60th Legislature - 2007 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
RICHARD NAFZIGER, Chief Clerk     


Please Note: Items marked in Bold are not ready.
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1006 f Filing of disclosure reports Moeller,Sullivan, B. APP DPS33
HB 1010 Juvenile taken into custody Moeller,Hudgins HS DP8
HB 1018 State official/contributions Orcutt,Haigh SGTA DPS5 DNP4
HB 1034 Utility bill payments Morris,Hudgins TEC DPS8 DNP2
HB 1036 f Renewable energy Morris,Hudgins APP DP2S(w/o sub TEC)22 DNP12
HB 1044 f Contribution rates Fromhold,Conway APP DPS33
HB 1066 f Insurance claims Kirby,Strow IFCP DPS5 DNP3
HB 1072 f Streamlined sales & use tax McIntire,Condotta FIN DPS7 DNP2
HB 1125 f Forest fire protection Sullivan, B.,Kagi APP DPS(AGNR)33
HB 1129 f Tax relief for zoos Dickerson,McIntire FIN DP9
HB 1154 f Employment/tobacco Morrell,Conway CL DPS5 DNP2
HB 1161 Sale of real property Sullivan, B.,Strow FIN DPA6 DNP3
HB 1165 f Student trans funding Fromhold,Orcutt APP DPS23 DNP11
HB 1172 f Saint Edward state park Kagi,Sullivan, B. CB DP22
HB 1186 f Judicial campaigns Schual-Berke,Hunt APP DPS(SGTA)21 DNP13
HB 1193 Fish & wildlife director Sullivan, B.,Pearson AGNR DPS14
HB 1232 Real estate excise tax Hunt,Alexander LG DPS7
HB 1252 f Prerecorded telephone calls Hunter,Buri TEC DPS8 DNP3
HB 1265 f Public retirement system Fromhold,Conway APP DP33
HB 1272 f Identity theft provisons Roach,Ericks APP DPS(PSEP)34
HB 1329 f Deficit reduction act Flannigan APP DPS(APP)23 DNP11
HB 1346 f Exclusion from gambling Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 1351 f Domestic partnerships McDermott,Jarrett JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 1369 f Property tax levies Linville,Armstrong FIN DP5 DNP3
HB 1372 Port districts Rolfes,Appleton LG DPS6 DNP1
HB 1373 f Traffic infractions Lantz,Seaquist TR DPS19 DNP6
HB 1375 f Aerospace manufacturing Sullivan, B.,Priest CEDT DP9
HB 1451 f Temporary staffing services Ericks,Lovick FIN DPS6 DNP3
HB 1474 f Legal financial obligations Darneille,Appleton APP DP18 DNP16
HB 1491 f Insurance fair conduct act Kirby,Campbell IFCP DPS5 DNP3
HB 1493 f Development activity Hudgins,Simpson TR DP24
HB 1522 f Retirement age for judges Williams,Darneille JUDI DPS11
HB 1524 f Light-emitting diode lights Chase,Morris TEC DPS10 w/oRec1
HB 1529 f Voter registration Appleton,Chandler SGTA DPS9
HB 1532 f Market conduct oversight Kirby,Kenney IFCP DPS8
HB 1533 f Selling insurance Kirby,Simpson IFCP DPS7 w/oRec1
HB 1562 f Workers' comp advisory comm Conway,Green CL DPS8
HB 1600 f Ancestral trees Hunt,Sullivan, B. AGNR DPS9 DNP6
HB 1601 f Children's health Rolfes,Campbell APP DP2S(w/o sub ENVH)19 DNP13
HB 1622 Boundary review boards Moeller,Jarrett LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1623 f Aquatic lands Morris TEC DPS11
HB 1730 Human stem cell research Sullivan, B.,Schual-Berke HCW DPS8 DNP5
HB 1751 f Indecent exposure Eddy,McDonald PSEP DPS7
