BILL REQ. #: S-4101.2
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/15/08. Referred to Committee on Water, Energy & Telecommunications.
AN ACT Relating to Puget Sound marine managed areas; amending RCW 90.71.010, 79.105.210, and 90.71.300; adding a new section to chapter 90.71 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 79.105 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 77.12 RCW; and creating new sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 (1) The legislature finds that many state
agencies and local governments administer marine protected areas,
preserves, conservation areas, and other similar geographically based
area designations that are a valuable means to protect and enhance
Puget Sound's marine resources. The legislature further finds that the
combination of climate change impacts and increased population and
development in the Puget Sound basin will place further stresses upon
sustaining the biological diversity and ecosystem health of Puget
(2) It is the intent of the legislature that state and local
actions intended to protect, conserve, and manage marine life and
resources be conducted in a coordinated manner, utilize the best
available science, consider the projected impacts on Puget Sound's
marine areas from climate change, and contribute to the recovery of the
Puget Sound's environmental health by 2020.
(3) It is the purpose of this act to:
(a) Create a strategic network of marine managed areas that
contribute to conserving the biological diversity and ecosystem health
of Puget Sound;
(b) Strengthen the coordination of marine managed areas among
multiple state agencies and local governments;
(c) Provide for management and designation of marine managed areas
programs on an ecosystem basis and to incorporate the best available
scientific information into these programs;
(d) Adopt a plan that builds a comprehensive system of marine
managed areas, that adopts goals for maintaining the diversity of
marine life and resources in Puget Sound, and that is based upon
anticipated threats and stressors such as climate change impacts;
(e) Recognize the interrelationship of the marine ecosystem
throughout the Pacific Northwest, and the multiple entities, including
local, state, provincial, and federal governments, as well as tribal
governments and first nations, that are involved in managing marine
managed areas; and
(f) Adopt codified criteria and procedures applicable to the
aquatic reserve program on state-owned aquatic lands.
Sec. 2 RCW 90.71.010 and 2007 c 341 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
((Unless the context clearly requires otherwise,)) The definitions
in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context
clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Action agenda" means the comprehensive schedule of projects,
programs, and other activities designed to achieve a healthy Puget
Sound ecosystem that is authorized and further described in RCW
90.71.300 and 90.71.310.
(2) "Action area" means the geographic areas delineated as provided
in RCW 90.71.260.
(3) "Benchmarks" means measurable interim milestones or
achievements established to demonstrate progress towards a goal,
objective, or outcome.
(4) "Board" means the ecosystem coordination board.
(5) "Council" means the leadership council.
(6) "Environmental indicator" means a physical, biological, or
chemical measurement, statistic, or value that provides a proximate
gauge, or evidence of, the state or condition of Puget Sound.
(7) "Implementation strategies" means the strategies incorporated
on a biennial basis in the action agenda developed under RCW 90.71.310.
(8) "Marine managed area" means a named, discrete geographic marine
or estuarine area designated by statute, ordinance, resolution, or
administrative action, whose designation is intended to protect,
conserve, or otherwise manage the marine life and resources within the
(9) "Nearshore" means the area beginning at the crest of coastal
bluffs and extending seaward through the marine photics zone, and to
the head of tide in coastal rivers and streams. "Nearshore" also means
both shoreline and estuaries.
(((9))) (10) "Panel" means the Puget Sound science panel.
(((10))) (11) "Partnership" means the Puget Sound partnership.
(((11))) (12) "Plan" means the statewide marine managed areas plan
developed under section 3 of this act.
(13) "Puget Sound" means Puget Sound and related inland marine
waters, including all salt waters of the state of Washington inside the
international boundary line between Washington and British Columbia,
and lying east of the junction of the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of
Juan de Fuca, and the rivers and streams draining to Puget Sound as
mapped by water resource inventory areas 1 through 19 in WAC
173-500-040 as it exists on July 1, 2007.
(((12))) (14) "Puget Sound partner" means an entity that has been
recognized by the partnership, as provided in RCW 90.71.340, as having
consistently achieved outstanding progress in implementing the 2020
action agenda.
(((13))) (15) "Watershed groups" means all groups sponsoring or
administering watershed programs, including but not limited to local
governments, private sector entities, watershed planning units,
watershed councils, shellfish protection areas, regional fishery
enhancement groups, marine ((resource[s])) resources committees
including those working with the Northwest straits commission,
nearshore groups, and watershed lead entities.
(((14))) (16) "Watershed programs" means and includes all
watershed-level plans, programs, projects, and activities that relate
to or may contribute to the protection or restoration of Puget Sound
waters. Such programs include jurisdiction-wide programs regardless of
whether more than one watershed is addressed.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 90.71 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The partnership shall prepare a Puget Sound marine managed
areas plan to coordinate and strengthen all of the marine managed areas
programs managed by state agencies and local governments.
