Passed by the Senate April 17, 2007 YEAS 30   ________________________________________ President of the Senate Passed by the House April 9, 2007 YEAS 98   ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives | I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SECOND SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5843 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Secretary | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 60th Legislature | 2007 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to educational data and data systems; amending RCW 28A.410.070; adding new sections to chapter 28A.300 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 43.41 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.320 RCW; and creating new sections.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 The legislature finds that:
(1) Reliable data on student progress, characteristics of students
and schools, and teacher qualifications and mobility is critical for
accountability to the state and to the public;
(2) Educational data should be made available as widely as possible
while appropriately protecting the privacy of individuals as provided
by law;
(3) Having a single, comprehensive, and technically compatible
student and school-level data system will streamline data collection
for school districts, reduce inefficiencies caused by the lack of
connectivity, and minimize or eliminate multiple data entry; and
(4) Schools and districts should be supported in their management
of educational data and should have access to user-friendly programs
and reports that can be readily used by classroom teachers and building
principals to improve instruction.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 A new section is added to chapter 28A.300
RCW to read as follows:
(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction is
authorized to establish a longitudinal student data system for and on
behalf of school districts in the state. The primary purpose of the
data system is to better aid research into programs and interventions
that are most effective in improving student performance, better
understand the state's public educator workforce, and provide
information on areas within the educational system that need
(2) The confidentiality of personally identifiable student data
shall be safeguarded consistent with the requirements of the federal
family educational rights privacy act and applicable state laws.
Consistent with the provisions of these federal and state laws, data
may be disclosed for educational purposes and studies, including but
not limited to:
(a) Educational studies authorized or mandated by the state
(b) Studies initiated by other state educational authorities and
authorized by the office of the superintendent of public instruction,
including analysis conducted by the education data center established
under section 3 of this act; and
(c) Studies initiated by other public or private agencies and
organizations and authorized by the office of the superintendent of
public instruction.
(3) Any agency or organization that is authorized by the office of
the superintendent of public instruction to access student-level data
shall adhere to all federal and state laws protecting student data and
safeguarding the confidentiality and privacy of student records.
(4) Nothing in this section precludes the office of the
superintendent of public instruction from collecting and distributing
aggregate data about students or student-level data without personally
identifiable information.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 A new section is added to chapter 43.41 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) An education data center shall be established in the office of
financial management. The education data center shall jointly, with
the legislative education and accountability program committee, conduct
collaborative analyses of early learning, K-12, and higher education
programs and education issues across the P-20 system, which includes
the department of early learning, the superintendent of public
instruction, the professional educator standards board, the state board
of education, the state board for community and technical colleges, the
workforce training and education coordinating board, the higher
education coordinating board, public and private nonprofit four-year
institutions of higher education, and the employment security
department. The education data center shall conduct collaborative
analyses under this section with the legislative evaluation and
accountability program committee and provide data electronically to the
legislative evaluation and accountability program committee, to the
extent permitted by state and federal confidentiality requirements.
The education data center shall be considered an authorized
representative of the state educational agencies in this section under
applicable federal and state statutes for purposes of accessing and
compiling student record data for research purposes.
(2) The education data center shall:
(a) Coordinate with other state education agencies to compile and
analyze education data, including data on student demographics that is
disaggregated by distinct ethnic categories within racial subgroups,
and complete P-20 research projects;
(b) Collaborate with the legislative evaluation and accountability
program committee and the education and fiscal committees of the
legislature in identifying the data to be compiled and analyzed to
ensure that legislative interests are served;
(c) Track enrollment and outcomes through the public centralized
higher education enrollment system;
(d) Assist other state educational agencies' collaborative efforts
to develop a long-range enrollment plan for higher education including
estimates to meet demographic and workforce needs; and
(e) Provide research that focuses on student transitions within and
among the early learning, K-12, and higher education sectors in the P-20 system.
