trusses;
(G) Professional ambulance service when used to transport the
member to or from a hospital when injured by an accident or stricken by
a disease;
(H) Dental charges incurred by a member who sustains an accidental
injury to his or her teeth and who commences treatment by a legally
licensed dentist within ninety days after the accident;
(I) Nursing home confinement or hospital extended care facility;
(J) Physical therapy by a registered physical therapist;
(K) Blood transfusions, including the cost of blood and blood
plasma not replaced by voluntary donors;
(L) An optometrist licensed under the provisions of chapter 18.53
(23) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(24) "Retiree" for persons who establish membership in the
retirement system on or after October 1, 1977, means any member in
receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by such member.
(25) "Director" means the director of the department.
(26) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(27) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(28) "Plan 1" means the law enforcement officers' and fire
fighters' retirement system, plan 1 providing the benefits and funding
provisions covering persons who first became members of the system
prior to October 1, 1977.
(29) "Plan 2" means the law enforcement officers' and fire
fighters' retirement system, plan 2 providing the benefits and funding
provisions covering persons who first became members of the system on
and after October 1, 1977.
(30) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(31) "Service credit month" means a full service credit month or an
accumulation of partial service credit months that are equal to one.
(32) "General authority law enforcement agency" means any agency,
department, or division of a municipal corporation, political
subdivision, or other unit of local government of this state, and any
agency, department, or division of state government, having as its
primary function the detection and apprehension of persons committing
infractions or violating the traffic or criminal laws in general, but
not including the Washington state patrol. Such an agency, department,
or division is distinguished from a limited authority law enforcement
agency having as one of its functions the apprehension or detection of
persons committing infractions or violating the traffic or criminal
laws relating to limited subject areas, including but not limited to,
the state departments of natural resources and social and health
services, the state gambling commission, the state lottery commission,
the state parks and recreation commission, the state utilities and
transportation commission, the state liquor control board, and the
state department of corrections.
(33) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 11 RCW 41.26.030 and 2003 c 388 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context:
(1) "Retirement system" means the "Washington law enforcement
officers' and fire fighters' retirement system" provided herein.
(2)(a) "Employer" for plan 1 members, means the legislative
authority of any city, town, county, or district or the elected
officials of any municipal corporation that employs any law enforcement
officer and/or fire fighter, any authorized association of such
municipalities, and, except for the purposes of RCW 41.26.150, any
labor guild, association, or organization, which represents the fire
fighters or law enforcement officers of at least seven cities of over
20,000 population and the membership of each local lodge or division of
which is composed of at least sixty percent law enforcement officers or
fire fighters as defined in this chapter.
(b) "Employer" for plan 2 members, means the following entities to
the extent that the entity employs any law enforcement officer and/or
fire fighter:
(i) The legislative authority of any city, town, county, or
(ii) The elected officials of any municipal corporation;
(iii) The governing body of any other general authority law
enforcement agency; or
(iv) A four-year institution of higher education having a fully
operational fire department as of January 1, 1996.
(3) "Law enforcement officer" beginning January 1, 1994, means any
person who is commissioned and employed by an employer on a full time,
fully compensated basis to enforce the criminal laws of the state of
Washington generally, with the following qualifications:
(a) No person who is serving in a position that is basically
clerical or secretarial in nature, and who is not commissioned shall be
considered a law enforcement officer;
(b) Only those deputy sheriffs, including those serving under a
different title pursuant to county charter, who have successfully
completed a civil service examination for deputy sheriff or the
equivalent position, where a different title is used, and those persons
serving in unclassified positions authorized by RCW 41.14.070 except a
private secretary will be considered law enforcement officers;
(c) Only such full time commissioned law enforcement personnel as
have been appointed to offices, positions, or ranks in the police
department which have been specifically created or otherwise expressly
provided for and designated by city charter provision or by ordinance
enacted by the legislative body of the city shall be considered city
police officers;
(d) The term "law enforcement officer" also includes the executive
secretary of a labor guild, association or organization (which is an
employer under RCW 41.26.030(2)) if that individual has five years
previous membership in the retirement system established in chapter
41.20 RCW. The provisions of this subsection (3)(d) shall not apply to
plan 2 members; and
(e) The term "law enforcement officer" also includes a person
employed on or after January 1, 1993, as a public safety officer or
director of public safety, so long as the job duties substantially
involve only either police or fire duties, or both, and no other duties
in a city or town with a population of less than ten thousand. The
provisions of this subsection (3)(e) shall not apply to any public
safety officer or director of public safety who is receiving a
retirement allowance under this chapter as of May 12, 1993.
(4) "Fire fighter" means:
(a) Any person who is serving on a full time, fully compensated
basis as a member of a fire department of an employer and who is
serving in a position which requires passing a civil service
examination for fire fighter, and who is actively employed as such;
(b) Anyone who is actively employed as a full time fire fighter
where the fire department does not have a civil service examination;
(c) Supervisory fire fighter personnel;
(d) Any full time executive secretary of an association of fire
protection districts authorized under RCW 52.12.031. The provisions of
this subsection (4)(d) shall not apply to plan 2 members;
(e) The executive secretary of a labor guild, association or
organization (which is an employer under RCW 41.26.030(2) as now or
hereafter amended), if such individual has five years previous
membership in a retirement system established in chapter 41.16 or 41.18
RCW. The provisions of this subsection (4)(e) shall not apply to plan
2 members;
(f) Any person who is serving on a full time, fully compensated
basis for an employer, as a fire dispatcher, in a department in which,
on March 1, 1970, a dispatcher was required to have passed a civil
service examination for fire fighter; and
(g) Any person who on March 1, 1970, was employed on a full time,
fully compensated basis by an employer, and who on May 21, 1971, was
making retirement contributions under the provisions of chapter 41.16
or 41.18 RCW.
(5) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created
in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(6) "Surviving spouse" means the surviving widow or widower of a
member. "Surviving spouse" shall not include the divorced spouse of a
member except as provided in RCW 41.26.162.
(7)(a) "Child" or "children" means an unmarried person who is under
the age of eighteen or mentally or physically handicapped as determined
by the department, except a handicapped person in the full time care of
a state institution, who is:
(i) A natural born child;
(ii) A stepchild where that relationship was in existence prior to
the date benefits are payable under this chapter;
(iii) A posthumous child;
(iv) A child legally adopted or made a legal ward of a member prior
to the date benefits are payable under this chapter; or
(v) An illegitimate child legitimized prior to the date any
benefits are payable under this chapter.
(b) A person shall also be deemed to be a child up to and including
the age of twenty years and eleven months while attending any high
school, college, or vocational or other educational institution
accredited, licensed, or approved by the state, in which it is located,
including the summer vacation months and all other normal and regular
vacation periods at the particular educational institution after which
the child returns to school.
(8) "Member" means any fire fighter, law enforcement officer, or
other person as would apply under subsections (3) or (4) of this
section whose membership is transferred to the Washington law
enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system on or after
March 1, 1970, and every law enforcement officer and fire fighter who
is employed in that capacity on or after such date.
(9) "Retirement fund" means the "Washington law enforcement
officers' and fire fighters' retirement system fund" as provided for
(10) "Employee" means any law enforcement officer or fire fighter
as defined in subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
(11)(a) "Beneficiary" for plan 1 members, means any person in
receipt of a retirement allowance, disability allowance, death benefit,
or any other benefit described herein.
(b) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 members, means any person in receipt
of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter
resulting from service rendered to an employer by another person.
(12)(a) "Final average salary" for plan 1 members, means (i) for a
member holding the same position or rank for a minimum of twelve months
preceding the date of retirement, the basic salary attached to such
same position or rank at time of retirement; (ii) for any other member,
including a civil service member who has not served a minimum of twelve
months in the same position or rank preceding the date of retirement,
the average of the greatest basic salaries payable to such member
during any consecutive twenty-four month period within such member's
last ten years of service for which service credit is allowed, computed
by dividing the total basic salaries payable to such member during the
selected twenty-four month period by twenty-four; (iii) in the case of
disability of any member, the basic salary payable to such member at
the time of disability retirement; (iv) in the case of a member who
hereafter vests pursuant to RCW 41.26.090, the basic salary payable to
such member at the time of vesting.
(b) "Final average salary" for plan 2 members, means the monthly
average of the member's basic salary for the highest consecutive sixty
service credit months of service prior to such member's retirement,
termination, or death. Periods constituting authorized unpaid leaves
of absence may not be used in the calculation of final average salary.
(13)(a) "Basic salary" for plan 1 members, means the basic monthly
rate of salary or wages, including longevity pay but not including
overtime earnings or special salary or wages, upon which pension or
retirement benefits will be computed and upon which employer
contributions and salary deductions will be based.
(b) "Basic salary" for plan 2 members, means salaries or wages
earned by a member during a payroll period for personal services,
including overtime payments, and shall include wages and salaries
deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections 403(b),
414(h), and 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, but shall
exclude lump sum payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused
accumulated vacation, unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of
severance pay. In any year in which a member serves in the legislature
the member shall have the option of having such member's basic salary
be the greater of:
(i) The basic salary the member would have received had such member
not served in the legislature; or
(ii) Such member's actual basic salary received for nonlegislative
public employment and legislative service combined. Any additional
contributions to the retirement system required because basic salary
under (b)(i) of this subsection is greater than basic salary under
(b)(ii) of this subsection shall be paid by the member for both member
and employer contributions.
(14)(a) "Service" for plan 1 members, means all periods of
employment for an employer as a fire fighter or law enforcement
officer, for which compensation is paid, together with periods of
suspension not exceeding thirty days in duration. For the purposes of
this chapter service shall also include service in the armed forces of
the United States as provided in RCW 41.26.190. Credit shall be
allowed for all service credit months of service rendered by a member
from and after the member's initial commencement of employment as a
fire fighter or law enforcement officer, during which the member worked
for seventy or more hours, or was on disability leave or disability
retirement. Only service credit months of service shall be counted in
the computation of any retirement allowance or other benefit provided
for in this chapter.
(i) For members retiring after May 21, 1971 who were employed under
the coverage of a prior pension act before March 1, 1970, "service"
shall also include (A) such military service not exceeding five years
as was creditable to the member as of March 1, 1970, under the member's
particular prior pension act, and (B) such other periods of service as
were then creditable to a particular member under the provisions of RCW
41.18.165, 41.20.160 or 41.20.170. However, in no event shall credit
be allowed for any service rendered prior to March 1, 1970, where the
member at the time of rendition of such service was employed in a
position covered by a prior pension act, unless such service, at the
time credit is claimed therefor, is also creditable under the
provisions of such prior act.
(ii) A member who is employed by two employers at the same time
shall only be credited with service to one such employer for any month
during which the member rendered such dual service.
(b) "Service" for plan 2 members, means periods of employment by a
member for one or more employers for which basic salary is earned for
ninety or more hours per calendar month which shall constitute a
service credit month. Periods of employment by a member for one or
more employers for which basic salary is earned for at least seventy
hours but less than ninety hours per calendar month shall constitute
one-half service credit month. Periods of employment by a member for
one or more employers for which basic salary is earned for less than
seventy hours shall constitute a one-quarter service credit month.
Members of the retirement system who are elected or appointed to a
state elective position may elect to continue to be members of this
retirement system.
Service credit years of service shall be determined by dividing the
total number of service credit months of service by twelve. Any
fraction of a service credit year of service as so determined shall be
taken into account in the computation of such retirement allowance or
If a member receives basic salary from two or more employers during
any calendar month, the individual shall receive one service credit
month's service credit during any calendar month in which multiple
service for ninety or more hours is rendered; or one-half service
credit month's service credit during any calendar month in which
multiple service for at least seventy hours but less than ninety hours
is rendered; or one-quarter service credit month during any calendar
month in which multiple service for less than seventy hours is
(15) "Accumulated contributions" means the employee's contributions
made by a member, including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2),
plus accrued interest credited thereon.
(16) "Actuarial reserve" means a method of financing a pension or
retirement plan wherein reserves are accumulated as the liabilities for
benefit payments are incurred in order that sufficient funds will be
available on the date of retirement of each member to pay the member's
future benefits during the period of retirement.
(17) "Actuarial valuation" means a mathematical determination of
the financial condition of a retirement plan. It includes the
computation of the present monetary value of benefits payable to
present members, and the present monetary value of future employer and
employee contributions, giving effect to mortality among active and
retired members and also to the rates of disability, retirement,
withdrawal from service, salary and interest earned on investments.
(18) "Disability board" for plan 1 members means either the county
disability board or the city disability board established in RCW
(19) "Disability leave" means the period of six months or any
portion thereof during which a member is on leave at an allowance equal
to the member's full salary prior to the commencement of disability
retirement. The definition contained in this subsection shall apply
only to plan 1 members.
(20) "Disability retirement" for plan 1 members, means the period
following termination of a member's disability leave, during which the
member is in receipt of a disability retirement allowance.
(21) "Position" means the employment held at any particular time,
which may or may not be the same as civil service rank.
(22) "Medical services" for plan 1 members, shall include the
following as minimum services to be provided. Reasonable charges for
these services shall be paid in accordance with RCW 41.26.150.
(a) Hospital expenses: These are the charges made by a hospital,
in its own behalf, for
(i) Board and room not to exceed semiprivate room rate unless
private room is required by the attending physician due to the
condition of the patient.
(ii) Necessary hospital services, other than board and room,
furnished by the hospital.
(b) Other medical expenses: The following charges are considered
"other medical expenses", provided that they have not been considered
as "hospital expenses".
(i) The fees of the following:
(A) A physician or surgeon licensed under the provisions of chapter
18.71 RCW;
(B) An osteopathic physician and surgeon licensed under the
provisions of chapter 18.57 RCW;
(C) A chiropractor licensed under the provisions of chapter 18.25
(ii) The charges of a registered graduate nurse other than a nurse
who ordinarily resides in the member's home, or is a member of the
family of either the member or the member's spouse.
(iii) The charges for the following medical services and supplies:
(A) Drugs and medicines upon a physician's prescription;
(B) Diagnostic x-ray and laboratory examinations;
(C) X-ray, radium, and radioactive isotopes therapy;
(D) Anesthesia and oxygen;
(E) Rental of iron lung and other durable medical and surgical
(F) Artificial limbs and eyes, and casts, splints, and trusses;
(G) Professional ambulance service when used to transport the
member to or from a hospital when injured by an accident or stricken by
a disease;
(H) Dental charges incurred by a member who sustains an accidental
injury to his or her teeth and who commences treatment by a legally
licensed dentist within ninety days after the accident;
(I) Nursing home confinement or hospital extended care facility;
(J) Physical therapy by a registered physical therapist;
(K) Blood transfusions, including the cost of blood and blood
plasma not replaced by voluntary donors;
(L) An optometrist licensed under the provisions of chapter 18.53
(23) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(24) "Retiree" for persons who establish membership in the
retirement system on or after October 1, 1977, means any member in
receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by such member.
(25) "Director" means the director of the department.
(26) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(27) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(28) "Plan 1" means the law enforcement officers' and fire
fighters' retirement system, plan 1 providing the benefits and funding
provisions covering persons who first became members of the system
prior to October 1, 1977.
(29) "Plan 2" means the law enforcement officers' and fire
fighters' retirement system, plan 2 providing the benefits and funding
provisions covering persons who first became members of the system on
and after October 1, 1977.
(30) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(31) "Service credit month" means a full service credit month or an
accumulation of partial service credit months that are equal to one.
(32) "General authority law enforcement agency" means any agency,
department, or division of a municipal corporation, political
subdivision, or other unit of local government of this state, and any
agency, department, or division of state government, having as its
primary function the detection and apprehension of persons committing
infractions or violating the traffic or criminal laws in general, but
not including the Washington state patrol. Such an agency, department,
or division is distinguished from a limited authority law enforcement
agency having as one of its functions the apprehension or detection of
persons committing infractions or violating the traffic or criminal
laws relating to limited subject areas, including but not limited to,
the state departments of natural resources and social and health
services, the state gambling commission, the state lottery commission,
the state parks and recreation commission, the state utilities and
transportation commission, the state liquor control board, and the
state department of corrections.
(33) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 12 RCW 41.26.090 and 1991 sp.s. c 11 s 4 are each amended to
read as follows:
Retirement of a member for service shall be made by the department
as follows:
(1) Any member having five or more service credit years of service
and having attained the age of fifty years shall be eligible for a
service retirement allowance and shall be retired upon the member's
written request effective the first day following the date upon which
the member is separated from service.
(2) Any member having five or more service credit years of service,
who terminates his or her employment with any employer, may leave his
or her contributions in the fund. Any employee who so elects, upon
attaining age fifty, shall be eligible to apply for and receive a
service retirement allowance based on his or her years of service,
commencing on the first day following his or her attainment of age
(3) Any member selecting optional vesting under subsection (2) of
this section with less than twenty service credit years of service
shall not be covered by the provisions of RCW 41.26.150, and the
member's survivors shall not be entitled to the benefits of RCW
41.26.160 unless his or her death occurs after he or she has attained
the age of fifty years. Those members selecting this optional vesting
with twenty or more years service shall not be covered by the
provisions of RCW 41.26.150 until the attainment of the age of fifty
years. A member selecting this optional vesting, with less than twenty
service credit years of service credit, who dies prior to attaining the
age of fifty years, shall have paid from the Washington law enforcement
officers' and fire fighters' retirement fund, to such member's
surviving spouse or domestic partner, if any, otherwise to such
beneficiary as the member shall have designated in writing, or if no
such designation has been made, to the personal representative of his
or her estate, a lump sum which is equal to the amount of such member's
accumulated contributions plus accrued interest. If the vested member
has twenty or more service credit years of service credit the surviving
spouse, domestic partner, or children shall then become eligible for
the benefits of RCW 41.26.160 regardless of the member's age at the
time of his or her death, to the exclusion of the lump sum amount
provided by this subsection.
(4) Any member who has attained the age of sixty years shall be
retired on the first day of the calendar month next succeeding that in
which said member shall have attained the age of sixty and may not
thereafter be employed as a law enforcement officer or fire fighter:
PROVIDED, That for any member who is elected or appointed to the office
of sheriff, chief of police, or fire chief, his or her election or
appointment shall be considered as a waiver of the age sixty provision
for retirement and nonemployment for whatever number of years remain in
his or her present term of office and any succeeding periods for which
he or she may be so elected or appointed. The provisions of this
subsection shall not apply to any member who is employed as a law
enforcement officer or fire fighter on March 1, 1970.
