BILL REQ. #: S-3980.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/16/08. Referred to Committee on Higher Education.
AN ACT Relating to faculty employment opportunities at community and technical colleges; and adding a new section to chapter 28B.52 RCW.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 28B.52 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) It is the purpose of this section to provide faculty and
college excellence for its citizens by addressing growing concerns
about the academic staffing crisis in higher education and its affect
on student achievement and retention. Staffing issues, including the
economic exploitation of adjunct faculty along with the shrinking ranks
of full-time tenured faculty, limit the ability of the state system of
higher education to provide high quality education, improve retention
rates, conduct research, and provide support for economic development.
Promoting faculty and college excellence will result in better service
for students, communities, and the economy.
(2)(a) It is the goal of this section that at least seventy-five
percent of the courses taught or academic assignments held in each
department on each campus of a community and technical college
district, if the department has at least eight full-time equivalent
academic workloads as described in RCW 28B.50.489, shall be taught or
held by full-time tenured or tenure track faculty by 2014.
(b) It is a further goal that part-time and nontenured faculty in
community and technical colleges receive consideration for continuing
employment and for new tenure-track positions.
(3) By fall quarter 2008, each community and technical college
shall determine the number of full-time equivalent faculty appointments
held by part-time, nontenured, tenure-track, and tenured faculty in
each academic department and shall report their findings to the state
board for community and technical colleges, their boards of trustees,
and the exclusive representatives of the faculty.
(4)(a) Those community and technical colleges that do not meet the
goal in subsection (2)(a) of this section shall create a plan to meet
the goal, subject to collective bargaining with the exclusive
representatives of the faculty, by summer quarter 2009. In its plan,
the institution shall state how it intends to meet its goal by, but not
limited to, creating new full-time tenure-track appointments, creating
opportunities for adjunct faculty to attain full-time positions, and
converting classes or assignments left vacant by attrition, but not by
discharging currently employed part-time or nontenure track faculty.
Special attention should be paid to increasing the number of full-time
faculty in departments of math, science, adult basic education, early
childhood education, and English.
(b) Those departments that do not meet the seventy-five percent
goal as described in subsection (2)(a) of this section shall, subject
to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose,
beginning in September 2009, and in each succeeding year, plan to
increase the share of positions held by full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty so that by 2014 the legislature's goal of seventy-five
percent is met.
(c) Each biennium, the governing board of each community and
technical college shall submit in its biennial budget request an amount
of funds sufficient to cover the projected costs of implementing this
(5)(a) Each community and technical college shall establish a
process, subject to collective bargaining, under which part-time and
full-time nontenured faculty members, after successful completion of an
evaluation period, receive timely notice of and priority consideration,
consistent with other institutional and state policies, for academic
employment assignments for which they are qualified in their discipline
in coming academic terms. The priority consideration shall include
either rights of first refusal for eligible classes and assignments or
a continuing contract with due process rights.
(b) Each institution of higher education shall create, subject to
collective bargaining, a process for ensuring that qualified internal
applicants receive priority consideration for attaining a tenure-track
position when one becomes available such as, but not limited to, a job
interview for positions where minimum requirements have been met.
(c) The processes in this subsection shall be consistent with
institutional and state affirmative action and other personnel policies
and shall ensure that nontenured-track faculty: (i) Accumulate
seniority; (ii) are notified of job openings before the job is posted
outside of the institution of higher education; and (iii) have priority
consideration for appointments.