WHEREAS, Freemasons, whose long lineage extends to before
Washington achieved statehood, have set an example of high moral
standards and charity for all people; and
WHEREAS, The founding fathers of this great State of Washington,
many of whom were Freemasons, provided a well-rounded basis for
developing themselves and others into valuable citizens of Washington;
WHEREAS, Members of the Masonic Fraternity, both individually and
as an organization, continue to make invaluable charitable
contributions of service to the State of Washington; and
WHEREAS, The Masonic Fraternity continues to provide for the
charitable relief and education of the citizens of Washington; and
WHEREAS, The Masonic Fraternity is deserving of formal recognition
of their long history of caregiving for the citizenry and their example
of high moral standards;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize the
thousands of Freemasons of Washington and honor them for their many
contributions to our state throughout its history; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the
Freemasons of Washington.