BILL REQ. #: S-1685.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to the state trade fair fund; amending RCW 43.31.800, 43.31.805, 43.31.810, 43.31.820, 43.31.830, 43.31.832, 43.31.840, and 43.31.850; repealing RCW 43.31.833 and 43.31.834; and making appropriations.
Sec. 1 RCW 43.31.800 and 1993 c 280 s 52 are each amended to read
as follows:
(("Director" as used in RCW 43.31.790)) For the purposes of RCW
43.31.805 through 43.31.850 ((and 67.16.100)), "director" means the
director of community, trade, and economic development.
Sec. 2 RCW 43.31.805 and 1998 c 345 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The state trade fair fund is created in the custody of the
state treasury. All moneys received by the department of community,
trade, and economic development for the purposes of this fund shall be
deposited into the fund. Expenditures from the fund may be used only
for the purpose of assisting state international trade ((fairs)) fair
organizations. Only the director ((of community, trade, and economic
development)) or the director's designee may authorize expenditures
from the fund. The fund is subject to allotment procedures under
chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for expenditures.
(2) The department may solicit charitable donations, gifts, or
grants from private or public sources for deposit into the state trade
fair fund.
Sec. 3 RCW 43.31.810 and 1987 c 195 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
For the purposes of RCW ((43.31.790)) 43.31.805 through 43.31.850
((and 67.16.100, as now or hereafter amended)), state international
trade fair organizations, to be eligible for state financial aid
((hereunder (1))), must: (1) Have had at least two or more years of
experience in the presentation of or participation in state
international trade fairs, whether held in this state, another state or
territory of the United States, or a foreign country((,)). However
these need not be consecutive years; and (2) ((must)) be able to
provide, from its own resources derived from general admission or
otherwise, funds sufficient to match at least one-half the amount of
state financial aid allotted.
Sec. 4 RCW 43.31.820 and 1987 c 195 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
The board of trustees of any state international trade fair
((sponsored by any public agency)) organization, qualifying under the
provisions of RCW ((43.31.790)) 43.31.805 through 43.31.850 ((and
67.16.100, as now or hereafter amended)), may apply to the director for
moneys appropriated from the state trade fair fund as provided for in
RCW 43.31.805, to: (1) Solicit the participation of Washington
businesses in international trade fairs in the state and overseas; and
(2) carry on the continued development as well as the operation of
((said)) a state international trade fair((, said money to be
appropriated from the state trade fair fund as provided for in RCW
67.16.100, as now or hereafter amended)).
Sec. 5 RCW 43.31.830 and 1993 c 280 s 53 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) It ((shall be)) is the duty of the director ((of community,
trade, and economic development)) to certify, from the applications
received, the state international trade fair organization or ((fairs))
organizations qualified and entitled to receive funds under RCW
((67.16.100)) 43.31.805, and under rules established by the director.
(2) The director shall make annual allotments to state
international trade ((fairs determined)) fair organizations that the
director determines are qualified ((to be entitled)) to participate in
the state trade fair fund and the director shall fix times for the
division of and payment from the state trade fair fund((: PROVIDED,
That)). However, total payment to any one state international trade
fair ((shall)) organization may not exceed ((sixty)) one hundred
thousand dollars in any one year, where participation or presentation
occurs within the United States, and ((eighty)) one hundred fifty
thousand dollars in any one year, where participation or presentation
occurs outside the United States((: PROVIDED)). Further, ((That)) a
state international trade fair organization may qualify for the full
allotment of funds under either category. Upon certification of the
allotment and division of fair funds by the director, the treasurer
shall proceed to pay the same to carry out the purposes of RCW
((67.16.100)) 43.31.805.
Sec. 6 RCW 43.31.832 and 1985 c 466 s 34 are each amended to read
as follows:
Funds determined to be surplus funds by the director may be
transferred from the state trade fair fund to the general fund upon the
recommendation of the director and the state treasurer((: PROVIDED,
That)). Notwithstanding any existing provision of law to the contrary,
the director may also elect to expend up to one million dollars of
((such)) the surplus on foreign trade related activities((,))
including, but not limited to, promotion of investment, tourism, and
foreign trade.
Sec. 7 RCW 43.31.840 and 1993 c 280 s 54 are each amended to read
as follows:
The director ((of community, trade, and economic development))
shall, at the end of each year for which an annual allotment has been
made, conduct a post audit of all of the books and records of each
state international trade fair ((participating in)) organization
receiving moneys from the state trade fair fund. The purpose of such
a post audit ((shall be)) is to determine how and to what extent each
participating state international trade fair organization has expended
all of its funds.
The audit required by this section ((shall be)) is a condition to
future allotments of money from the state ((international)) trade fair
fund, and the director shall make a report of the findings of each post
audit and shall use such report as a consideration in an application
for any future allocations.
Sec. 8 RCW 43.31.850 and 1987 c 195 s 9 are each amended to read
as follows:
((State)) "International trade fair," as used in RCW ((43.31.790))
43.31.805 through 43.31.840 ((and 67.16.100, as now or hereafter
amended)), ((shall)) means a fair ((supported by public agencies
basically)) conducted for the purpose of introducing and promoting the
sale of manufactured or cultural products and services of a given area,
whether presented in this state, the United States or its territories,
or in a foreign country.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 The following acts or parts of acts are each
(1) RCW 43.31.833 (State trade fairs -- Transfer of surplus funds in
state trade fair fund to general fund -- Construction) and 1987 c 195 s
8, 1985 c 466 s 35, & 1972 ex.s. c 93 s 3; and
(2) RCW 43.31.834 (State trade fairs -- Transfer of surplus funds in
state trade fair fund to general fund -- Construction) and 1985 c 466 s
36 & 1972 ex.s. c 93 s 4.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10 (1) The sum of one hundred fifty thousand
dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, from the state general fund to
the state trade fair fund for the purposes of this act.
(2) The sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars, or as much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2009, from the state general fund to the state trade fair fund
for the purposes of this act.