BILL REQ. #: S-1965.3
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to passenger-only ferry service; amending RCW 36.57A.220, 47.01.350, 47.60.662, 82.08.0255, 36.54.110, and 47.60.658; amending 2006 c 332 s 2 (uncodified); reenacting and amending RCW 47.60.120; adding a new section to chapter 47.60 RCW; creating a new section; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 47.60 RCW
to read as follows:
By August 1st, November 1st, February 1st, and May 1st of every
year, the department of transportation shall notify the state treasurer
in writing of the amount of state sales and use tax paid under chapters
82.08 and 82.12 RCW by the Washington state ferries on the purchase of
fuel for the preceding calendar quarter. By September 1st, December
1st, March 1st, and June 1st of every year, the state treasurer shall
transfer an amount equal to the amount indicated by the department in
their notification to the treasurer into the passenger ferry account
created in RCW 47.60.645.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 The indication of the amount of fuel taxes
paid by the Washington state ferries in section 1 of this act applies
to all calendar quarters beginning on or after April 1, 2007.
Sec. 3 RCW 36.57A.220 and 2006 c 332 s 8 are each amended to read
as follows:
A public transportation benefit area seeking grant funding as
described in RCW 47.01.350 for a passenger-only ferry route between
Kingston and Seattle shall first receive approval from the governor
after submitting a complete business plan to the governor and the
legislature by November 1, ((2006)) 2007. The business plan must, at
a minimum, include hours of operation, vessel needs, labor needs,
proposed routes, passenger terminal facilities, passenger rates,
anticipated federal and local funding, coordination with the Washington
state ferry system, coordination with existing transit providers, long-term operation and maintenance needs, and a long-term financial plan.
Sec. 4 RCW 47.01.350 and 2006 c 332 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The department of transportation shall establish a ferry grant
program subject to availability of amounts appropriated for this
specific purpose. The purpose of the grant program is to provide
operating or capital grants for ferry systems as provided in chapters
36.54 and 36.57A RCW to operate passenger-only ferry service.
(2) In providing grants under this section, the department may
enter into multiple year contracts with the stipulation that future
year allocations are subject to the availability of funding as provided
by legislative appropriation.
(((3) Priority shall be given to grant applications that provide
continuity of existing passenger-only service and the provision of
local or federal matching funds.))
Sec. 5 RCW 47.60.662 and 2006 c 332 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
The Washington state ferry system shall collaborate with new and
potential passenger-only ferry service providers, as described in ((RCW
36.54.110(5))) chapters 36.54 and 36.57A RCW, for terminal operations
at its existing terminal facilities.
Sec. 6 RCW 82.08.0255 and 2005 c 443 s 5 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The tax levied by RCW 82.08.020 shall not apply to sales of
motor vehicle and special fuel if:
(a) The fuel is purchased for the purpose of public transportation
and the purchaser is entitled to a refund or an exemption under RCW
82.36.275 or 82.38.080(3); or
(b) The fuel is purchased by a private, nonprofit transportation
provider certified under chapter 81.66 RCW and the purchaser is
entitled to a refund or an exemption under RCW 82.36.285 or
82.38.080(1)(h); or
(c) The fuel is purchased by a public transportation benefit area
created under chapter 36.57A RCW or a county-owned ferry or county
ferry district created under chapter 36.54 RCW for use in passenger-only ferry vessels; or
(d) The fuel is taxable under chapter 82.36 or 82.38 RCW.
(2) Any person who has paid the tax imposed by RCW 82.08.020 on the
sale of special fuel delivered in this state shall be entitled to a
credit or refund of such tax with respect to fuel subsequently
established to have been actually transported and used outside this
state by persons engaged in interstate commerce. The tax shall be
claimed as a credit or refunded through the tax reports required under
RCW 82.38.150.
Sec. 7 2006 c 332 s 2 (uncodified) is amended to read as follows:
((By October 31, 2006, the department of transportation shall have
an independent appraisal of the market value of the Washington state
ferries Snohomish and Chinook and present it to the transportation
committees of the legislature and the governor by November 1, 2006.))
The department of transportation shall ((sell or otherwise dispose of))
make available for sale the Washington state ferries Snohomish and
Chinook ((for)) at market value ((and deposit the proceeds of the sales
into the passenger ferry account created in RCW 47.60.645 as soon as
practicable upon approval by the governor of the business plan
described in RCW 36.54.110(5))) by June 1, 2007. Proceeds from the
sale must be deposited into the passenger ferry account created in RCW
Sec. 8 RCW 36.54.110 and 2006 c 332 s 7 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The legislative authority of a county may adopt an ordinance
creating a ferry district in all or a portion of the area of the
county, including the area within the corporate limits of any city or
town within the county. The ordinance may be adopted only after a
public hearing has been held on the creation of a ferry district, and
the county legislative authority makes a finding that it is in the
public interest to create the district.
