BILL REQ. #: S-2405.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to derelict vessels; amending RCW 79.100.010, 79.100.040, 79.100.100, 90.56.510, 88.02.050, and 88.02.050; adding new sections to chapter 88.02 RCW; creating a new section; providing an effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1 RCW 79.100.010 and 2006 c 153 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Abandoned vessel" means ((the vessel's owner is not known or
cannot be located, or if the vessel's owner is known and located but is
unwilling to take control of the vessel, and the vessel has been left,
moored, or anchored in the same area without the express consent, or
contrary to the rules, of the owner, manager, or lessee of the aquatic
lands below or on which the vessel is located for either a period of
more than thirty consecutive days or for more than a total of ninety
days in any three hundred sixty-five day period)) a vessel that has
been left, moored, or anchored in the same area without the express
consent, or contrary to the rules of, the owner, manager, or lessee of
the aquatic lands below or on which the vessel is located for either a
period of more than thirty consecutive days or for more than a total of
ninety days in any three hundred sixty-five-day period, and the
vessel's owner is: (a) Not known or cannot be located; or (b) known
and located but is unwilling to take control of the vessel. For the
purposes of this subsection (1) only, "in the same area" means within
a radius of five miles of any location where the vessel was previously
moored or anchored on aquatic lands.
(2) "Aquatic lands" means all tidelands, shorelands, harbor areas,
and the beds of navigable waters, including lands owned by the state
and lands owned by other public or private entities.
(3) "Authorized public entity" includes any of the following: The
department of natural resources; the department of fish and wildlife;
the parks and recreation commission; a metropolitan park district; a
port district; and any city, town, or county with ownership,
management, or jurisdiction over the aquatic lands where an abandoned
or derelict vessel is located.
(4) "Department" means the department of natural resources.
(5) "Derelict vessel" means the vessel's owner is known and can be
located, and exerts control of a vessel that:
(a) Has been moored, anchored, or otherwise left in the waters of
the state or on public property contrary to RCW 79.02.300 or rules
adopted by an authorized public entity;
(b) Has been left on private property without authorization of the
owner; or
(c) Has been left for a period of seven consecutive days, and:
(i) Is sunk or in danger of sinking;
(ii) Is obstructing a waterway; or
(iii) Is endangering life or property.
(6) "Owner" means any natural person, firm, partnership,
corporation, association, government entity, or organization that has
a lawful right to possession of a vessel by purchase, exchange, gift,
lease, inheritance, or legal action whether or not the vessel is
subject to a security interest.
(7) "Vessel" ((has the same meaning as defined in RCW 53.08.310))
means any boat or other watercraft, other than a seaplane, that does
not exceed two hundred feet in length and is used for navigation on the
water. "Vessel" includes any trailer used for the transportation of
watercraft and barges.
Sec. 2 RCW 79.100.040 and 2006 c 153 s 3 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Prior to exercising the authority granted in RCW 79.100.030,
the authorized public entity must first obtain custody of the vessel.
To do so, the authorized public entity must:
(a) Mail notice of its intent to obtain custody, at least twenty
days prior to taking custody, to the last known address of the previous
owner to register the vessel in any state or with the federal
government and to any lien holders or secured interests on record. A
notice need not be sent to the purported owner or any other person
whose interest in the vessel is not recorded with a state or federal
(b) Post notice of its intent clearly on the vessel for thirty days
and publish its intent at least once, more than ten days but less than
twenty days prior to taking custody, in a newspaper of general
circulation for the county in which the vessel is located; and
(c) Post notice of its intent on the department's internet web site
on a page specifically designated for such notices. If the authorized
public entity is not the department, the department must facilitate the
internet posting.
(2) All notices sent, posted, or published in accordance with this
section must, at a minimum, explain the intent of the authorized public
entity to take custody of the vessel, the rights of the authorized
public entity after taking custody of the vessel as provided in RCW
79.100.030, the procedures the owner must follow in order to avoid
custody being taken by the authorized public entity, the procedures the
owner must follow in order to reclaim possession after custody is taken
by the authorized public entity, and the financial liabilities that the
owner may incur as provided for in RCW 79.100.060.