HB 1800 Tenants of real property Lovick,Warnick JUDI DPS11
HB 1849 f Design-build construction Flannigan,Ormsby TR DP21
HB 1854 f Background checks Dickerson,Darneille APP DPS(ELCS)32 w/oRec2
HB 1899 f Ban on American beef Grant,Walsh
HB 1907 f Educator preparation Sullivan, P.,McDermott APP DP2S(w/o sub ED)33
HB 1908 f Prevailing wages Wood,Ormsby CL DP5 DNP3
HB 1919 f Port district public works Conway,Darneille CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 1920 f Overtime for truckers Conway,Wood CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 1935 Real property Williams,Campbell JUDI DPS8 DNP3
HB 1957 DOT highway contracts Eddy TR DPS21 DNP2
HB 1959 f Department of early learning Kagi,Haler ELCS DP7
HB 1960 f Court of appeals Williams,Quall APP DP22 DNP12
HB 1961 f Professional athletics Conway,Hudgins CL DPS7
HB 2015 f Genetic counselors Schual-Berke,McIntire APP DPS(HCW)23 DNP11
HB 2047 Ballot measure committees McDermott SGTA DP5 DNP4
HB 2092 f Buildable lands requirements Miloscia,Springer LG DPS5 DNP2
HB 2110 Fire protection facilities Simpson,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2143 f Lead weight wheels Campbell,Hunt ENVH DPS9
HB 2150 f Appointment of judges Rodne,Sullivan, B. JUDI DPS6 DNP3
HB 2151 Optional municipal code city Ormsby,Sullivan, P. LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2156 f Carbon dioxide mitigation Morris,Kenney TEC DP11
HB 2167 f Food labeling Chase,Campbell ENVH DPS8 DNP1
HB 2173 Long-term care facilities Schual-Berke,Moeller HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 2177 Definition of a weapon Moeller,Williams JUDI DPS11
HB 2208 f Window tint requirements Wallace TR DP23 DNP3
HB 2244 Homeless tent encampments Miloscia,Ormsby HOUS DPS4 DNP2
HB 2274 Competitive bid limits McIntire,Sullivan, B. LG DP7
HB 2289 Information technology Ericks,Morris APP DP(w/o sub TEC)34
HB 2311 Performance audits Hunter SGTA DP9
HB 2326 f Collective bargaining Williams,Conway CL DP5 DNP3
HB 2331 $f Urban corridor program Simpson,Wood TR DPS22 DNP4
HB 2332 f Levies by school districts Hunter FIN DP6 DNP3
HB 2343 High school assessements Quall,Santos ED DP5 DNP4
HB 2344 f Rail corridors Wallace,Rodne TR DPS25 DNP1
HB 2348 f Labor relations materials Sells,Chase CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2351 Tax incentive restrictions Sells,Campbell FIN DPS6 DNP3
HB 2378 State ferries Flannigan,Jarrett TR DPS21
HB 2391 f Retirement system/pension Fromhold,Conway APP DP21 DNP10
HB 2395 State lands Fromhold,McDonald CB DP17 w/oRec2
HB 2396 f Permanent common school fund Fromhold,McDonald CB DP18 DNP1
HJM 4000 Food labeling Morrell,Kretz AGNR DP13 DNP2
HJM 4002 Northwest Straits Sullivan, B.,Upthegrove PUGT DP8
HJM 4003 Federal lands recreation Chase,Morris AGNR DPS10 DNP3
HJM 4005 Universal health care system Moeller,Takko HCW DP7 DNP4
HJM 4006 Timber on federal land Blake,Newhouse AGNR DP14
HJM 4008 Employee free choice act Conway,Campbell CL DPS5 DNP2
HJM 4014 Tax reform act of 1954 Morrell,Cody HCW DP8 DNP3
