BILL REQ. #: S-4443.1
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/22/08. Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
AN ACT Relating to the provision of teacher certification services; and amending RCW 28A.410.060.
Sec. 1 RCW 28A.410.060 and 2005 c 497 s 206 are each amended to
read as follows:
The fee for any certificate, or any renewal thereof, issued by the
authority of the state of Washington, and authorizing the holder to
teach or perform other professional duties in the public schools of the
state shall be not less than one dollar or such reasonable fee therefor
as the Washington professional educator standards board by rule shall
deem necessary therefor. The fee must accompany the application and
cannot be refunded unless the application is withdrawn before it is
finally considered. The educational service district superintendent,
or other official authorized to receive such fee, shall within thirty
days transmit the same to the treasurer of the county in which the
office of the educational service district superintendent is located,
to be by him or her placed to the credit of said school district or
educational service district: PROVIDED, That if any school district
collecting fees for the certification of professional staff does not
hold a professional training institute separate from the educational
service district then all such moneys shall be placed to the credit of
the educational service district.
Such fees shall be used solely for the purpose of precertification
professional preparation, program evaluation, ((and)) professional in-service training programs, and provision of certification services by
educational service districts, in ((accord)) accordance with rules of
the Washington professional educator standards board herein authorized.