BILL REQ. #: S-4854.2
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2008 Regular Session |
Read first time 02/06/08. Referred to Committee on Government Operations & Elections.
AN ACT Relating to the adoption of a primary election system in which the two candidates with the most votes qualify for the general election; amending RCW 29A.04.008, 29A.04.086, 29A.04.128, 29A.04.133, 29A.08.161, 29A.20.021, 29A.20.121, 29A.20.131, 29A.20.141, 29A.24.081, 29A.24.101, 29A.24.141, 29A.24.151, 29A.24.161, 29A.24.171, 29A.24.181, 29A.24.191, 29A.24.311, 29A.28.041, 29A.28.061, 29A.32.031, 29A.32.036, 29A.32.121, 29A.32.241, 29A.36.011, 29A.36.071, 29A.36.101, 29A.36.121, 29A.36.131, 29A.36.161, 29A.36.171, 29A.36.180, 29A.36.201, 29A.40.091, 29A.44.201, 29A.44.221, 29A.48.020, 29A.52.106, 29A.52.116, 29A.52.231, 29A.52.321, 29A.52.351, 29A.56.040, 29A.60.021, 29A.60.221, 29A.64.011, 29A.64.021, 29A.64.041, 29A.64.061, 29A.64.081, 29A.68.011, 29A.80.011, 29A.80.020, 29A.84.261, 29A.84.311, 42.12.040, and 29A.84.711; reenacting and amending RCW 29A.04.310, 29A.24.030, 42.12.040, and 42.17.020; adding a new section to chapter 29A.24 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 29A.52 RCW; repealing RCW 29A.20.201, 29A.24.210, 29A.24.211, 29A.28.011, 29A.28.021, 29A.36.104, 29A.36.106, 29A.36.191, 29A.52.011, 29A.52.141, and 29A.52.151; and providing a contingent effective date.
Sec. 1 RCW 29A.04.008 and 2007 c 38 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
As used in this title:
(1) "Ballot" means, as the context implies, either:
(a) The issues and offices to be voted upon in a jurisdiction or
portion of a jurisdiction at a particular primary, general election, or
special election;
(b) A facsimile of the contents of a particular ballot whether
printed on a paper ballot or ballot card or as part of a voting machine
or voting device;
(c) A physical or electronic record of the choices of an individual
voter in a particular primary, general election, or special election;
(d) The physical document on which the voter's choices are to be
(2) "Paper ballot" means a piece of paper on which the ballot for
a particular election or primary has been printed, on which a voter may
record his or her choices for any candidate or for or against any
measure, and that is to be tabulated manually;
(3) "Ballot card" means any type of card or piece of paper of any
size on which a voter may record his or her choices for any candidate
and for or against any measure and that is to be tabulated on a vote
tallying system;
(4) "Sample ballot" means a printed facsimile of all the issues and
offices on the ballot in a jurisdiction and is intended to give voters
notice of the issues, offices, and candidates that are to be voted on
at a particular primary, general election, or special election;
(5) "Provisional ballot" means a ballot issued at the polling place
on election day by the precinct election board to a voter who would
otherwise be denied an opportunity to vote a regular ballot, for any
reason authorized by the Help America Vote Act, including but not
limited to the following:
(a) The voter's name does not appear in the poll book;
(b) There is an indication in the poll book that the voter has
requested an absentee ballot, but the voter wishes to vote at the
polling place;
(c) There is a question on the part of the voter concerning the
issues or candidates on which the voter is qualified to vote;
(d) Any other reason allowed by law;
(6) (("Party ballot")) "Primary ballot" means a primary election
ballot ((specific to a particular major political party)) that lists
all candidates for partisan office ((who affiliate with that same major
political party)) for each race, as well as the nonpartisan races and
ballot measures to be voted on at that primary((;)).
(7) "Nonpartisan ballot" means a primary election ballot that lists
all nonpartisan races and ballot measures to be voted on at that
Sec. 2 RCW 29A.04.086 and 2004 c 271 s 103 are each amended to
read as follows:
"Major political party" means a political party of which at least
one ((nominee)) candidate for president, vice president, United States
senator, or a statewide office received at least five percent of the
total vote cast at the last preceding state general election in an
even-numbered year. A political party qualifying as a major political
party under this section retains such status until the next even-year
election at which a candidate of that party does not achieve at least
five percent of the vote for one of the previously specified offices.
If none of these offices appear on the ballot in an even-year general
election, the major party retains its status as a major party through
that election. However, a political party of which no nominee received
at least ten percent of the total vote cast may forgo its status as a
major political party by filing with the secretary of state an
appropriate party rule within sixty days of attaining major party
status under this section((, or within fifteen days of June 10, 2004,
whichever is later)).
Sec. 3 RCW 29A.04.128 and 2004 c 271 s 152 are each amended to
read as follows:
"Primary" or "primary election" means a statutory procedure for
((nominating candidates to public office at the polls)) qualifying
candidates for public office to appear on the general election ballot.
Sec. 4 RCW 29A.04.133 and 2007 c 374 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
"Qualified" when pertaining to a winner of ((an)) a general
election means that for such election:
(1) The results have been certified;
(2) Any required bond has been posted; and
(3) The winner has taken and subscribed an oath or affirmation in
compliance with the appropriate statute, or if none is specified, that
he or she will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the
office to the best of his or her ability. This oath or affirmation
shall be administered and certified by any officer or notary public
authorized to administer oaths, without charge therefor.
"Qualified" when pertaining to the candidates in a primary means
that such persons received either the highest or second highest number
of votes in that race in the primary and are eligible to be placed on
the general election ballot.
Sec. 5 RCW 29A.04.310 and 2005 c 2 s 8 are each reenacted and
amended to read as follows:
Primaries for general elections to be held in November must be held
on((:)) the third Tuesday of the preceding ((
(1)September; or )) August.
(2) The seventh Tuesday immediately preceding that general
election, whichever occurs first
Sec. 6 RCW 29A.08.161 and 2004 c 271 s 107 are each amended to
read as follows:
No record may be created or maintained by a state or local
governmental agency or a political organization that identifies a voter
with the information marked on the voter's ballot, ((including the
choice that a voter makes on a partisan primary ballot regarding
political party affiliation)) except as allowed by RCW 29A.56.050.
Sec. 7 RCW 29A.20.021 and 2004 c 271 s 153 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) A person filing a declaration of candidacy for an office shall,
at the time of filing, be a registered voter and possess the
qualifications specified by law for persons who may be elected to the
(2) Excluding the office of precinct committee officer or a
temporary elected position such as a charter review board member or
freeholder, no person may file for more than one office.
(3) The name of a candidate for an office shall not appear on a
ballot for that office unless, except as provided in RCW 3.46.067 and
3.50.057, the candidate is, at the time the candidate's declaration of
candidacy is filed, properly registered to vote in the geographic area
represented by the office. For the purposes of this section, each
geographic area in which registered voters may cast ballots for an
office is represented by that office. If a person elected to an office
must be ((nominated)) qualified from a district or similar division of
the geographic area represented by the office, the name of a candidate
for the office shall not appear on a primary ballot for that office
unless the candidate is, at the time the candidate's declaration of
candidacy is filed, properly registered to vote in that district or
division. The officer with whom declarations of candidacy must be
filed under this title shall review each such declaration filed
regarding compliance with this subsection.
(4) The requirements of voter registration and residence within the
geographic area of a district at the time of filing a declaration of
candidacy do not apply to candidates for congressional office.
Qualifications for the United States congress are specified in the
United States Constitution.
Sec. 8 RCW 29A.20.121 and 2006 c 344 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(((1) Any nomination of a candidate for partisan public office by
other than a major political party may be made only: (a) In a
convention held not earlier than the first Saturday in May and not
later than the second Saturday in May or during any of the seven days
immediately preceding the first day for filing declarations of
candidacy as fixed in accordance with RCW 29A.28.041; (b) as provided
by RCW 29A.60.021; or (c) as otherwise provided in this section.))
Minor political party and independent candidates for president and vice
president of the United States may appear only on the general election
(((2))) Nominations of candidates for president and vice president
of the United States other than by a major political party ((may))
shall be made ((either at a convention conducted under subsection (1)
of this section, or)) at a ((similar)) convention ((taking place)) to
be held not earlier than the first Saturday in June and not later than
the fourth Saturday in July. ((Conventions held during this time
period may not nominate candidates for any public office other than
president and vice president of the United States, except as provided
in subsection (3) of this section.)) For the purpose of
nominating candidates for the offices of president and vice president,
(3) If a special filing period for a partisan office is opened
under RCW 29A.24.211, candidates of minor political parties and
independent candidates may file for office during that special filing
period. The names of those candidates may not appear on the general
election ballot unless they are nominated by convention held no later
than five days after the close of the special filing period and a
certificate of nomination is filed with the filing officer no later
than three days after the convention. The requirements of RCW
29A.20.131 do not apply to such a convention.
(4) A minor political party may hold more than one convention but
in no case shall any such party nominate more than one candidate for
any one partisan public office or position.United States senator, United States representative, or a statewide
office,)) a minor political party or independent candidate ((holding
multiple conventions)) may hold more than one convention and may add
together the number of signatures of different individuals from each
convention obtained in support of the candidate or candidates in order
to obtain the number required by RCW 29A.20.141. ((For all other
offices for which nominations are made, signatures of the requisite
number of registered voters must be obtained at a single convention.))
Sec. 9 RCW 29A.20.131 and 2004 c 271 s 189 are each amended to
read as follows:
Each minor party or independent candidate seeking nomination for
president or vice president of the United States must publish a notice
in a newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the
party or the candidate intends to hold a convention. The notice must
appear at least ten days before the convention is to be held, and shall
state the date, time, and place of the convention. Additionally, it
shall include the mailing address of the person or organization
sponsoring the convention.
Sec. 10 RCW 29A.20.141 and 2004 c 271 s 111 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) To be valid, a convention must be attended by at least one
hundred registered voters.
(2) In order to nominate candidates for the offices of president
and vice president of the United States, ((United States senator,
United States representative, or any statewide office,)) a nominating
convention shall obtain and submit to the filing officer the signatures
of at least one thousand registered voters of the state of Washington.
((In order to nominate candidates for any other office, a nominating
convention shall obtain and submit to the filing officer the signatures
of one hundred persons who are registered to vote in the jurisdiction
of the office for which the nominations are made.))
