BILL REQ. #: S-2120.2
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to improving mathematics and science education; amending RCW 28A.660.005, 28A.660.050, and 28B.102.080; adding new sections to chapter 28A.660 RCW; creating new sections; providing an expiration date; and declaring an emergency.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
develop a mathematics and science instructional coach program that
includes an initial coach development experience for new coaches
provided through an institute setting, coaching support seminars, and
additional coach development services. The office shall draw upon the
experiences of coaches in federally supported elementary literacy
programs and other successful programs, research and policy briefs on
adult professional development, and research that specifically
addresses the instructional environments of middle, junior high, and
high schools as well as the unique aspects of the fields of mathematics
and science.
(3) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
design the application process and select the demonstration project
(4) Schools and school districts participating in the demonstration
project shall carefully select the individuals to perform the role of
mathematics or science instructional coach. Characteristics to be
considered for a successful coach include:
(a) Expertise in content area;
(b) Expertise in various instructional methodologies and
personalizing learning;
(c) Personal skills that include skilled listening, questioning,
trust-building, and problem-solving;
(d) Understanding and appreciation for the differences in adult
learners and student learners; and
(e) Capacity for strategic planning and quality program
(5) The role of the mathematics or science instructional coach is
focused on supporting teachers as they apply knowledge, develop skills,
polish techniques, and deepen their understanding of content and
instructional practices. This work takes a number of forms including:
Individualized professional development, department-wide and school-wide professional development, guidance in student data interpretation,
and using assessment to guide instruction. Each coach shall be
assigned to two schools as part of this project.
(6) Project participants have the following responsibilities:
(a) Mathematics and science coaches shall participate in the coach
development institute as well as in coaching support seminars that take
place throughout the school year, practice coaching activities as
guided by those articulated in the role of the coach in subsection (5)
of this section, collect data, and participate in program evaluation
activities as requested by the institute pursuant to subsection (7) of
this section.
(b) School and district administrators in districts in which the
mathematics and science coaches are practicing shall participate in
program evaluation activities.
(7)(a) The Washington state institute for public policy shall
conduct an evaluation of the mathematics and science instructional
coach demonstration project in this section. Data shall be collected
through various instruments including surveys, program and activity
reports, student performance measures, observations, interviews, and
other processes. Findings shall include an evaluation of the coach
development institute, coaching support seminars, and other coach
support activities; recommendations with regard to changes in the
characteristics required of the coaches; identification of changes in
teacher instruction related to coaching activities; and identification
of the satisfaction level with coaching activities as experienced by
classroom teachers and administrators.
(b) The institute for public policy shall report its findings to
the governor, the office of the superintendent of public instruction,
and the education and fiscal committees of the legislature. An interim
report is due November 1, 2008. The final report is due December 1,
(8) This section expires September 1, 2010.
(2) By December 2007, the state board of education, in cooperation
with the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall
complete the process by which an independent review of the K-12
mathematics and science standards and essential academic learning
requirements is conducted.
(a) The results of each review shall provide findings and
recommendations to the superintendent of public instruction regarding
changes to the K-12 mathematics and science standards and the essential
academic learning requirements. The findings and recommendations shall
include: (i) Reviewing the essential academic learning requirements
and grade level expectations for clarity, rigor, content, reason, and
any negative qualities; (ii) structuring the essential academic
learning requirements and grade level expectations over the grades as
a sequence of expectations and performances that build with increasing
depth after foundational knowledge and skills are acquired, and that
reflect, where appropriate, the sequential nature of the discipline;
(iii) ensuring that professional development is in line with revised
standards; and (iv) addressing the incorporation of international
performance standards as may be benchmarked to the content of the
trends in international mathematics and science study (TIMSS) and the
programme for international student assessment (PISA). The findings
and recommendations shall also consider to the extent information is
available, the alignment of high school mathematics standards and
essential academic learning requirements at the grade levels
appropriate to the math college readiness standards as developed by the
Washington state board for community and technical colleges.
(b) The review in this section shall satisfy the requirement in RCW
28A.655.070(2) for a periodic revision of the essential academic
learning requirements.