(3)(a) If a vessel is: (i) In immediate danger of sinking,
breaking up, or blocking navigational channels((,)); or (ii) poses a
reasonably imminent threat to human health or safety, including a
threat of environmental contamination; and (iii) the owner of the
vessel cannot be located or is unwilling or unable to assume immediate
responsibility for the vessel, any authorized public entity may tow,
beach, or otherwise take temporary possession of the vessel.
(b) Before taking temporary possession of the vessel, the
authorized public entity must make reasonable attempts to consult with
the department or the United States coast guard to ensure that other
remedies are not available. The basis for taking temporary possession
of the vessel must be set out in writing by the authorized public
entity within seven days of taking action and be submitted to the
owner, if known, as soon thereafter as is reasonable. If the
authorized public entity has not already provided the required notice,
immediately after taking possession of the vessel, the authorized
public entity must initiate the notice provisions in subsection (1) of
this section. The authorized public entity must complete the notice
requirements of subsection (1) of this section before using or
disposing of the vessel as authorized in RCW 79.100.050.
Sec. 3 RCW 79.100.100 and 2006 c 153 s 6 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The derelict vessel removal account is created in the state
treasury. All receipts from RCW 79.100.050 and 79.100.060 and those
moneys specified in RCW 88.02.030 and 88.02.050 must be deposited into
the account. The account is authorized to receive fund transfers from
the general fund or the state oil spill prevention account created in
RCW 90.56.510 as well as gifts, grants, and endowments from public or
private sources as may be made from time to time, in trust or
otherwise, for the use and benefit of the purposes of this chapter and
expend the same or any income according to the terms of the gifts,
grants, or endowments provided those terms do not conflict with any
provisions of this section or any guidelines developed to prioritize
reimbursement of removal projects associated with this chapter. Moneys
in the account may only be spent after appropriation. Expenditures
from the account shall be used by the department to reimburse
authorized public entities for up to ninety percent of the total
reasonable and auditable administrative, removal, disposal, and
environmental damage costs of abandoned or derelict vessels when the
previous owner is either unknown after a reasonable search effort or
insolvent. Funds in the account resulting from transfers from the
general fund, the state oil spill prevention account, or from the
surcharge created under section 8 of this act shall be used to
reimburse one hundred percent of these costs and should be prioritized
for the removal of large vessels. Costs associated with removal and
disposal of an abandoned or derelict vessel under the authority granted
in RCW 53.08.320 also qualify for reimbursement from the derelict
vessel removal account. In each biennium, up to twenty percent of the
expenditures from the account may be used for administrative expenses
of the department of licensing and department of natural resources in
implementing this chapter.
(2) If the balance of the account reaches one million dollars as of
March 1st of any year, exclusive of any fund transfers from the general
fund or the state oil spill prevention account or any deposits in the
account from the surcharge created under section 8 of this act, the
department must notify the department of licensing and the collection
of any fees associated with this account must be suspended for the
following fiscal year.
(3) Priority for use of this account is for the removal of derelict
and abandoned vessels that are in danger of sinking, breaking up, or
blocking navigation channels, or that present environmental risks such
as leaking fuel or other hazardous substances. The department must
develop criteria, in the form of informal guidelines, to prioritize
removal projects associated with this chapter, but may not consider
whether the applicant is a state or local entity when prioritizing.
The guidelines must also include guidance to the authorized public
entities as to what removal activities and associated costs are
reasonable and eligible for reimbursement.
(4) The department must keep all authorized public entities
apprized of the balance of the derelict vessel removal account and the
funds available for reimbursement. The guidelines developed by the
department must also be made available to the other authorized public
entities. This subsection (4) must be satisfied by utilizing the least
costly method, including maintaining the information on the
department's internet web site, or any other cost-effective method.
