WHEREAS, Ninety-six years ago, on February 6, 1911, Ronald Wilson
Reagan was born to John and Nelle Reagan in the family's modest
apartment above the general store in Tampico, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, John Reagan struggled both before and during the Great
Depression in his attempts to provide for his family, until he was
appointed director of the Dixon, Illinois office of the Works Progress
Administration, a New Deal, back to work program; and
WHEREAS, Ronald Reagan, building upon a successful career in the
private sector, acted upon the courage of his convictions and entered
the world of politics and public service as Governor of California; and
WHEREAS, Ronald Reagan was extraordinarily successful at
communicating his vision to the American people with powerful words
such as these: "The house we hope to build is not for my generation
but for yours. It is your future that matters. And I hope that when
you are my age, you will be able to say as I have been able to say: We
lived in freedom. We lived lives that were a statement, not an
apology."; and
WHEREAS, During his career as a public servant, Ronald Reagan was
unafraid to do battle on the great issues of his time and, in the words
of Theodore Roosevelt, enter the arena, strive valiantly, and spend
himself for a worthy cause; and
WHEREAS, Ronald Reagan, as all great American presidents, used the
power of the Presidency as he deemed best to invigorate our economy,
put Americans to work, honor our obligation to those who need help, and
inspire all Americans to seek a more perfect Union; and
WHEREAS, Ronald Reagan's leadership, with the support of the
American people, helped to end the Cold War, set many nations on a path
to freedom and democracy, and promoted greater peace and stability to
many regions of the world; and
WHEREAS, President Ronald Reagan provided this nation a great
vision for the future and the leadership to advance the cause of
democracy and the American dream;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That it is with great respect, that
the Washington State Senate remember the work, honor, and excellence of
character exemplified by President Ronald Wilson Reagan as we honor his
life and Presidency.