(2) The chair of the council shall designate a work group for
preparation of the plan. The work group shall include one or more
members of the Puget Sound science panel, one of whom must chair the
work group. The work group must include, but not be limited to, state
agencies and local governments with regulatory jurisdiction over or
that manage marine managed areas including, but not limited to, the
department of natural resources, the department of fish and wildlife,
and the department of ecology. The work group shall also include the
state biodiversity council, created by executive order 04-02, or the
biodiversity council's successor entity. The chair of the council
shall also invite representatives of tribal governments, federal
agencies, and cities and counties that have designated or have
significant interests in the management of Puget Sound marine managed
areas. The chair of the council may also invite representatives from
other states and provinces and first nation and tribal governments with
interests in marine managed areas in the Pacific Northwest to
participate on the work group as observers.
(3) The plan must include, but not be limited to:
(a) Guidelines for incorporating the best available scientific
information when designating and managing marine managed areas;
(b) Guidelines for managing areas on an ecosystem basis and for
coordinating multiple programs and areas within the same
biogeographical regions to achieve ecosystem-based management;
(c) Recommendations for adequate levels of funding for the
designation, long-term management, and monitoring of the marine managed
areas in the network;
(d) Strategies to address the projected impacts to marine managed
areas from population growth, existing and proposed upland and aquatic
lands development, and storm water discharges to Puget Sound;
(e) Strategies to prepare for and manage the impacts of climate
change, including impacts due to sea level changes, salinity changes,
water temperature, increased acidification, and changes in frequency
and intensity of precipitation events affecting storm water discharges
to marine waters;
(f) An adaptive management component in which new information on
the progress of implementing management goals for the individual marine
managed areas and overall goals for all such areas, and climate change
impacts may be considered and integrated into the designation and
management of marine managed areas; and
(g) Methodologies for synthesizing monitoring results with
programmatic goals to inform decision making on subsequent designation
and marine managed areas strategies.
(4) The plan must also include comprehensive objectives for
coordinating existing marine managed areas, revisions to existing
areas, and designation of additional areas, in order to achieve a
network of marine managed areas that will contribute to the long-term
conservation of important biota and marine ecosystems. In developing
the objectives the work group shall rely primarily upon existing plans
and objectives relating to conservation of marine life in Puget Sound,
and the program plans prepared by state agencies and local governments
administering marine managed areas programs.
(5) The plan must be completed by December 31, 2009, and submitted
to the council for its review and approval. The plan must be
incorporated into the Puget Sound action agenda adopted under RCW
90.71.310. The council shall provide for public review and comment on
the plan in a manner comparable to the other provisions of the Puget
Sound action agenda. The council, with the assistance of the work
group, may amend the plan from time to time using public review and
comment procedures comparable to that in revising other elements of the
Puget Sound action agenda.
Sec. 4 RCW 79.105.210 and 2005 c 155 s 143 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The management of state-owned aquatic lands shall preserve and
enhance water-dependent uses. Water-dependent uses shall be favored
over other uses in state-owned aquatic land planning and in resolving
conflicts between competing lease applications. In cases of conflict
between water-dependent uses, priority shall be given to uses which
enhance renewable resources, water-borne commerce, and the navigational
and biological capacity of the waters, and to statewide interests as
distinguished from local interests.
(2) Nonwater-dependent use of state-owned aquatic lands is a low-priority use providing minimal public benefits and shall not be
permitted to expand or be established in new areas except in
exceptional circumstances where it is compatible with water-dependent
uses occurring in or planned for the area.
(3) The department shall consider the natural values of state-owned
aquatic lands as wildlife habitat, natural area preserve,
representative ecosystem, or spawning area prior to issuing any initial
lease or authorizing any change in use. The department may withhold
from leasing lands which it finds to have significant natural values,
or may provide within any lease for the protection of such values.
When withdrawing lands from leasing for the purposes of managing an
aquatic reserve, the department shall be guided by the procedures and
criteria of section 5 of this act.
(4) The power to lease state-owned aquatic lands is vested in the
department, which has the authority to make leases upon terms,
conditions, and length of time in conformance with the state
Constitution and chapters 79.105 through 79.140 RCW.
(5) State-owned aquatic lands shall not be leased to persons or
organizations which discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
religion, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 A new section is added to chapter 79.105 RCW
under a new subchapter heading of "aquatic reserve system" to read as
(1) The aquatic reserve system is established. The aquatic reserve
system is comprised of those areas of state-owned aquatic lands
designated by the department prior to the effective date of this
section and any areas added to the system by order of the commissioner
(2) State-owned aquatic lands that have one or more of the
following characteristics may be included by order of the commissioner
in the system as an aquatic reserve:
(a) The lands have been identified as having high priority for
conservation, natural systems, wildlife, and low-impact public use
(b) The lands have flora, fauna, geological, recreational,
archaeological, cultural, scenic, or similar features of critical
importance and have retained to some degree or reestablished its
natural character;
(c) The lands provide significant examples of native ecological
communities; and
(d) The lands have significant sites or features threatened with
conversion to incompatible uses.