(5) An authorized public entity may contribute its ten percent of
costs that are not eligible for reimbursement by using in-kind
services, including the use of existing staff, equipment, and
(6) This chapter does not guarantee reimbursement for an authorized
public entity. Authorized public entities seeking certainty in
reimbursement prior to taking action under this chapter may first
notify the department of their proposed action and the estimated total
costs. Upon notification by an authorized public entity, the
department must make the authorized public entity aware of the status
of the fund and the likelihood of reimbursement being available. The
department may offer technical assistance and assure reimbursement for
up to two years following the removal action if an assurance is
appropriate given the balance of the fund and the details of the
proposed action.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 88.02 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) A marina that leases permanent moorage to vessels must require
the following information from the lessee as a condition of leasing
moorage space: (a) The name of the legal owner of the vessel; (b) a
local contact person, if different than the owner; (c) the owner's
address and telephone number; (d) the vessel's hull identification
number; (e) the vessel's coast guard registration, if applicable; (f)
the vessel's home port; (g) the date on which the moorage lease began;
and (h) the vessel's country or state of registration and registration
number. A marina shall maintain records of this information for at
least two years. The marina shall permit any authorized agent of the
department of natural resources to inspect these records upon request.
(2) A marina that leases permanent moorage to vessels must require
proof of vessel registration or a written statement of intent to
register a vessel as a condition of leasing moorage space. If the
applicant's vessel is not registered in this state, the marina must
inform the moorage applicant of the state law requiring vessel
registration and direct the moorage applicant to the appropriate vessel
registration forms. Thereafter, it is the moorage applicant's
responsibility to register the vessel.
Sec. 5 RCW 90.56.510 and 2000 c 69 s 22 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The oil spill prevention account is created in the state
treasury. All receipts from RCW 82.23B.020(2) shall be deposited in
the account. Moneys from the account may be spent only after
appropriation. The account is subject to allotment procedures under
chapter 43.88 RCW. If, on the first day of any calendar month, the
balance of the oil spill response account is greater than nine million
dollars and the balance of the oil spill prevention account exceeds the
unexpended appropriation for the current biennium, then the tax under
RCW 82.23B.020(2) shall be suspended on the first day of the next
calendar month until the beginning of the following biennium, provided
that the tax shall not be suspended during the last six months of the
biennium. If the tax imposed under RCW 82.23B.020(2) is suspended
during two consecutive biennia, the department shall by November 1st
after the end of the second biennium, recommend to the appropriate
standing committees an adjustment in the tax rate. Beginning September
29, 2007, and on the last day of March, June, September, and December
of each year thereafter until October 1, 2010, the state treasurer
shall transfer five hundred thousand dollars to the derelict vessel
removal account created under RCW 79.100.100. For the biennium ending
June 30, 1999, and the biennium ending June 30, 2001, the state
treasurer may transfer a total of up to one million dollars from the
oil spill response account to the oil spill prevention account to
support appropriations made from the oil spill prevention account in
the omnibus appropriations act adopted not later than June 30, 1999.
(2) Expenditures from the oil spill prevention account shall be
used exclusively for the administrative costs related to the purposes
of this chapter, and chapters 90.48, 88.40, and 88.46 RCW. Starting
with the 1995-1997 biennium, the legislature shall give activities of
state agencies related to prevention of oil spills priority in funding
from the oil spill prevention account. Costs of prevention include the
costs of:
(a) Routine responses not covered under RCW 90.56.500;
(b) Management and staff development activities;
(c) Development of rules and policies and the statewide plan
provided for in RCW 90.56.060;
(d) Facility and vessel plan review and approval, drills,
inspections, investigations, enforcement, and litigation;
(e) Interagency coordination and public outreach and education;
(f) Collection and administration of the tax provided for in
chapter 82.23B RCW; and
(g) Appropriate travel, goods and services, contracts, and
Sec. 6 RCW 88.02.050 and 2005 c 464 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Application for a vessel registration shall be made to the
department or its authorized agent in the manner and upon forms
prescribed by the department. The application shall state the name and
address of each owner of the vessel and such other information as may
be required by the department, shall be signed by at least one owner,
and shall be accompanied by a vessel registration fee of ten dollars
and fifty cents per year and the excise tax imposed under chapter 82.49
(2) Five additional dollars must be collected annually from every
vessel registration application. These moneys must be distributed in
the following manner:
(a) Two dollars must be deposited into the derelict vessel removal
account established in RCW 79.100.100. If the department of natural
resources indicates that the balance of the derelict vessel removal
account, not including any transfer of funds into the account or funds
deposited into the account collected under section 8 of this act,
reaches one million dollars as of March 1st of any year, the collection
of the two-dollar fee must be suspended for the following fiscal year.
