BILL REQ. #: S-2101.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
Read first time 02/22/2007. Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
AN ACT Relating to special education safety net awards; adding new sections to chapter 28A.155 RCW; creating new sections; providing an expiration date; and making appropriations.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds the current special
education safety net process needs to be modified in order to ease the
administrative burden on school districts and to make the process more
transparent and streamlined. It is the intent of the legislature to
maintain the requirement that a school district operate effective and
efficient special education programs in order to be eligible for a
special education safety net award, but at the same time, the
legislature intends to make the application and grant process less
cumbersome and time consuming. It is further the purpose of this act
to provide additional funds through the special education safety net to
assist districts with extraordinary high-cost needs students.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 28A.155
RCW to read as follows:
A state special education safety net oversight committee is
established to be appointed by the office of the superintendent of
public instruction. In appointing members to the committee, the office
of the superintendent of public instruction shall seek recommendations
from the Washington state school directors' association, the Washington
parent teacher association, the Washington association of school
administrators, the Washington school principals' association, and the
office of financial management. The special education safety net
oversight committee shall have a maximum of fourteen members, exclusive
of alternatives, and shall include the following:
(1) One staff person from the office of the superintendent of
public instruction;
(2) One staff person from the office of the state auditor, who
shall be a nonvoting member of the committee; and
(3) Up to twelve representatives from school districts or
educational service districts knowledgeable in special education
programs and funding.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 28A.155
RCW to read as follows:
Safety net funds shall be awarded by the state special education
safety net oversight committee subject to the following conditions and
(1) The committee shall consider unmet needs for districts that can
convincingly demonstrate that all legitimate expenditures for special
education exceed all available revenues from state funding formulas.
In the determination of need, the committee shall also consider
additional available revenues from federal sources. Differences in
program costs attributable to district philosophy, service delivery
choice, or accounting practices are not a legitimate basis for safety
net awards.
(2) The committee shall then consider the extraordinary high-cost
needs of one or more individual special education students.
Differences in costs attributable to district philosophy, service
delivery choice, or accounting practices are not a legitimate basis for
safety net awards.
(3) The committee shall then consider extraordinary costs
associated with communities that draw a larger number of families with
children in need of special education services.
(4) Safety net awards must be adjusted for any audit findings or
exceptions related to special education funding.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 28A.155
RCW to read as follows:
The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules
necessary to administer the special education safety net award process.
In adopting such rules, the superintendent shall ensure the application
process to access funding for high-cost students is streamlined,
timelines for submission are not in conflict, feedback to school
districts is timely and provides sufficient information to allow school
districts to know what they need to do to correct any deficiencies in
their safety net application, and that there is consistency between
awards approved by school districts and by application period. The
office of the superintendent of public instruction shall also provide
technical assistance to school districts to assist them in preparing
and submitting their special education safety net application.
On an annual basis, the superintendent shall survey districts
regarding their satisfaction with the safety net process and
incorporate feedback to improve the safety net process. Each year by
December 1st, the superintendent shall prepare and submit a report to
the office of financial management and the appropriate policy and
fiscal committees of the legislature that summarizes the survey results
and changes made to the safety net process as a result of the school
district feedback.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 (1) In addition to the responsibilities in
section 3 of this act, the state special education safety net oversight
committee, with the assistance of the office of the superintendent of
public instruction, shall conduct further evaluation of issues raised
in the recently completed review of the special education excess cost
accounting procedures by the office of the superintendent of public
instruction and the 2006 report of the joint legislative audit and
review committee report on the accounting of special education excess
costs. Specifically, the state special education safety net oversight
committee shall evaluate options for modifying or replacing the current
accounting methodology in place for the 2005-06 school year in a way
that better reflects the special education program funding and
spending. By November 1, 2008, the oversight committee shall submit a
report to the office of financial management and the appropriate policy
and fiscal committees of the legislature outlining the options for
replacing the current excess cost method. One of the options will be
based on, to the maximum extent appropriate, a full cost accounting.
(2) This section expires June 30, 2009.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 (1) The sum of twenty-five million dollars,
or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2008, from the general fund to the office of the
superintendent of public instruction for the purposes of special
education safety net awards to school districts pursuant to this act.
(2) The sum of twenty-five million dollars, or as much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2009, from the general fund to the office of the superintendent of
public instruction for the purposes of special education safety net
awards to school districts pursuant to this act.
(3) The funds appropriated in this section are in addition to any
special education safety net funds appropriated in section 507 of the
omnibus appropriations act, chapter . . . (SB 5140), Laws of 2007. Any
funds from this appropriation not expended for special education safety
net awards shall be distributed to school districts under section
507(5) of the omnibus appropriations act, chapter . . . (SB 5140), Laws
of 2007.