Sec. 11 RCW 29A.24.030 and 2005 c 2 s 9 are each reenacted and
amended to read as follows:
A candidate who desires to have his or her name printed on the
ballot for election to an office other than president of the United
States, vice president of the United States, or an office for which
ownership of property is a prerequisite to voting shall complete and
file a declaration of candidacy. The secretary of state shall adopt,
by rule, a declaration of candidacy form for the office of precinct
committee officer and a separate standard form for candidates for all
other offices filing under this chapter. Included on the standard form
shall be:
(1) A place for the candidate to declare that he or she is a
registered voter within the jurisdiction of the office for which he or
she is filing, and the address at which he or she is registered;
(2) A place for the candidate to indicate the position for which he
or she is filing;
(3) For partisan offices only, a place for the candidate to
indicate his or her major or minor party preference, or independent
(4) A place for the candidate to indicate the amount of the filing
fee accompanying the declaration of candidacy or for the candidate to
indicate that he or she is filing a ((nominating)) petition in lieu of
the filing fee under RCW ((29A.24.090)) 29A.24.091;
(5) A place for the candidate to sign the declaration of candidacy,
stating that the information provided on the form is true and swearing
or affirming that he or she will support the Constitution and laws of
the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of
In the case of a declaration of candidacy filed electronically,
submission of the form constitutes agreement that the information
provided with the filing is true, that he or she will support the
Constitutions and laws of the United States and the state of
Washington, and that he or she agrees to electronic payment of the
filing fee established in RCW ((29A.24.090)) 29A.24.091.
The secretary of state may require any other information on the
form he or she deems appropriate to facilitate the filing process.
Sec. 12 RCW 29A.24.081 and 2004 c 271 s 159 are each amended to
read as follows:
Any candidate may mail his or her declaration of candidacy for an
office to the filing officer. Such declarations of candidacy shall be
processed by the filing officer in the following manner:
(1) Any declaration received by the filing officer by mail before
the tenth business day immediately preceding the first day for
candidates to file for office shall be returned to the candidate
submitting it, together with a notification that the declaration of
candidacy was received too early to be processed. The candidate shall
then be permitted to resubmit his or her declaration of candidacy
during the filing period.
(2) Any properly executed declaration of candidacy received by mail
on or after the tenth business day immediately preceding the first day
for candidates to file for office and before the close of business on
the last day of the filing period shall be included with filings made
in person during the filing period. In primaries for partisan offices
and judicial ((elections)) offices the filing officer shall determine
by lot the order in which the names of those candidates shall appear
upon sample and absentee primary ballots.
(3) Any declaration of candidacy received by the filing officer
after the close of business on the last day for candidates to file for
office shall be rejected and returned to the candidate attempting to
file it.
Sec. 13 RCW 29A.24.101 and 2006 c 206 s 4 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The filing fee petition authorized by RCW 29A.24.091 must be
printed on sheets of uniform color and size, must include a place for
each individual to sign and print his or her name and the address,
city, and county at which he or she is registered to vote, the
political party, if any, listed by the candidate in his or her
declaration of candidacy, and must contain no more than twenty numbered
(2) ((For candidates for nonpartisan office and candidates of a
major political party for partisan office,)) The filing fee petition
must be in substantially the following form:
The warning prescribed by RCW 29A.72.140; followed by:
We, the undersigned registered voters of (the state of
Washington or the political subdivision for which the nomination is
made) , hereby petition that the name of (candidate's name) be
printed on the official primary ballot for the office of (insert
name of office) .
(((3) For independent candidates and candidates of a minor
political party for partisan office, the filing fee petition must be in
substantially the following form:
The warning prescribed by RCW 29A.72.140; followed by:))
We, the undersigned registered voters of (the state of
Washington or the political subdivision for which the nomination is
made) , hereby petition that the name of (candidate's name) be
printed on the official general election ballot for the office of
(insert name of office) .
Sec. 14 RCW 29A.24.141 and 2004 c 271 s 162 are each amended to
read as follows:
A void in candidacy for ((a nonpartisan)) office occurs when an
election for such office, except for the short term, has been scheduled
and no valid declaration of candidacy has been filed for the position
or all persons filing such valid declarations of candidacy have died or
been disqualified.
Sec. 15 RCW 29A.24.151 and 2004 c 271 s 163 are each amended to
read as follows:
The election officer with whom declarations of candidacy are filed
shall give notice of a void in candidacy for ((a nonpartisan)) an
office, by notifying press, radio, and television in the county or
counties involved and by such other means as may now or hereafter be
provided by law. The notice shall state the office, and the time and
place for filing declarations of candidacy.
Sec. 16 RCW 29A.24.161 and 2004 c 271 s 164 are each amended to
read as follows:
Filings to fill a void in candidacy ((for nonpartisan office)) must
be made in the same manner and with the same official as required
during the regular filing period for such office((, except that
nominating signature petitions that may be required of candidates
filing for certain district offices during the normal filing period may
not be required of candidates filing during the special three-day
filing period)).
Sec. 17 RCW 29A.24.171 and 2006 c 344 s 7 are each amended to
read as follows:
Filings for ((a nonpartisan)) an office shall be reopened for a
period of three normal business days, such three-day period to be fixed
by the election officer with whom such declarations of candidacy are
filed and notice thereof given by notifying press, radio, and
television in the county or counties involved and by such other means
as may now or hereafter be provided by law whenever before the
((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday prior to a primary:
(1) A void in candidacy occurs;
(2) A vacancy occurs in any ((nonpartisan)) office leaving an
unexpired term to be filled by an election for which filings have not
been held; or
(3) A ((nominee)) candidate for judge of the superior court
entitled to a certificate of election pursuant to Article 4, section
29, Amendment 41 of the state Constitution, dies or is disqualified.
Candidacies validly filed within said three-day period shall appear
on the ballot as if made during the earlier filing period.
Sec. 18 RCW 29A.24.181 and 2006 c 344 s 8 are each amended to
read as follows:
Filings for ((a nonpartisan)) an office (other than judge of the
supreme court or superintendent of public instruction) shall be
reopened for a period of three normal business days, such three-day
period to be fixed by the election officer with whom such declarations
of candidacy are filed and notice thereof given by notifying press,
radio, and television in the county or counties involved and by such
other means as may now or hereafter be provided by law, when:
(1) A void in candidacy ((for such nonpartisan office)) occurs on
or after the ((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday prior to a primary but prior to
the ((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday before an election; or
(2) A ((nominee)) candidate for judge of the superior court
eligible after a contested primary for a certificate of election by
Article 4, section 29, Amendment 41 of the state Constitution, dies or
is disqualified within the ten-day period immediately following the
last day allotted for a candidate to withdraw; or
(3) A vacancy occurs in ((any nonpartisan)) an office on or after
the ((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday prior to a primary but prior to the
((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday before an election leaving an unexpired term
to be filled by an election for which filings have not been held.
The candidate receiving a plurality of the votes cast for that
office in the general election shall be deemed elected.
Sec. 19 RCW 29A.24.191 and 2006 c 344 s 9 are each amended to
read as follows:
A scheduled election ((shall be lapsed)) lapses, the office is
deemed stricken from the ballot, no purported write-in votes may be
counted, and no candidate may be certified as elected, when:
(1) In an election for judge of the supreme court or superintendent
of public instruction, a void in candidacy occurs on or after the
((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday prior to a primary, public filings and the
primary being an indispensable phase of the election process for such
(2) Except as otherwise specified in RCW 29A.24.181, a ((nominee))
candidate for judge of the superior court entitled to a certificate of
election pursuant to Article 4, section 29, Amendment 41 of the state
Constitution dies or is disqualified ((on or after the eleventh Tuesday
prior to a primary)) more than ten days after the last date for
candidates to withdraw under RCW 29A.24.131;
(3) In other elections ((for nonpartisan office)), a void in
candidacy occurs or a vacancy occurs involving an unexpired term to be
filled on or after the ((eleventh)) tenth Tuesday prior to an election.
Sec. 20 RCW 29A.24.311 and 2004 c 271 s 117 are each amended to
read as follows:
Any person who desires to be a write-in candidate and have such
votes counted at a primary or election may file a declaration of
candidacy with the officer designated in RCW 29A.24.070 not later than
the day before the primary or election. Declarations of candidacy for
write-in candidates must be accompanied by a filing fee in the same
manner as required of other candidates filing for the office as
provided in RCW 29A.24.091.
Votes cast for write-in candidates who have filed such declarations
of candidacy ((and write-in votes for persons appointed by major
political parties pursuant to RCW 29A.28.021)) need only specify the
name of the candidate in the appropriate location on the ballot in
order to be counted. Write-in votes cast for any other candidate, in
order to be counted, must designate the office sought and position
number ((or political party)), if the manner in which the write-in is
done does not make the office or position clear.
No person may file as a write-in candidate where:
(1) At a general election, the person attempting to file either
filed as a write-in candidate for the same office at the preceding
primary or the person's name appeared on the ballot for the same office
at the preceding primary;
(2) The person attempting to file as a write-in candidate has
already filed a valid write-in declaration for that primary or
election, unless one or the other of the two filings is for the office
of precinct committeeperson;
(3) The name of the person attempting to file already appears on
the ballot as a candidate for another office, unless one of the two
offices for which he or she is a candidate is precinct committeeperson.
The declaration of candidacy shall be similar to that required by
RCW 29A.24.031. No write-in candidate filing under this section may be
included in any voter's pamphlet produced under chapter 29A.32 RCW
unless that candidate qualifies to have his or her name printed on the
general election ballot. The legislative authority of any jurisdiction
producing a local voter's pamphlet under chapter 29A.32 RCW may
provide, by ordinance, for the inclusion of write-in candidates in such
NEW SECTION. Sec. 21 A new section is added to chapter 29A.24
RCW to read as follows:
If, after filing a valid declaration of candidacy for a partisan
office, a candidate dies, his or her name shall remain on the ballot
for the primary. If the candidate receives the highest or second
highest number of votes in the primary, the candidate shall qualify for
the general election, and the candidate's name shall appear on the
general election ballot. In the general election, if the candidate
receives the most number of votes, the office to which the person
sought shall be treated as a vacant office under Article II, section 15
of the state Constitution. This section does not apply to a candidate
who filed for office as an independent candidate.
Sec. 22 RCW 29A.28.041 and 2006 c 344 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the United States house of
representatives or the United States senate from this state, the
governor shall order a special election to fill the vacancy. ((Minor
political party candidates and independent candidates may be nominated
through the convention procedures provided in chapter 29A.20 RCW.))