HJM 4015 Highly qualified teachers Ormsby,Priest ED DPS9
HJR 4209 Retirement age for judges Williams,Darneille JUDI DP11
HJR 4223 Justices of supreme court Sullivan, B.,Rodne JUDI DPS6 DNP3
SSB 5002 Tuition waivers HIE(Hewitt) HE DPA9
SB 5026 f Wood waste boiler equipment Murray,Sheldon FIN DP9
SSB 5032 Vancouver historic reserve GO(Pridemore) APP DP32
ESSB 5037 Cell phone use while driving TRAN(Eide) TR DP15 DNP5
SSB 5050 Motor vehicle lemon law CPH(Weinstein) CL DPA5 DNP2
ESB 5063 Gender references Kohl-Welles,Fairley SGTA DPA5 DNP3
E2SSB 5070 f Offenders WM (Carrell) APP DPA(HS)20 DNP13
SSB 5078 Approaching emrg vehicles TRAN(Honeyford) TR DP21
SB 5084 f Rail transit safety plans Murray,Swecker TR DPA25
SB 5086 f State highway maintenance Haugen,Swecker TR DP23
SSB 5087 Federal REAL ID Act TRAN(Haugen) TR DP25
SB 5088 Vehicles boarding ferries Haugen,Swecker TR DP19 DNP6
2SSB 5090 f Innovation partnership zones WM (Kastama) APP DPA(APP w/o CEDT)s31
2SSB 5092 f Associate development org WM (Marr) APP DPA(APP w/o CEDT)s31
E2SSB 5098 f College bound scholarship WM (Rockefeller) APP DPA(HE)33 DNP1
SSB 5101 Higher edu tuition waivers HIE(Hobbs) APP DPA(APP w/o HE)s33 DNP1
SSB 5108 f Farmland preservation office ARED(Haugen) APP DPA(AGNR)30 DNP1
2SSB 5114 f Student transportation WM (Rockefeller) APP DP31 DNP1
SSB 5118 f Sexual harassment policies LCRD(Kohl-Welles) SGTA DP6 DNP3
2SSB 5122 f Regulatory assistance WM (Rockefeller) APP DP32
SB 5123 f Veterans/discrimination Hobbs,Kilmer SGTA DPA9
SB 5134 f Vehicle impound Haugen,Swecker TR DP21
SSB 5137 f Unemployment LCRD(Kohl-Welles) CL DP8
SB 5142 Air pollution control agcy Fraser,Swecker ENVH DP9
SB 5149 County treasurers Pridemore,Swecker LG DPA7
SB 5175 f Retirement annual increases Pridemore,Schoesler APP DP32
2SSB 5188 Wildlife rehabilitation TRAN(Haugen) APP DPA(AGNR)26 DNP5
SSB 5190 f Legal financial obligations HSC (Hargrove) JUDI DP11
SSB 5193 Unclaimed personal property JUD (Brandland) LG DP7
SB 5199 f Check cashers & sellers Berkey,Prentice IFCP DP8
ESB 5204 f Animal health laws Rasmussen,Schoesler APP DP34
SB 5206 f Tires with retractable studs Haugen,Swecker TR DP24 w/oRec1
SSB 5207 f Freight congestion relief TRAN(Haugen) TR DPA17 DNP8
SSB 5219 f Weather & avalanche center NROR(Jacobsen) AGNR DP14
SSB 5224 f Salmon recovery office NROR(Jacobsen) APP DPA(APP w/o AGNR)s33
SSB 5225 f Gas & liquid pipelines WET(Oemig) TEC DP11
SSB 5227 f Animal abandonment JUD (Tom) JUDI DPA11
SSB 5242 Wounded combat veterans TRAN(Hobbs) TR DP21
SSB 5244 f Deficit reduction act HSC (Hargrove) APP DP28 DNP5
SSB 5248 Agricultural lands ARED(Hatfield) LG DPA4 DNP3
SSB 5250 f Motor vehicle ownership TRAN(Swecker) TR DP21
SB 5258 Prevention of child abuse Regala,Stevens ELCS DP7
SB 5259 f Unneeded park land Jacobsen,Morton AGNR DP14
ESB 5261 Ins commissioner authority Keiser,Franklin HCW DPA8 w/oRec5
ESSB 5267 f School dstr capital funds EDU(McAuliffe) CB DPA(CB w/o ED)s20 DNP1