(b) One dollar and fifty cents must be deposited in the aquatic
invasive species prevention account created in RCW 77.12.879.
(c) One dollar must be deposited into the freshwater aquatic algae
control account created in RCW 43.21A.667.
(d) Fifty cents must be deposited into the aquatic invasive species
enforcement account created in RCW 43.43.400.
(3) Any fees required for licensing agents under RCW 46.01.140
shall be in addition to the ten dollar and fifty cent annual
registration fee and the five-dollar fee created in subsection (2) of
this section.
(4) Upon receipt of the application and the registration fee, the
department shall assign a registration number and issue a decal for
each vessel. The registration number and decal shall be issued and
affixed to the vessel in a manner prescribed by the department
consistent with the standard numbering system for vessels set forth in
volume 33, part 174, of the code of federal regulations. A valid decal
affixed as prescribed shall indicate compliance with the annual
registration requirements of this chapter.
(5) The vessel registrations and decals are valid for a period of
one year, except that the director of licensing may extend or diminish
vessel registration periods, and the decals therefor, for the purpose
of staggered renewal periods. For registration periods of more or less
than one year, the department may collect prorated annual registration
fees and excise taxes based upon the number of months in the
registration period. Vessel registrations are renewable every year in
a manner prescribed by the department upon payment of the vessel
registration fee, excise tax, and the derelict vessel fee. Upon
renewing a vessel registration, the department shall issue a new decal
to be affixed as prescribed by the department.
(6) When the department issues either a notice to renew a vessel
registration or a decal for a new or renewed vessel registration, it
shall also provide information on the location of marine oil recycling
tanks and sewage holding tank pumping stations. This information will
be provided to the department by the state parks and recreation
commission in a form ready for distribution. The form will be
developed and prepared by the state parks and recreation commission
with the cooperation of the department of ecology. The department, the
state parks and recreation commission, and the department of ecology
shall enter into a memorandum of agreement to implement this process.
(7) A person acquiring a vessel from a dealer or a vessel already
validly registered under this chapter shall, within fifteen days of the
acquisition or purchase of the vessel, apply to the department or its
authorized agent for transfer of the vessel registration, and the
application shall be accompanied by a transfer fee of one dollar.
Sec. 7 RCW 88.02.050 and 2002 c 286 s 13 are each amended to read
as follows:
Application for a vessel registration shall be made to the
department or its authorized agent in the manner and upon forms
prescribed by the department. The application shall state the name and
address of each owner of the vessel and such other information as may
be required by the department, shall be signed by at least one owner,
and shall be accompanied by a vessel registration fee of ten dollars
and fifty cents per year and the excise tax imposed under chapter 82.49
RCW. In addition, two additional dollars must be collected annually
from every vessel registration application. These moneys must be
deposited into the derelict vessel removal account established in RCW
79.100.100. If the department of natural resources indicates that the
balance of the derelict vessel removal account, not including any
transfer of funds into the account or funds deposited into the account
collected under section 8 of this act, reaches one million dollars as
of March 1st of any year, the collection of the two-dollar fee must be
suspended for the following fiscal year. Any fees required for
licensing agents under RCW 46.01.140 shall be in addition to the ten
dollar and fifty cent annual registration fee and the two-dollar
derelict vessel fee.
