BILL REQ. #: S-4493.2
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 01/23/08. Referred to Committee on Health & Long-Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to creating a task force on menu labeling; creating new sections; and providing an expiration date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that people in this
country spend almost half of their food dollars eating away from home.
Food consumed in restaurants is generally higher in calories and
saturated fat than food prepared at home. It is further found that in
Washington state the rate of chronic diseases such as obesity,
diabetes, and heart disease is increasing in adults and children.
The legislature declares there is growing concern that people do
not know the nutritional contents of the food they consume when they
eat out at restaurants. In Washington state there are several
different efforts to require restaurants to provide labels on menus
that describe such things as calories, fats, sodium, and other
nutritional information. However, little information exists as to the
health effectiveness of these efforts and the impact on the restaurant
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 (1)(a) A legislative task force on menu
labeling is established, with members as provided in this subsection.
(i) The president of the senate shall appoint one member from each
of the two largest caucuses of the senate.
(ii) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one
member from each of the two largest caucuses of the house of
(b) The task force shall choose its chair from among its membership
at its first meeting.
(2) The task force must study current efforts on menu labeling
around the state, including but not limited to comparative approaches
by county, systems for estimating actual nutritional information,
health impacts of menu labeling, cost and impact to the restaurant
industry, and alternatives to current approaches. The task force must
also review what other states are doing on the issue.
(3) Staff support for the task force must be provided by the senate
committee services and the house of representatives office of program
(4) Legislative members of the task force must be reimbursed for
travel expenses in accordance with RCW 44.04.120.
(5) The expenses of the task force must be paid jointly by the
senate and the house of representatives. Task force expenditures are
subject to approval by the senate facilities and operations committee
and the house of representatives executive rules committee, or their
successor committees.
(6) The task force shall report its findings and recommendations to
the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2008, with
recommendations for providing nutritional information to consumers in
restaurant settings.
(7) This section expires June 30, 2009.