(2) Within ten days of such vacancy occurring, he or she shall
issue a writ of election fixing a date for the special vacancy election
not less than ninety days after the issuance of the writ, fixing a date
for the primary for ((nominating major political party)) qualifying
candidates for the special vacancy election not less than thirty days
before the day fixed for holding the special vacancy election, fixing
the dates for the special filing period, and designating the term or
part of the term for which the vacancy exists. If the vacancy is in
the office of United States representative, the writ of election shall
specify the congressional district that is vacant.
(3) If the vacancy occurs less than six months before a state
general election and before the second Friday following the close of
the filing period for that general election, the special primary((,))
and the special vacancy election((, and minor party and independent
candidate nominating conventions)) must be held in concert with the
state primary and state general election in that year.
(4) If the vacancy occurs on or after the first day for filing
under RCW 29A.24.050 and on or before the second Friday following the
close of the filing period, a special filing period of three normal
business days shall be fixed by the governor and notice thereof given
to all media, including press, radio, and television within the area in
which the vacancy election is to be held, to the end that, insofar as
possible, all interested persons will be aware of such filing period.
The last day of the filing period shall not be later than the sixth
Tuesday before the date of the primary ((at which major political party
candidates are to be nominated)). The names of ((major political
party)) all candidates who have filed valid declarations of candidacy
during this three-day period shall appear on the approaching primary
ballot. ((The requirements of RCW 29A.20.131 do not apply to a minor
political party or independent candidate convention held under this
(5) If the vacancy occurs later than the second Friday following
the close of the filing period, a special primary((,)) and a special
vacancy election((, and the minor party and independent candidate
conventions to fill the position)) shall be held after the next state
general election but, in any event, no later than the ninetieth day
following the November election.
Sec. 23 RCW 29A.28.061 and 2004 c 271 s 119 are each amended to
read as follows:
The general election laws and laws relating to ((partisan))
primaries for partisan offices shall apply to the special primaries and
vacancy elections provided for in chapter 29A.28 RCW to the extent that
they are not inconsistent with the provisions of these sections.
((Minor political party and independent candidates may appear only on
the general election ballot.)) Statutory time deadlines relating to
availability of absentee ballots, certification, canvassing, and
related procedures that cannot be met in a timely fashion may be
modified for the purposes of a specific primary or vacancy election
under this chapter by the secretary of state through emergency rules
adopted under RCW 29A.04.611.
Sec. 24 RCW 29A.32.031 and 2008 c 1 s 12 (Initiative Measure No.
960) are each amended to read as follows:
The voters' pamphlet must contain:
(1) Information about each measure for an advisory vote of the
people and each ballot measure initiated by or referred to the voters
for their approval or rejection as required by RCW 29A.32.070;
(2) In even-numbered years, statements, if submitted, advocating
the candidacies of ((nominees)) candidates qualified to appear on the
ballot for the office of president and vice president of the United
States, United States senator, United States representative, governor,
lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state
auditor, attorney general, commissioner of public lands, superintendent
of public instruction, insurance commissioner, state senator, state
representative, justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of
appeals, or judge of the superior court. Candidates may also submit a
campaign mailing address and telephone number and a photograph not more
than five years old and of a size and quality that the secretary of
state determines to be suitable for reproduction in the voters'
(3) In odd-numbered years, if any office voted upon statewide
appears on the ballot due to a vacancy, then statements and photographs
for candidates for any vacant office listed in subsection (2) of this
section must appear;
(4) In even-numbered years, a section explaining how voters may
participate in the election campaign process; the address and telephone
number of the public disclosure commission established under RCW
42.17.350; and a summary of the disclosure requirements that apply when
contributions are made to candidates and political committees;
(5) In even-numbered years the name, address, and telephone number
of each political party ((with nominees listed in the pamphlet, if
filed with the secretary of state by the state committee of a major
political party or the presiding officer of the convention of a minor
political party)) which a candidate appearing on the ballot has
designated under RCW 29A.24.031(3) or 29A.24.101, if the party has
provided that information to the secretary of state;
(6) In each odd-numbered year immediately before a year in which a
president of the United States is to be nominated and elected,
information explaining the precinct caucus and convention process used
by each major political party to elect delegates to its national
presidential candidate nominating convention. The pamphlet must also
provide a description of the statutory procedures by which minor
political parties are formed and the statutory methods used by the
parties to nominate candidates for president;
(7) An application form for an absentee ballot;
(8) A brief statement explaining the deletion and addition of
language for proposed measures under RCW 29A.32.080;
(9) Any additional information pertaining to elections as may be
required by law or in the judgment of the secretary of state is deemed
informative to the voters.
Sec. 25 RCW 29A.32.036 and 2004 c 271 s 122 are each amended to
read as follows:
If the secretary of state prints and distributes a voters' pamphlet
for a primary in an even-numbered year, it must contain:
(1) A description of the office of precinct committee officer and
its duties; and
(2) An explanation that((, for partisan offices, only voters who
choose to affiliate with a major political party may vote in that
party's primary election, and that voters must limit their
participation in a partisan primary to one political party; and)) a voter may vote for a single candidate in each race, and that
the voter is not required to limit his or her votes to candidates of a
single political party.
(3) An explanation that minor political party candidates and
independent candidates will appear only on the general election
Sec. 26 RCW 29A.32.121 and 2004 c 271 s 168 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) The maximum number of words for statements submitted by
candidates is as follows: State representative, one hundred words;
state senator, judge of the superior court, judge of the court of
appeals, justice of the supreme court, and all state offices voted upon
throughout the state, except that of governor, two hundred words;
president and vice president, United States senator, United States
representative, and governor, three hundred words.
(2) Arguments written by committees under RCW 29A.32.060 may not
exceed two hundred fifty words in length.
(3) Rebuttal arguments written by committees may not exceed
seventy-five words in length.
(4) The secretary of state shall allocate space in the pamphlet
based on the number of candidates ((or nominees)) for each office.
Sec. 27 RCW 29A.32.241 and 2004 c 271 s 123 are each amended to
read as follows:
The local voters' pamphlet shall include but not be limited to the
(1) Appearing on the cover, the words "official local voters'
pamphlet," the name of the jurisdiction producing the pamphlet, and the
date of the election or primary;
(2) A list of jurisdictions that have measures or candidates in the
(3) Information on how a person may register to vote and obtain an
absentee ballot;
(4) The text of each measure accompanied by an explanatory
statement prepared by the prosecuting attorney for any county measure
or by the attorney for the jurisdiction submitting the measure if other
than a county measure. All explanatory statements for city, town, or
district measures not approved by the attorney for the jurisdiction
submitting the measure shall be reviewed and approved by the county
prosecuting attorney or city attorney, when applicable, before
inclusion in the pamphlet;
(5) The arguments for and against each measure submitted by
committees selected pursuant to RCW 29A.32.280; and
(6) For partisan primary elections, information on how to vote the
applicable ballot ((format and)), an explanation that ((minor)) all
political party ((candidates)) and independent candidates ((will))
appear ((only)) on the primary ballot, that the two candidates in each
race who receive the highest number of votes in the primary will appear
on the general election ballot and that the voter may vote for any
candidate regardless of the party designation of the candidate.
Sec. 28 RCW 29A.36.011 and 2004 c 271 s 124 are each amended to
read as follows:
On or before the day following the last day allowed for ((major
political parties to fill vacancies in the ticket as provided by RCW
29A.28.011)) candidates to withdraw under RCW 29A.24.131, the secretary
of state shall certify to each county auditor a list of the candidates
who have filed declarations of candidacy in his or her office for the
primary. For each office, the certificate shall include the name of
each candidate, his or her address, and his or her party designation,
if any. ((Minor political party and independent candidates may appear
only on the general election ballot.))
Sec. 29 RCW 29A.36.071 and 2006 c 311 s 9 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Except as provided to the contrary in RCW 82.14.036, 82.46.021,
or 82.80.090, the ballot title of any referendum filed on an enactment
or portion of an enactment of a local government and any other question
submitted to the voters of a local government consists of three
elements: (a) An identification of the enacting legislative body and
a statement of the subject matter; (b) a concise description of the
measure; and (c) a question. The ballot title must conform with the
requirements and be displayed substantially as provided under RCW
29A.72.050, except that the concise description must not exceed
seventy-five words; however, a concise description submitted on behalf
of a proposed or existing regional transportation investment district
may exceed seventy-five words. If the local governmental unit is a
city or a town, the concise statement shall be prepared by the city or
town attorney. If the local governmental unit is a county, the concise
statement shall be prepared by the prosecuting attorney of the county.
If the unit is a unit of local government other than a city, town, or
county, the concise statement shall be prepared by the prosecuting
attorney of the county within which the majority area of the unit is
(2) A referendum measure on the enactment of a unit of local
government shall be advertised in the manner provided for ((nominees))
candidates for elective office.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply if another
provision of law specifies the ballot title for a specific type of
ballot question or proposition.
Sec. 30 RCW 29A.36.101 and 2004 c 271 s 125 are each amended to
read as follows:
Except for the candidates for the positions of president and vice
president, for a partisan or nonpartisan office for which no primary is
required, ((or for independent or minor party candidates,)) the names
of all candidates who, under this title, filed a declaration of
candidacy ((or were certified as a candidate to fill a vacancy on a
major party ticket)) will appear on the appropriate ballot at the
primary throughout the jurisdiction ((in which they are to be
nominated)) of the office for which they are candidates.
Sec. 31 RCW 29A.36.121 and 2004 c 271 s 129 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1)(((a))) The positions or offices on a primary ((consolidated))
ballot shall be arranged in substantially the following order: United
States senator; United States representative; governor; lieutenant
governor; secretary of state; state treasurer; state auditor; attorney
general; commissioner of public lands; superintendent of public
instruction; insurance commissioner; state senator; state
representative; county officers; justices of the supreme court; judges
of the court of appeals; judges of the superior court; and judges of
the district court. For all other jurisdictions on the primary
((consolidated)) ballot, the offices in each jurisdiction shall be
grouped together and be in the order of the position numbers assigned
to those offices, if any.