Sec. 13 RCW 41.26.160 and 2005 c 62 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In the event of the duty connected death of any member who is
in active service, or who has vested under the provisions of RCW
41.26.090 with twenty or more service credit years of service, or who
is on duty connected disability leave or retired for duty connected
disability, the surviving spouse or domestic partner shall become
entitled, subject to RCW 41.26.162, to receive a monthly allowance
equal to fifty percent of the final average salary at the date of death
if active, or the amount of retirement allowance the vested member
would have received at age fifty, or the amount of the retirement
allowance such retired member was receiving at the time of death if
retired for duty connected disability. The amount of this allowance
will be increased five percent of final average salary for each child
as defined in RCW 41.26.030(7), subject to a maximum combined allowance
of sixty percent of final average salary: PROVIDED, That if the child
or children is or are in the care of a legal guardian, payment of the
increase attributable to each child will be made to the child's legal
guardian or, in the absence of a legal guardian and if the member has
created a trust for the benefit of the child or children, payment of
the increase attributable to each child will be made to the trust.
(2) If at the time of the duty connected death of a vested member
with twenty or more service credit years of service as provided in
subsection (1) of this section or a member retired for duty connected
disability, the surviving spouse or domestic partner has not been
lawfully married to or in a domestic partnership with such member for
one year prior to retirement or separation from service if a vested
member, the surviving spouse or domestic partner shall not be eligible
to receive the benefits under this section: PROVIDED, That if a member
dies as a result of a disability incurred in the line of duty, then if
he or she was married at the time he or she was disabled, the surviving
spouse or domestic partner shall be eligible to receive the benefits
under this section.
(3) If there be no surviving spouse or domestic partner eligible to
receive benefits at the time of such member's duty connected death,
then the child or children of such member shall receive a monthly
allowance equal to thirty percent of final average salary for one child
and an additional ten percent for each additional child subject to a
maximum combined payment, under this subsection, of sixty percent of
final average salary. When there cease to be any eligible children as
defined in RCW 41.26.030(7), there shall be paid to the legal heirs of
the member the excess, if any, of accumulated contributions of the
member at the time of death over all payments made to survivors on his
or her behalf under this chapter: PROVIDED, That payments under this
subsection to children shall be prorated equally among the children, if
more than one. If the member has created a trust for the benefit of
the child or children, the payment shall be made to the trust.
(4) In the event that there is no surviving spouse or domestic
partner eligible to receive benefits under this section, and that there
be no child or children eligible to receive benefits under this
section, then the accumulated contributions shall be paid to the estate
of the member.
(5) If a surviving spouse or domestic partner receiving benefits
under this section remarries after June 13, 2002, the surviving spouse
or domestic partner shall continue to receive the benefits under this
(6) If a surviving spouse or domestic partner receiving benefits
under the provisions of this section thereafter dies and there are
children as defined in RCW 41.26.030(7), payment to the spouse or
domestic partner shall cease and the child or children shall receive
the benefits as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(7) The payment provided by this section shall become due the day
following the date of death and payments shall be retroactive to that
Sec. 14 RCW 41.26.161 and 2005 c 62 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) In the event of the nonduty connected death of any member who
is in active service, or who has vested under the provisions of RCW
41.26.090 with twenty or more service credit years of service, or who
is on disability leave or retired, whether for nonduty connected
disability or service, the surviving spouse or domestic partner shall
become entitled, subject to RCW 41.26.162, to receive a monthly
allowance equal to fifty percent of the final average salary at the
date of death if active, or the amount of retirement allowance the
vested member would have received at age fifty, or the amount of the
retirement allowance such retired member was receiving at the time of
death if retired for service or nonduty connected disability. The
amount of this allowance will be increased five percent of final
average salary for each child as defined in RCW 41.26.030(7), subject
to a maximum combined allowance of sixty percent of final average
salary: PROVIDED, That if the child or children is or are in the care
of a legal guardian, payment of the increase attributable to each child
will be made to the child's legal guardian or, in the absence of a
legal guardian and if the member has created a trust for the benefit of
the child or children, payment of the increase attributable to each
child will be made to the trust.
(2) If at the time of the death of a vested member with twenty or
more service credit years of service as provided in subsection (1) of
this section or a member retired for service or disability, the
surviving spouse or domestic partner has not been lawfully married to
or in a domestic partnership with such member for one year prior to
retirement or separation from service if a vested member, the surviving
spouse or domestic partner shall not be eligible to receive the
benefits under this section.
(3) If there be no surviving spouse or domestic partner eligible to
receive benefits at the time of such member's death, then the child or
children of such member shall receive a monthly allowance equal to
thirty percent of final average salary for one child and an additional
ten percent for each additional child subject to a maximum combined
payment, under this subsection, of sixty percent of final average
salary. When there cease to be any eligible children as defined in RCW
41.26.030(7), there shall be paid to the legal heirs of the member the
excess, if any, of accumulated contributions of the member at the time
of death over all payments made to survivors on his or her behalf under
this chapter: PROVIDED, That payments under this subsection to
children shall be prorated equally among the children, if more than
one. If the member has created a trust for the benefit of the child or
children, the payment shall be made to the trust.
(4) In the event that there is no surviving spouse or domestic
partner eligible to receive benefits under this section, and that there
be no child or children eligible to receive benefits under this
section, then the accumulated contributions shall be paid to the estate
of said member.
(5) If a surviving spouse or domestic partner receiving benefits
under this section remarries after June 13, 2002, the surviving spouse
or domestic partner shall continue to receive the benefits under this
(6) If a surviving spouse or domestic partner receiving benefits
under the provisions of this section thereafter dies and there are
children as defined in RCW 41.26.030(7), payment to the spouse or
domestic partner shall cease and the child or children shall receive
the benefits as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(7) The payment provided by this section shall become due the day
following the date of death and payments shall be retroactive to that
Sec. 15 RCW 41.26.460 and 2003 c 294 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.26.430 or
disability retirement under RCW 41.26.470, a member shall elect to have
the retirement allowance paid pursuant to the following options,
calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life.
However, if the retiree dies before the total of the retirement
allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such retiree's
accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance
shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust,
or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if there be
no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the
retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse or domestic partner; or
if there be neither such designated person or persons still living at
the time of death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to
the retiree's legal representative.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a designated person. Such person
shall be nominated by the member by written designation duly executed
and filed with the department at the time of retirement. The options
adopted by the department shall include, but are not limited to, a
joint and one hundred percent survivor option and a joint and fifty
percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and member's spouse do not give written consent to an option
under this section, the department will pay the member a joint and
fifty percent survivor benefit and record the member's spouse as the
beneficiary. Such benefit shall be calculated to be actuarially
equivalent to the benefit options available under subsection (1) of
this section unless spousal consent is not required as provided in (b)
of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who
elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection
(1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement
allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they
meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has
predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the
designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1,
1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever
comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this
subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and
survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table
in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from
the beginning of the month following the date of the designated
beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules
that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit
options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate ((their)) his or
her spouse or domestic partner from a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year
period beginning one year after the date of the postretirement marriage
or postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement
allowance payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments
pursuant to a property division obligation as provided for in RCW
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective date of this
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW
41.26.530(1) and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two
separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the ages provided in RCW
41.26.430(1) and after filing a written application with the
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 16 RCW 41.26.470 and 2006 c 39 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by
the director shall be eligible to receive an allowance under the
provisions of RCW 41.26.410 through 41.26.550. Such member shall
receive a monthly disability allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.26.420 and shall have such allowance actuarially reduced to reflect
the difference in the number of years between age at disability and the
attainment of age fifty-three, except under subsection (7) of this
(2) Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of
this section shall be subject to such comprehensive medical
examinations as required by the department. If such medical
examinations reveal that such a member has recovered from the
incapacitating disability and the member is no longer entitled to
benefits under Title 51 RCW, the retirement allowance shall be canceled
and the member shall be restored to duty in the same civil service
rank, if any, held by the member at the time of retirement or, if
unable to perform the duties of the rank, then, at the member's
request, in such other like or lesser rank as may be or become open and
available, the duties of which the member is then able to perform. In
no event shall a member previously drawing a disability allowance be
returned or be restored to duty at a salary or rate of pay less than
the current salary attached to the rank or position held by the member
at the date of the retirement for disability. If the department
determines that the member is able to return to service, the member is
entitled to notice and a hearing. Both the notice and the hearing
shall comply with the requirements of chapter 34.05 RCW, the
administrative procedure act.
(3) Those members subject to this chapter who became disabled in
the line of duty on or after July 23, 1989, and who receive benefits
under RCW 41.04.500 through 41.04.530 or similar benefits under RCW
41.04.535 shall receive or continue to receive service credit subject
to the following:
(a) No member may receive more than one month's service credit in
a calendar month.
(b) No service credit under this section may be allowed after a
member separates or is separated without leave of absence.
(c) Employer contributions shall be paid by the employer at the
rate in effect for the period of the service credited.
(d) Employee contributions shall be collected by the employer and
paid to the department at the rate in effect for the period of service
(e) State contributions shall be as provided in RCW 41.45.060 and
(f) Contributions shall be based on the regular compensation which
the member would have received had the disability not occurred.
(g) The service and compensation credit under this section shall be
granted for a period not to exceed six consecutive months.
(h) Should the legislature revoke the service credit authorized
under this section or repeal this section, no affected employee is
entitled to receive the credit as a matter of contractual right.
(4)(a) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under
this section dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to
the recipient equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the
date of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's
estate, or such person or persons, trust, or organization as the
recipient has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed
with the director, or, if there is no such designated person or persons
still living at the time of the recipient's death, then to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, or, if there is neither such
designated person or persons still living at the time of his or her
death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to his or her
legal representative.
(b) If a recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this
section died before April 27, 1989, and before the total of the
retirement allowance paid to the recipient equaled the amount of his or
her accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the
department shall pay the balance of the accumulated contributions to
the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner or, if there is no
surviving spouse or domestic partner, then in equal shares to the
member's children. If there is no surviving spouse, domestic partner,
or children, the department shall retain the contributions.
(5) Should the disability retirement allowance of any disability
beneficiary be canceled for any cause other than reentrance into
service or retirement for service, he or she shall be paid the excess,
if any, of the accumulated contributions at the time of retirement over
all payments made on his or her behalf under this chapter.
(6) A member who becomes disabled in the line of duty, and who
ceases to be an employee of an employer except by service or disability
retirement, may request a refund of one hundred fifty percent of the
member's accumulated contributions. Any accumulated contributions
attributable to restorations made under RCW 41.50.165(2) shall be
refunded at one hundred percent. A person in receipt of this benefit
is a retiree.
(7) A member who becomes disabled in the line of duty shall be
entitled to receive a minimum retirement allowance equal to ten percent
of such member's final average salary. The member shall additionally
receive a retirement allowance equal to two percent of such member's
average final salary for each year of service beyond five.
(8) A member who is totally disabled in the line of duty is
entitled to receive a retirement allowance equal to seventy percent of
the member's final average salary. The allowance provided under this
subsection shall be offset by:
(a) Temporary disability wage-replacement benefits or permanent
total disability benefits provided to the member under Title 51 RCW;
(b) Federal social security disability benefits, if any;
so that such an allowance does not result in the member receiving
combined benefits that exceed one hundred percent of the member's final
average salary. However, the offsets shall not in any case reduce the
allowance provided under this subsection below the member's accrued
retirement allowance.
A member is considered totally disabled if he or she is unable to
perform any substantial gainful activity due to a physical or mental
condition that may be expected to result in death or that has lasted or
is expected to last at least twelve months. Substantial gainful
activity is defined as average earnings in excess of eight hundred
sixty dollars a month in 2006 adjusted annually as determined by the
director based on federal social security disability standards. The
department may require a person in receipt of an allowance under this
subsection to provide any financial records that are necessary to
determine continued eligibility for such an allowance. A person in
receipt of an allowance under this subsection whose earnings exceed the
threshold for substantial gainful activity shall have ((their)) his or
her benefit converted to a line-of-duty disability retirement allowance
as provided in subsection (7) of this section.
Any person in receipt of an allowance under the provisions of this
section is subject to comprehensive medical examinations as may be
required by the department under subsection (2) of this section in
order to determine continued eligibility for such an allowance.
Sec. 17 RCW 41.26.510 and 2006 c 345 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested
member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the
amount of the accumulated contributions standing to such member's
credit in the retirement system at the time of such member's death,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or
persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If
there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time
of the member's death, such member's accumulated contributions standing
to such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as
if in fact such spouse or domestic partner had been nominated by
written designation, or if there be no such surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to such member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall elect to receive
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.26.430, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and
actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option under RCW 41.26.460 and if the member was not eligible
for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction as
described in RCW 41.26.430; if a surviving spouse or domestic partner
who is receiving a retirement allowance dies leaving a child or
children of the member under the age of majority, then such child or
children shall continue to receive an allowance in an amount equal to
that which was being received by the surviving spouse or domestic
partner, share and share alike, until such child or children reach the
age of majority; if there is no surviving spouse or domestic partner
eligible to receive an allowance at the time of the member's death,
such member's child or children under the age of majority shall receive
an allowance share and share alike calculated as herein provided making
the assumption that the ages of the spouse or domestic partner and
member were equal at the time of the member's death; or
(b)(i) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670; or
(ii) If the member dies on or after July 25, 1993, one hundred
fifty percent of the member's accumulated contributions, less any
amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670. Any
accumulated contributions attributable to restorations made under RCW
41.50.165(2) shall be refunded at one hundred percent.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies after October 1, 1977, and
is not survived by a spouse, domestic partner, or an eligible child,
then the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid:
(a) To an estate, a person or persons, trust, or organization as
the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no such designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, then to the member's legal
(4) The retirement allowance of a member who is killed in the
course of employment, as determined by the director of the department
of labor and industries, is not subject to an actuarial reduction. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.26.420.
(5) The retirement allowance paid to the spouse or domestic partner
and dependent children of a member who is killed in the course of
employment, as set forth in RCW 41.05.011(14), shall include
reimbursement for any payments of premium rates to the Washington state
health care authority pursuant to RCW 41.05.080.
Sec. 18 RCW 41.26.520 and 2005 c 64 s 9 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided
for under the provisions of RCW 41.26.410 through 41.26.550.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The basic salary reported for a member who establishes service
credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary paid to
the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (7) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if the member makes the employer, member,
and state contributions plus interest as determined by the department
for the period of the authorized leave of absence within five years of
resumption of service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner.
(4) A law enforcement member may be authorized by an employer to
work part time and to go on a part-time leave of absence. During a
part-time leave of absence a member is prohibited from any other
employment with their employer. A member is eligible to receive credit
for any portion of service credit not earned during a month of part-time leave of absence if the member makes the employer, member, and
state contributions, plus interest, as determined by the department for
the period of the authorized leave within five years of resumption of
full-time service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner. Any
service credit purchased for a part-time leave of absence is included
in the two-year maximum provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(5) If a member fails to meet the time limitations of subsection
(3) or (4) of this section, the member may receive a maximum of two
years of service credit during a member's working career for those
periods when a member is on unpaid leave of absence authorized by an
employer. This may be done by paying the amount required under RCW
41.50.165(2) prior to retirement.
(6) For the purpose of subsection (3) or (4) of this section the
contribution shall not include the contribution for the unfunded
supplemental present value as required by RCW 41.45.060, 41.45.061, and
41.45.067. The contributions required shall be based on the average of
the member's basic salary at both the time the authorized leave of
absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(7) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service. This
subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under RCW
41.45.060, 41.45.061, and 41.45.067 within five years of resumption of
service or prior to retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the
member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the
member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii),
or (e)(iii) of this subsection, the department shall establish the
member's service credit and shall bill the employer and the state for
their respective contributions required under RCW 41.26.450 for the
period of military service, plus interest as determined by the
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii)
of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would
have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with
reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the
year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45
RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution
of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
(8) A member receiving benefits under Title 51 RCW who is not
receiving benefits under this chapter shall be deemed to be on unpaid,
authorized leave of absence.
Sec. 19 RCW 41.32.010 and 2005 c 131 s 8 and 2005 c 23 s 1 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context:
(1)(a) "Accumulated contributions" for plan 1 members, means the
sum of all regular annuity contributions and, except for the purpose of
withdrawal at the time of retirement, any amount paid under RCW
41.50.165(2) with regular interest thereon.
(b) "Accumulated contributions" for plan 2 members, means the sum
of all contributions standing to the credit of a member in the member's
individual account, including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2),
together with the regular interest thereon.
(2) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when
computed upon the basis of such mortality tables and regulations as
shall be adopted by the director and regular interest.
(3) "Annuity" means the moneys payable per year during life by
reason of accumulated contributions of a member.
(4) "Member reserve" means the fund in which all of the accumulated
contributions of members are held.
(5)(a) "Beneficiary" for plan 1 members, means any person in
receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
(b) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means any person
in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by another
(6) "Contract" means any agreement for service and compensation
between a member and an employer.
(7) "Creditable service" means membership service plus prior
service for which credit is allowable. This subsection shall apply
only to plan 1 members.
(8) "Dependent" means receiving one-half or more of support from a
(9) "Disability allowance" means monthly payments during
disability. This subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(10)(a) "Earnable compensation" for plan 1 members, means:
(i) All salaries and wages paid by an employer to an employee
member of the retirement system for personal services rendered during
a fiscal year. In all cases where compensation includes maintenance
the employer shall fix the value of that part of the compensation not
paid in money.
(ii) For an employee member of the retirement system teaching in an
extended school year program, two consecutive extended school years, as
defined by the employer school district, may be used as the annual
period for determining earnable compensation in lieu of the two fiscal
(iii) "Earnable compensation" for plan 1 members also includes the
following actual or imputed payments, which are not paid for personal
(A) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are
awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wages which the
individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be
considered earnable compensation and the individual shall receive the
equivalent service credit.