(3) The department of early learning, superintendent of public
instruction, professional educator standards board, state board of
education, state board for community and technical colleges, workforce
training and education coordinating board, higher education
coordinating board, public four-year institutions of higher education,
and employment security department shall work with the education data
center to develop data-sharing and research agreements, consistent with
applicable security and confidentiality requirements, to facilitate the
work of the center. Private, nonprofit institutions of higher
education that provide programs of education beyond the high school
level leading at least to the baccalaureate degree and are accredited
by the Northwest association of schools and colleges or their peer
accreditation bodies may also develop data-sharing and research
agreements with the education data center, consistent with applicable
security and confidentiality requirements. The education data center
shall make data from collaborative analyses available to the education
agencies and institutions that contribute data to the education data
center to the extent allowed by federal and state security and
confidentiality requirements applicable to the data of each
contributing agency or institution.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A new section is added to chapter 28A.320
RCW to read as follows:
No later than the beginning of the 2008-09 school year and
thereafter, each school district shall collect and electronically
submit to the office of the superintendent of public instruction, in a
format and according to a schedule prescribed by the office, the
following data for each class or course offered in each school:
(1) The certification number or other unique identifier associated
with the teacher's certificate for each teacher assigned to teach the
class or course, including reassignments that may occur during the
school year; and
(2) The statewide student identifier for each student enrolled in
or being provided services through the class or course.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 A new section is added to chapter 28A.300
RCW to read as follows:
(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
develop standards for school data systems that focus on validation and
verification of data entered into the systems to ensure accuracy and
compatibility of data. The standards shall address but are not limited
to the following topics:
(a) Date validation;
(b) Code validation, which includes gender, race or ethnicity, and
other code elements;
(c) Decimal and integer validation; and
(d) Required field validation as defined by state and federal
(2) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop a
reporting format and instructions for school districts to collect and
submit data on student demographics that is disaggregated by distinct
ethnic categories within racial subgroups so that analyses may be
conducted on student achievement using the disaggregated data.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 (1) To the extent funds are appropriated for
this purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction
shall conduct a feasibility study on expanding the longitudinal student
data system beyond the elements currently collected and those required
under section 4 of this act.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction, in
consultation with the work group established under subsection (5) of
this section, shall identify a preliminary set of additional data
elements whose collection shall be field tested on a pilot basis in at
least two school districts, with at least one with over twenty thousand
in full-time equivalent enrollment and at least one with less than two
thousand in full-time equivalent enrollment. Among the data elements
to be field tested shall be course codes for a limited set of core high
school mathematics courses, based on the classification of secondary
school courses by the national center for education statistics.
(3) Additional topics addressed by the feasibility study shall
include, but are not limited to:
(a) Detailed estimates on the cost of the development and
implementation of the expanded data system;
(b) A final list of specific data elements that are necessary to
allow effective and efficient research on an individual school,
district, and statewide basis, and of those data elements,
identification of what data is currently reported by schools and school
districts and what is not reported;
(c) An implementation plan for consistent coding of secondary
courses in subjects other than mathematics that is based on a national
classification system;
(d) A phased-in implementation of a comprehensive data system with
school-level financial, student, teacher, and community variables
consistent with recommendations of the joint legislative audit and
review committee; and
(e) The staffing and related impacts on schools and school
districts from the collection of the recommended data elements and
consideration of ways to reduce duplicate reporting of data.
(4) By November 1, 2008, the office of the superintendent of public
instruction shall provide a final report on the results of the
feasibility study, including the results from the field tests, to the
appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature.
(5) To assist in conducting the feasibility study and field tests
and in carrying out the responsibilities assigned under section 5 of
this act, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall
convene a work group comprised of representatives of the following
agencies and organizations: The education data center established
under section 3 of this act, the Washington state institute for public
policy, the professional educator standards board, the state board of
education, the joint legislative audit and review committee, the center
for analysis of longitudinal data in education research, other research
organizations as appropriate, school districts of varying sizes and
geographic locations, educational service districts, the Washington
school information processing cooperative, at least one additional
school information system vendor, the association of Washington school
principals, the Washington association of school administrators, the
Washington education association, the Washington association of school
business officials, the Washington association of colleges for teacher
education, and the Washington state school directors' association.
Sec. 7 RCW 28A.410.070 and 1983 c 56 s 12 are each amended to
read as follows:
(1) All certificates issued by the superintendent of public
instruction shall be valid and entitle the holder thereof to employment
in any school district of the state upon being registered by the school
district if designated to do so by the school district, which fact
shall be evidenced on the certificate in the words, "Registered for use
in . . . . . . district," together with the date of registry, and an
official signature of the person registering the same: PROVIDED, That
a copy of the original certificate duly certified by the superintendent
of public instruction may be used for the purpose of registry and
endorsement in lieu of the original.
(2) The superintendent of public instruction may accept
applications for educator certification that are submitted using an
electronic signature from the applicant.