(((b)(i) The positions or offices on a primary party ballot must be
arranged in substantially the following order: United States senator;
United States representative; governor; lieutenant governor; secretary
of state; state treasurer; state auditor; attorney general;
commissioner of public lands; insurance commissioner; state senator;
state representative; and partisan county officers. For all other
jurisdictions on the primary party ballot, the offices in each
jurisdiction must be grouped together and be in the order of the
position numbers assigned to those offices, if any.))
(ii) The positions or offices on a primary nonpartisan ballot must
be arranged in substantially the following order: Superintendent of
public instruction; justices of the supreme court; judges of the court
of appeals; judges of the superior court; and judges of the district
court. For all other jurisdictions on the primary nonpartisan ballot,
the offices in each jurisdiction must be grouped together and be in the
order of the position numbers assigned to those offices, if any.
(2) The order of the positions or offices on an election ballot
shall be substantially the same as on a primary ((consolidated)) ballot
except that state ballot issues must be placed before all offices. The
offices of president and vice president of the United States shall
precede all other offices on a presidential election ballot. The
positions on a ballot to be assigned to ballot measures regarding local
units of government shall be established by the secretary of state by
(3) The political party or independent candidacy of each candidate
for partisan office shall be indicated next to the name of the
candidate on the primary and election ballots. ((A candidate shall
file a written notice with the filing officer within three business
days after the close of the filing period designating the political
party to be indicated next to the candidate's name on the ballot if
either: (a) The candidate has been nominated by two or more minor
political parties or independent conventions; or (b) the candidate has
both filed a declaration of candidacy declaring an affiliation with a
major political party and been nominated by a minor political party or
independent convention. If no written notice is filed the filing
officer shall give effect to the party designation shown upon the first
document filed. A candidate may be deemed nominated by a minor party
or independent convention only if all documentation required by chapter
29A.20 RCW has been timely filed.)) If a candidate filed more than one
declaration of candidacy for the same office with differing party
designations, the ballot must contain the designation on the last
validly filed declaration.
Sec. 32 RCW 29A.36.131 and 2004 c 271 s 130 are each amended to
read as follows:
After the close of business on the last day for candidates to file
for office, the filing officer shall, from among those filings made in
person and by mail, determine by lot the order in which the names of
those candidates will appear on all primary((, sample, and absentee))
and sample ballots. The determination shall be done publicly and may
be witnessed by the media and by any candidate. If no primary is
required for any nonpartisan office under RCW ((29A.52.011 or))
29A.52.220, ((or if any independent or minor party candidate files a
declaration of candidacy,)) the names shall appear on the general
election ballot in the order determined by lot.
Sec. 33 RCW 29A.36.161 and 2004 c 271 s 132 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) On the top of each ballot must be printed clear and concise
instructions directing the voter how to mark the ballot, including
write-in votes. On the top of each primary ballot must be printed the
instructions required by this chapter.
(2) The questions of adopting constitutional amendments or any
other state measure authorized by law to be submitted to the voters at
that election must appear after the instructions and before any
(3) In a year that president and vice president appear on the
general election ballot, the names of candidates for president and vice
president for each political party must be grouped together with a
single response position for a voter to indicate his or her choice.
(4) On a general election ballot, for the offices of president and
vice president and any other partisan races in which no primary was
held, the candidate or candidates of the ((major)) political party that
received the highest number of votes from the electors of this state
for the office of president of the United States at the last
presidential election must appear first following the appropriate
office heading. ((The candidate or candidates of the other major
political parties will follow according to the votes cast for their
nominees for president at the last presidential election, and
independent candidates and the candidate or candidates of all other
parties will follow in the order of their qualification with the
secretary of state.)) For all other partisan races on the general
election ballot, only the names of the candidate who received the
greatest number of votes and the candidate who received the next
greatest number of votes for that office shall appear under the title
of that office, and the names shall appear in that order, together with
his or her party designation.
(5) All paper ballots and ballot cards used at a polling place must
be sequentially numbered in such a way to permit removal of such
numbers without leaving any identifying marks on the ballot.
Sec. 34 RCW 29A.36.171 and 2004 c 271 s 170 are each amended to
read as follows:
(((1))) Except as provided in RCW 29A.36.180 ((and in subsection
(2) of this section)), on the ballot at the general election for ((a
nonpartisan)) an office for which a primary was held, only the names of
the candidate who received the greatest number of votes and the
candidate who received the next greatest number of votes for that
office shall appear under the title of that office, and the names shall
appear in that order. If a primary was conducted, no candidate's name
may be printed on the subsequent general election ballot unless he or
she receives at least one percent of the total votes cast for that
office at the preceding primary. On the ballot at the general election
for any other ((nonpartisan)) office for which no primary was held, the
names of the candidates shall be listed in the order determined under
RCW 29A.36.131.
(((2) On the ballot at the general election for the office of
justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, judge of
the superior court, judge of the district court, or state
superintendent of public instruction, if a candidate in a contested
primary receives a majority of all the votes cast for that office or
position, only the name of that candidate may be printed under the
title of the office for that position.))
Sec. 35 RCW 29A.36.180 and 2003 c 111 s 918 are each amended to
read as follows:
This section applies if a candidate for an elective office ((of a
city, town, or special purpose district)) would, under this chapter,
otherwise qualify to have his or her name printed on the general
election ballot for the office, but the candidate has been declared to
be unqualified to hold the office by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(1) In a case in which a primary is conducted for the office:
(a) If ballots for the general election for the office have not
been ordered by the county auditor, the candidate who received the
third greatest number of votes for the office at the primary shall
qualify as a candidate for general election and that candidate's name
shall be printed on the ballot for the office in lieu of the name of
the disqualified candidate. The names of the candidates shall appear
on the ballot in the order required by RCW 29A.36.161 and 29A.36.171.
(b) If general election ballots for the office have been so
ordered, votes cast for the disqualified candidate at the general
election for the office shall not be counted for that office.
(2) In a case in which a primary is not conducted for the office:
(a) If ballots for the general election for the office have not
been ordered by the county auditor, the name of the disqualified
candidate shall not appear on the general election ballot for the
(b) If general election ballots for the office have been so
ordered, votes cast for the disqualified candidate at the general
election for the office shall not be counted for that office.
(3) If the disqualified candidate is the only candidate to have
filed for the office during a regular or special filing period for the
office, a void in candidacy for the office exists.
Sec. 36 RCW 29A.36.201 and 2004 c 271 s 171 are each amended to
read as follows:
The names of the persons certified ((as nominees by)) the secretary
of state or the county canvassing board as having qualified to appear
on the general election ballot shall be printed on the ballot at the
ensuing election.
No name of any candidate ((whose nomination at a primary is
required by law shall)) for an office for which a primary is conducted
may be placed upon the ballot at a general or special election unless
((it)): (1) The candidate's name appears upon the certificate of
either (((1))) the secretary of state((,)) or (((2))) the county
canvassing board, or (((3) a minor party convention or the state or
county central committee of a major political party to fill a vacancy
on its ticket under RCW 29A.28.021)) (2) the candidate qualifies to be
included on the ballot under RCW 29A.36.180.
Excluding the office of precinct committee officer or a temporary
elected position such as a charter review board member or freeholder,
a candidate's name shall not appear more than once upon a ballot for a
position regularly ((nominated or)) elected at the same election.
Sec. 37 RCW 29A.40.091 and 2005 c 246 s 21 are each amended to
read as follows:
The county auditor shall send each absentee voter a ballot, a
security envelope in which to seal the ballot after voting, a larger
envelope in which to return the security envelope, and instructions on
how to mark the ballot and how to return it to the county auditor. The
instructions that accompany an absentee ballot for a partisan primary
must include instructions for voting the ((applicable)) ballot
((style)), as provided in chapter 29A.36 RCW. The absentee voter's
name and address must be printed on the larger return envelope, which
must also contain a declaration by the absentee voter reciting his or
her qualifications and stating that he or she has not voted in any
other jurisdiction at this election, together with a summary of the
penalties for any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
The declaration must clearly inform the voter that it is illegal to
vote if he or she is not a United States citizen; it is illegal to vote
if he or she has been convicted of a felony and has not had his or her
voting rights restored; and, except as otherwise provided by law, it is
illegal to cast a ballot or sign an absentee envelope on behalf of
another voter. The return envelope must provide space for the voter to
indicate the date on which the ballot was voted and for the voter to
sign the oath. It must also contain a space so that the voter may
include a telephone number. A summary of the applicable penalty
provisions of this chapter must be printed on the return envelope
immediately adjacent to the space for the voter's signature. The
signature of the voter on the return envelope must affirm and attest to
the statements regarding the qualifications of that voter and to the
validity of the ballot. The return envelope must also have a secrecy
flap that the voter may seal that will cover the voter's signature and
optional telephone number. For out-of-state voters, overseas voters,
and service voters, the signed declaration on the return envelope
constitutes the equivalent of a voter registration for the election or
primary for which the ballot has been issued. The voter must be
instructed to either return the ballot to the county auditor by whom it
was issued or attach sufficient first-class postage, if applicable, and
mail the ballot to the appropriate county auditor no later than the day
of the election or primary for which the ballot was issued.
If the county auditor chooses to forward absentee ballots, he or
she must include with the ballot a clear explanation of the
qualifications necessary to vote in that election and must also advise
a voter with questions about his or her eligibility to contact the
county auditor. This explanation may be provided on the ballot
envelope, on an enclosed insert, or printed directly on the ballot
itself. If the information is not included, the envelope must clearly
indicate that the ballot is not to be forwarded and that return postage
is guaranteed.
Sec. 38 RCW 29A.44.201 and 2004 c 271 s 136 are each amended to
read as follows:
A voter desiring to vote shall give his or her name to the precinct
election officer who has the precinct list of registered voters. This
officer shall announce the name to the precinct election officer who
has the copy of the inspector's poll book for that precinct. If the
right of this voter to participate in the primary or election is not
challenged, the voter must be issued a ballot or permitted to enter a
voting booth or to operate a voting device. ((For a partisan primary
in a jurisdiction using the physically separate ballot format, the
voter must be issued a nonpartisan ballot and each party ballot.)) The
number of the ballot or the voter must be recorded by the precinct
election officers. If the right of the voter to participate is
challenged, RCW 29A.08.810 and 29A.08.820 apply to that voter.
Sec. 39 RCW 29A.44.221 and 2004 c 271 s 137 are each amended to
read as follows:
On signing the precinct list of registered voters or being issued
a ballot, the voter shall, without leaving the polling place or
disability access location, proceed to one of the voting booths or
voting devices to cast his or her vote. When county election
procedures so provide, the election officers may tear off and retain
the numbered stub from the ballot before delivering it to the voter.