(B) If a leave of absence, without pay, is taken by a member for
the purpose of serving as a member of the state legislature, and such
member has served in the legislature five or more years, the salary
which would have been received for the position from which the leave of
absence was taken shall be considered as compensation earnable if the
employee's contribution thereon is paid by the employee. In addition,
where a member has been a member of the state legislature for five or
more years, earnable compensation for the member's two highest
compensated consecutive years of service shall include a sum not to
exceed thirty-six hundred dollars for each of such two consecutive
years, regardless of whether or not legislative service was rendered
during those two years.
(iv) For members employed less than full time under written
contract with a school district, or community college district, in an
instructional position, for which the member receives service credit of
less than one year in all of the years used to determine the earnable
compensation used for computing benefits due under RCW 41.32.497,
41.32.498, and 41.32.520, the member may elect to have earnable
compensation defined as provided in RCW 41.32.345. For the purposes of
this subsection, the term "instructional position" means a position in
which more than seventy-five percent of the member's time is spent as
a classroom instructor (including office hours), a librarian, a
psychologist, a social worker, a nurse, a physical therapist, an
occupational therapist, a speech language pathologist or audiologist,
or a counselor. Earnable compensation shall be so defined only for the
purpose of the calculation of retirement benefits and only as necessary
to insure that members who receive fractional service credit under RCW
41.32.270 receive benefits proportional to those received by members
who have received full-time service credit.
(v) "Earnable compensation" does not include:
(A) Remuneration for unused sick leave authorized under RCW
41.04.340, 28A.400.210, or 28A.310.490;
(B) Remuneration for unused annual leave in excess of thirty days
as authorized by RCW 43.01.044 and 43.01.041.
(b) "Earnable compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means
salaries or wages earned by a member during a payroll period for
personal services, including overtime payments, and shall include wages
and salaries deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections
403(b), 414(h), and 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, but
shall exclude lump sum payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused
accumulated vacation, unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of
severance pay.
"Earnable compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members also includes
the following actual or imputed payments which, except in the case of
(b)(ii)(B) of this subsection, are not paid for personal services:
(i) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are
awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wages which the
individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be
considered earnable compensation, to the extent provided above, and the
individual shall receive the equivalent service credit.
(ii) In any year in which a member serves in the legislature the
member shall have the option of having such member's earnable
compensation be the greater of:
(A) The earnable compensation the member would have received had
such member not served in the legislature; or
(B) Such member's actual earnable compensation received for
teaching and legislative service combined. Any additional
contributions to the retirement system required because compensation
earnable under (b)(ii)(A) of this subsection is greater than
compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection shall be paid
by the member for both member and employer contributions.
(11) "Employer" means the state of Washington, the school district,
or any agency of the state of Washington by which the member is paid.
(12) "Fiscal year" means a year which begins July 1st and ends June
30th of the following year.
(13) "Former state fund" means the state retirement fund in
operation for teachers under chapter 187, Laws of 1923, as amended.
(14) "Local fund" means any of the local retirement funds for
teachers operated in any school district in accordance with the
provisions of chapter 163, Laws of 1917 as amended.
(15) "Member" means any teacher included in the membership of the
retirement system who has not been removed from membership under RCW
41.32.878 or 41.32.768. Also, any other employee of the public schools
who, on July 1, 1947, had not elected to be exempt from membership and
who, prior to that date, had by an authorized payroll deduction,
contributed to the member reserve.
(16) "Membership service" means service rendered subsequent to the
first day of eligibility of a person to membership in the retirement
system: PROVIDED, That where a member is employed by two or more
employers the individual shall receive no more than one service credit
month during any calendar month in which multiple service is rendered.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(17) "Pension" means the moneys payable per year during life from
the pension reserve.
(18) "Pension reserve" is a fund in which shall be accumulated an
actuarial reserve adequate to meet present and future pension
liabilities of the system and from which all pension obligations are to
be paid.
(19) "Prior service" means service rendered prior to the first date
of eligibility to membership in the retirement system for which credit
is allowable. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to
plan 1 members.
(20) "Prior service contributions" means contributions made by a
member to secure credit for prior service. The provisions of this
subsection shall apply only to plan 1 members.
(21) "Public school" means any institution or activity operated by
the state of Washington or any instrumentality or political subdivision
thereof employing teachers, except the University of Washington and
Washington State University.
(22) "Regular contributions" means the amounts required to be
deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to the member's
individual account in the member reserve. This subsection shall apply
only to plan 1 members.
(23) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(24)(a) "Retirement allowance" for plan 1 members, means monthly
payments based on the sum of annuity and pension, or any optional
benefits payable in lieu thereof.
(b) "Retirement allowance" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means
monthly payments to a retiree or beneficiary as provided in this
(25) "Retirement system" means the Washington state teachers'
retirement system.
(26)(a) "Service" for plan 1 members means the time during which a
member has been employed by an employer for compensation.
(i) If a member is employed by two or more employers the individual
shall receive no more than one service credit month during any calendar
month in which multiple service is rendered.
(ii) As authorized by RCW 28A.400.300, up to forty-five days of
sick leave may be creditable as service solely for the purpose of
determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470.
(iii) As authorized in RCW 41.32.065, service earned in an out-of-state retirement system that covers teachers in public schools may be
applied solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire
under RCW 41.32.470.
(b) "Service" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means periods of
employment by a member for one or more employers for which earnable
compensation is earned subject to the following conditions:
(i) A member employed in an eligible position or as a substitute
shall receive one service credit month for each month of September
through August of the following year if he or she earns earnable
compensation for eight hundred ten or more hours during that period and
is employed during nine of those months, except that a member may not
receive credit for any period prior to the member's employment in an
eligible position except as provided in RCW 41.32.812 and 41.50.132;
(ii) If a member is employed either in an eligible position or as
a substitute teacher for nine months of the twelve month period between
September through August of the following year but earns earnable
compensation for less than eight hundred ten hours but for at least six
hundred thirty hours, he or she will receive one-half of a service
credit month for each month of the twelve month period;
(iii) All other members in an eligible position or as a substitute
teacher shall receive service credit as follows:
(A) A service credit month is earned in those calendar months where
earnable compensation is earned for ninety or more hours;
(B) A half-service credit month is earned in those calendar months
where earnable compensation is earned for at least seventy hours but
less than ninety hours; and
(C) A quarter-service credit month is earned in those calendar
months where earnable compensation is earned for less than seventy
(iv) Any person who is a member of the teachers' retirement system
and who is elected or appointed to a state elective position may
continue to be a member of the retirement system and continue to
receive a service credit month for each of the months in a state
elective position by making the required member contributions.
(v) When an individual is employed by two or more employers the
individual shall only receive one month's service credit during any
calendar month in which multiple service for ninety or more hours is
(vi) As authorized by RCW 28A.400.300, up to forty-five days of
sick leave may be creditable as service solely for the purpose of
determining eligibility to retire under RCW 41.32.470. For purposes of
plan 2 and plan 3 "forty-five days" as used in RCW 28A.400.300 is equal
to two service credit months. Use of less than forty-five days of sick
leave is creditable as allowed under this subsection as follows:
(A) Less than eleven days equals one-quarter service credit month;
(B) Eleven or more days but less than twenty-two days equals one-half service credit month;
(C) Twenty-two days equals one service credit month;
(D) More than twenty-two days but less than thirty-three days
equals one and one-quarter service credit month;
(E) Thirty-three or more days but less than forty-five days equals
one and one-half service credit month.
(vii) As authorized in RCW 41.32.065, service earned in an out-of-state retirement system that covers teachers in public schools may be
applied solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire
under RCW 41.32.470.
(viii) The department shall adopt rules implementing this
(27) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(28) "Service credit month" means a full service credit month or an
accumulation of partial service credit months that are equal to one.
(29) "Teacher" means any person qualified to teach who is engaged
by a public school in an instructional, administrative, or supervisory
capacity. The term includes state, educational service district, and
school district superintendents and their assistants and all employees
certificated by the superintendent of public instruction; and in
addition thereto any full time school doctor who is employed by a
public school and renders service of an instructional or educational
(30) "Average final compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members,
means the member's average earnable compensation of the highest
consecutive sixty service credit months prior to such member's
retirement, termination, or death. Periods constituting authorized
leaves of absence may not be used in the calculation of average final
compensation except under RCW 41.32.810(2).
(31) "Retiree" means any person who has begun accruing a retirement
allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from
service rendered to an employer while a member.
(32) "Department" means the department of retirement systems
created in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(33) "Director" means the director of the department.
(34) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(35) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(36) "Substitute teacher" means:
(a) A teacher who is hired by an employer to work as a temporary
teacher, except for teachers who are annual contract employees of an
employer and are guaranteed a minimum number of hours; or
(b) Teachers who either (i) work in ineligible positions for more
than one employer or (ii) work in an ineligible position or positions
together with an eligible position.
(37)(a) "Eligible position" for plan 2 members from June 7, 1990,
through September 1, 1991, means a position which normally requires two
or more uninterrupted months of creditable service during September
through August of the following year.
(b) "Eligible position" for plan 2 and plan 3 on and after
September 1, 1991, means a position that, as defined by the employer,
normally requires five or more months of at least seventy hours of
earnable compensation during September through August of the following
(c) For purposes of this chapter an employer shall not define
"position" in such a manner that an employee's monthly work for that
employer is divided into more than one position.
(d) The elected position of the superintendent of public
instruction is an eligible position.
(38) "Plan 1" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 1
providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who
first became members of the system prior to October 1, 1977.
(39) "Plan 2" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 2
providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who
first became members of the system on and after October 1, 1977, and
prior to July 1, 1996.
(40) "Plan 3" means the teachers' retirement system, plan 3
providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who
first become members of the system on and after July 1, 1996, or who
transfer under RCW 41.32.817.
(41) "Index" means, for any calendar year, that year's annual
average consumer price index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage
earners and clerical workers, all items compiled by the bureau of labor
statistics, United States department of labor.
(42) "Index A" means the index for the year prior to the
determination of a postretirement adjustment.
(43) "Index B" means the index for the year prior to index A.
(44) "Index year" means the earliest calendar year in which the
index is more than sixty percent of index A.
(45) "Adjustment ratio" means the value of index A divided by index
(46) "Annual increase" means, initially, fifty-nine cents per month
per year of service which amount shall be increased each July 1st by
three percent, rounded to the nearest cent.
(47) "Member account" or "member's account" for purposes of plan 3
means the sum of the contributions and earnings on behalf of the member
in the defined contribution portion of plan 3.
(48) "Separation from service or employment" occurs when a person
has terminated all employment with an employer.
(49) "Employed" or "employee" means a person who is providing
services for compensation to an employer, unless the person is free
from the employer's direction and control over the performance of work.
The department shall adopt rules and interpret this subsection
consistent with common law.
(50) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 20 RCW 41.32.260 and 2005 c 64 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
Any member whose public school service is interrupted by active
service to the United States as a member of its uniformed services, or
to the state of Washington, as a member of the legislature, may upon
becoming reemployed in the public schools, receive credit for that
service upon presenting satisfactory proof, and contributing to the
member reserve, either in a lump sum or installments, amounts
determined by the director. Except that no military service credit in
excess of five years shall be established or reestablished after July
1, 1961, unless the service was actually rendered during time of war.
This section shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(1) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(a) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(b) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(c) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45
RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution
of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(2) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(a) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(b) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(c) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 21 RCW 41.32.520 and 2003 c 155 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as specified in subsection (3) of this section, upon
receipt of proper proofs of death of any member before retirement or
before the first installment of his or her retirement allowance shall
become due his or her accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
and/or other benefits payable upon his or her death shall be paid to
his or her estate or to such persons, trust, or organization as he or
she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed
with the department. If a member fails to file a new beneficiary
designation subsequent to marriage, divorce, or reestablishment of
membership following termination by withdrawal, lapsation, or
retirement, payment of his or her accumulated contributions, less any
amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
and/or other benefits upon death before retirement shall be made to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, if any; otherwise, to his or her
estate. If a member had established ten or more years of Washington
membership service credit or was eligible for retirement, the
beneficiary or the surviving spouse or domestic partner if otherwise
eligible may elect, in lieu of a cash refund of the member's
accumulated contributions, the following survivor benefit plan
actuarially reduced, except under subsection (4) of this section, by
the amount of any lump sum benefit identified as owing to an obligee
upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order
filed under RCW 41.50.670:
(a) A widow ((or)), widower, or domestic partner, without a child
or children under eighteen years of age, may elect a monthly payment of
fifty dollars to become effective at age fifty, provided the member had
fifteen or more years of Washington membership service credit. A
benefit paid under this subsection (1)(a) shall terminate at the
marriage of the beneficiary.
(b) The beneficiary, if a surviving spouse, domestic partner, or a
dependent (as that term is used in computing the dependent exemption
for federal internal revenue purposes) may elect to receive a joint and
one hundred percent retirement allowance under RCW 41.32.530.
(i) In the case of a dependent child the allowance shall continue
until attainment of majority or so long as the department judges that
the circumstances which created his or her dependent status continue to
exist. In any case, if at the time dependent status ceases, an amount
equal to the amount of accumulated contributions of the deceased member
has not been paid to the beneficiary, the remainder shall then be paid
in a lump sum to the beneficiary.
(ii) If at the time of death, the member was not then qualified for
a service retirement allowance, the benefit shall be based upon the
actuarial equivalent of the sum necessary to pay the accrued regular
retirement allowance commencing when the deceased member would have
first qualified for a service retirement allowance.
(2) If no qualified beneficiary survives a member, at his or her
death his or her accumulated contributions, less any amount identified
as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions
pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, shall be paid to
his or her estate, or his or her dependents may qualify for survivor
benefits under benefit plan (1)(b) in lieu of a cash refund of the
members accumulated contributions in the following order: Widow
((or)), widower, or domestic partner; guardian of a dependent child or
children under age eighteen((,)); or dependent parent or parents.
(3) If a member dies within sixty days following application for
disability retirement under RCW 41.32.550, the beneficiary named in the
application may elect to receive the benefit provided by:
(a) This section; or
(b) RCW 41.32.550, according to the option chosen under RCW
41.32.530 in the disability application.
(4) The retirement allowance of a member who is killed in the
course of employment, as determined by the director of the department
of labor and industries, is not subject to an actuarial reduction. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.480.
Sec. 22 RCW 41.32.785 and 2002 c 158 s 9 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.32.765 or
retirement for disability under RCW 41.32.790, a member shall elect to
have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to the following options,
calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life.
However, if the retiree dies before the total of the retirement
allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such retiree's
accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance
shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust,
or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if there be
no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the
retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse or domestic partner; or
if there be neither such designated person or persons still living at
the time of death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to
the retiree's legal representative.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a designated person. Such person
shall be nominated by the member by written designation duly executed
and filed with the department at the time of retirement. The options
adopted by the department shall include, but are not limited to, a
joint and one hundred percent survivor option and a joint and fifty
percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and member's spouse do not give written consent to an option
under this section, the department will pay the member a joint and
fifty percent survivor benefit and record the member's spouse as the
beneficiary. Such benefit shall be calculated to be actuarially
equivalent to the benefit options available under subsection (1) of
this section unless spousal consent is not required as provided in (b)
of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who
elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection
(1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement
allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they
meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has
predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the
designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1,
1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever
comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this
subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and
survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table
in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from
the beginning of the month following the date of the designated
beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules
that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit
options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from
a postretirement marriage or a domestic partner from a postretirement
domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year period beginning
one year after the date of the postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement allowance
payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to
a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective date of this
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW
41.32.815 and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two
separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW
41.32.765(1) and after filing a written application with the
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 23 RCW 41.32.790 and 1995 c 144 s 15 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by
the department upon recommendation of the department shall be eligible
to receive an allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through
41.32.825. The member shall receive a monthly disability allowance
computed as provided for in RCW 41.32.760 and shall have the allowance
actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years
between age at disability and the attainment of age sixty-five.
Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of this
section shall be subject to comprehensive medical examinations as
required by the department. If medical examinations reveal that a
member has recovered from the incapacitating disability and the member
is offered reemployment by an employer at a comparable compensation,
the member shall cease to be eligible for the allowance.
(2)(a) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under
this section dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to
the recipient equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the
date of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's
estate, or the person or persons, trust, or organization as the
recipient has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed
with the director, or, if there is no designated person or persons
still living at the time of the recipient's death, then to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, or, if there is neither a
designated person or persons still living at the time of his or her
death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to his or her
legal representative.
(b) If a recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this
section died before April 27, 1989, and before the total of the
retirement allowance paid to the recipient equaled the amount of his or
her accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the
department shall pay the balance of the accumulated contributions to
the member's surviving spouse or, if there is no surviving spouse, then
in equal shares to the member's children. If there is no surviving
spouse or children, the department shall retain the contributions.
Sec. 24 RCW 41.32.805 and 2003 c 155 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested
member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the
amount of the accumulated contributions standing to such member's
credit in the retirement system, less any amount identified as owing to
an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a
court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, at the time of such member's
death shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons,
trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department. If there be
no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the
member's death, such member's accumulated contributions standing to
such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as
if in fact such spouse or domestic partner had been nominated by
written designation, or if there be no such surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to such member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible children shall elect to receive either:
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.32.765, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and
actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option under RCW 41.32.785 and, except under subsection (4) of
this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at
the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.32.765; if
a surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving a retirement
allowance dies leaving a child or children of the member under the age
of majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority; if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner eligible to receive an allowance at the time
of the member's death, such member's child or children under the age of
majority shall receive an allowance share and share alike calculated as
herein provided making the assumption that the ages of the spouse or
domestic partner and member were equal at the time of the member's
death; or
(b) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies after October 1, 1977, and
is not survived by a spouse, domestic partner, or an eligible child,
then the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid:
(a) To an estate, a person or persons, trust, or organization as
the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no such designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, then to the member's legal
(4) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.32.765. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.760.
Sec. 25 RCW 41.32.810 and 2005 c 64 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided
for under the provisions of RCW 41.32.755 through 41.32.825.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (6) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if the member makes both the employer and
member contributions plus interest as determined by the department for
the period of the authorized leave of absence within five years of
resumption of service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner.