Upon receipt of the application and the registration fee, the
department shall assign a registration number and issue a decal for
each vessel. The registration number and decal shall be issued and
affixed to the vessel in a manner prescribed by the department
consistent with the standard numbering system for vessels set forth in
volume 33, part 174, of the code of federal regulations. A valid decal
affixed as prescribed shall indicate compliance with the annual
registration requirements of this chapter.
The vessel registrations and decals are valid for a period of one
year, except that the director of licensing may extend or diminish
vessel registration periods, and the decals therefor, for the purpose
of staggered renewal periods. For registration periods of more or less
than one year, the department may collect prorated annual registration
fees and excise taxes based upon the number of months in the
registration period. Vessel registrations are renewable every year in
a manner prescribed by the department upon payment of the vessel
registration fee, excise tax, and the derelict vessel fee. Upon
renewing a vessel registration, the department shall issue a new decal
to be affixed as prescribed by the department.
When the department issues either a notice to renew a vessel
registration or a decal for a new or renewed vessel registration, it
shall also provide information on the location of marine oil recycling
tanks and sewage holding tank pumping stations. This information will
be provided to the department by the state parks and recreation
commission in a form ready for distribution. The form will be
developed and prepared by the state parks and recreation commission
with the cooperation of the department of ecology. The department, the
state parks and recreation commission, and the department of ecology
shall enter into a memorandum of agreement to implement this process.
A person acquiring a vessel from a dealer or a vessel already
validly registered under this chapter shall, within fifteen days of the
acquisition or purchase of the vessel, apply to the department or its
authorized agent for transfer of the vessel registration, and the
application shall be accompanied by a transfer fee of one dollar.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8 A new section is added to chapter 88.02 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) In order to address the significant backlog of derelict vessels
that have accumulated in our state's waters that pose a threat to the
health and safety of the people and to our environment, the legislature
intends to collect a derelict vessel removal surcharge, until the
backlog as it exists on the effective date of this section has been
(2) In addition to the fees collected under RCW 88.02.050, the
department shall collect an annual derelict vessel removal surcharge
based on the vessel's length from every vessel registration applicant
as follows: (a) Two dollars for each vessel with a length greater than
twenty-five feet but not longer than fifty feet; (b) four dollars for
each vessel with a length greater than fifty feet but not longer than
seventy-five feet; (c) six dollars for each vessel with a length
greater than seventy-five feet but not longer than one hundred feet;
(d) eight dollars for each vessel with a length greater than one
hundred feet but not longer than one hundred twenty-five feet; (e) ten
dollars for each vessel with a length greater than one hundred twenty-five feet but not longer than one hundred fifty feet; (f) twelve
dollars for each vessel with a length greater than one hundred fifty
feet but not longer than one hundred seventy-five feet; (g) fourteen
dollars for each vessel greater than one hundred seventy-five feet but
not longer than two hundred feet; and (h) sixteen dollars for vessels
longer than two hundred feet in length. The revenue generated from the
derelict vessel surcharge must be deposited into the derelict vessel
removal account established under RCW 79.100.100.
(3) The department of natural resources shall submit a list that
identifies the backlog of derelict vessels as of the effective date of
this section to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
legislature. Upon completion of the elimination of the backlog, the
department of natural resources shall notify the appropriate policy and
fiscal committees of the legislature and the department of licensing,
in writing, to suspend collection of the surcharge at the end of the
fiscal year in which the backlog has been eliminated. Upon receipt of
the notice to suspend collection of the surcharge, the department of
licensing shall cease collection at the end of the fiscal year in which
the notice is received.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 The department of natural resources, in
consultation with the department of revenue, shall examine the costs
and benefits of extending the derelict vessel removal fees and
surcharges to the vessels that are not subject to RCW 88.02.050 in
order to provide for more equity in the derelict vessel removal program
and the fees that support the program. The departments shall submit a
report of the findings to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees
of the legislature by November 1, 2007.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10 Section 6 of this act expires June 30,
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 Section 7 of this act takes effect June 30,