(3) The commissioner shall adopt procedures for submission of
reserve nominations and for public participation in the review of
proposed reserves. If a reserve no longer meets the goals and
objectives for which it was designated, and adaptive management has not
been successful to meet the goals and objectives, the commissioner may
by order modify the reserve boundaries or remove the area from reserve
status. The commissioner shall provide public participation procedures
for the proposals.
(4) In the designation and management of reserves within Puget
Sound, as geographically defined in RCW 90.71.010, the commissioner
shall be guided by the marine managed areas plan adopted under section
3 of this act. Within twenty-four months of the adoption of the marine
managed areas plan under section 3 of this act, the department shall
complete a review of existing management plans and pending reserve
nominations for consistency with the guidelines and recommendations in
the marine managed areas plan. The commissioner shall accord
substantial weight to any recommendations provided by the Puget Sound
partnership regarding the designation and management of reserves within
Puget Sound.
(5) Where the commissioner determines that management of the taking
of fish, shellfish, or wildlife within or adjacent to the reserve would
enhance the objectives for which the reserve has been created, the
commissioner shall request that the fish and wildlife commission act
pursuant to section 6 of this act to adopt supporting rules.
(6) The aquatic reserve system must be coordinated with other
marine managed areas and regulatory programs. The department shall
cooperate with other state agencies and local governments to manage
state-owned aquatic lands consistently with the management of uses and
activities in the same geographic areas by state parks, the department
of fish and wildlife, the department of ecology, and other state
agencies. The department shall also provide recommendations to local
governments in updating their shoreline master programs and in
sponsoring local marine park reserves or voluntary stewardship areas to
seek consistent planning and management activities in areas adjacent to
designated reserves.
(7) State agencies with authority over construction activities or
water discharges in state waters or that otherwise implement programs
that affect a designated reserve shall give special consideration to
increasing protection and reducing and preventing pollution of these
areas, consistent with the management objectives of the reserve.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 A new section is added to chapter 77.12 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The commission may adopt rules governing the taking of fish,
shellfish, or wildlife within or adjacent to a designated aquatic
reserve, or other marine managed areas. When requested by the
commissioner of public lands to adopt such rules to support the
purposes of an aquatic reserve designated by the department of natural
resources, the commission shall act upon the request within one hundred
eighty days.
(2) This section is in addition to and does not limit the
commission's authority to establish rules governing the taking of fish,
shellfish, or wildlife under any other authority.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7 The Puget Sound partnership shall provide
the plan required by section 3 of this act to the appropriate
committees of the legislature by December 1, 2009, together with its
recommendations for further policy legislation and budget
recommendations to enhance Puget Sound marine managed areas programs.
Sec. 8 RCW 90.71.300 and 2007 c 341 s 12 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The action agenda shall consist of the goals and objectives in
this section, implementation strategies to meet measurable outcomes,
benchmarks, ((and)) identification of responsible entities, and the
marine managed areas plan adopted under section 3 of this act. By
2020, the action agenda shall strive to achieve the following goals:
(a) A healthy human population supported by a healthy Puget Sound
that is not threatened by changes in the ecosystem;
(b) A quality of human life that is sustained by a functioning
Puget Sound ecosystem;
(c) Healthy and sustaining populations of native species in Puget
Sound, including a robust food web;
(d) A healthy Puget Sound where freshwater, estuary, nearshore,
marine, and upland habitats are protected, restored, and sustained;
(e) An ecosystem that is supported by ground water levels as well
as river and stream flow levels sufficient to sustain people, fish, and
wildlife, and the natural functions of the environment;
(f) Fresh and marine waters and sediments of a sufficient quality
so that the waters in the region are safe for drinking, swimming,
shellfish harvest and consumption, and other human uses and enjoyment,
and are not harmful to the native marine mammals, fish, birds, and
shellfish of the region.
(2) The action agenda shall be developed and implemented to achieve
the following objectives:
(a) Protect existing habitat and prevent further losses;
(b) Restore habitat functions and values;
(c) Significantly reduce toxics entering Puget Sound fresh and
marine waters;
(d) Significantly reduce nutrients and pathogens entering Puget
Sound fresh and marine waters;
(e) Improve water quality and habitat by managing storm water
(f) Provide water for people, fish and wildlife, and the
(g) Protect ecosystem biodiversity and recover imperiled species;
(h) Build and sustain the capacity for action.