(4) If a member fails to meet the time limitations of subsection
(3) of this section, the member may receive a maximum of two years of
service credit during a member's working career for those periods when
a member is on unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. This
may be done by paying the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2) prior
to retirement.
(5) For the purpose of subsection (3) of this section, the
contribution shall not include the contribution for the unfunded
supplemental present value as required by RCW 41.32.775. The
contributions required shall be based on the average of the member's
earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of absence
was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(6) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service. This
subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under RCW
41.32.775 within five years of resumption of service or prior to
retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the
member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the
member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii),
or (e)(iii) of this subsection, the department shall establish the
member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its
contribution required under RCW 41.32.775 for the period of military
service, plus interest as determined by the department.
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii)
of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would
have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with
reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the
year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45
RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution
of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 26 RCW 41.32.865 and 2005 c 64 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes the contribution on behalf of the employer,
plus interest, as determined by the department; and
(b) The member makes the employee contribution, plus interest, as
determined by the department, to the defined contribution portion.
The contributions required shall be based on the average of the
member's earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of
absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service if
within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services. This subsection
shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of
the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
The department shall establish the member's service credit and
shall bill the employer for its contribution required under chapter
239, Laws of 1995 for the period of military service, plus interest as
determined by the department. Service credit under this subsection may
be obtained only if the member makes the employee contribution to the
defined contribution portion as determined by the department.
The contributions required shall be based on the compensation the
member would have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be
estimated with reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the
member in the year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(a) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under this
subsection within five years of the date of death or prior to the
distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(b) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
this subsection within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 27 RCW 41.32.895 and 2003 c 155 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) If a member dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall receive a
retirement allowance computed as provided in RCW 41.32.851 actuarially
reduced to reflect a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and,
except under subsection (2) of this section, if the member was not
eligible for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction
as described in RCW 41.32.875.
If the surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving the
retirement allowance dies leaving a child or children under the age of
majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority.
If there is no surviving spouse or domestic partner eligible to
receive an allowance at the time of the member's death, such member's
child or children under the age of majority shall receive an allowance,
share and share alike. The allowance shall be calculated with the
assumption that the age of the spouse or domestic partner and member
were equal at the time of the member's death.
(2) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.32.875. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.32.840.
Sec. 28 RCW 41.35.010 and 2003 c 157 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter,
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Retirement system" means the Washington school employees'
retirement system provided for in this chapter.
(2) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created
in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(3) "State treasurer" means the treasurer of the state of
(4) "Employer," for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means a school
district or an educational service district.
(5) "Member" means any employee included in the membership of the
retirement system, as provided for in RCW 41.35.030.
(6)(a) "Compensation earnable" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means
salaries or wages earned by a member during a payroll period for
personal services, including overtime payments, and shall include wages
and salaries deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections
403(b), 414(h), and 457 of the United States internal revenue code, but
shall exclude nonmoney maintenance compensation and lump sum or other
payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused accumulated vacation,
unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of severance pay.
(b) "Compensation earnable" for plan 2 and plan 3 members also
includes the following actual or imputed payments, which are not paid
for personal services:
(i) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement, which are awarded or granted
as the equivalent of the salary or wage which the individual would have
earned during a payroll period shall be considered compensation
earnable to the extent provided in this subsection, and the individual
shall receive the equivalent service credit;
(ii) In any year in which a member serves in the legislature, the
member shall have the option of having such member's compensation
earnable be the greater of:
(A) The compensation earnable the member would have received had
such member not served in the legislature; or
(B) Such member's actual compensation earnable received for
nonlegislative public employment and legislative service combined. Any
additional contributions to the retirement system required because
compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(A) of this subsection is greater
than compensation earnable under this (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection
shall be paid by the member for both member and employer contributions;
(iii) Assault pay only as authorized by RCW 27.04.100, 72.01.045,
and 72.09.240;
(iv) Compensation that a member would have received but for a
disability occurring in the line of duty only as authorized by RCW
(v) Compensation that a member receives due to participation in the
leave sharing program only as authorized by RCW 41.04.650 through
41.04.670; and
(vi) Compensation that a member receives for being in standby
status. For the purposes of this section, a member is in standby
status when not being paid for time actually worked and the employer
requires the member to be prepared to report immediately for work, if
the need arises, although the need may not arise.
(7) "Service" for plan 2 and plan 3 members means periods of
employment by a member in an eligible position or positions for one or
more employers for which compensation earnable is paid. Compensation
earnable earned for ninety or more hours in any calendar month shall
constitute one service credit month except as provided in RCW
41.35.180. Compensation earnable earned for at least seventy hours but
less than ninety hours in any calendar month shall constitute one-half
service credit month of service. Compensation earnable earned for less
than seventy hours in any calendar month shall constitute one-quarter
service credit month of service. Time spent in standby status, whether
compensated or not, is not service.
Any fraction of a year of service shall be taken into account in
the computation of such retirement allowance or benefits.
(a) Service in any state elective position shall be deemed to be
full-time service.
(b) A member shall receive a total of not more than twelve service
credit months of service for such calendar year. If an individual is
employed in an eligible position by one or more employers the
individual shall receive no more than one service credit month during
any calendar month in which multiple service for ninety or more hours
is rendered.
(c) For purposes of plan 2 and 3 "forty-five days" as used in RCW
28A.400.300 is equal to two service credit months. Use of less than
forty-five days of sick leave is creditable as allowed under this
subsection as follows:
(i) Less than eleven days equals one-quarter service credit month;
(ii) Eleven or more days but less than twenty-two days equals one-half service credit month;
(iii) Twenty-two days equals one service credit month;
(iv) More than twenty-two days but less than thirty-three days
equals one and one-quarter service credit month; and
(v) Thirty-three or more days but less than forty-five days equals
one and one-half service credit month.
(8) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(9) "Service credit month" means a month or an accumulation of
months of service credit which is equal to one.
(10) "Membership service" means all service rendered as a member.
(11) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 and plan 3 members means any person
in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by another
(12) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(13) "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all contributions
standing to the credit of a member in the member's individual account,
including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2), together with the
regular interest thereon.
(14) "Average final compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members
means the member's average compensation earnable of the highest
consecutive sixty months of service credit months prior to such
member's retirement, termination, or death. Periods constituting
authorized leaves of absence may not be used in the calculation of
average final compensation except under RCW 41.40.710(2).
(15) "Final compensation" means the annual rate of compensation
earnable by a member at the time of termination of employment.
(16) "Annuity" means payments for life derived from accumulated
contributions of a member. All annuities shall be paid in monthly
(17) "Pension" means payments for life derived from contributions
made by the employer. All pensions shall be paid in monthly
(18) "Retirement allowance" for plan 2 and plan 3 members means
monthly payments to a retiree or beneficiary as provided in this
(19) "Employee" or "employed" means a person who is providing
services for compensation to an employer, unless the person is free
from the employer's direction and control over the performance of work.
The department shall adopt rules and interpret this subsection
consistent with common law.
(20) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when
computed upon the basis of such mortality and other tables as may be
adopted by the director.
(21) "Retirement" means withdrawal from active service with a
retirement allowance as provided by this chapter.
(22) "Eligible position" means any position that, as defined by the
employer, normally requires five or more months of service a year for
which regular compensation for at least seventy hours is earned by the
occupant thereof. For purposes of this chapter an employer shall not
define "position" in such a manner that an employee's monthly work for
that employer is divided into more than one position.
(23) "Ineligible position" means any position which does not
conform with the requirements set forth in subsection (22) of this
(24) "Leave of absence" means the period of time a member is
authorized by the employer to be absent from service without being
separated from membership.
(25) "Retiree" means any person who has begun accruing a retirement
allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from
service rendered to an employer while a member.
(26) "Director" means the director of the department.
(27) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(28) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(29) "Plan 2" means the Washington school employees' retirement
system plan 2 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering
persons who first became members of the public employees' retirement
system on and after October 1, 1977, and transferred to the Washington
school employees' retirement system under RCW 41.40.750.
(30) "Plan 3" means the Washington school employees' retirement
system plan 3 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering
persons who first became members of the system on and after September
1, 2000, or who transfer from plan 2 under RCW 41.35.510.
(31) "Index" means, for any calendar year, that year's annual
average consumer price index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage
earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the bureau of
labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(32) "Index A" means the index for the year prior to the
determination of a postretirement adjustment.
(33) "Index B" means the index for the year prior to index A.
(34) "Adjustment ratio" means the value of index A divided by index
(35) "Separation from service" occurs when a person has terminated
all employment with an employer.
(36) "Member account" or "member's account" for purposes of plan 3
means the sum of the contributions and earnings on behalf of the member
in the defined contribution portion of plan 3.
(37) "Classified employee" means an employee of a school district
or an educational service district who is not eligible for membership
in the teachers' retirement system established under chapter 41.32 RCW.
(38) "Substitute employee" means a classified employee who is
employed by an employer exclusively as a substitute for an absent
(39) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 29 RCW 41.35.115 and 2003 c 402 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A one hundred fifty thousand dollar death benefit shall be paid
to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust or
organization as the member has nominated by written designation duly
executed and filed with the department. If no such designated person
or persons are still living at the time of the member's death, the
member's death benefit shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse
or domestic partner as if in fact the spouse or domestic partner had
been nominated by written designation, or if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner, then to the member's legal representatives.
(2) The benefit under this section shall be paid only where death
occurs as a result of injuries sustained in the course of employment.
The determination of eligibility for the benefit shall be made
consistent with Title 51 RCW by the department of labor and industries.
The department of labor and industries shall notify the department of
retirement systems by order under RCW 51.52.050.
Sec. 30 RCW 41.35.220 and 2002 c 158 s 11 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.35.420 or
41.35.680 or retirement for disability under RCW 41.35.440 or
41.35.690, a member shall elect to have the retirement allowance paid
pursuant to one of the following options, calculated so as to be
actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life.
(i) For members of plan 2, if the retiree dies before the total of
the retirement allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such
retiree's accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the
balance shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or
persons, trust, or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if
there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time
of the retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse or domestic
partner; or if there be neither such designated person or persons still
living at the time of death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner,
then to the retiree's legal representative.
(ii) For members of plan 3, upon the death of the retired member,
the member's benefits shall cease.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a person nominated by the member by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the
time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall
include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an
option under this section, the department shall pay a joint and fifty
percent survivor benefit calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the
benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless
spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules
that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit
options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from
a postretirement marriage or domestic partner from a postretirement
domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year period beginning
one year after the date of the postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement allowance
payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to
a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective date of this
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(4) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member of plan 2 who meets the length of service requirements of
RCW 41.35.420, or a member of plan 3 who meets the length of service
requirements of RCW 41.35.680(1), and the member's divorcing spouse be
divided into two separate benefits payable over the life of each
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the ages provided in RCW
41.35.420(1) for members of plan 2, or RCW 41.35.680(1) for members of
plan 3, and after filing a written application with the department.
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (3) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) Any benefit distributed pursuant to chapter 41.31A RCW after
the date of the dissolution order creating separate benefits for a
member and nonmember ex spouse shall be paid solely to the member.
(d) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 31 RCW 41.35.440 and 1998 c 341 s 105 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by
the department upon recommendation of the department shall be eligible
to receive an allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.35.400 through
41.35.599. The member shall receive a monthly disability allowance
computed as provided for in RCW 41.35.400 and shall have this allowance
actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years
between age at disability and the attainment of age sixty-five.
Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of this
section shall be subject to comprehensive medical examinations as
required by the department. If these medical examinations reveal that
a member has recovered from the incapacitating disability and the
member is offered reemployment by an employer at a comparable
compensation, the member shall cease to be eligible for the allowance.
(2) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this
section dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to the
recipient equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the
date of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's
estate, or the person or persons, trust, or organization as the
recipient has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed
with the director, or, if there is no designated person or persons
still living at the time of the recipient's death, then to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, or, if there is no designated
person or persons still living at the time of his or her death nor a
surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to his or her legal
Sec. 32 RCW 41.35.460 and 2003 c 155 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested
member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the
amount of the accumulated contributions standing to such member's
credit in the retirement system at the time of such member's death,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or
persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If
there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time
of the member's death, such member's accumulated contributions standing
to such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as
if in fact such spouse or domestic partner had been nominated by
written designation, or if there be no such surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to such member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall elect to receive
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.35.420, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and
actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option under RCW 41.35.220 and, except under subsection (4) of
this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at
the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.35.420; if
a surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving a retirement
allowance dies leaving a child or children of the member under the age
of majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority; if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner eligible to receive an allowance at the time
of the member's death, such member's child or children under the age of
majority shall receive an allowance, share and share alike, calculated
as herein provided making the assumption that the ages of the spouse or
domestic partner and member were equal at the time of the member's
death; or
(b) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies and is not survived by a
spouse, domestic partner, or an eligible child, then the accumulated
contributions standing to the member's credit, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid:
(a) To a person or persons, estate, trust, or organization as the
member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and
filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no such designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, then to the member's legal
(4) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.35.420. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.35.400.
Sec. 33 RCW 41.35.470 and 2005 c 64 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided
for under the provisions of RCW 41.35.400 through 41.35.599.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The compensation earnable reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes both the plan 2 employer and member
contributions plus interest as determined by the department for the
period of the authorized leave of absence within five years of
resumption of service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner; or
(b) If not within five years of resumption of service but prior to
retirement, pay the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
The contributions required under (a) of this subsection shall be
based on the average of the member's compensation earnable at both the
time the authorized leave of absence was granted and the time the
member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service. This
subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under RCW
41.35.430 within five years of resumption of service or prior to
retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the
member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the
member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii),
or (e)(iii) of this subsection, the department shall establish the
member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its
contribution required under RCW 41.35.430 for the period of military
service, plus interest as determined by the department.
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii)
of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would
have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with
reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the
year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pay((s)) the employee contributions required under chapter
41.45 RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the
distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 34 RCW 41.35.650 and 2005 c 64 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes the contribution on behalf of the employer,
plus interest, as determined by the department; and
(b) The member makes the employee contribution, plus interest, as
determined by the department, to the defined contribution portion.
The contributions required shall be based on the average of the
member's earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of
absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service if
within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services. This subsection
shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of
the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
The department shall establish the member's service credit and
shall bill the employer for its contribution required under RCW
41.35.720 for the period of military service, plus interest as
determined by the department. Service credit under this subsection may
be obtained only if the member makes the employee contribution to the
defined contribution portion as determined by the department.
The contributions required shall be based on the compensation the
member would have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be
estimated with reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the
member in the year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(a) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under this
subsection within five years of the date of death or prior to the
distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(b) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
this subsection within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 35 RCW 41.35.710 and 2003 c 155 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) If a member dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall receive a
retirement allowance computed as provided in RCW 41.35.620 actuarially
reduced to reflect a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and,
except under subsection (2) of this section, if the member was not
eligible for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction
as described in RCW 41.35.680.
If the surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving the
retirement allowance dies leaving a child or children under the age of
majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority.
If there is no surviving spouse or domestic partner eligible to
receive an allowance at the time of the member's death, such member's
child or children under the age of majority shall receive an allowance,
share and share alike. The allowance shall be calculated with the
assumption that the age of the spouse or domestic partner and member
were equal at the time of the member's death.
(2) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.35.680. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.35.620.
Sec. 36 RCW 41.37.010 and 2006 c 309 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter,
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Retirement system" means the Washington public safety
employees' retirement system provided for in this chapter.
(2) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created
in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(3) "State treasurer" means the treasurer of the state of
(4) "Employer" means the Washington state department of
corrections, the Washington state parks and recreation commission, the
Washington state gambling commission, the Washington state patrol, and
the Washington state liquor control board; any county corrections
department; any city corrections department not covered under chapter
41.28 RCW; or other employers employing statewide elective officials.
(5) "Member" means any employee employed by an employer on a full-time basis:
(a) Who is in a position that requires completion of a certified
criminal justice training course and is authorized by their employer to
arrest, conduct criminal investigations, enforce the criminal laws of
the state of Washington, and carry a firearm as part of the job;
(b) Whose primary responsibility is to ensure the custody and
security of incarcerated or probationary individuals as a corrections
officer, probation officer, or jailer;
(c) Who is a limited authority Washington peace officer, as defined
in RCW 10.93.020, for an employer; or
(d) Whose primary responsibility is to supervise members eligible
under this subsection.
(6)(a) "Compensation earnable" for members, means salaries or wages
earned by a member during a payroll period for personal services,
including overtime payments, and shall include wages and salaries
deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections 403(b),
414(h), and 457 of the United States internal revenue code, but shall
exclude nonmoney maintenance compensation and lump sum or other
payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused accumulated vacation,
unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of severance pay.
(b) "Compensation earnable" for members also includes the following
actual or imputed payments, which are not paid for personal services:
(i) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement, which are awarded or granted
as the equivalent of the salary or wage which the individual would have
earned during a payroll period shall be considered compensation
earnable to the extent provided in this subsection, and the individual
shall receive the equivalent service credit;
(ii) In any year in which a member serves in the legislature, the
member shall have the option of having such member's compensation
earnable be the greater of:
(A) The compensation earnable the member would have received had
such member not served in the legislature; or
(B) Such member's actual compensation earnable received for
nonlegislative public employment and legislative service combined. Any
additional contributions to the retirement system required because
compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(A) of this subsection is greater
than compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection shall be
paid by the member for both member and employer contributions;
(iii) Assault pay only as authorized by RCW 27.04.100, 72.01.045,
and 72.09.240;
(iv) Compensation that a member would have received but for a
disability occurring in the line of duty only as authorized by RCW
(v) Compensation that a member receives due to participation in the
leave sharing program only as authorized by RCW 41.04.650 through
41.04.670; and
(vi) Compensation that a member receives for being in standby
status. For the purposes of this section, a member is in standby
status when not being paid for time actually worked and the employer
requires the member to be prepared to report immediately for work, if
the need arises, although the need may not arise.
