BILL REQ. #: S-0937.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/25/2007. Referred to Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Management.
AN ACT Relating to entrepreneurial training opportunities; and amending RCW 28C.18.060.
Sec. 1 RCW 28C.18.060 and 1996 c 99 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
The board, in cooperation with the operating agencies of the state
training system and private career schools and colleges, shall:
(1) Concentrate its major efforts on planning, coordination
evaluation, policy analysis, and recommending improvements to the
state's training system.
(2) Advocate for the state training system and for meeting the
needs of employers and the work force for work force education and
(3) Establish and maintain an inventory of the programs of the
state training system, and related state programs, and perform a
biennial assessment of the vocational education, training, and adult
basic education and literacy needs of the state; identify ongoing and
strategic education needs; and assess the extent to which employment,
training, vocational and basic education, rehabilitation services, and
public assistance services represent a consistent, integrated approach
to meet such needs.
(4) Develop and maintain a state comprehensive plan for work force
training and education, including but not limited to, goals,
objectives, and priorities for the state training system, and review
the state training system for consistency with the state comprehensive
plan. In developing the state comprehensive plan for work force
training and education, the board shall use, but shall not be limited
to: Economic, labor market, and populations trends reports in office
of financial management forecasts; joint office of financial management
and employment security department labor force, industry employment,
and occupational forecasts; the results of scientifically based
outcome, net-impact and cost-benefit evaluations; the needs of
employers as evidenced in formal employer surveys and other employer
input; and the needs of program participants and workers as evidenced
in formal surveys and other input from program participants and the
labor community.
(5) In consultation with the higher education coordinating board,
review and make recommendations to the office of financial management
and the legislature on operating and capital facilities budget requests
for operating agencies of the state training system for purposes of
consistency with the state comprehensive plan for work force training
and education.
(6) Provide for coordination among the different operating agencies
and components of the state training system at the state level and at
the regional level.
(7) Develop a consistent and reliable data base on vocational
education enrollments, costs, program activities, and job placements
from publicly funded vocational education programs in this state.
(8) Establish standards for data collection and maintenance for the
operating agencies of the state training system in a format that is
accessible to use by the board. The board shall require a minimum of
common core data to be collected by each operating agency of the state
training system.
The board shall develop requirements for minimum common core data
in consultation with the office of financial management and the
operating agencies of the training system.
(9) Establish minimum standards for program evaluation for the
operating agencies of the state training system, including, but not
limited to, the use of common survey instruments and procedures for
measuring perceptions of program participants and employers of program
participants, and monitor such program evaluation.
(10) Every two years administer scientifically based outcome
evaluations of the state training system, including, but not limited
to, surveys of program participants, surveys of employers of program
participants, and matches with employment security department payroll
and wage files. Every five years administer scientifically based net-impact and cost-benefit evaluations of the state training system.
(11) In cooperation with the employment security department,
provide for the improvement and maintenance of quality and utility in
occupational information and forecasts for use in training system
planning and evaluation. Improvements shall include, but not be
limited to, development of state-based occupational change factors
involving input by employers and employees, and delineation of skill
and training requirements by education level associated with current
and forecasted occupations.
(12) Provide for the development of common course description
formats, common reporting requirements, and common definitions for
operating agencies of the training system.
(13) Provide for effectiveness and efficiency reviews of the state
training system.
(14) In cooperation with the higher education coordinating board,
facilitate transfer of credit policies and agreements between
institutions of the state training system, and encourage articulation
agreements for programs encompassing two years of secondary work force
education and two years of postsecondary work force education.
(15) In cooperation with the higher education coordinating board,
facilitate transfer of credit policies and agreements between private
training institutions and institutions of the state training system.
(16) ((Participate in the development of)) Develop policy
objectives for the work force investment act, P.L. 105-220, or its
successor; develop coordination criteria for activities under the ((job
training partnership)) act with related programs and services provided
by state and local education and training agencies; and ensure that
entrepreneurial training opportunities are available through programs
of each local work force investment board in the state.
(17) Make recommendations to the commission of student assessment,
the state board of education, and the superintendent of public
instruction, concerning basic skill competencies and essential core
competencies for K-12 education. Basic skills for this purpose shall
be reading, writing, computation, speaking, and critical thinking,
essential core competencies for this purpose shall be English, math,
science/technology, history, geography, and critical thinking. The
board shall monitor the development of and provide advice concerning
secondary curriculum which integrates vocational and academic
(18) Establish and administer programs for marketing and outreach
to businesses and potential program participants.
(19) Facilitate the location of support services, including but not
limited to, child care, financial aid, career counseling, and job
placement services, for students and trainees at institutions in the
state training system, and advocate for support services for trainees
and students in the state training system.
(20) Facilitate private sector assistance for the state training
system, including but not limited to: Financial assistance, rotation
of private and public personnel, and vocational counseling.
(21) Facilitate the development of programs for school-to-work
transition that combine classroom education and on-the-job training,
including entrepreneurial education and training, in industries and
occupations without a significant number of apprenticeship programs.
(22) Include in the planning requirements for local work force
investment boards a requirement that the local work force investment
boards specify how entrepreneurial training is to be offered through
the one-stop system required under the work force investment act, P.L.
105-220, or its successor.
(23) Encourage and assess progress for the equitable representation
of racial and ethnic minorities, women, and people with disabilities
among the students, teachers, and administrators of the state training
system. Equitable, for this purpose, shall mean substantially
proportional to their percentage of the state population in the
geographic area served. This function of the board shall in no way
lessen more stringent state or federal requirements for representation
of racial and ethnic minorities, women, and people with disabilities.
(((23))) (24) Participate in the planning and policy development of
governor set-aside grants under P.L. 97-300, as amended.
(((24))) (25) Administer veterans' programs, licensure of private
vocational schools, the job skills program, and the Washington award
for vocational excellence.
(((25))) (26) Allocate funding from the state job training trust
(((26))) (27) Work with the director of community, trade, and
economic development to ensure coordination between work force training
priorities and that department's economic development and
entrepreneurial development efforts.
(((27))) (28) Adopt rules as necessary to implement this chapter.
The board may delegate to the director any of the functions of this