If an election officer has not already done so, when the voter has
finished, he or she shall either (1) remove the numbered stub from the
ballot, place the ballot in the ballot box, and return the number to
the election officers, or (2) deliver the entire ballot to the election
officers, who shall remove the numbered stub from the ballot and place
the ballot in the ballot box. ((For a partisan primary in a
jurisdiction using the physically separate ballot format, the voter
shall also return unvoted party ballots to the precinct election
officers, who shall void the unvoted party ballots and return them to
the county auditor.)) If poll-site ballot counting devices are used,
the voter shall put the ballot in the device.
Sec. 40 RCW 29A.48.020 and 2004 c 266 s 15 are each amended to
read as follows:
At any nonpartisan special election not being held in conjunction
with a state primary or general election, the county, city, town, or
district requesting the election pursuant to RCW ((29A.04.320))
29A.04.321 or 29A.04.330 may also request that the special election be
conducted by mail ballot. The county auditor may honor the request or
may determine that the election is not to be conducted by mail ballot.
The decision of the county auditor in this regard is final.
For all special elections not being held in conjunction with a
state primary or state general election where voting is conducted by
mail ballot, the county auditor shall, not less than eighteen days
before the date of such election, mail to each registered voter a mail
ballot. The auditor shall handle inactive voters in the same manner as
inactive voters in mail ballot precincts. The requirements regarding
certification, reporting, and the mailing of overseas and military
ballots in RCW ((29.36.270)) 29A.40.070 apply to mail ballot elections.
Sec. 41 RCW 29A.52.106 and 2004 c 271 s 140 are each amended to
read as follows:
It is the intent of the legislature to create a primary for all
partisan elected offices, except for president and vice president,
precinct committee officer, and offices exempted from the primary under
RCW ((29A.52.011)) 29A.52.111, that:
(1) Allows each voter to participate;
(2) Preserves the privacy of each voter's party affiliation;
(3) Rejects mandatory voter registration by political party;
(4) Protects ballot access for all candidates, including minor
political party and independent candidates;
(5) Maintains a candidate's right to self-identify with any
((major)) political party; and
(6) Upholds a political party's First Amendment right of
NEW SECTION. Sec. 42 A new section is added to chapter 29A.52
RCW to read as follows:
(1) Whenever candidates for partisan office are to be elected, the
general election must be preceded by a primary conducted under this
chapter, except as otherwise provided in law. Based upon votes cast at
the primary, the two candidates receiving the most votes must be
certified as qualified to appear on the general election ballot under
RCW 29A.52.321 and 29A.36.171. Except as provided in RCW 29A.36.180,
only the names of those two candidates may appear on the general
election ballot for the office sought.
(2) A primary is a critical stage in the public process by which
voters elect candidates to public office. A primary may not be used to
select nominees of any political party.
(3) If a candidate indicates a party preference or designation as
provided by RCW 29A.24.030(3) on his or her declaration of candidacy,
then the preference or designation will be listed for the candidate on
the primary and general election ballots. Each candidate who does not
indicate a party preference or designation will be listed as an
independent candidate on the primary and general election ballots. A
candidate's political preference or designation may not be used for any
purpose relating to the conduct, canvassing, or certification of any
primary or general election, and may in no way limit the options
available to voters in deciding for whom to cast a vote.
Sec. 43 RCW 29A.52.116 and 2004 c 271 s 139 are each amended to
read as follows:
((Major)) Political party and independent candidates for all
partisan elected offices, except for president and vice president,
precinct committee officer, ((and)) offices exempted from the primary
under RCW ((29A.52.011)) 29A.52.111, and races exempted from the
primary under RCW 29A.52.010, must ((be nominated)) qualify for the
general election at primaries held under this chapter.
Sec. 44 RCW 29A.52.231 and 2004 c 271 s 174 are each amended to
read as follows:
The offices of superintendent of public instruction, justice of the
supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, judge of the superior
court, and judge of the district court shall be nonpartisan and the
candidates therefor shall be ((nominated)) qualified and elected as
All city, town, and special purpose district elective offices shall
be nonpartisan and the candidates therefor shall be ((nominated))
qualified and elected as such.
Sec. 45 RCW 29A.52.321 and 2004 c 271 s 146 are each amended to
read as follows:
No later than the day following the certification of the returns of
any primary, the secretary of state shall certify to the appropriate
county auditors the names of all persons ((nominated for offices at a
primary, or at an independent candidate or minor party convention))
qualified to appear on the general election ballot as candidates for
offices, the returns of which have been canvassed by the secretary of
Sec. 46 RCW 29A.52.351 and 2004 c 271 s 175 are each amended to
read as follows:
Except as provided in RCW 29A.32.260, notice for any state, county,
district, or municipal election, whether special or general, must be
given by at least one publication not more than ten nor less than three
days before the election by the county auditor or the officer
conducting the election as the case may be, in one or more newspapers
of general circulation within the county. The legal notice must
contain the title of each office under the proper party designation,
the names and addresses of all ((officers)) candidates who have been
((nominated)) qualified to appear on the ballot for an office to be
voted upon at that election, together with the ballot titles of all
measures, the hours during which the polls will be open, and the
polling places for each precinct, giving the address of each polling
place. The names of all candidates for nonpartisan offices must be
published separately with designation of the offices for which they are
candidates but without party designation. This is the only notice
required for a state, county, district, or municipal general or special
election and supersedes the provisions of any and all other statutes,
whether general or special in nature, having different requirements for
the giving of notice of any general or special election((s)).
Sec. 47 RCW 29A.56.040 and 2007 c 385 s 1 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) Except where necessary to accommodate the national or state
rules of a major political party or where this chapter specifically
provides otherwise, the presidential primary must be conducted in
substantially the same manner as a state partisan primary under this
(2) Except as provided under this chapter or by rule of the
secretary of state adopted under RCW 29A.04.620, the arrangement and
form of presidential primary ballots must be ((consistent with RCW
29A.52.151)) substantially the same as provided for a primary for
partisan office under this chapter. Only the candidates who have
qualified under RCW 29A.56.030 may appear on the ballots.
(3) Each party's ballot or portion of the ballot must list
alphabetically the names of all candidates for the office of president.
The ballot must clearly indicate the political party of each candidate.
Each ballot must include a blank space to allow the voter to write in
the name of any other candidate.
(4) A presidential primary ballot with votes for more than one
candidate is void, and notice to this effect, stated in clear, simple
language and printed in large type, must appear on the face of each
presidential primary ballot or on or about each voting device.
Sec. 48 RCW 29A.60.021 and 2005 c 243 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) For any office at any election or primary, any voter may write
in on the ballot the name of any person for an office who has filed as
a write-in candidate for the office in the manner provided by RCW
29A.24.311 and such vote shall be counted the same as if the name had
been printed on the ballot and marked by the voter. No write-in vote
made for any person who has not filed a declaration of candidacy
pursuant to RCW 29A.24.311 is valid if that person filed for the same
office, either as a regular candidate or a write-in candidate, at the
preceding primary. Any abbreviation used to designate office or
position will be accepted if the canvassing board can determine, to its
satisfaction, the voter's intent.
(2) The number of write-in votes cast for each office must be
recorded and reported with the canvass for the election.
(3) A write-in vote for an individual candidate for an office whose
name appears on the ballot for that same office is a valid vote for
that candidate as long as the candidate's name is clearly discernible,
even if other requirements of RCW 29A.24.311 are not satisfied and even
if the voter also marked a vote for that candidate such as to register
an overvote. These votes need not be tabulated unless: (a) The
difference between the number of votes cast for ((the)) either
candidate apparently qualified to appear on the general election ballot
or elected and the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes
is less than the sum of the total number of write-in votes cast for the
office plus the overvotes and undervotes recorded by the vote
tabulating system; or (b) a manual recount is conducted for that
(4) Write-in votes cast for an individual candidate for an office
whose name does not appear on the ballot need not be tallied unless the
total number of write-in votes and undervotes recorded by the vote
tabulation system for the office is greater than the number of votes
cast for ((the)) any candidate apparently qualified to appear on the
general election ballot or elected.
(5) In the case of write-in votes for a statewide office or any
office whose jurisdiction encompasses more than one county, write-in
votes for an individual candidate must be tallied when the county
auditor is notified by either the secretary of state or another county
auditor in the multicounty jurisdiction that it appears that the write-in votes must be tabulated under the terms of this section. In all
other cases, the county auditor determines when write-in votes must be
tabulated. Any abstract of votes must be modified to reflect the
tabulation and certified by the canvassing board. Tabulation of write-in votes may be performed simultaneously with a recount.
Sec. 49 RCW 29A.60.221 and 2004 c 271 s 176 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) If ((the requisite number of)) candidates for any federal,
state, county, city, or district office((s)) have not ((been
nominated)) qualified to appear on the general election ballot in a
primary by reason of two or more persons having an equal and requisite
number of votes for being placed on the general election ballot, the
official empowered by state law to certify candidates for the general
election ballot shall give notice to the several persons so having the
equal and requisite number of votes to attend at the appropriate office
at the time designated by that official, who shall then and there
proceed publicly to decide by lot which of those persons will be
declared ((nominated)) qualified and placed on the general election
(2) If ((the requisite number of)) a candidate for any federal,
state, county, city, district, or precinct ((officers have)) office has
not been elected by reason of two or more persons having an equal and
highest number of votes for one and the same office, the official
empowered by state law to issue the original certificate of election
shall give notice to the several persons so having the highest and
equal number of votes to attend at the appropriate office at the time
to be appointed by that official, who shall then and there proceed
publicly to decide by lot which of those persons will be declared duly
elected, and the official shall make out and deliver to the person thus
duly declared elected a certificate of election.
Sec. 50 RCW 29A.64.011 and 2004 c 271 s 177 are each amended to
read as follows:
An officer of a political party or any person for whom votes were
cast in a primary who was not declared ((nominated)) qualified to
appear on the general election ballot may file a written application
for a recount of the votes or a portion of the votes cast at that
primary for all persons for whom votes were cast for ((nomination to))
that office.
An officer of a political party or any person for whom votes were
cast at any election may file a written application for a recount of
the votes or a portion of the votes cast at that election for all
candidates for election to that office.