(7) "Service" means periods of employment by a member on or after
July 1, 2006, for one or more employers for which compensation earnable
is paid. Compensation earnable earned for ninety or more hours in any
calendar month shall constitute one service credit month. Compensation
earnable earned for at least seventy hours but less than ninety hours
in any calendar month shall constitute one-half service credit month of
service. Compensation earnable earned for less than seventy hours in
any calendar month shall constitute one-quarter service credit month of
service. Time spent in standby status, whether compensated or not, is
not service.
Any fraction of a year of service shall be taken into account in
the computation of such retirement allowance or benefits.
(a) Service in any state elective position shall be deemed to be
full-time service.
(b) A member shall receive a total of not more than twelve service
credit months of service for such calendar year. If an individual is
employed in an eligible position by one or more employers the
individual shall receive no more than one service credit month during
any calendar month in which multiple service for ninety or more hours
is rendered.
(8) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(9) "Service credit month" means a month or an accumulation of
months of service credit which is equal to one.
(10) "Membership service" means all service rendered as a member.
(11) "Beneficiary" means any person in receipt of a retirement
allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from
service rendered to an employer by another person.
(12) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(13) "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all contributions
standing to the credit of a member in the member's individual account,
including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2), together with the
regular interest thereon.
(14) "Average final compensation" means the member's average
compensation earnable of the highest consecutive sixty months of
service credit months prior to such member's retirement, termination,
or death. Periods constituting authorized leaves of absence may not be
used in the calculation of average final compensation except under RCW
(15) "Final compensation" means the annual rate of compensation
earnable by a member at the time of termination of employment.
(16) "Annuity" means payments for life derived from accumulated
contributions of a member. All annuities shall be paid in monthly
(17) "Pension" means payments for life derived from contributions
made by the employer. All pensions shall be paid in monthly
(18) "Retirement allowance" means monthly payments to a retiree or
beneficiary as provided in this chapter.
(19) "Employee" or "employed" means a person who is providing
services for compensation to an employer, unless the person is free
from the employer's direction and control over the performance of work.
The department shall adopt rules and interpret this subsection
consistent with common law.
(20) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when
computed upon the basis of such mortality and other tables as may be
adopted by the director.
(21) "Retirement" means withdrawal from active service with a
retirement allowance as provided by this chapter.
(22) "Eligible position" means any permanent, full-time, fully
compensated position included in subsection (5) of this section.
(23) "Ineligible position" means any position which does not
conform with the requirements set forth in subsection (22) of this
(24) "Leave of absence" means the period of time a member is
authorized by the employer to be absent from service without being
separated from membership.
(25) "Retiree" means any person who has begun accruing a retirement
allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from
service rendered to an employer while a member.
(26) "Director" means the director of the department.
(27) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(28) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(29) "Plan" means the Washington public safety employees'
retirement system plan 2.
(30) "Index" means, for any calendar year, that year's annual
average consumer price index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage
earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the bureau of
labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(31) "Index A" means the index for the year prior to the
determination of a postretirement adjustment.
(32) "Index B" means the index for the year prior to index A.
(33) "Adjustment ratio" means the value of index A divided by index
(34) "Separation from service" occurs when a person has terminated
all employment with an employer.
(35) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 37 RCW 41.37.170 and 2004 c 242 s 23 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.37.210 or
retirement for disability under RCW 41.37.230, a member shall elect to
have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to one of the following
options, calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout the member's life.
If the retiree dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid
to the retiree equals the amount of the retiree's accumulated
contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance shall be paid
to the member's estate, or the person or persons, trust, or
organization the retiree nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the department; or if there is no designated person or
persons still living at the time of the retiree's death, then to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner; or if there is neither a
designated person or persons still living at the time of death nor a
surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to the retiree's legal
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, the portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a person nominated by the member by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the
time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall
include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an
option under this section, the department shall pay a joint and fifty
percent survivor benefit calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the
benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless
spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member additional
actuarially equivalent survivor benefit options, and shall include, but
are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from
a postretirement marriage or a domestic partner from a postretirement
domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year period beginning
one year after the date of the postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement allowance
payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to
a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective date of this
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(4) The department shall adopt rules to permit:
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW
41.37.210 and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two
separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW
41.37.210(1) and after filing a written application with the
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (3) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 38 RCW 41.37.250 and 2005 c 327 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested
member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the
amount of the accumulated contributions standing to that member's
credit in the retirement system at the time of the member's death, less
any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid to the member's estate, or the person or
persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If
there is no designated person or persons still living at the time of
the member's death, the member's accumulated contributions standing to
the member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as
if in fact that spouse or domestic partner had been nominated by
written designation, or if there is no surviving spouse or domestic
partner, then to the member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall elect to receive
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.37.210, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and
actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option under RCW 41.37.170 and, except under subsection (4) of
this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at
the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.37.210; if
a surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving a retirement
allowance dies leaving a child or children of the member under the age
of majority, then the child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until the
child or children reach the age of majority; if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner eligible to receive an allowance at the time
of the member's death, the member's child or children under the age of
majority shall receive an allowance, share and share alike, calculated
under this section making the assumption that the ages of the spouse or
domestic partner and member were equal at the time of the member's
death; or
(b) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies and is not survived by a
spouse, domestic partner, or an eligible child, then the accumulated
contributions standing to the member's credit, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid:
(a) To a person or persons, estate, trust, or organization as the
member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and
filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no designated person or persons still living at the
time of the member's death, then to the member's legal representatives.
(4) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to reduction under RCW 41.37.210. The member's
retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.37.190.
Sec. 39 RCW 41.37.260 and 2005 c 64 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided
for under RCW 41.37.190 through 41.37.290.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The compensation earnable reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. This
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes both the employer and member contributions
plus interest as determined by the department for the period of the
authorized leave of absence within five years of resumption of service
or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner; or
(b) If not within five years of resumption of service but prior to
retirement, pay the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
The contributions required under (a) of this subsection shall be
based on the average of the member's compensation earnable at both the
time the authorized leave of absence was granted and the time the
member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service. This
subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under RCW
41.37.220 within five years of resumption of service or prior to
retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the
member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the
member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii),
or (e)(iii) of this subsection, the department shall establish the
member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its
contribution required under RCW 41.37.220 for the period of military
service, plus interest as determined by the department.
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii)
of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would
have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with
reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the
year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pays the employee contributions required under chapter 41.45
RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the distribution
of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 40 RCW 41.40.010 and 2004 c 242 s 53 are each amended to
read as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context:
(1) "Retirement system" means the public employees' retirement
system provided for in this chapter.
(2) "Department" means the department of retirement systems created
in chapter 41.50 RCW.
(3) "State treasurer" means the treasurer of the state of
(4)(a) "Employer" for plan 1 members, means every branch,
department, agency, commission, board, and office of the state, any
political subdivision or association of political subdivisions of the
state admitted into the retirement system, and legal entities
authorized by RCW 35.63.070 and 36.70.060 or chapter 39.34 RCW; and the
term shall also include any labor guild, association, or organization
the membership of a local lodge or division of which is comprised of at
least forty percent employees of an employer (other than such labor
guild, association, or organization) within this chapter. The term may
also include any city of the first class that has its own retirement
(b) "Employer" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means every branch,
department, agency, commission, board, and office of the state, and any
political subdivision and municipal corporation of the state admitted
into the retirement system, including public agencies created pursuant
to RCW 35.63.070, 36.70.060, and 39.34.030; except that after August
31, 2000, school districts and educational service districts will no
longer be employers for the public employees' retirement system plan 2.
(5) "Member" means any employee included in the membership of the
retirement system, as provided for in RCW 41.40.023. RCW 41.26.045
does not prohibit a person otherwise eligible for membership in the
retirement system from establishing such membership effective when he
or she first entered an eligible position.
(6) "Original member" of this retirement system means:
(a) Any person who became a member of the system prior to April 1,
(b) Any person who becomes a member through the admission of an
employer into the retirement system on and after April 1, 1949, and
prior to April 1, 1951;
(c) Any person who first becomes a member by securing employment
with an employer prior to April 1, 1951, provided the member has
rendered at least one or more years of service to any employer prior to
October 1, 1947;
(d) Any person who first becomes a member through the admission of
an employer into the retirement system on or after April 1, 1951,
provided, such person has been in the regular employ of the employer
for at least six months of the twelve-month period preceding the said
admission date;
(e) Any member who has restored all contributions that may have
been withdrawn as provided by RCW 41.40.150 and who on the effective
date of the individual's retirement becomes entitled to be credited
with ten years or more of membership service except that the provisions
relating to the minimum amount of retirement allowance for the member
upon retirement at age seventy as found in RCW 41.40.190(4) shall not
apply to the member;
(f) Any member who has been a contributor under the system for two
or more years and who has restored all contributions that may have been
withdrawn as provided by RCW 41.40.150 and who on the effective date of
the individual's retirement has rendered five or more years of service
for the state or any political subdivision prior to the time of the
admission of the employer into the system; except that the provisions
relating to the minimum amount of retirement allowance for the member
upon retirement at age seventy as found in RCW 41.40.190(4) shall not
apply to the member.
(7) "New member" means a person who becomes a member on or after
April 1, 1949, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(8)(a) "Compensation earnable" for plan 1 members, means salaries
or wages earned during a payroll period for personal services and where
the compensation is not all paid in money, maintenance compensation
shall be included upon the basis of the schedules established by the
member's employer.
(i) "Compensation earnable" for plan 1 members also includes the
following actual or imputed payments, which are not paid for personal
(A) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are
awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wage which the
individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be
considered compensation earnable and the individual shall receive the
equivalent service credit;
(B) If a leave of absence is taken by an individual for the purpose
of serving in the state legislature, the salary which would have been
received for the position from which the leave of absence was taken,
shall be considered as compensation earnable if the employee's
contribution is paid by the employee and the employer's contribution is
paid by the employer or employee;
(C) Assault pay only as authorized by RCW 27.04.100, 72.01.045, and
(D) Compensation that a member would have received but for a
disability occurring in the line of duty only as authorized by RCW
(E) Compensation that a member receives due to participation in the
leave sharing program only as authorized by RCW 41.04.650 through
41.04.670; and
(F) Compensation that a member receives for being in standby
status. For the purposes of this section, a member is in standby
status when not being paid for time actually worked and the employer
requires the member to be prepared to report immediately for work, if
the need arises, although the need may not arise.
(ii) "Compensation earnable" does not include:
(A) Remuneration for unused sick leave authorized under RCW
41.04.340, 28A.400.210, or 28A.310.490;
(B) Remuneration for unused annual leave in excess of thirty days
as authorized by RCW 43.01.044 and 43.01.041.
(b) "Compensation earnable" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means
salaries or wages earned by a member during a payroll period for
personal services, including overtime payments, and shall include wages
and salaries deferred under provisions established pursuant to sections
403(b), 414(h), and 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, but
shall exclude nonmoney maintenance compensation and lump sum or other
payments for deferred annual sick leave, unused accumulated vacation,
unused accumulated annual leave, or any form of severance pay.
"Compensation earnable" for plan 2 and plan 3 members also includes
the following actual or imputed payments, which are not paid for
personal services:
(i) Retroactive payments to an individual by an employer on
reinstatement of the employee in a position, or payments by an employer
to an individual in lieu of reinstatement in a position which are
awarded or granted as the equivalent of the salary or wage which the
individual would have earned during a payroll period shall be
considered compensation earnable to the extent provided above, and the
individual shall receive the equivalent service credit;
(ii) In any year in which a member serves in the legislature, the
member shall have the option of having such member's compensation
earnable be the greater of:
(A) The compensation earnable the member would have received had
such member not served in the legislature; or
(B) Such member's actual compensation earnable received for
nonlegislative public employment and legislative service combined. Any
additional contributions to the retirement system required because
compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(A) of this subsection is greater
than compensation earnable under (b)(ii)(B) of this subsection shall be
paid by the member for both member and employer contributions;
(iii) Assault pay only as authorized by RCW 27.04.100, 72.01.045,
and 72.09.240;
(iv) Compensation that a member would have received but for a
disability occurring in the line of duty only as authorized by RCW
(v) Compensation that a member receives due to participation in the
leave sharing program only as authorized by RCW 41.04.650 through
41.04.670; and
(vi) Compensation that a member receives for being in standby
status. For the purposes of this section, a member is in standby
status when not being paid for time actually worked and the employer
requires the member to be prepared to report immediately for work, if
the need arises, although the need may not arise.
(9)(a) "Service" for plan 1 members, except as provided in RCW
41.40.088, means periods of employment in an eligible position or
positions for one or more employers rendered to any employer for which
compensation is paid, and includes time spent in office as an elected
or appointed official of an employer. Compensation earnable earned in
full time work for seventy hours or more in any given calendar month
shall constitute one service credit month except as provided in RCW
41.40.088. Compensation earnable earned for less than seventy hours in
any calendar month shall constitute one-quarter service credit month of
service except as provided in RCW 41.40.088. Only service credit
months and one-quarter service credit months shall be counted in the
computation of any retirement allowance or other benefit provided for
in this chapter. Any fraction of a year of service shall be taken into
account in the computation of such retirement allowance or benefits.
Time spent in standby status, whether compensated or not, is not
(i) Service by a state employee officially assigned by the state on
a temporary basis to assist another public agency, shall be considered
as service as a state employee: PROVIDED, That service to any other
public agency shall not be considered service as a state employee if
such service has been used to establish benefits in any other public
retirement system.
(ii) An individual shall receive no more than a total of twelve
service credit months of service during any calendar year. If an
individual is employed in an eligible position by one or more employers
the individual shall receive no more than one service credit month
during any calendar month in which multiple service for seventy or more
hours is rendered.
(iii) A school district employee may count up to forty-five days of
sick leave as creditable service solely for the purpose of determining
eligibility to retire under RCW 41.40.180 as authorized by RCW
28A.400.300. For purposes of plan 1 "forty-five days" as used in RCW
28A.400.300 is equal to two service credit months. Use of less than
forty-five days of sick leave is creditable as allowed under this
subsection as follows:
(A) Less than twenty-two days equals one-quarter service credit
(B) Twenty-two days equals one service credit month;
(C) More than twenty-two days but less than forty-five days equals
one and one-quarter service credit month.
(b) "Service" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means periods of
employment by a member in an eligible position or positions for one or
more employers for which compensation earnable is paid. Compensation
earnable earned for ninety or more hours in any calendar month shall
constitute one service credit month except as provided in RCW
41.40.088. Compensation earnable earned for at least seventy hours but
less than ninety hours in any calendar month shall constitute one-half
service credit month of service. Compensation earnable earned for less
than seventy hours in any calendar month shall constitute one-quarter
service credit month of service. Time spent in standby status, whether
compensated or not, is not service.
Any fraction of a year of service shall be taken into account in
the computation of such retirement allowance or benefits.
(i) Service in any state elective position shall be deemed to be
full time service, except that persons serving in state elective
positions who are members of the Washington school employees'
retirement system, teachers' retirement system, public safety
employees' retirement system, or law enforcement officers' and fire
fighters' retirement system at the time of election or appointment to
such position may elect to continue membership in the Washington school
employees' retirement system, teachers' retirement system, public
safety employees' retirement system, or law enforcement officers' and
fire fighters' retirement system.
(ii) A member shall receive a total of not more than twelve service
credit months of service for such calendar year. If an individual is
employed in an eligible position by one or more employers the
individual shall receive no more than one service credit month during
any calendar month in which multiple service for ninety or more hours
is rendered.
(iii) Up to forty-five days of sick leave may be creditable as
service solely for the purpose of determining eligibility to retire
under RCW 41.40.180 as authorized by RCW 28A.400.300. For purposes of
plan 2 and plan 3 "forty-five days" as used in RCW 28A.400.300 is equal
to two service credit months. Use of less than forty-five days of sick
leave is creditable as allowed under this subsection as follows:
(A) Less than eleven days equals one-quarter service credit month;
(B) Eleven or more days but less than twenty-two days equals one-half service credit month;
(C) Twenty-two days equals one service credit month;
(D) More than twenty-two days but less than thirty-three days
equals one and one-quarter service credit month;
(E) Thirty-three or more days but less than forty-five days equals
one and one-half service credit month.
(10) "Service credit year" means an accumulation of months of
service credit which is equal to one when divided by twelve.
(11) "Service credit month" means a month or an accumulation of
months of service credit which is equal to one.
(12) "Prior service" means all service of an original member
rendered to any employer prior to October 1, 1947.
(13) "Membership service" means:
(a) All service rendered, as a member, after October 1, 1947;
(b) All service after October 1, 1947, to any employer prior to the
time of its admission into the retirement system for which member and
employer contributions, plus interest as required by RCW 41.50.125,
have been paid under RCW 41.40.056 or 41.40.057;
(c) Service not to exceed six consecutive months of probationary
service rendered after April 1, 1949, and prior to becoming a member,
in the case of any member, upon payment in full by such member of the
total amount of the employer's contribution to the retirement fund
which would have been required under the law in effect when such
probationary service was rendered if the member had been a member
during such period, except that the amount of the employer's
contribution shall be calculated by the director based on the first
month's compensation earnable as a member;
(d) Service not to exceed six consecutive months of probationary
service, rendered after October 1, 1947, and before April 1, 1949, and
prior to becoming a member, in the case of any member, upon payment in
full by such member of five percent of such member's salary during said
period of probationary service, except that the amount of the
employer's contribution shall be calculated by the director based on
the first month's compensation earnable as a member.
(14)(a) "Beneficiary" for plan 1 members, means any person in
receipt of a retirement allowance, pension or other benefit provided by
this chapter.
(b) "Beneficiary" for plan 2 and plan 3 members, means any person
in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this
chapter resulting from service rendered to an employer by another
(15) "Regular interest" means such rate as the director may
(16) "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all contributions
standing to the credit of a member in the member's individual account,
including any amount paid under RCW 41.50.165(2), together with the
regular interest thereon.
(17)(a) "Average final compensation" for plan 1 members, means the
annual average of the greatest compensation earnable by a member during
any consecutive two year period of service credit months for which
service credit is allowed; or if the member has less than two years of
service credit months then the annual average compensation earnable
during the total years of service for which service credit is allowed.
