BILL REQ. #: S-4486.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/22/08. Referred to Committee on Government Operations & Elections.
AN ACT Relating to repealing chapter 385, Laws of 2005; creating a new section; and repealing RCW 43.09.430, 43.09.435, 43.09.440, 43.09.445, 43.88.162, 43.09.450, 43.09.455, 2.56.200, and 43.09.460.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 Washington citizens demand and deserve
accountability for the performance of government programs.
In the 2005 legislative session, the legislature created a citizen
advisory board to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability
in state government. The state auditor serves as a nonvoting member of
this board. The board is to develop a work plan and timeline for
conducting performance audits of state government, and the state
auditor is to contract out for these performance audits. This
legislation became effective in July 2005.
In November 2005, Washington's voters approved Initiative 900,
which also separately directs the state auditor to conduct independent,
comprehensive performance audits of state and local government.
The legislature finds that these actions by the legislature and the
voters created two separate statutory directives for performance
auditing by the state auditor. Both requirements remain in current
law. This has resulted in conflicting and redundant statutory
It is the intent of this act to repeal the citizen advisory board
and related statutes enacted in the 2005 legislative session in order
to remove these redundancies and conflicts, and to clarify the state
auditor's role and authority for conducting performance audits.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 The following acts or parts of acts are each
(1) RCW 43.09.430 (Performance audits -- Definitions) and 2005 c 385
s 2;
(2) RCW 43.09.435 (Performance audits -- Citizen advisory board) and
2005 c 385 s 3;
(3) RCW 43.09.440 (Performance audits -- Collaboration with joint
legislative audit and review committee -- Criteria -- Statewide performance
review -- Contracting out -- Release of audit reports) and 2005 c 385 s 5;
(4) RCW 43.09.445 (Performance audits -- Local jurisdictions) and
2005 c 385 s 6;
(5) RCW 43.88.162 (State auditor's powers and duties--Performance
audits) and 2005 c 385 s 7;
(6) RCW 43.09.450 (Performance audits -- Audit of performance audit
program) and 2005 c 385 s 8;
(7) RCW 43.09.455 (Performance audits -- Follow-up and corrective
action -- Progress reports) and 2005 c 385 s 9;
(8) RCW 2.56.200 (Performance audits) and 2005 c 385 s 10; and
(9) RCW 43.09.460 (Performance audits -- Appropriation -- Budget
request) and 2005 c 385 s 11.