Any group of five or more registered voters may file a written
application for a recount of the votes or a portion of the votes cast
upon any question or issue. They shall designate one of the members of
the group as chair and shall indicate the voting residence of each
member of the group.
An application for a recount of the votes cast for an office or on
a ballot measure must be filed with the officer with whom filings are
made for the jurisdiction.
An application for a recount must specify whether the recount will
be done manually or by the vote tally system. A recount done by the
vote tally system must use programming that recounts and reports only
the office or ballot measure in question. The county shall also
provide for a test of the logic and accuracy of that program.
An application for a recount must be filed within three business
days after the county canvassing board or secretary of state has
declared the official results of the primary or election for the office
or issue for which the recount is requested.
This chapter applies to the recounting of votes cast by paper
ballots and to the recounting of votes recorded on ballots counted by
a vote tally system.
Sec. 51 RCW 29A.64.021 and 2005 c 243 s 19 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) If the official canvass of all of the returns for any office at
any primary ((or election)) reveals that the difference in the number
of votes cast for ((a)) any candidate apparently ((nominated or elected
to any office)) qualified to appear on the general election ballot and
the number of votes cast for ((the closest apparently defeated)) any
other opponent is less than two thousand votes and also less than one-half of one percent of the total number of votes cast for both
candidates, the county canvassing board shall conduct a recount of all
votes cast on that position. If the official canvass of all of the
returns for any office at any general election reveals that the
difference in the number of votes cast for a candidate apparently
elected to office and the number of votes cast for his or her opponent
is less than two thousand votes and also less than one-half of one
percent of the total number of votes cast for both candidates, the
county canvassing board shall conduct a recount of all votes cast on
that position.
(a) Whenever such a difference occurs in the number of votes cast
for candidates for a position the declaration of candidacy for which
was filed with the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall,
within three business days of the day that the returns of the primary
or election are first certified by the canvassing boards of those
counties, direct those boards to recount all votes cast on the
(b)(i) For statewide elections, if the difference in the number of
votes cast for the apparent winner and the closest apparently defeated
opponent is less than one thousand votes and also less than one-fourth
of one percent of the total number of votes cast for both candidates,
the votes shall be recounted manually or as provided in subsection (3)
of this section.
(ii) For elections not included in (b)(i) of this subsection, if
the difference in the number of votes cast for the apparent winner and
the closest apparently defeated opponent is less than one hundred fifty
votes and also less than one-fourth of one percent of the total number
of votes cast for both candidates, the votes shall be recounted
manually or as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
(2) A mandatory recount shall be conducted in the manner provided
by RCW 29A.64.030, 29A.64.041, and 29A.64.061. No cost of a mandatory
recount may be charged to any candidate.
(3) The apparent winner and closest apparently defeated opponent
for an office for which a manual recount is required under subsection
(1)(b) of this section may select an alternative method of conducting
the recount. To select such an alternative, the two candidates shall
agree to the alternative in a signed, written statement filed with the
election official for the office. The recount shall be conducted using
the alternative method if: It is suited to the balloting system that
was used for casting the votes for the office; it involves the use of
a vote tallying system that is approved for use in this state by the
secretary of state; and the vote tallying system is readily available
in each county required to conduct the recount. If more than one
balloting system was used in casting votes for the office, an
alternative to a manual recount may be selected for each system.
Sec. 52 RCW 29A.64.041 and 2004 c 271 s 179 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) At the time and place established for a recount, the canvassing
board or its duly authorized representatives, in the presence of all
witnesses who may be in attendance, shall open the sealed containers
containing the ballots to be recounted, and shall recount the votes for
the offices or issues for which the recount has been ordered. Ballots
shall be handled only by the members of the canvassing board or their
duly authorized representatives.
Witnesses shall be permitted to observe the ballots and the process
of tabulating the votes, but they shall not be permitted to handle the
ballots. The canvassing board shall not permit the tabulation of votes
for any ((nomination, election,)) office or issue other than the ones
for which a recount was applied for or required.
(2) At any time before the ballots from all of the precincts listed
in the application for the recount have been recounted, the applicant
may file with the board a written request to stop the recount.
(3) The recount may be observed by persons representing the
candidates affected by the recount or the persons representing both
sides of an issue that is being recounted. The observers may not make
a record of the names, addresses, or other information on the ballots,
poll books, or applications for absentee ballots unless authorized by
the superior court. The secretary of state or county auditor may limit
the number of observers to not less than two on each side if, in his or
her opinion, a greater number would cause undue delay or disruption of
the recount process.
Sec. 53 RCW 29A.64.061 and 2005 c 243 s 21 are each amended to
read as follows:
Upon completion of the canvass of a recount, the canvassing board
shall prepare and certify an amended abstract showing the votes cast in
each precinct for which the recount was conducted. Copies of the
amended abstracts must be transmitted to the same officers who received
the abstract on which the recount was based.
If the ((nomination, election,)) office or issue for which the
recount was conducted was submitted only to the voters of a county, the
canvassing board shall file the amended abstract with the original
results of that election or primary.
If the ((nomination, election,)) office or issue for which a
recount was conducted was submitted to the voters of more than one
county, the secretary of state shall canvass the amended abstracts and
shall file an amended abstract with the original results of that
election. The secretary of state may require that the amended
abstracts be certified by each canvassing board on a uniform date. An
amended abstract certified under this section supersedes any prior
abstract of the results for the same offices or issues at the same
primary or election.
Sec. 54 RCW 29A.64.081 and 2004 c 271 s 181 are each amended to
read as follows:
The canvassing board shall determine the expenses for conducting a
recount of votes.
The cost of the recount shall be deducted from the amount deposited
by the applicant for the recount at the time of filing the request for
the recount, and the balance shall be returned to the applicant. If
the costs of the recount exceed the deposit, the applicant shall pay
the difference. No charges may be deducted by the canvassing board
from the deposit for a recount if the recount changes the result of the
((nomination)) primary or election for which the recount was ordered.
Sec. 55 RCW 29A.68.011 and 2007 c 374 s 3 are each amended to
read as follows:
Any justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, or
judge of the superior court in the proper county shall, by order,
require any person charged with error, wrongful act, or neglect to
forthwith correct the error, desist from the wrongful act, or perform
the duty and to do as the court orders or to show cause forthwith why
the error should not be corrected, the wrongful act desisted from, or
the duty or order not performed, whenever it is made to appear to such
justice or judge by affidavit of an elector that:
(1) An error or omission has occurred or is about to occur in
printing the name of any candidate on official ballots; or
(2) An error other than as provided in subsections (1) and (3) of
this section has been committed or is about to be committed in printing
the ballots; or
(3) The name of any person has been or is about to be wrongfully
placed upon the ballots; or
(4) A wrongful act other than as provided for in subsections (1)
and (3) of this section has been performed or is about to be performed
by any election officer; or
(5) Any neglect of duty on the part of an election officer other
than as provided for in subsections (1) and (3) of this section has
occurred or is about to occur; or
(6) An error or omission has occurred or is about to occur in the
official certification of the election.
An affidavit of an elector under subsections (1) and (3) of this
section when relating to a primary election must be filed with the
appropriate court no later than the second Friday following the closing
of the filing period ((for nominations)) for such office and shall be
heard and finally disposed of by the court not later than five days
after the filing thereof. An affidavit of an elector under subsections
(1) and (3) of this section when relating to a general election must be
filed with the appropriate court no later than three days following the
official certification of the primary election returns and shall be
heard and finally disposed of by the court not later than five days
after the filing thereof. An affidavit of an elector under subsection
(6) of this section shall be filed with the appropriate court no later
than ten days following the official certification of the election as
provided in RCW 29A.60.190, 29A.60.240, or 29A.60.250 or, in the case
of a recount, ten days after the official certification of the amended
abstract as provided in RCW 29A.64.061.
Sec. 56 RCW 29A.80.011 and 2004 c 271 s 183 are each amended to
read as follows:
(((1))) Each political party organization may((:)) adopt rules ((
(a) Make its ownand regulations; and)) governing
its own organization and the nonstatutory functions of that
(b) Perform all functions inherent in such an organization.
(2) Only major political parties may designate candidates to appear
on the state primary ballot as provided in RCW 29A.28.011
Sec. 57 RCW 29A.80.020 and 2003 c 111 s 2002 are each amended to
read as follows:
The state committee of each major political party consists of one
committeeman and one committeewoman from each county elected by the
county central committee at its organization meeting. It must have a
chair and vice-chair of opposite sexes. This committee shall meet
during January of each odd-numbered year for the purpose of
organization at a time and place designated by a notice mailed at least
one week before the date of the meeting to all the newly elected state
committeemen and committeewomen by the authorized officers of the
retiring committee. At its organizational meeting it shall elect its
chair and vice-chair, and such officers as its bylaws may provide, and
adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations. It may:
(1) Call conventions at such time and place and under such
circumstances and for such purposes as the call to convention
designates. The manner, number, and procedure for selection of state
convention delegates is subject to the committee's rules and
regulations duly adopted;
(2) Provide for the election of delegates to national conventions;
(3) ((Fill vacancies on the ticket for any federal or state office
to be voted on by the electors of more than one county;)) Provide for the nomination of presidential electors; and
(((5))) (4) Perform all functions inherent in such an organization.
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the committee may
not adopt rules governing the conduct of the actual proceedings at a
party state convention.
Sec. 58 RCW 29A.84.261 and 2004 c 271 s 184 are each amended to
read as follows:
The following apply to persons signing filing fee or nominating
petitions prescribed by RCW 29A.20.151 and 29A.24.101:
(1) A person who signs a petition with any other than his or her
name shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2) A person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if the person
knowingly: Signs more than one petition for any single candidacy of
any single candidate; signs the petition when he or she is not a legal
voter; or makes a false statement as to his or her residence.
Sec. 59 RCW 29A.84.311 and 2004 c 271 s 185 are each amended to
read as follows:
Every person who:
(1) Knowingly provides false information on his or her declaration
of candidacy ((or)), petition of nomination, or filing fee petition; or
(2) Conceals or fraudulently defaces or destroys a certificate that
has been filed with an elections officer under chapter 29A.20 RCW or a
declaration of candidacy ((or)), petition of nomination, or filing fee
petition that has been filed with an elections officer, or any part of
such a certificate, declaration, or petition, is guilty of a class C
felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.