(b) "Average final compensation" for plan 2 and plan 3 members,
means the member's average compensation earnable of the highest
consecutive sixty months of service credit months prior to such
member's retirement, termination, or death. Periods constituting
authorized leaves of absence may not be used in the calculation of
average final compensation except under RCW 41.40.710(2).
(18) "Final compensation" means the annual rate of compensation
earnable by a member at the time of termination of employment.
(19) "Annuity" means payments for life derived from accumulated
contributions of a member. All annuities shall be paid in monthly
(20) "Pension" means payments for life derived from contributions
made by the employer. All pensions shall be paid in monthly
(21) "Retirement allowance" means the sum of the annuity and the
(22) "Employee" or "employed" means a person who is providing
services for compensation to an employer, unless the person is free
from the employer's direction and control over the performance of work.
The department shall adopt rules and interpret this subsection
consistent with common law.
(23) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when
computed upon the basis of such mortality and other tables as may be
adopted by the director.
(24) "Retirement" means withdrawal from active service with a
retirement allowance as provided by this chapter.
(25) "Eligible position" means:
(a) Any position that, as defined by the employer, normally
requires five or more months of service a year for which regular
compensation for at least seventy hours is earned by the occupant
thereof. For purposes of this chapter an employer shall not define
"position" in such a manner that an employee's monthly work for that
employer is divided into more than one position;
(b) Any position occupied by an elected official or person
appointed directly by the governor, or appointed by the chief justice
of the supreme court under RCW 2.04.240(2) or 2.06.150(2), for which
compensation is paid.
(26) "Ineligible position" means any position which does not
conform with the requirements set forth in subsection (25) of this
(27) "Leave of absence" means the period of time a member is
authorized by the employer to be absent from service without being
separated from membership.
(28) "Totally incapacitated for duty" means total inability to
perform the duties of a member's employment or office or any other work
for which the member is qualified by training or experience.
(29) "Retiree" means any person who has begun accruing a retirement
allowance or other benefit provided by this chapter resulting from
service rendered to an employer while a member.
(30) "Director" means the director of the department.
(31) "State elective position" means any position held by any
person elected or appointed to statewide office or elected or appointed
as a member of the legislature.
(32) "State actuary" or "actuary" means the person appointed
pursuant to RCW 44.44.010(2).
(33) "Plan 1" means the public employees' retirement system, plan
1 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who
first became members of the system prior to October 1, 1977.
(34) "Plan 2" means the public employees' retirement system, plan
2 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who
first became members of the system on and after October 1, 1977, and
are not included in plan 3.
(35) "Plan 3" means the public employees' retirement system, plan
3 providing the benefits and funding provisions covering persons who:
(a) First become a member on or after:
(i) March 1, 2002, and are employed by a state agency or institute
of higher education and who did not choose to enter plan 2; or
(ii) September 1, 2002, and are employed by other than a state
agency or institute of higher education and who did not choose to enter
plan 2; or
(b) Transferred to plan 3 under RCW 41.40.795.
(36) "Index" means, for any calendar year, that year's annual
average consumer price index, Seattle, Washington area, for urban wage
earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the bureau of
labor statistics, United States department of labor.
(37) "Index A" means the index for the year prior to the
determination of a postretirement adjustment.
(38) "Index B" means the index for the year prior to index A.
(39) "Index year" means the earliest calendar year in which the
index is more than sixty percent of index A.
(40) "Adjustment ratio" means the value of index A divided by index
(41) "Annual increase" means, initially, fifty-nine cents per month
per year of service which amount shall be increased each July 1st by
three percent, rounded to the nearest cent.
(42) "Separation from service" occurs when a person has terminated
all employment with an employer. Separation from service or employment
does not occur, and if claimed by an employer or employee may be a
violation of RCW 41.40.055, when an employee and employer have a
written or oral agreement to resume employment with the same employer
following termination.
(43) "Member account" or "member's account" for purposes of plan 3
means the sum of the contributions and earnings on behalf of the member
in the defined contribution portion of plan 3.
(44) "Domestic partner" means two persons in a relationship who:
(a) Have a close personal relationship;
(b) Are each other's sole domestic partner and are responsible for
each other's common welfare;
(c) Share the same regular and permanent residence;
(d) Are jointly responsible for basic living expenses, which means
the cost of basic food, shelter, and any other expenses of a domestic
partner, that are paid at least in part by a program or benefit for
which the partner qualified because of the domestic partnership,
regardless of whether the persons contribute equally or jointly to the
cost of the expenses as long as they agree that both are responsible
for the cost;
(e) Are not married to anyone;
(f) Are each eighteen years of age or older;
(g) Are not related by blood closer than would bar marriage in the
state of Washington; and
(h) Were mentally competent to consent to contract when the
domestic partnership began.
Sec. 41 RCW 41.40.0931 and 1998 c 157 s 1 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A one hundred fifty thousand dollar death benefit for members
who had the opportunity to transfer to the law enforcement officers'
and fire fighters' retirement system pursuant to chapter 502, Laws of
1993, but elected to remain in the public employees' retirement system,
shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust,
or organization as the member has nominated by written designation duly
executed and filed with the department. If there is no designated
person or persons still living at the time of the member's death, the
member's death benefit shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse
or domestic partner as if in fact the spouse or domestic partner had
been nominated by written designation, or if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner, then to the member's legal representatives.
(2) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, the benefit under
this section shall be paid only where death occurs as a result of
injuries sustained in the course of employment as a general authority
police officer. The determination of eligibility for the benefit shall
be made consistent with Title 51 RCW by the department of labor and
industries. The department of labor and industries shall notify the
department of retirement systems by order under RCW 51.52.050.
(3) The benefit under this section shall not be paid in the event
the member was in the act of committing a felony when the fatal
injuries were suffered.
Sec. 42 RCW 41.40.170 and 2005 c 247 s 2 and 2005 c 64 s 1 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) A member who has served or shall serve on active federal
service in the military or naval forces of the United States and who
left or shall leave an employer to enter such service shall be deemed
to be on military leave of absence if he or she has resumed or shall
resume employment as an employee within one year from termination
(2) If he or she has applied or shall apply for reinstatement of
employment, within one year from termination of the military service,
and is refused employment for reasons beyond his or her control, he or
she shall, upon resumption of service within ten years have such
service credited to him or her.
(3) In any event, after completing twenty-five years of creditable
service, any member may have service in the armed forces credited to
him or her as a member whether or not he or she left the employ of an
employer to enter the armed service: PROVIDED, That in no instance,
described in this section, shall military service in excess of five
years be credited: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That in each instance the
member must restore all withdrawn accumulated contributions, which
restoration must be completed within five years of membership service
following the first resumption of employment or complete twenty-five
years of creditable service: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That this section
will not apply to any individual, not a veteran within the meaning of
RCW 41.04.005.
(4)(a) A member, after completing twenty-five years of creditable
service, who would have otherwise become eligible for a retirement
benefit as defined under this chapter while serving honorably in the
armed forces as referenced in RCW 41.04.005, shall, upon application to
the department, be eligible to receive credit for this service without
returning to covered employment.
(b) Service credit granted under (a) of this subsection applies
only to veterans as defined in RCW 41.40.005.
(5) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(a) Provides to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services; and
(b) Provides to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death.
(6) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(a) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services; and
(b) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services.
Sec. 43 RCW 41.40.185 and 1991 c 343 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
Upon retirement from service, as provided for in RCW 41.40.180 or
41.40.210, a member shall be eligible for a service retirement
allowance computed on the basis of the law in effect at the time of
retirement, together with such postretirement pension increases as may
from time to time be expressly authorized by the legislature. The
service retirement allowance payable to members retiring on and after
February 25, 1972 shall consist of:
(1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or
her additional contributions made pursuant to RCW 41.40.330(2).
(2) A membership service pension, subject to the provisions of
subsection (4) of this section, which shall be equal to two percent of
his or her average final compensation for each service credit year or
fraction of a service credit year of membership service.
(3) A prior service pension which shall be equal to one-seventieth
of his or her average final compensation for each year or fraction of
a year of prior service not to exceed thirty years credited to his or
her service accounts. In no event, except as provided in this 1972
amendatory act, shall any member receive a retirement allowance
pursuant to subsections (2) and (3) of this section of more than sixty
percent of his or her average final compensation: PROVIDED, That no
member shall receive a pension under this section of less than nine
hundred dollars per annum if such member has twelve or more years of
service credit, or less than one thousand and two hundred dollars per
annum if such member has sixteen or more years of service credit, or
less than one thousand five hundred and sixty dollars per annum if such
member has twenty or more years of service credit.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) through (3)
of this section, the retirement allowance payable for service where a
member was elected or appointed pursuant to Articles II or III of the
Constitution of the state of Washington or RCW 48.02.010 and the
implementing statutes shall be a combined pension and annuity. Said
retirement allowance shall be equal to three percent of the average
final compensation for each year of such service. Any member covered
by this subsection who upon retirement has served ten or more years
shall receive a retirement allowance of at least one thousand two
hundred dollars per annum; such member who has served fifteen or more
years shall receive a retirement allowance of at least one thousand
eight hundred dollars per annum; and such member who has served twenty
or more years shall receive a retirement allowance of at least two
thousand four hundred dollars per annum: PROVIDED, That the initial
retirement allowance of a member retiring only under the provisions of
this subsection shall not exceed the average final compensation upon
which the retirement allowance is based. The minimum benefits provided
in this subsection shall apply to all retired members or to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner of deceased members who were
elected to the office of state senator or state representative.
Sec. 44 RCW 41.40.188 and 2002 c 158 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.40.180 or
retirement for disability under RCW 41.40.210 or 41.40.230, a member
shall elect to have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to one of
the following options calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to
each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life.
However, if the retiree dies before the total of the retirement
allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such retiree's
accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance
shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust,
or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if there be
no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the
retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse or domestic partner; or
if there be neither such designated person or persons still living at
the time of death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to
the retiree's legal representative.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a person nominated by the member by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the
time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall
include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(c) A member may elect to include the benefit provided under RCW
41.40.640 along with the retirement options available under this
section. This retirement allowance option shall be calculated so as to
be actuarially equivalent to the options offered under this subsection.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an
option under this section, the department shall pay a joint and fifty
percent survivor benefit calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the
benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless
spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who
elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection
(1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement
allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they
meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has
predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the
designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1,
1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever
comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this
subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and
survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table
in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from
the beginning of the month following the date of the designated
beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules
that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit
options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from
a postretirement marriage or domestic partner from a postretirement
domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year period beginning
one year after the date of the postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement allowance
payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to
a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective date of this
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW
41.40.180(1) and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two
separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW
41.40.180(1) and after filing a written application with the
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The separate single life benefits of the member and the
nonmember ex spouse are not (i) subject to the minimum benefit
provisions of RCW 41.40.1984, or (ii) the minimum benefit annual
increase amount eligibility provisions of RCW 41.40.197 (2)(b) and
(d) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 45 RCW 41.40.190 and 1990 c 249 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
In lieu of the retirement allowance provided in RCW 41.40.185, an
individual employed on or before April 25, 1973 may, after complying
with RCW 41.40.180 or 41.40.210, make an irrevocable election to
receive the retirement allowance provided by this section which shall
consist of:
(1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or
her accumulated contributions at the time of his or her retirement; and
(2) A basic service pension of one hundred dollars per annum; and
(3) A membership service pension, subject to the provisions of
((subdivision)) subsection (4) of this section, which shall be equal to
one one-hundredth of his or her average final compensation for each
year or fraction of a year of membership service credited to his or her
service account; and
(4) A prior service pension which shall be equal to one-seventieth
of his or her average final compensation for each year or fraction of
a year of prior service not to exceed thirty years credited to his or
her service accounts. In no event shall any original member upon
retirement at age seventy with ten or more years of service credit
receive less than nine hundred dollars per annum as a retirement
allowance, nor shall any member upon retirement at any age receive a
retirement allowance of less than nine hundred dollars per annum if
such member has twelve or more years of service credit, or less than
one thousand and two hundred dollars per annum if such member has
sixteen or more years of service credit, or less than one thousand five
hundred and sixty dollars per annum if such member has twenty or more
years of service credit. In the event that the retirement allowance as
to such member provided by ((subdivisions)) subsections (1), (2), (3),
and (4) ((hereof)) of this section shall amount to less than the
aforesaid minimum retirement allowance, the basic service pension of
the member shall be increased from one hundred dollars to a sum
sufficient to make a retirement allowance of the applicable minimum
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) through (4)
of this section, the retirement allowance payable for service where a
member was elected or appointed pursuant to Articles II or III of the
Constitution of the state of Washington or RCW 48.02.010 and the
implementing statutes shall be a combined pension and annuity. Said
retirement allowance shall be equal to three percent of the average
final compensation for each year of such service. Any member covered
by this subsection who upon retirement has served ten or more years
shall receive a retirement allowance of at least one thousand two
hundred dollars per annum; such member who has served fifteen or more
years shall receive a retirement allowance of at least one thousand
eight hundred dollars per annum; and such member who has served twenty
or more years shall receive a retirement allowance of at least two
thousand four hundred dollars per annum: PROVIDED, That the initial
retirement allowance of a member retiring only under the provisions of
this subsection shall not exceed the average final compensation upon
which the retirement allowance is based. The minimum benefits provided
in this subsection shall apply to all retired members or to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner of deceased members who were
elected under the provisions of Article II of the Washington state
(6) Unless payment shall be made under RCW 41.40.270, a joint and
one hundred percent survivor benefit under RCW 41.40.188 shall
automatically be given effect as if selected for the benefit of the
surviving spouse or domestic partner upon the death in service, or
while on authorized leave of absence for a period not to exceed one
hundred and twenty days from the date of payroll separation, of any
member who is qualified for a service retirement allowance or has
completed ten years of service at the time of death, except that if the
member is not then qualified for a service retirement allowance, such
option II benefit shall be based upon the actuarial equivalent of the
sum necessary to pay the accrued regular retirement allowance
commencing when the deceased member would have first qualified for a
service retirement allowance.
Sec. 46 RCW 41.40.220 and 1995 c 144 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
Upon retirement for disability, as provided in RCW 41.40.200, a
member who has not attained age sixty shall receive the following
benefits, subject to the provisions of RCW 41.40.310 and 41.40.320:
(1) A disability retirement pension of two-thirds of his or her
average final compensation to his or her attainment of age sixty,
subject to the provisions of RCW 41.40.310. The disability retirement
pension provided by the employer shall not exceed forty-two hundred
dollars per annum, and
(2) Upon attainment of age sixty, the disabled member shall receive
a service retirement allowance as provided in RCW 41.40.210. The
department shall grant the disabled member membership service for the
period of time prior to age sixty he or she was out of such service due
to disability.
(3) During the period a disabled member is receiving a disability
pension, as provided for in subsection (1) of this section, his or her
contributions to the employees' savings fund shall be suspended and his
or her balance in the employees' savings fund, standing to his or her
credit as of the date his or her disability pension is to begin, shall
remain in the employees' savings fund. If the disabled member should
die before attaining age sixty, while a disability beneficiary, upon
receipt by the department of proper proof of death, the member's
accumulated contributions standing to his or her credit in the
employees' savings fund, shall be paid to the member's estate, or such
person or persons, trust, or organization as he or she shall have
nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the
department. If there is no designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, the accumulated contributions
standing to the member's credit in the employees' savings fund shall be
paid to his or her surviving spouse or domestic partner, or if there is
no surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to the member's legal
Sec. 47 RCW 41.40.235 and 1995 c 144 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Upon retirement, a member shall receive a nonduty disability
retirement allowance equal to two percent of average final compensation
for each service credit year of service: PROVIDED, That this allowance
shall be reduced by two percent of itself for each year or fraction
thereof that his or her age is less than fifty-five years: PROVIDED
FURTHER, That in no case may the allowance provided by this section
exceed sixty percent of average final compensation.
(2) If the recipient of a retirement allowance under this section
dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to the recipient
equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the date of
retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's estate, or
the person or persons, trust, or organization as the recipient has
nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the
director or, if there is no designated person or persons still living
at the time of the recipient's death, then to the surviving spouse or
domestic partner or, if there is neither a designated person or persons
still living at the time of his or her death nor a surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to his or her legal representative.
Sec. 48 RCW 41.40.250 and 1995 c 144 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
An individual who was a member on February 25, 1972, may upon
qualifying pursuant to RCW 41.40.230, make an irrevocable election to
receive the nonduty disability retirement allowance provided in
subsections (1) and (2) of this section subject to the provisions of
RCW 41.40.310 and 41.40.320. Upon attaining or becoming disabled after
age sixty the member shall receive a service retirement allowance as
provided for in RCW 41.40.190 except that the annuity portion thereof
shall consist of a continuation of the cash refund annuity previously
provided to him or her. The disability retirement allowance prior to
age sixty shall consist of:
(1) A cash refund annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent
of the member's accumulated contributions at the time of his or her
retirement; and
(2) A pension, in addition to the annuity, equal to one one-hundredth of the member's average final compensation for each year of
service. If the recipient of a retirement allowance under this section
dies before the total of the annuity portions of the retirement
allowance paid to him or her equals the amount of his or her
accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the balance
shall be paid to the member's estate, or the person or persons, trust,
or organization as he or she shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department, or if there is
no designated person or persons, still living at the time of his or her
death, then to his or her surviving spouse or domestic partner, or if
there is no designated person or persons still living at the time of
his or her death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to
his or her legal representatives.