(2) A ferry district is a municipal corporation, an independent
taxing "authority" within the meaning of Article VII, section 1 of the
state Constitution, and a "taxing district" within the meaning of
Article VII, section 2 of the state Constitution.
(3) A ferry district is a body corporate and possesses all the
usual powers of a corporation for public purposes as well as all other
powers that may now or hereafter be specifically conferred by statute,
including, but not limited to, the authority to hire employees, staff,
and services, to enter into contracts, and to sue and be sued.
(4) The members of the county legislative authority, acting ex
officio and independently, shall compose the governing body of any
ferry district that is created within the county. The voters of a
ferry district must be registered voters residing within the boundaries
of the district.
(5) A county with a population greater than one million persons and
having a boundary on Puget Sound, or a county to the west of Puget
Sound with a population greater than two hundred thirty thousand but
less than three hundred thousand persons, proposing to create a ferry
district to assume a passenger-only ferry route between Vashon and
Seattle, including an expansion of that route to include Southworth,
shall first receive approval from the governor after submitting a
complete business plan to the governor and the legislature by November
1, ((2006)) 2007. The business plan must, at a minimum, include hours
of operation, vessel needs, labor needs, proposed routes, passenger
terminal facilities, passenger rates, anticipated federal and local
funding, coordination with Washington state ferry system, coordination
with existing transit providers, long-term operation and maintenance
needs, and long-term financial plan. The business plan must not
include contracting for operations with state employees or agencies.
The business plan may include provisions regarding coordination with an
appropriate county to participate in a joint ferry under RCW 36.54.030
through 36.54.070. In order to be considered for assuming the route,
the ferry district shall ensure that the route will be operated only by
the ferry district and not contracted out to a private entity, all
existing labor agreements will be honored, and operations will begin no
later than July 1, ((2007)) 2008. If the route is to be expanded to
include serving Southworth, the ferry district shall enter into an
interlocal agreement with the public transportation benefit area
serving the Southworth ferry terminal within thirty days of beginning
Southworth ferry service. For the purposes of this subsection, Puget
Sound is considered as extending north to Admiralty Inlet.
Sec. 9 RCW 47.60.120 and 2003 c 373 s 2 and 2003 c 83 s 204 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(((1))) If the department acquires or constructs, maintains, and
operates any ferry crossings upon ((or toll bridges over)) Puget Sound
or any of its tributary or connecting waters, there shall not be
constructed, operated, or maintained any other ferry crossing upon ((or
bridge over)) any such waters ((within ten miles of any such crossing
or bridge operated or maintained)) in a manner that would interfere
with the safe operation of ferries by the department ((excepting
such)), except for bridges or ferry crossings in existence((,)) and
being operated and maintained ((under a)) lawfully ((issued franchise))
at the time of the location of the ferry crossing ((or construction of
the toll bridge)) by the department.
(((2) The ten-mile distance in subsection (1) of this section means
ten statute miles measured by airline distance. The ten-mile
restriction shall be applied by comparing the two end points (termini)
of a state ferry crossing to those of a private ferry crossing.))
(3) The Washington utilities and transportation commission may,
upon written petition of a commercial ferry operator certificated or
applying for certification under chapter 81.84 RCW, and upon notice and
hearing, grant a waiver from the ten-mile restriction. The waiver must
not be detrimental to the public interest. In making a decision to
waive the ten-mile restriction, the commission shall consider, but is
not limited to, the impact of the waiver on transportation congestion
mitigation, air quality improvement, and the overall impact on the
Washington state ferry system. The commission shall act upon a request
for a waiver within ninety days after the conclusion of the hearing.
A waiver is effective for a period of five years from the date of
issuance. At the end of five years the waiver becomes permanent unless
appealed within thirty days by the commission on its own motion, the
department, or an interested party.
(4) The department shall not maintain and operate any ferry
crossing or toll bridge over Puget Sound or any of its tributary or
connecting waters that would infringe upon any franchise lawfully
issued by the state and in existence and being exercised at the time of
the location of the ferry crossing or toll bridge by the department,
without first acquiring the rights granted to such franchise holder
under the franchise.
(5) This section does not apply to the operation of passenger-only
ferry service by public transportation benefit areas meeting the
requirements of RCW 36.57A.200 or to the operation of passenger-only
ferry service by ferry districts.
Sec. 10 RCW 47.60.658 and 2006 c 332 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
The department shall maintain the level of service existing on
January 1, 2006, for the Vashon to Seattle passenger-only ferry route
until such time as the ((legislature approves a county ferry district's
assumption of the route, as authorized under RCW 36.54.110(5))) route
is assumed by another entity, providing a level of service at or
exceeding the state level.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 This act is necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the
state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect
immediately, except for section 9 of this act which takes effect July
1, 2008.