Sec. 60 RCW 29A.84.711 and 2004 c 271 s 186 are each amended to
read as follows:
Every person who:
(1) Knowingly and falsely issues a certificate of ((nomination))
qualification or election; or
(2) Knowingly provides false information on a certificate which
must be filed with an elections officer under chapter 29A.20 RCW, is
guilty of a class C felony punishable under RCW 9A.20.021.
Sec. 61 RCW 42.12.040 and 2005 c 2 s 15 are each reenacted and
amended to read as follows:
(1) If a vacancy occurs in any partisan elective office in the
executive or legislative branches of state government or in any
partisan county elective office before the ((sixth)) tenth Tuesday
prior to the ((next)) general election ((following the occurrence of
the vacancy)), a successor shall be elected to that office at that
general election. Except during the last year of the term of office,
if such a vacancy occurs on or after the ((sixth)) tenth Tuesday prior
to the general election, the election of the successor shall occur at
the next succeeding general election. The elected successor shall hold
office for the remainder of the unexpired term. This section shall not
apply to any vacancy occurring in a charter county that has charter
provisions inconsistent with this section.
(2) If a vacancy occurs in any legislative office or in any
partisan county office after the general election in a year that the
position appears on the ballot and before the start of the next term,
the term of the successor who is of the same party as the incumbent may
commence once he or she has qualified as defined in RCW 29A.04.133 and
shall continue through the term for which he or she was elected.
Sec. 62 RCW 42.17.020 and 2007 c 358 s 1 and 2007 c 180 s 1 are
each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter
unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Actual malice" means to act with knowledge of falsity or with
reckless disregard as to truth or falsity.
(2) "Agency" includes all state agencies and all local agencies.
"State agency" includes every state office, department, division,
bureau, board, commission, or other state agency. "Local agency"
includes every county, city, town, municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or special purpose district, or any office,
department, division, bureau, board, commission, or agency thereof, or
other local public agency.
(3) "Authorized committee" means the political committee authorized
by a candidate, or by the public official against whom recall charges
have been filed, to accept contributions or make expenditures on behalf
of the candidate or public official.
(4) "Ballot proposition" means any "measure" as defined by RCW
29A.04.091, or any initiative, recall, or referendum proposition
proposed to be submitted to the voters of the state or any municipal
corporation, political subdivision, or other voting constituency from
and after the time when the proposition has been initially filed with
the appropriate election officer of that constituency prior to its
circulation for signatures.
(5) "Benefit" means a commercial, proprietary, financial, economic,
or monetary advantage, or the avoidance of a commercial, proprietary,
financial, economic, or monetary disadvantage.
(6) "Bona fide political party" means:
(a) An organization that has filed a valid certificate of
nomination with the secretary of state under chapter 29A.20 RCW;
(b) The governing body of the state organization of a major
political party, as defined in RCW 29A.04.086, that is the body
authorized by the charter or bylaws of the party to exercise authority
on behalf of the state party; or
(c) The county central committee or legislative district committee
of a major political party. There may be only one legislative district
committee for each party in each legislative district.
(7) "Depository" means a bank designated by a candidate or
political committee pursuant to RCW 42.17.050.
(8) "Treasurer" and "deputy treasurer" mean the individuals
appointed by a candidate or political committee, pursuant to RCW
42.17.050, to perform the duties specified in that section.
(9) "Candidate" means any individual who seeks ((nomination))
qualification for election or election to public office. An individual
seeks ((nomination)) qualification or election when he or she first:
(a) Receives contributions or makes expenditures or reserves space
or facilities with intent to promote his or her candidacy for office;
(b) Announces publicly or files for office;
(c) Purchases commercial advertising space or broadcast time to
promote his or her candidacy; or
(d) Gives his or her consent to another person to take on behalf of
the individual any of the actions in (a) or (c) of this subsection.
(10) "Caucus political committee" means a political committee
organized and maintained by the members of a major political party in
the state senate or state house of representatives.
(11) "Commercial advertiser" means any person who sells the service
of communicating messages or producing printed material for broadcast
or distribution to the general public or segments of the general public
whether through the use of newspapers, magazines, television and radio
stations, billboard companies, direct mail advertising companies,
printing companies, or otherwise.
(12) "Commission" means the agency established under RCW 42.17.350.
(13) "Compensation" unless the context requires a narrower meaning,
includes payment in any form for real or personal property or services
of any kind: PROVIDED, That for the purpose of compliance with RCW
42.17.241, the term "compensation" shall not include per diem
allowances or other payments made by a governmental entity to reimburse
a public official for expenses incurred while the official is engaged
in the official business of the governmental entity.
(14) "Continuing political committee" means a political committee
that is an organization of continuing existence not established in
anticipation of any particular election campaign.
(15)(a) "Contribution" includes:
(i) A loan, gift, deposit, subscription, forgiveness of
indebtedness, donation, advance, pledge, payment, transfer of funds
between political committees, or anything of value, including personal
and professional services for less than full consideration;
(ii) An expenditure made by a person in cooperation, consultation,
or concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate, a
political committee, the person or persons named on the candidate's or
committee's registration form who direct expenditures on behalf of the
candidate or committee, or their agents;
(iii) The financing by a person of the dissemination, distribution,
or republication, in whole or in part, of broadcast, written, graphic,
or other form of political advertising or electioneering communication
prepared by a candidate, a political committee, or its authorized
(iv) Sums paid for tickets to fund-raising events such as dinners
and parties, except for the actual cost of the consumables furnished at
the event.
(b) "Contribution" does not include:
(i) Standard interest on money deposited in a political committee's
(ii) Ordinary home hospitality;
(iii) A contribution received by a candidate or political committee
that is returned to the contributor within five business days of the
date on which it is received by the candidate or political committee;
(iv) A news item, feature, commentary, or editorial in a regularly
scheduled news medium that is of primary interest to the general
public, that is in a news medium controlled by a person whose business
is that news medium, and that is not controlled by a candidate or a
political committee;
(v) An internal political communication primarily limited to the
members of or contributors to a political party organization or
political committee, or to the officers, management staff, or
stockholders of a corporation or similar enterprise, or to the members
of a labor organization or other membership organization;
(vi) The rendering of personal services of the sort commonly
performed by volunteer campaign workers, or incidental expenses
personally incurred by volunteer campaign workers not in excess of
fifty dollars personally paid for by the worker. "Volunteer services,"
for the purposes of this section, means services or labor for which the
individual is not compensated by any person;
(vii) Messages in the form of reader boards, banners, or yard or
window signs displayed on a person's own property or property occupied
by a person. However, a facility used for such political advertising
for which a rental charge is normally made must be reported as an in-kind contribution and counts towards any applicable contribution limit
of the person providing the facility;
(viii) Legal or accounting services rendered to or on behalf of:
(A) A political party or caucus political committee if the person
paying for the services is the regular employer of the person rendering
such services; or
(B) A candidate or an authorized committee if the person paying for
the services is the regular employer of the individual rendering the
services and if the services are solely for the purpose of ensuring
compliance with state election or public disclosure laws; or
(ix) The performance of ministerial functions by a person on behalf
of two or more candidates or political committees either as volunteer
services defined in (b)(vi) of this subsection or for payment by the
candidate or political committee for whom the services are performed as
long as:
(A) The person performs solely ministerial functions;
(B) A person who is paid by two or more candidates or political
committees is identified by the candidates and political committees on
whose behalf services are performed as part of their respective
statements of organization under RCW 42.17.040; and
(C) The person does not disclose, except as required by law, any
information regarding a candidate's or committee's plans, projects,
activities, or needs, or regarding a candidate's or committee's
contributions or expenditures that is not already publicly available
from campaign reports filed with the commission, or otherwise engage in
activity that constitutes a contribution under (a)(ii) of this
A person who performs ministerial functions under this subsection
(15)(b)(ix) is not considered an agent of the candidate or committee as
long as he or she has no authority to authorize expenditures or make
decisions on behalf of the candidate or committee.
(c) Contributions other than money or its equivalent are deemed to
have a monetary value equivalent to the fair market value of the
contribution. Services or property or rights furnished at less than
their fair market value for the purpose of assisting any candidate or
political committee are deemed a contribution. Such a contribution
must be reported as an in-kind contribution at its fair market value
and counts towards any applicable contribution limit of the provider.
(16) "Elected official" means any person elected at a general or
special election to any public office, and any person appointed to fill
a vacancy in any such office.
(17) "Election" includes any primary, general, or special election
for public office and any election in which a ballot proposition is
submitted to the voters: PROVIDED, That an election in which the
qualifications for voting include other than those requirements set
forth in Article VI, section 1 (Amendment 63) of the Constitution of
the state of Washington shall not be considered an election for
purposes of this chapter.
(18) "Election campaign" means any campaign in support of or in
opposition to a candidate for election to public office and any
campaign in support of, or in opposition to, a ballot proposition.
(19) "Election cycle" means the period beginning on the first day
of January after the date of the last previous general election for the
office that the candidate seeks and ending on December 31st after the
next election for the office. In the case of a special election to
fill a vacancy in an office, "election cycle" means the period
beginning on the day the vacancy occurs and ending on December 31st
after the special election.
(20) "Electioneering communication" means any broadcast, cable, or
satellite television or radio transmission, United States postal
service mailing, billboard, newspaper, or periodical that:
(a) Clearly identifies a candidate for a state, local, or judicial
office either by specifically naming the candidate, or identifying the
candidate without using the candidate's name;
(b) Is broadcast, transmitted, mailed, erected, distributed, or
otherwise published within sixty days before any election for that
office in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is seeking election;
(c) Either alone, or in combination with one or more communications
identifying the candidate by the same sponsor during the sixty days
before an election, has a fair market value of five thousand dollars or
(21) "Electioneering communication" does not include:
(a) Usual and customary advertising of a business owned by a
candidate, even if the candidate is mentioned in the advertising when
the candidate has been regularly mentioned in that advertising
appearing at least twelve months preceding his or her becoming a
(b) Advertising for candidate debates or forums when the
advertising is paid for by or on behalf of the debate or forum sponsor,
so long as two or more candidates for the same position have been
invited to participate in the debate or forum;
(c) A news item, feature, commentary, or editorial in a regularly
scheduled news medium that is:
(i) Of primary interest to the general public;
(ii) In a news medium controlled by a person whose business is that
news medium; and
(iii) Not a medium controlled by a candidate or a political
(d) Slate cards and sample ballots;
(e) Advertising for books, films, dissertations, or similar works
(i) written by a candidate when the candidate entered into a contract
for such publications or media at least twelve months before becoming
a candidate, or (ii) written about a candidate;
(f) Public service announcements;
(g) A mailed internal political communication primarily limited to
the members of or contributors to a political party organization or
political committee, or to the officers, management staff, or
stockholders of a corporation or similar enterprise, or to the members
of a labor organization or other membership organization;
(h) An expenditure by or contribution to the authorized committee
of a candidate for state, local, or judicial office; or
(i) Any other communication exempted by the commission through rule
consistent with the intent of this chapter.