Sec. 49 RCW 41.40.270 and 2003 c 155 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, should
a member die before the date of retirement the amount of the
accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit in the
employees' savings fund, less any amount identified as owing to an
obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a
court order filed under RCW 41.50.670, at the time of death:
(a) Shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or
persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department; or
(b) If there be no such designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, or if a member fails to file a new
beneficiary designation subsequent to marriage, remarriage, dissolution
of marriage, divorce, or reestablishment of membership following
termination by withdrawal or retirement, such accumulated
contributions, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon
withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed
under RCW 41.50.670, shall be paid to the surviving spouse or domestic
partner as if in fact such spouse or domestic partner had been
nominated by written designation as aforesaid, or if there be no such
surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to the member's legal
(2) Upon the death in service, or while on authorized leave of
absence for a period not to exceed one hundred and twenty days from the
date of payroll separation, of any member who is qualified but has not
applied for a service retirement allowance or has completed ten years
of service at the time of death, the designated beneficiary, or the
surviving spouse or domestic partner as provided in subsection (1) of
this section, may elect to waive the payment provided by subsection (1)
of this section. Upon such an election, a joint and one hundred
percent survivor option under RCW 41.40.188, calculated under the
retirement allowance described in RCW 41.40.185 or 41.40.190, whichever
is greater, actuarially reduced, except under subsection (5) of this
section, by the amount of any lump sum benefit identified as owing to
an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a
court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 shall automatically be given
effect as if selected for the benefit of the designated beneficiary.
If the member is not then qualified for a service retirement allowance,
such benefit shall be based upon the actuarial equivalent of the sum
necessary to pay the accrued regular retirement allowance commencing
when the deceased member would have first qualified for a service
retirement allowance.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section, unless elected, shall not apply
to any member who has applied for service retirement in RCW 41.40.180,
as now or hereafter amended, and thereafter dies between the date of
separation from service and the member's effective retirement date,
where the member has selected a survivorship option under RCW
41.40.188. In those cases the beneficiary named in the member's final
application for service retirement may elect to receive either a cash
refund, less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon
withdrawal of accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed
under RCW 41.50.670, or monthly payments according to the option
selected by the member.
(4) If a member dies within sixty days following application for
disability retirement under RCW 41.40.230, the beneficiary named in the
application may elect to receive the benefit provided by:
(a) This section; or
(b) RCW 41.40.235, according to the option chosen under RCW
41.40.188 in the disability application.
(5) The retirement allowance of a member who is killed in the
course of employment, as determined by the director of the department
of labor and industries, is not subject to an actuarial reduction. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.40.185.
Sec. 50 RCW 41.40.660 and 2003 c 294 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Upon retirement for service as prescribed in RCW 41.40.630 or
retirement for disability under RCW 41.40.670, a member shall elect to
have the retirement allowance paid pursuant to one of the following
options, calculated so as to be actuarially equivalent to each other.
(a) Standard allowance. A member electing this option shall
receive a retirement allowance payable throughout such member's life.
However, if the retiree dies before the total of the retirement
allowance paid to such retiree equals the amount of such retiree's
accumulated contributions at the time of retirement, then the balance
shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or persons, trust,
or organization as the retiree shall have nominated by written
designation duly executed and filed with the department; or if there be
no such designated person or persons still living at the time of the
retiree's death, then to the surviving spouse or domestic partner; or
if there be neither such designated person or persons still living at
the time of death nor a surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to
the retiree's legal representative.
(b) The department shall adopt rules that allow a member to select
a retirement option that pays the member a reduced retirement allowance
and upon death, such portion of the member's reduced retirement
allowance as the department by rule designates shall be continued
throughout the life of and paid to a person nominated by the member by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department at the
time of retirement. The options adopted by the department shall
include, but are not limited to, a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option and a joint and fifty percent survivor option.
(2)(a) A member, if married, must provide the written consent of
his or her spouse to the option selected under this section, except as
provided in (b) of this subsection. If a member is married and both
the member and the member's spouse do not give written consent to an
option under this section, the department shall pay a joint and fifty
percent survivor benefit calculated to be actuarially equivalent to the
benefit options available under subsection (1) of this section unless
spousal consent is not required as provided in (b) of this subsection.
(b) If a copy of a dissolution order designating a survivor
beneficiary under RCW 41.50.790 has been filed with the department at
least thirty days prior to a member's retirement:
(i) The department shall honor the designation as if made by the
member under subsection (1) of this section; and
(ii) The spousal consent provisions of (a) of this subsection do
not apply.
(3)(a) Any member who retired before January 1, 1996, and who
elected to receive a reduced retirement allowance under subsection
(1)(b) or (2) of this section is entitled to receive a retirement
allowance adjusted in accordance with (b) of this subsection, if they
meet the following conditions:
(i) The retiree's designated beneficiary predeceases or has
predeceased the retiree; and
(ii) The retiree provides to the department proper proof of the
designated beneficiary's death.
(b) The retirement allowance payable to the retiree, as of July 1,
1998, or the date of the designated beneficiary's death, whichever
comes last, shall be increased by the percentage derived in (c) of this
(c) The percentage increase shall be derived by the following:
(i) One hundred percent multiplied by the result of (c)(ii) of this
subsection converted to a percent;
(ii) Subtract one from the reciprocal of the appropriate joint and
survivor option factor;
(iii) The joint and survivor option factor shall be from the table
in effect as of July 1, 1998.
(d) The adjustment under (b) of this subsection shall accrue from
the beginning of the month following the date of the designated
beneficiary's death or from July 1, 1998, whichever comes last.
(4) No later than July 1, 2001, the department shall adopt rules
that allow a member additional actuarially equivalent survivor benefit
options, and shall include, but are not limited to:
(a)(i) A retired member who retired without designating a survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to designate their spouse from
a postretirement marriage or a domestic partner from a postretirement
domestic partnership as a survivor during a one-year period beginning
one year after the date of the postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership provided the retirement allowance
payable to the retiree is not subject to periodic payments pursuant to
a property division obligation as provided for in RCW 41.50.670.
(ii) A member who entered into a postretirement marriage or
postretirement domestic partnership prior to the effective date of the
rules adopted pursuant to this subsection and satisfies the conditions
of (a)(i) of this subsection shall have one year to designate their
spouse or domestic partner as a survivor beneficiary following the
adoption of the rules, however in the case of a domestic partnership,
the member must make the designation by the effective of this section.
(b) A retired member who elected to receive a reduced retirement
allowance under this section and designated a nonspouse as survivor
beneficiary shall have the opportunity to remove the survivor
designation and have their future benefit adjusted.
(c) The department may make an additional charge, if necessary, to
ensure that the benefits provided under this subsection remain
actuarially equivalent.
(5) No later than July 1, 2003, the department shall adopt rules to
(a) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made before retirement to provide that benefits payable
to a member who meets the length of service requirements of RCW
41.40.720 and the member's divorcing spouse be divided into two
separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse.
The member shall have available the benefit options of subsection
(1) of this section upon retirement, and if remarried at the time of
retirement remains subject to the spousal consent requirements of
subsection (2) of this section. Any reductions of the member's benefit
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
The nonmember ex spouse shall be eligible to commence receiving
their separate benefit upon reaching the age provided in RCW
41.40.630(1) and after filing a written application with the
(b) A court-approved property settlement incident to a court decree
of dissolution made after retirement may only divide the benefit into
two separate benefits payable over the life of each spouse if the
nonmember ex spouse was selected as a survivor beneficiary at
The retired member may later choose the survivor benefit options
available in subsection (4) of this section. Any actuarial reductions
subsequent to the division into two separate benefits shall be made
solely to the separate benefit of the member.
Both the retired member and the nonmember divorced spouse shall be
eligible to commence receiving their separate benefits upon filing a
copy of the dissolution order with the department in accordance with
RCW 41.50.670.
(c) The department may make an additional charge or adjustment if
necessary to ensure that the separate benefits provided under this
subsection are actuarially equivalent to the benefits payable prior to
the decree of dissolution.
Sec. 51 RCW 41.40.670 and 1995 c 144 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member of the retirement system who becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer as determined by
the department upon recommendation of the department shall be eligible
to receive an allowance under the provisions of RCW 41.40.610 through
41.40.740. The member shall receive a monthly disability allowance
computed as provided for in RCW 41.40.620 and shall have this allowance
actuarially reduced to reflect the difference in the number of years
between age at disability and the attainment of age sixty-five.
Any member who receives an allowance under the provisions of this
section shall be subject to comprehensive medical examinations as
required by the department. If these medical examinations reveal that
a member has recovered from the incapacitating disability and the
member is offered reemployment by an employer at a comparable
compensation, the member shall cease to be eligible for the allowance.
(2) The retirement for disability of a judge, who is a member of
the retirement system, by the supreme court under Article IV, section
31 of the Constitution of the state of Washington (Amendment 71), with
the concurrence of the department, shall be considered a retirement
under subsection (1) of this section.
(3)(a) If the recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under
this section dies before the total of the retirement allowance paid to
the recipient equals the amount of the accumulated contributions at the
date of retirement, then the balance shall be paid to the member's
estate, or the person or persons, trust, or organization as the
recipient has nominated by written designation duly executed and filed
with the director, or, if there is no designated person or persons
still living at the time of the recipient's death, then to the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, or, if there is no designated
person or persons still living at the time of his or her death nor a
surviving spouse or domestic partner, then to his or her legal
(b) If a recipient of a monthly retirement allowance under this
section died before April 27, 1989, and before the total of the
retirement allowance paid to the recipient equaled the amount of his or
her accumulated contributions at the date of retirement, then the
department shall pay the balance of the accumulated contributions to
the member's surviving spouse or, if there is no surviving spouse, then
in equal shares to the member's children. If there is no surviving
spouse or children, the department shall retain the contributions.
Sec. 52 RCW 41.40.700 and 2003 c 155 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW 11.07.010, if a member or a vested
member who has not completed at least ten years of service dies, the
amount of the accumulated contributions standing to such member's
credit in the retirement system at the time of such member's death,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid to the member's estate, or such person or
persons, trust, or organization as the member shall have nominated by
written designation duly executed and filed with the department. If
there be no such designated person or persons still living at the time
of the member's death, such member's accumulated contributions standing
to such member's credit in the retirement system, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670,
shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as
if in fact such spouse or domestic partner had been nominated by
written designation, or if there be no such surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to such member's legal representatives.
(2) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall elect to receive
(a) A retirement allowance computed as provided for in RCW
41.40.630, actuarially reduced by the amount of any lump sum benefit
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670 and
actuarially adjusted to reflect a joint and one hundred percent
survivor option under RCW 41.40.660 and, except under subsection (4) of
this section, if the member was not eligible for normal retirement at
the date of death a further reduction as described in RCW 41.40.630; if
a surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving a retirement
allowance dies leaving a child or children of the member under the age
of majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority; if there is no surviving
spouse or domestic partner eligible to receive an allowance at the time
of the member's death, such member's child or children under the age of
majority shall receive an allowance share and share alike calculated as
herein provided making the assumption that the ages of the spouse or
domestic partner and member were equal at the time of the member's
death; or
(b) The member's accumulated contributions, less any amount
identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of accumulated
contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW 41.50.670.
(3) If a member who is eligible for retirement or a member who has
completed at least ten years of service dies after October 1, 1977, and
is not survived by a spouse, domestic partner, or an eligible child,
then the accumulated contributions standing to the member's credit,
less any amount identified as owing to an obligee upon withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order filed under RCW
41.50.670, shall be paid:
(a) To a person or persons, estate, trust, or organization as the
member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and
filed with the department; or
(b) If there is no such designated person or persons still living
at the time of the member's death, then to the member's legal
(4) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.40.630. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.40.620.
Sec. 53 RCW 41.40.710 and 2005 c 64 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit as provided
for under the provisions of RCW 41.40.610 through 41.40.740.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The compensation earnable reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes both the plan 2 employer and member
contributions plus interest as determined by the department for the
period of the authorized leave of absence within five years of
resumption of service or prior to retirement whichever comes sooner; or
(b) If not within five years of resumption of service but prior to
retirement, pay the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
The contributions required under (a) of this subsection shall be
based on the average of the member's compensation earnable at both the
time the authorized leave of absence was granted and the time the
member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service. This
subsection shall be administered in a manner consistent with the
requirements of the federal uniformed services employment and
reemployment rights act.
(a) The member qualifies for service credit under this subsection
(i) Within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services; and
(ii) The member makes the employee contributions required under RCW
41.45.061 and 41.45.067 within five years of resumption of service or
prior to retirement, whichever comes sooner; or
(iii) Prior to retirement and not within ninety days of the
member's honorable discharge or five years of resumption of service the
member pays the amount required under RCW 41.50.165(2).
(b) Upon receipt of member contributions under (a)(ii), (d)(iii),
or (e)(iii) of this subsection, the department shall establish the
member's service credit and shall bill the employer for its
contribution required under RCW 41.45.060, 41.45.061, and 41.45.067 for
the period of military service, plus interest as determined by the
(c) The contributions required under (a)(ii), (d)(iii), or (e)(iii)
of this subsection shall be based on the compensation the member would
have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be estimated with
reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the member in the
year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(d) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pay((s)) the employee contributions required under chapter
41.45 RCW within five years of the date of death or prior to the
distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(e) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
chapter 41.45 RCW within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 54 RCW 41.40.805 and 2005 c 64 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) A member who is on a paid leave of absence authorized by a
member's employer shall continue to receive service credit.
(2) A member who receives compensation from an employer while on an
authorized leave of absence to serve as an elected official of a labor
organization, and whose employer is reimbursed by the labor
organization for the compensation paid to the member during the period
of absence, may also be considered to be on a paid leave of absence.
This subsection shall only apply if the member's leave of absence is
authorized by a collective bargaining agreement that provides that the
member retains seniority rights with the employer during the period of
leave. The earnable compensation reported for a member who establishes
service credit under this subsection may not be greater than the salary
paid to the highest paid job class covered by the collective bargaining
(3) Except as specified in subsection (4) of this section, a member
shall be eligible to receive a maximum of two years' service credit
during a member's entire working career for those periods when a member
is on an unpaid leave of absence authorized by an employer. Such
credit may be obtained only if:
(a) The member makes the contribution on behalf of the employer,
plus interest, as determined by the department; and
(b) The member makes the employee contribution, plus interest, as
determined by the department, to the defined contribution portion.
The contributions required shall be based on the average of the
member's earnable compensation at both the time the authorized leave of
absence was granted and the time the member resumed employment.
(4) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States shall be entitled to retirement
system service credit for up to five years of military service if
within ninety days of the member's honorable discharge from the
uniformed services of the United States, the member applies for
reemployment with the employer who employed the member immediately
prior to the member entering the uniformed services. This subsection
shall be administered in a manner consistent with the requirements of
the federal uniformed services employment and reemployment rights act.
The department shall establish the member's service credit and
shall bill the employer for its contribution required under RCW
41.45.060 and 41.45.067 for the period of military service, plus
interest as determined by the department. Service credit under this
subsection may be obtained only if the member makes the employee
contribution to the defined contribution portion as determined by the
The contributions required shall be based on the compensation the
member would have earned if not on leave, or if that cannot be
estimated with reasonable certainty, the compensation reported for the
member in the year prior to when the member went on military leave.
(a) The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or eligible child or
children of a member who left the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and died while serving in the
uniformed services may, on behalf of the deceased member, apply for
retirement system service credit under this subsection up to the date
of the member's death in the uniformed services. The department shall
establish the deceased member's service credit if the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children:
(i) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's death while
serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) Provide((s)) to the director proof of the member's honorable
service in the uniformed services prior to the date of death; and
(iii) Pay((s)) the employee contributions required under this
subsection within five years of the date of death or prior to the
distribution of any benefit, whichever comes first.
(b) A member who leaves the employ of an employer to enter the
uniformed services of the United States and becomes totally
incapacitated for continued employment by an employer while serving in
the uniformed services is entitled to retirement system service credit
under this subsection up to the date of discharge from the uniformed
services if:
(i) The member obtains a determination from the director that he or
she is totally incapacitated for continued employment due to conditions
or events that occurred while serving in the uniformed services;
(ii) The member provides to the director proof of honorable
discharge from the uniformed services; and
(iii) The member pays the employee contributions required under
this subsection within five years of the director's determination of
total disability or prior to the distribution of any benefit, whichever
comes first.
Sec. 55 RCW 41.44.030 and 1967 ex.s. c 28 s 6 are each amended to
read as follows:
As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context:
(1) "Retirement system" means the statewide city employees
retirement system provided for herein.
(2) "City" or "cities" includes town or towns.
(3) "Employee" means any appointive officer or employee and shall
include elective officials to the extent specified herein.
(4) "Member" means any person included in the membership of the
retirement system as provided herein.
(5) "Board" means the "board of trustees" provided for herein.
(6) "Retirement fund" means "statewide city employees retirement
fund" provided for herein.
(7) "Service" means service rendered to a city for compensation;
and for the purpose of this chapter a member shall be considered as
being in service only while he is receiving compensation from the city
for such service or is on leave granted for service in the armed forces
of the United States as contemplated in RCW 41.44.120.
(8) "Prior service" means the service of a member for compensation
rendered a city prior to the effective date and shall include service
in the armed forces of the United States to the extent specified herein
and service specified in RCW 41.44.120(5).
(9) "Current service" means service after the employee has become
a member of the system.
(10) "Creditable service" means such service as is evidenced by the
record of normal contributions, plus prior service as evidenced by
prior service certificate.
(11) "Beneficiary" means any person in receipt of a pension,
annuity, retirement allowance, disability allowance, or any other
benefit herein.
(12) "Compensation" means the compensation payable in cash, plus
the monetary value, as determined by the board of trustees, of any
allowance in lieu thereof (but for the purposes of this chapter such
"compensation" shall not exceed three hundred dollars per month, except
as to those employees of any member city the legislative body of which
shall not later than July 1, 1953, have irrevocably elected by
resolution or ordinance to increase the limitation herein contained,
effective as to all of its employees, from three hundred dollars to
four hundred dollars, commencing on said date, or which shall so elect
prior to January 1st of any succeeding year, effective as of January
1st of any such succeeding year, and as to such employees shall,
commencing on the specified date, not exceed four hundred dollars or an
amount equal to such increased limitation established by such ordinance
or resolution per month): PROVIDED HOWEVER, That the foregoing
limitation shall not apply to uniformed personnel.