(3) By December 2007, the state board of education shall:
(a) Subject to authorization from the legislature under RCW
28A.305.130(4)(e), incorporate into the state accountability plan the
conditions under which school districts are required to use one of the
state identified curricula in mathematics or science, or both. The
plan shall also describe the conditions for exception to the curriculum
requirement. These conditions shall address student performance
(b) Under RCW 28A.230.090, amend the high school graduation
requirement in mathematics to include a minimum of three credits of
mathematics. The state board of education shall describe the
mathematics content required within the three credits and shall
consider requiring content to include that commonly contained in
algebra 2 and considering content, as appropriate and to the extent
available, aligned to the mathematics college readiness standards as
developed by the Washington state board for community and technical
colleges. The state board of education shall also consider:
(i) An additional requirement to include requiring mathematics to
be included in the student's senior year class schedule;
(ii) Ways to demonstrate mathematics competencies; and
(iii) Conditions for exceptions to a senior year mathematics
(4) By July 2008, the office of the superintendent of public
instruction shall:
(a) Identify no more than three mathematics basic curricula for
elementary, middle, junior high, and high school, that align with the
new standards resulting from the independent review activities
described in this section. Diagnostic, end-of-course assessment
options, and supplemental materials shall also be identified;
(b) Identify no more than three science basic curricula for
elementary, middle, junior high, and high school, that align with the
new standards resulting from the independent review activities
described in this section. Diagnostic, end-of-course assessment
options, and supplemental materials shall also be identified; and
(c) Begin the process revising the Washington assessment of student
learning mathematics and science assessments at grade levels four
through ten as appropriate to align assessment content with the new
standards and essential academic learning requirements resulting from
the independent reviews provided in subsection (1) of this section.
Sec. 3 RCW 28A.660.005 and 2001 c 158 s 1 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The legislature finds and declares:
(((1))) (a) Teacher qualifications and effectiveness are the most
important influences on student learning in schools((.));
(((2))) (b) Preparation of individuals to become well-qualified,
effective teachers must be high quality((.));
(((3))) (c) Teachers who complete high-quality alternative route
programs with intensive field-based experience, adequate coursework,
and strong mentorship do as well or better than teachers who complete
traditional preparation programs((.));
(((4))) (d) High-quality alternative route programs can provide
more flexibility and expedience for individuals to transition from
their current career to teaching((.));
(((5))) (e) High-quality alternative route programs can help school
districts fill subject matter shortage areas and areas with shortages
due to geographic location((.));
(((6))) (f) Regardless of route, all candidates for residency
teacher certification must meet the high standards required by the
state; and
(g) Teachers need an adequate background in subject matter content
if they are to teach it well, and should hold full, appropriate
credentials in those subject areas.
(2) The legislature recognizes widespread concerns about the
potential for teacher shortages and finds that classified instructional
staff in public schools, current certificated staff, and unemployed
certificate holders represent a great untapped resource for recruiting
((the)) more teachers ((of the future)) in critical shortage areas.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 28A.660
RCW to read as follows:
(1) The pipeline for paraeducators conditional scholarship program
is created. Participation is limited to paraeducators without a
college degree who have at least three years of classroom experience.
It is anticipated that candidates enrolled in this program will
complete their associate of arts degree at a community and technical
college in two years or less and become eligible for a mathematics,
special education, English as a second language, or science endorsement
via route one in the alternative routes to teacher certification
program provided in this chapter.
(2) Entry requirements for candidates include district or building
validation of qualifications, including three years of successful
student interaction and leadership as a classified instructional
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 A new section is added to chapter 28A.660
RCW to read as follows:
(1) The retooling to teach mathematics, special education, English
as a second language, and science conditional scholarship program is
created. Participation is limited to current K-12 teachers and
individuals having an elementary education certificate but who are not
employed in positions requiring an elementary education certificate.
It is anticipated that candidates enrolled in this program will
complete the requirements for a mathematics, special education, English
as a second language, or science endorsement, or any combination
thereof, in two years or less.
(2) Entry requirements for candidates include current K-12 teachers
pursuing a middle level mathematics, special education, English as a
second language, or science endorsement, or secondary mathematics,
special education, English as a second language, or science
Sec. 6 RCW 28A.660.050 and 2004 c 23 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
The ((alternative route)) conditional scholarship programs ((is))
in this chapter are created under the following guidelines:
(1) The programs shall be administered by the higher education
coordinating board. In administering the programs, the higher
education coordinating board has the following powers and duties:
(a) To adopt necessary rules and develop guidelines to administer
the programs;
(b) To collect and manage repayments from participants who do not
meet their service obligations; and
(c) To accept grants and donations from public and private sources
for the programs.
(2) Requirements for participation in the ((alternative route))
conditional scholarship programs are as provided in this subsection
(a) The alternative route conditional scholarship program is
limited to interns of the partnership grant programs under RCW
28A.660.040. In order to receive conditional scholarship awards,
recipients shall:
(i) Be accepted and maintain enrollment in alternative
certification routes through the partnership grant program;
(ii) Continue to make satisfactory progress toward completion of
the alternative route certification program and receipt of a residency
teaching certificate; and
(iii) Receive no more than the annual amount of the scholarship,
not to exceed eight thousand dollars, for the cost of tuition, fees,
and educational expenses, including books, supplies, and transportation
for the alternative route certification program in which the recipient
is enrolled. The board may adjust the annual award by the average rate
of resident undergraduate tuition and fee increases at the state
universities as defined in RCW 28B.10.016.