(22) "Expenditure" includes a payment, contribution, subscription,
distribution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of money or anything of
value, and includes a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not
legally enforceable, to make an expenditure. The term "expenditure"
also includes a promise to pay, a payment, or a transfer of anything of
value in exchange for goods, services, property, facilities, or
anything of value for the purpose of assisting, benefiting, or honoring
any public official or candidate, or assisting in furthering or
opposing any election campaign. For the purposes of this chapter,
agreements to make expenditures, contracts, and promises to pay may be
reported as estimated obligations until actual payment is made. The
term "expenditure" shall not include the partial or complete repayment
by a candidate or political committee of the principal of a loan, the
receipt of which loan has been properly reported.
(23) "Final report" means the report described as a final report in
RCW 42.17.080(2).
(24) "General election" for the purposes of RCW 42.17.640 means the
election that results in the election of a person to a state office.
It does not include a primary.
(25) "Gift," is as defined in RCW 42.52.010.
(26) "Immediate family" includes the spouse, dependent children,
and other dependent relatives, if living in the household. For the
purposes of RCW 42.17.640 through 42.17.790, "immediate family" means
an individual's spouse, and child, stepchild, grandchild, parent,
stepparent, grandparent, brother, half brother, sister, or half sister
of the individual and the spouse of any such person and a child,
stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, brother, half
brother, sister, or half sister of the individual's spouse and the
spouse of any such person.
(27) "Incumbent" means a person who is in present possession of an
elected office.
(28) "Independent expenditure" means an expenditure that has each
of the following elements:
(a) It is made in support of or in opposition to a candidate for
office by a person who is not (i) a candidate for that office, (ii) an
authorized committee of that candidate for that office, (iii) a person
who has received the candidate's encouragement or approval to make the
expenditure, if the expenditure pays in whole or in part for political
advertising supporting that candidate or promoting the defeat of any
other candidate or candidates for that office, or (iv) a person with
whom the candidate has collaborated for the purpose of making the
expenditure, if the expenditure pays in whole or in part for political
advertising supporting that candidate or promoting the defeat of any
other candidate or candidates for that office;
(b) The expenditure pays in whole or in part for political
advertising that either specifically names the candidate supported or
opposed, or clearly and beyond any doubt identifies the candidate
without using the candidate's name; and
(c) The expenditure, alone or in conjunction with another
expenditure or other expenditures of the same person in support of or
opposition to that candidate, has a value of five hundred dollars or
more. A series of expenditures, each of which is under five hundred
dollars, constitutes one independent expenditure if their cumulative
value is five hundred dollars or more.
(29)(a) "Intermediary" means an individual who transmits a
contribution to a candidate or committee from another person unless the
contribution is from the individual's employer, immediate family as
defined for purposes of RCW 42.17.640 through 42.17.790, or an
association to which the individual belongs.
(b) A treasurer or a candidate is not an intermediary for purposes
of the committee that the treasurer or candidate serves.
(c) A professional fund-raiser is not an intermediary if the fund-raiser is compensated for fund-raising services at the usual and
customary rate.
(d) A volunteer hosting a fund-raising event at the individual's
home is not an intermediary for purposes of that event.
(30) "Legislation" means bills, resolutions, motions, amendments,
nominations, and other matters pending or proposed in either house of
the state legislature, and includes any other matter that may be the
subject of action by either house or any committee of the legislature
and all bills and resolutions that, having passed both houses, are
pending approval by the governor.
(31) "Lobby" and "lobbying" each mean attempting to influence the
passage or defeat of any legislation by the legislature of the state of
Washington, or the adoption or rejection of any rule, standard, rate,
or other legislative enactment of any state agency under the state
Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW. Neither "lobby" nor
"lobbying" includes an association's or other organization's act of
communicating with the members of that association or organization.
(32) "Lobbyist" includes any person who lobbies either in his or
her own or another's behalf.
(33) "Lobbyist's employer" means the person or persons by whom a
lobbyist is employed and all persons by whom he or she is compensated
for acting as a lobbyist.
(34) "Ministerial functions" means an act or duty carried out as
part of the duties of an administrative office without exercise of
personal judgment or discretion.
(35) "Participate" means that, with respect to a particular
election, an entity:
(a) Makes either a monetary or in-kind contribution to a candidate;
(b) Makes an independent expenditure or electioneering
communication in support of or opposition to a candidate;
(c) Endorses a candidate prior to contributions being made by a
subsidiary corporation or local unit with respect to that candidate or
that candidate's opponent;
(d) Makes a recommendation regarding whether a candidate should be
supported or opposed prior to a contribution being made by a subsidiary
corporation or local unit with respect to that candidate or that
candidate's opponent; or
(e) Directly or indirectly collaborates or consults with a
subsidiary corporation or local unit on matters relating to the support
of or opposition to a candidate, including, but not limited to, the
amount of a contribution, when a contribution should be given, and what
assistance, services or independent expenditures, or electioneering
communications, if any, will be made or should be made in support of or
opposition to a candidate.
(36) "Person" includes an individual, partnership, joint venture,
public or private corporation, association, federal, state, or local
governmental entity or agency however constituted, candidate,
committee, political committee, political party, executive committee
thereof, or any other organization or group of persons, however
(37) "Person in interest" means the person who is the subject of a
record or any representative designated by that person, except that if
that person is under a legal disability, the term "person in interest"
means and includes the parent or duly appointed legal representative.
(38) "Political advertising" includes any advertising displays,
newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids,
flyers, letters, radio or television presentations, or other means of
mass communication, used for the purpose of appealing, directly or
indirectly, for votes or for financial or other support or opposition
in any election campaign.
(39) "Political committee" means any person (except a candidate or
an individual dealing with his or her own funds or property) having the
expectation of receiving contributions or making expenditures in
support of, or opposition to, any candidate or any ballot proposition.
(40) "Primary" for the purposes of RCW 42.17.640 means the
procedure for ((nominating)) qualifying a candidate to state office
under chapter 29A.52 RCW or any other primary for an election that
uses, in large measure, the procedures established in chapter 29A.52
(41) "Public office" means any federal, state, judicial, county,
city, town, school district, port district, special district, or other
state political subdivision elective office.
(42) "Public record" includes any writing containing information
relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any
governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained
by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or
characteristics. For the office of the secretary of the senate and the
office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives, public
records means legislative records as defined in RCW 40.14.100 and also
means the following: All budget and financial records; personnel
leave, travel, and payroll records; records of legislative sessions;
reports submitted to the legislature; and any other record designated
a public record by any official action of the senate or the house of
(43) "Recall campaign" means the period of time beginning on the
date of the filing of recall charges under RCW 29A.56.120 and ending
thirty days after the recall election.
(44) "Sponsor of an electioneering communications, independent
expenditures, or political advertising" means the person paying for the
electioneering communication, independent expenditure, or political
advertising. If a person acts as an agent for another or is reimbursed
by another for the payment, the original source of the payment is the
(45) "State legislative office" means the office of a member of the
state house of representatives or the office of a member of the state
(46) "State office" means state legislative office or the office of
governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general,
commissioner of public lands, insurance commissioner, superintendent of
public instruction, state auditor, or state treasurer.
(47) "State official" means a person who holds a state office.
(48) "Surplus funds" mean, in the case of a political committee or
candidate, the balance of contributions that remain in the possession
or control of that committee or candidate subsequent to the election
for which the contributions were received, and that are in excess of
the amount necessary to pay remaining debts incurred by the committee
or candidate prior to that election. In the case of a continuing
political committee, "surplus funds" mean those contributions remaining
in the possession or control of the committee that are in excess of the
amount necessary to pay all remaining debts when it makes its final
report under RCW 42.17.065.
(49) "Writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing,
photostating, photographing, and every other means of recording any
form of communication or representation, including, but not limited to,
letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof,
and all papers, maps, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and
prints, motion picture, film and video recordings, magnetic or punched
cards, discs, drums, diskettes, sound recordings, and other documents
including existing data compilations from which information may be
obtained or translated.
As used in this chapter, the singular shall take the plural and any
gender, the other, as the context requires.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 63 The following acts or parts of acts are
each repealed:
(1) RCW 29A.20.201 (Declarations of candidacy required, exceptions--Payment of fees) and 2004 c 271 s 113;
(2) RCW 29A.24.210 (Vacancy in partisan elective office -- Special
filing period) and 2005 c 2 s 10 & 2003 c 111 s 621;
(3) RCW 29A.24.211 (Vacancy in partisan elective office -- Special
filing period) and 2006 c 344 s 10 & 2004 c 271 s 116;
(4) RCW 29A.28.011 (Major party ticket) and 2004 c 271 s 191;
(5) RCW 29A.28.021 (Death or disqualification--Correcting ballots--Counting votes already cast) and 2006 c 344 s 11 & 2004 c 271 s 192;
(6) RCW 29A.36.104 (Partisan primary ballots--Formats) and 2007 c
38 s 2 & 2004 c 271 s 126;
(7) RCW 29A.36.106 (Partisan primary ballots--Required statements)
and 2007 c 38 s 3 & 2004 c 271 s 127;
(8) RCW 29A.36.191 (Partisan candidates qualified for general
election) and 2004 c 271 s 133;
(9) RCW 29A.52.011 (Elections to fill unexpired term--No primary,
when) and 2006 c 344 s 14 & 2004 c 271 s 172;
(10) RCW 29A.52.141 (Instructions) and 2004 c 271 s 141; and
(11) RCW 29A.52.151 (Ballot format--Procedures) and 2007 c 38 s 4
& 2004 c 271 s 142.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 64 This act takes effect if the United States
Supreme Court finds Initiative Measure No. 872 constitutional in
Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party (No. 06-713) and Washington v. Washington State Republican Party (No. 06-730).
This act is null and void if the United States Supreme Court finds
Initiative Measure No. 872 unconstitutional in the aforementioned