(13) "Compensation earnable" means the full rate of compensation
that would be payable to an employee if he worked the full normal
working time (but for the purposes of this chapter, such "compensation
earnable" shall not exceed three hundred dollars per month, except as
to those employees of any member city the legislative body of which
shall not later than July 1, 1953, have irrevocably elected by
resolution or ordinance to increase the limitation herein contained,
effective as to all of its employees, from three hundred dollars to
four hundred dollars, commencing on said date, or which shall so elect
prior to January 1st of any succeeding year, effective as of January
1st of any such succeeding year, and as to such employees shall,
commencing on the specified date, not exceed four hundred dollars or an
amount equal to such increased limitation established by such ordinance
or resolution per month): PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the foregoing
limitation shall not apply to uniformed personnel: PROVIDED FURTHER,
That after January 1, 1968 this term shall mean the full rate of
compensation payable to an employee if he worked the full normal
working time.
(14) "Final compensation" means the highest average annual
compensation earnable in any five consecutive years of actual service
rendered during the ten years immediately preceding retirement, or
where the employee has less than five consecutive years of actual
service, the earnable compensation for the last five years preceding
his retirement.
(15) "Matching contribution" means the contribution of the city
deposited in an amount equal to the normal contributions of the
(16) "Normal contributions" means the contributions at the rate
provided for in RCW 41.44.130, excluding those referred to in
subsection (6).
(17) "Released matching contributions" means such "matching
contributions" as are no longer held for the benefit of the employee.
(18) "Regular interest" means interest compounded annually at such
rate as shall have been adopted by the board of trustees in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter.
(19) "Accumulated normal contributions" means the sum of all normal
contributions, deducted from the compensation of a member, standing to
the credit of his individual account, together with regular interest
(20) "Pension" means payments derived from contributions made by
the city as provided herein.
(21) "Annuity" means payments derived from contributions made by a
member as provided herein.
(22) "Retirement allowance" means the pension plus annuity.
(23) "Fiscal year" means any year commencing with January 1st and
ending with December 31st next following.
(24) "Miscellaneous personnel" means officers and employees other
than those in the uniformed police or fire service: PROVIDED, Those
members of the fire department who are ineligible to the benefits of a
firemen's pension system established by or pursuant to any other state
law, are also included in the miscellaneous personnel.
(25) "Uniformed personnel" means any employee who is a policeman in
service or who is subject to call to active service or duty as such.
(26) "Effective date" when used with regard to employees means the
date on which any individual or group of employees became members of
any retirement system and when used with regard to any city or town
shall mean the date on which it became a participant.
(27) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when
computed at regular interest upon the basis of such mortality tables as
shall be adopted by the board of trustees.
(28) "Persons having an insurable interest in his life" means and
includes only such persons who, because of relationship from ties of
blood or marriage, have reason to expect some benefit from the
continuation of the life of the member.
(29) "Additional contributions" means contributions made pursuant
to subsection (6) of RCW 41.44.130.
(30) "Accumulated additional contributions" means the sum of all
"additional contributions" made by a member standing to the credit of
the individual account, together with regular interest thereon.
(31) "Part time employees" means those employees who, although
regularly and continuously employed, do not regularly perform their
duties the full number of hours required of other regular employees,
including but not confined to such employees as police judges, city
attorneys and other officers and employees who are also engaged in
outside employment or occupations.
(32) "Excess interest income" means that interest income earned and
received from investments in excess of the interest income on
investments required to meet actuarial funding requirements.
(33) "Domestic partner" has the definition in RCW 41.40.010.
Sec. 56 RCW 41.40.835 and 2003 c 155 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) If a member dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse,
domestic partner, or eligible child or children shall receive a
retirement allowance computed as provided in RCW 41.40.790 actuarially
reduced to reflect a joint and one hundred percent survivor option and,
except under subsection (2) of this section, if the member was not
eligible for normal retirement at the date of death a further reduction
as described in RCW 41.40.820.
If the surviving spouse or domestic partner who is receiving the
retirement allowance dies leaving a child or children under the age of
majority, then such child or children shall continue to receive an
allowance in an amount equal to that which was being received by the
surviving spouse or domestic partner, share and share alike, until such
child or children reach the age of majority.
If there is no surviving spouse or domestic partner eligible to
receive an allowance at the time of the member's death, such member's
child or children under the age of majority shall receive an allowance,
share and share alike. The allowance shall be calculated with the
assumption that the age of the spouse or domestic partner and member
were equal at the time of the member's death.
(2) A member who is killed in the course of employment, as
determined by the director of the department of labor and industries,
is not subject to an actuarial reduction under RCW 41.40.820. The
member's retirement allowance is computed under RCW 41.40.790.
Sec. 57 RCW 41.44.170 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 154 s 78 are each
amended to read as follows:
On retirement for permanent and total disability not incurred in
line of duty a member shall receive a retirement allowance which shall
consist of:
(1) An annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his or
her accumulated normal contributions; and
(2) A pension provided by the contributions of the city which,
together with his or her annuity provided by his or her accumulated
normal contributions, shall make his or her retirement allowance equal
to thirty percent of his or her final compensation for the first ten
years of service, which allowance shall be increased by one and one-half percent for each year of service in excess of ten years to a
maximum of fifty percent of his or her final compensation; otherwise he
or she shall receive a retirement allowance of forty dollars per month
or, except as to a part-time employee, such sum, monthly, not in excess
of sixty dollars per month, as is equal to six dollars per month for
each year of ((his)) creditable service, whichever is greater. If the
retirement allowance of a part-time employee, based upon the pension
((hereinabove)) provided in this subsection, does not exceed forty
dollars per month, then such part-time employee shall receive a
retirement allowance of forty dollars per month and no more.
Nothing ((herein contained)) in this section shall be construed in
a manner to increase or to decrease any pension being paid or to be
paid to a member retired prior to August 6, 1965.
(3) If it appears to the satisfaction of the board that permanent
and total disability was incurred in line of duty, a member shall
receive in lieu of the retirement allowance provided under
((subdivisions)) subsections (1) and (2) of this section full pay from,
and be furnished all hospital and medical care by, the city for a
period of six months from the date of his or her disability, and
commencing at the expiration of such six-month period, shall receive a
retirement allowance, regardless of his or her age or years of service,
equal to fifty percent of his or her final compensation exclusive of
any other benefit he or she may receive.
(4) No disability retirement allowance shall exceed seventy-five
percent of final compensation, anything herein to the contrary
notwithstanding, except as provided in ((subdivision)) subsection (7)
of this section.
(5) Upon the death of a member while in receipt of a disability
retirement allowance, ((his)) accumulated contributions, as they were
at the date of ((his)) retirement, less any annuity payments made to
((him)) the member, shall be paid to ((his)) the member's estate, or to
such persons having an insurable interest in ((his)) the member's life
as he or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the board. In the alternative, if there be a surviving
spouse or domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010, or if no
surviving spouse or domestic partner, there are surviving a child or
children under the age of eighteen years, upon written notice to the
board by such spouse or domestic partner, or if there be no such spouse
or domestic partner, by the duly appointed, qualified and acting
guardian of such child or children, within sixty days of the date of
such member's death, there shall be paid to such spouse or domestic
partner during his or her lifetime, or, if there be no such spouse or
domestic partner, to such child or children, until they shall reach the
age of eighteen years, a monthly pension equal to one-half of the
monthly final compensation of such deceased member. If any such spouse
or domestic partner or child or children shall marry, then such person
so marrying shall thereafter receive no further pension herein
(6) If disability is due to intemperance, willful misconduct, or
violation of law, on the part of the member, the board, in its
discretion, may pay to said member, in one lump sum ((his)) the
member's accumulated contribution, in lieu of a retirement allowance,
and such payment shall constitute full satisfaction of all obligations
of the city to such member.
(7) In addition to the annuity and pension provided for in
((subdivisions)) subsections (1) and (2) of this section, a member
shall receive an annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of his
or her accumulated additional contributions.
Sec. 58 RCW 41.44.190 and 1967 ex.s. c 28 s 5 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Should service of a member of the miscellaneous personnel be
discontinued except by death or retirement, ((he)) the member shall be
paid six months after the day of discontinuance such part of his or her
accumulated contributions as he or she shall demand. Six months after
the date of such discontinuance, unless on leave of absence regularly
granted, or unless he or she has exercised the option hereinafter
provided, his or her rights to all benefits as a member shall cease,
without notice, and ((his)) the member's accumulated contributions
shall be returned to him or her in any event or held for his or her
account if for any reason the return of the same is prevented. Should
service of a member of the uniformed personnel be discontinued except
by death or retirement, ((he)) the member shall be paid six months
after the day of discontinuance such part of his or her accumulated
contributions as he or she shall demand, and six months after the date
of such discontinuance, unless on leave of absence regularly granted,
his or her rights to all benefits as a member shall cease, without
notice, and ((his)) the member's accumulated contributions shall be
returned to him or her in any event, or held for his or her account if
for any reason the same is prevented: PROVIDED, That the board may in
its discretion, grant the privilege of withdrawal in the amounts above
specified at any time following such discontinuance. Any member whose
service is discontinued except by death or retirement, and who has five
or more years of creditable service when such discontinuance occurs,
may, at his or her option, leave his or her accumulated contributions
in the fund and thereby be entitled to receive a deferred retirement
allowance commencing at retirement age sixty for miscellaneous
personnel and at age fifty-five for uniformed personnel, such
retirement allowance to be computed in the same manner provided in
((subsection (1) of)) RCW 41.44.150(1): PROVIDED, That this option may
be revoked at any time prior to commencement of annuity payments by
filing a written notice of such intention with the board together with
a written application for a refund of such accumulated contributions.
The board may establish rules ((and regulations)) to govern withdrawal
and redeposit of contributions.
(2) Should a former member, within five years after discontinuance
of service, return to service in the same city in which he or she was
employed he or she may restore to the fund in such manner as may be
agreed upon by such person and the board, his or her withdrawn normal
accumulated contributions as they were at the time of his or her
separation from service and upon completion of such redeposit all his
or her rights and privileges existing at the time of discontinuance of
service shall be restored and his or her obligations as a member shall
begin again. The rate of contribution of such returning member shall
be the same as it was at the time ((he)) the member separated from
(3) Upon the death of any person who has not been retired, pursuant
to the provisions hereof, there shall be paid to his or her estate, or
to such persons having an insurable interest in his or her life as he
or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and
filed with the board, his or her accumulated contributions less any
payments therefrom already made to him or her. Such payment may be
made in one lump sum or may be paid in installments over a period of
not to exceed five years, as may be designated by the member or his or
her beneficiary, with such rate of interest as may be determined by the
(4) In lieu of the death benefit otherwise payable under subsection
(3) of this section, there shall be paid a total allowance equal to
one-fourth average final compensation per month to the surviving spouse
or domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 of a member with at
least twenty years service as such, at the time of death and who has
not been retired and who, by reason of membership in the system, is
covered by the Old Age and Survivors Insurance provisions of the
Federal Social Security Act, but not at the time of death qualified to
receive the benefits thereof. Said allowance shall become payable upon
the death of said member or upon the date the surviving spouse or
domestic partner becomes ineligible for any benefit payment from the
Federal OASI, if later, and shall cease upon death or remarriage, or
upon the date the surviving spouse or domestic partner would become
entitled, upon application therefor; to any insurance benefit from the
Federal OASI system, whichever event shall first occur: PROVIDED, That
said benefit shall cease upon the beneficiary becoming employed by any
member city of said system: PROVIDED FURTHER, That this allowance
shall consist of:
(a) An amount which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the normal
contributions at the time specified for retirement;
(b) An amount provided by the contributions of the city, equal to
the annuity purchased by the accumulated normal contributions of the
(c) Such additional amount, provided by the contributions of the
city, as will make the total allowance equal to one-fourth average
final compensation per month;
(d) An annuity purchased by the accumulated additional
contributions, if any, in addition to the minimum guaranteed.
(5) In lieu of the death benefit otherwise payable under subsection
(3) of this section, the surviving spouse or domestic partner of a
member who dies after having attained the minimum requirements for his
or her service retirement as required by RCW 41.44.140 may elect to
receive the allowance which would have been paid to such surviving
spouse or domestic partner had the member been retired on the date of
((his)) death and had ((he)) the member elected to receive the lesser
retirement allowances provided for in option C of RCW 41.44.220.
(6) If a former member shall, within one year from date of
discontinuance of service, be employed by another city participating in
this retirement system he or she shall have the privilege of
redepositing and the matching contributions deposited by the city or
cities in which he or she was formerly employed shall again be held for
the benefit of such member. If such redepositing member possessed a
prior service certificate the city employing him or her at time of
retirement shall accept the liability evidenced by such certificate.
Reinstatement of a prior service certificate shall be effective
only upon a showing that normal contributions are on deposit in the
retirement fund, to the credit of the member, covering all current
Sec. 59 RCW 41.44.210 and 1973 1st ex.s. c 154 s 79 are each
amended to read as follows:
Upon the death of any member who dies from injuries or disease
arising out of or incurred in the performance of his or her duty or
duties, of which the board of trustees shall be the judge, if death
occurs within one year from date of discontinuance of city service
caused by such injury, there shall be paid to his or her estate or to
such person or persons having an insurable interest in his or her life,
as he or she shall have nominated by written designation duly executed
and filed with the board, the sum of one thousand dollars, purchased by
the contributions of the cities participating in the retirement system;
and in addition thereto there shall be paid to the surviving spouse or
domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 during such spouse's or
domestic partner's lifetime, or if there be no surviving spouse or
domestic partner, then to his or her minor child or children until they
shall have reached the age of eighteen years, a monthly pension equal
to one-half the monthly final compensation of such deceased member. If
any such spouse or domestic partner, or child or children shall marry,
then such person so marrying shall thereafter receive no further
pension herein provided. Cost of the lump sum benefit above provided
shall be determined by actuarial calculation and prorated equitably to
each city. The benefits provided in this section shall be exclusive of
any other benefits due the member under this chapter.
Sec. 60 RCW 41.44.220 and 1965 ex.s. c 99 s 9 are each amended to
read as follows:
A member may elect to receive in lieu of the retirement allowance
provided for in RCW 41.44.150, its actuarial equivalent in the form of
a lesser retirement allowance, payable in accordance with the terms and
conditions of one of the options set forth below in this section.
Election of any option must be made by written application filed with
the board at least thirty days in advance of retirement, or may be made
by any member after he or she has attained the minimum requirements for
his or her service retirement as required by RCW 41.44.140, and shall
not be effective unless approved by the board prior to retirement of
the member.
Option A. The lesser retirement allowance shall be payable to the
member throughout his or her life: PROVIDED, That if he or she dies
before he or she receives in annuity payments referred to in
((paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of)) RCW 41.44.150(1)(a) a total
amount equal to the amount of his or her accumulated contributions as
it was at date of ((his)) retirement, the balance of such accumulated
contributions shall be paid in one sum to his or her estate or to such
person having an insurable interest in his or her life as he or she
shall nominate by written designation duly executed and filed with the
Option B. The lesser retirement allowance shall be payable to the
member throughout life, and after death of the member, one-half of the
lesser retirement allowance shall be continued throughout the life of
and paid to the ((wife or husband)) spouse or domestic partner as
defined in RCW 41.40.010 of this member.
Option C. The lesser retirement allowance shall be payable to the
member throughout life, and after death of the member it shall be
continued throughout the life of and paid to the ((wife or husband))
spouse or domestic partner of the member.
A member may apply for some other benefit or benefits and the board
may grant such application provided such other benefit or benefits,
together with the reduced retirement allowance, shall be certified by
the actuary to be of equivalent value to his or her retirement
The surviving spouse or domestic partner may elect to receive a
cash refund of the member's accumulated contributions in lieu of the
monthly benefit under either Option B or Option C.
Sec. 61 RCW 41.50.700 and 2003 c 294 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Except under subsection (3) of this section and RCW
41.26.460(5), 41.32.530(5), 41.32.785(5), 41.32.851(4), 41.35.220(4),
41.40.188(5), 41.40.660(5), 41.40.845(4), 43.43.271(4), and 41.34.080,
the department's obligation to provide direct payment of a property
division obligation to an obligee under RCW 41.50.670 shall cease upon
the death of the obligee or upon the death of the obligor, whichever
comes first. However, if an obligor dies and is eligible for a lump
sum death benefit, the department shall be obligated to provide direct
payment to the obligee of all or a portion of the withdrawal of
accumulated contributions pursuant to a court order that complies with
RCW 41.50.670.
(2) The direct payment of a property division obligation to an
obligee under RCW 41.50.670 shall be paid as a deduction from the
member's periodic retirement payment. An obligee may not direct the
department to withhold any funds from such payment.
(3) The department's obligation to provide direct payment to a
nonmember ex spouse from a preretirement divorce meeting the criteria
of RCW 41.26.162(2) or 43.43.270(2) may continue for the life of the
member's surviving spouse or domestic partner as defined in RCW
41.40.010 qualifying for benefits under RCW 41.26.160, 41.26.161, or
43.43.270(2). Upon the death of the member's surviving spouse or
domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 qualifying for benefits
under RCW 41.26.160, 41.26.161, or 43.43.270(2), the department's
obligation under this subsection shall cease. The department's
obligation to provide direct payment to a nonmember ex spouse
qualifying for a continued split benefit payment under RCW 41.26.162(3)
shall continue for the life of that nonmember ex spouse.
Sec. 62 RCW 41.54.034 and 1996 c 55 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) If a dual member dies in service in any system, the member's
service in all systems may be combined for the sole purpose of
determining ((the surviving spouse's)) eligibility of the surviving
spouse or of a domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010 to receive
a death benefit from each of the member's current and prior systems.
(2) Each system shall use its own criteria to:
(a) Determine ((the surviving spouse's)) eligibility of the
surviving spouse or of a domestic partner as defined in RCW 41.40.010
for a death benefit; and
(b) Calculate the death benefit based on service actually
established in that system.
(3) The surviving spouse or domestic partner shall receive the same
benefit from each system that would have been received if the member
were active in the system at the time of death. The spouse or domestic
partner shall be allowed to substitute the member's base salary from
any system as the compensation used in calculating the allowance.
(4) This section shall not apply to the Washington state patrol
retirement system established under chapter 43.43 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 63 Except as otherwise specifically provided,
this act applies with regard to retirements occurring on the effective
date of this section and thereafter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 64 Section 11 of this act takes effect July 1,
NEW SECTION. Sec. 65 Section 10 of this act expires July 1,