(b) The pipeline for paraeducators conditional scholarship program
is limited to qualified paraeducators as provided by section 4 of this
act. In order to receive conditional scholarship awards, recipients
(i) Be accepted and maintain enrollment at a community and
technical college for no more than two years and attain an associate of
arts degree;
(ii) Continue to make satisfactory progress toward completion of an
associate of arts degree. This progress requirement is a condition for
eligibility into a route one program of the alternative routes to
teacher certification program for a mathematics, special education,
English as a second language, or science endorsement; and
(iii) Receive no more than the annual amount of the scholarship,
not to exceed four thousand dollars, for the cost of tuition, fees, and
educational expenses, including books, supplies, and transportation for
the alternative route certification program in which the recipient is
enrolled. The board may adjust the annual award by the average rate of
tuition and fee increases at the state community and technical
(c) The retooling to teach mathematics, special education, English
as a second language, and science conditional scholarship program is
limited to current K-12 teachers and individuals having an elementary
education certificate but who are not employed in positions requiring
an elementary education certificate as provided by section 5 of this
act. In order to receive conditional scholarship awards:
(i) Individuals currently employed as teachers shall pursue a
middle level mathematics, special education, English as a second
language, or science, or secondary mathematics, special education,
English as a second language, or science endorsement; or
(ii) Individuals who are certificated with an elementary education
endorsement, but not employed in positions requiring an elementary
education certificate, shall pursue an endorsement in middle level
mathematics, special education, English as a second language, or
science, or any combination thereof; and
(iii) Individuals shall use one of the pathways to endorsement
processes to receive a mathematics, special education, English as a
second language, or science endorsement, or any combination thereof,
which shall include passing a mathematics, special education, English
as a second language, or science endorsement test, or a combination of
tests, plus observation and completing applicable coursework to attain
the proper endorsement; and
(iv) Individuals shall receive no more than the annual amount of
the scholarship, not to exceed three thousand dollars, for the cost of
tuition, test fees, and educational expenses, including books,
supplies, and transportation for the endorsement pathway being pursued.
(3) The Washington professional educator standards board shall
select ((interns)) individuals to receive conditional scholarships.
(((3) In order to receive conditional scholarship awards,
recipients shall be accepted and maintain enrollment in alternative
certification routes through the partnership grant program, as provided
in RCW 28A.660.040. Recipients must continue to make satisfactory
progress towards completion of the alternative route certification
program and receipt of a residency teaching certificate.))
(4) For the purpose of this chapter, a conditional scholarship is
a loan that is forgiven in whole or in part in exchange for service as
a certificated teacher employed in a Washington state K-12 public
school. The state shall forgive one year of loan obligation for every
two years a recipient teaches in a public school. Recipients ((that))
who fail to continue a course of study leading to residency teacher
certification or cease to teach in a public school in the state of
Washington in their endorsement area are required to repay the
remaining loan principal with interest.
(5) Recipients who fail to fulfill the required teaching obligation
are required to repay the remaining loan principal with interest and
any other applicable fees. The higher education coordinating board
shall adopt rules to define the terms for repayment, including
applicable interest rates, fees, and deferments.
(6) ((To the extent funds are appropriated for this specific
purpose, the annual amount of the scholarship is the annual cost of
tuition; fees; and educational expenses, including books, supplies, and
transportation for the alternative route certification program in which
the recipient is enrolled, not to exceed eight thousand dollars. The
board may adjust the annual award by the average rate of resident
undergraduate tuition and fee increases at the state universities as
defined in RCW 28B.10.016.)) The higher education coordinating board may deposit all
appropriations, collections, and any other funds received for the
program in this chapter in the ((
(7)student loan)) future teachers
conditional scholarship account authorized in RCW ((28B.102.060))
Sec. 7 RCW 28B.102.080 and 2004 c 58 s 9 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The future teachers conditional scholarship account is created
in the custody of the state treasurer. An appropriation is not
required for expenditures of funds from the account. The account is
not subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW except for
moneys used for program administration.
(2) The board shall deposit in the account all moneys received for
the future teachers conditional scholarship and loan repayment program
and for conditional loan programs under chapter 28A.660 RCW. The
account shall be self-sustaining and consist of funds appropriated by
the legislature for the future teachers conditional scholarship and
loan repayment program, private contributions to the program, ((and))
receipts from participant repayments from the future teachers
conditional scholarship and loan repayment program, and conditional
loan programs established under chapter 28A.660 RCW. Beginning July 1,
2004, the board shall also deposit into the account: (a) All funds
from the institution of higher education loan account that are
traceable to any conditional scholarship program for teachers or
prospective teachers established by the legislature before June 10,
2004; and (b) all amounts repaid by individuals under any such program.
(3) Expenditures from the account may be used solely for
conditional loans and loan repayments to participants in the future
teachers conditional scholarship and loan repayment program established
by this chapter, conditional scholarships for participants in programs
established in chapter 28A.660 RCW, and costs associated with program
administration by the board.
(4) Disbursements from the account may be made only on the
authorization of the board.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8 Captions used in this act are not any part
of the law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 Section 2 of this act is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or
support of the state government and its existing public institutions,
and takes effect immediately.