WHEREAS, The Student Conservation Association was founded in 1957
by Vassar College alumna Elizabeth (Cushman) Titus Putnam, with the
assistance of Martha Hayne, to promote college student conservation
efforts to benefit America's beautiful lands; and
WHEREAS, In 1957, Washington state was fortunate to sponsor the
Student Conservation Association's first conservation effort, in Port
Angeles' Olympic National Park; and
WHEREAS, The goal of the Student Conservation Association is for
high school and college-age volunteers to unite through their
commitment to preserve the nation's public lands, forests, parks,
refuges, and rivers; and
WHEREAS, The Student Conservation Association has created strong
ties with governmental agencies, environmental groups, and
conscientious corporations, such as the United States Park Service,
United States Forest Service, United States Navy's Natural Resource
Program, AmeriCorps, the Corporation for National Service, and the Ford
Foundation; and
WHEREAS, The Student Conservation Association operates in all 50
states and in three foreign countries; and
WHEREAS, After flooding in Mount Rainier National Park in 2006, the
Student Conservation Association is leading the volunteer flood
recovery and land restoration efforts; and
WHEREAS, There are more than 4,000 Student Conservation Association
volunteers in Washington state who have contributed more than an
estimated 1.5 million hours of service to help preserve our state's
natural ecosystems, forests, and wildlife reserves; and
WHEREAS, Nearly 60 percent of Student Conservation Association
alumni go on to pursue careers in the conservation field to preserve
America's breathtaking natural landscapes; and
WHEREAS, This year marks the golden 50th anniversary of the
founding of the Student Conservation Association;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate
pay tribute and recognition to the Student Conservation Association for
its contributions to Washington state and the United States to help
restore and maintain America's natural beauty; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the
Washington State Senate and the Student Conservation Association.