BILL REQ. #: S-3800.2
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/14/08. Referred to Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development.
AN ACT Relating to heritage livestock and poultry breeds; creating new sections; and providing an expiration date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that preserving
genetic diversity of animal species is of high interest to the public.
The development of livestock and poultry species commenced centuries
ago through domestication and breeding of what had been wild animal
species. Through the ages, many species of food animals have been
transported from one region or continent to another and distinct and
recognizable breeds of these species have developed. The legislature
finds that the historic livestock and poultry breeds retain different
and unique genetic attributes including factors that can affect
fertility, foraging ability, longevity, maternal instincts, and
resistance to diseases and parasites.
As some specialized breeds have become favored in modern food
production systems, competitive market forces have caused others to
diminish or become extinct. When a breed is lost, the unique genetic
attributes are not retrievable. The legislature finds that sufficient
mechanisms currently do not exist to support the continued survival of
some of the declining breeds.
The purpose of this act is to establish a nonregulatory incentive-based program to encourage owners of rare and diminishing species of
livestock and poultry to continue rearing these animals. It is the
intent of the legislature to establish procedures to provide
recognition to owners of animals as heritage livestock and poultry and
thereby increase public awareness of their contribution toward the
perpetuation of rare and declining breeds.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 (1) The Washington heritage livestock and
poultry breed recognition program is hereby created in the department
of archaeology and historic preservation.
(2) The director shall establish a heritage livestock and poultry
breed recognition program. To apply for recognition, an animal owner
may submit an application form to the department that includes the
breed of the livestock or poultry, photos of the animals, a brief
history of the livestock or poultry breed including the breed's origin,
and its interesting and unique characteristics. The department may use
as a general guide for the recognition program, the species of
livestock and poultry that are designated as "critical," "threatened,"
or "watch" on the conservation priority list established by the
American livestock breeds conservancy. Persons owning livestock or
poultry of breeds not included on these lists may submit supplemental
information regarding the breed's status as a rare or diminishing breed
for consideration by the department for possible designation as a
heritage livestock breed.
(3) The department shall (a) periodically issue recognition awards
to the owners of the animals designated under subsection (2) of this
section and (b) maintain a web site that includes pictures and a short
description of animals on the heritage livestock breed registry.
(4) The department may request from the department of agriculture
assistance and expertise related to livestock and poultry to implement
this section. The agencies may enter into a memorandum of agreement to
facilitate this assistance.
(5) This section expires July 1, 2010.