ESSB 5269 First peoples' teacher cert EDU(McAuliffe) SGTA DPA6 DNP3
SB 5272 f Adminstration of fuel taxes Haugen,Sheldon TR DPA20 DNP1
SB 5273 f Motorcycle driver's license Swecker,Murray TR DP24 DNP1
ESSB 5297 Sexual health education EDU(Haugen) APP DP21 DNP11
ESSB 5317 Child care safety HSC (Kohl-Welles) ELCS DPA6
SSB 5320 Public guardianship office JUD (Franklin) APP DPA23 DNP8
SSB 5321 f Child welfare HSC (Carrell) APP DPA(ELCS)33
SB 5332 f Victim information Roach,Prentice APP DPA32
SSB 5336 f Domestic partnerships GO(Murray) JUDI DP7 DNP4
SSB 5358 News media JUD (Kline) JUDI DP9 DNP2
ESSB 5372 f Puget Sound partnership WET(Rockefeller) APP DPA(APP w/o PUGT)s27 DNP4
ESSB 5373 f Unemployment insurance prog LCRD(Kohl-Welles) CL DP5 DNP3
SB 5384 f U of W and WSU Fraser,Shin CB DPA18 DNP1
SB 5398 f Specialty hospitals Marr,Brandland HCW DP8 DNP5
ESSB 5403 f Animal massage practitioner ARED(Rasmussen) APP DP32
SSB 5412 Transportation agencies TRAN(Murray) TR DPA21
SB 5421 f Environmental covenants Fraser,Morton APP DP34
SSB 5435 Public records exemptions GO(Kauffman) SGTA DPA9
SSB 5445 Cost-reimbursement agreement WET(Jacobsen) TEC DP11
SSB 5447 f Coastal Dungeness crab NROR(Hatfield) APP DPA34
ESSB 5452 Reunification/parent rights HSC (Rockefeller) ELCS DPA6
2SSB 5467 f Developmental disabilities WM (Keiser) APP DPA(HS)32
2SSB 5470 f Dissolution proceedings WM (Hargrove) APP DPA(JUDI)34
SSB 5475 f Underground storage tanks WET(Poulsen) APP DP34
SSB 5483 f City hardship assistance TRAN(Kauffman) TR DP21
SSB 5503 f Athletic trainers LCRD(Marr) APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)s30 DNP4
ESB 5508 $f Economic development project Kilmer,Zarelli APP DPA29 DNP5
SB 5526 f Definition of criminal act Hargrove,Regala PSEP DP7
E2SSB 5528 f Mathematics education WM (Pflug) APP DPA33
SSB 5533 f Mental illness HSC (Pflug) HS DPA8
ESSB 5550 Real property CPH(Weinstein) JUDI DPA7 DNP3
SB 5551 f Liquor & tobacco laws Prentice,Kohl-Welles FIN DPA(CL)8
SB 5552 f Discharges of oil Rockefeller,Spanel AGNR DPA9 DNP5
SSB 5554 Self-service storage LCRD(McAuliffe) CL DP7
ESSB 5558 f House-banked card games LCRD(Prentice) CL DPA8
SSB 5560 f Laws relating to taxes WM (Schoesler) FIN DP9
SB 5561 f Voter registration Oemig,Fairley SGTA DPA6 DNP3
SSB 5566 Voter registration info GO(Franklin) SGTA DPA6 DNP3
2SSB 5597 f Contracts with chiropractors WM (Franklin) APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)s20 DNP13
SB 5613 f Entrepreneurial training Kilmer,Kastama HE DP6 w/oRec3
E2SSB 5627 f Basic education funding WM (McAuliffe) APP DPA(APP w/o ED)s22 DNP12
SSB 5647 Tourism promotion EDTM(Fraser) CEDT DPA5 DNP4
2SSB 5652 f Microenterprise development WM (Kauffman) APP DPA32 DNP2
SSB 5653 f Self-employment assistance EDTM(Kauffman) APP DPA23 DNP11
E2SSB 5659 f Family & medical leave ins WM (Keiser) APP DPA(APP w/o CL)s18 DNP14
ESB 5675 f Workers' comp benefits Franklin,Kohl-Welles APP DPA24 DNP9
SSB 5676 f Temporary total disability LCRD(Keiser) CL DP5 DNP2
SB 5685 f High tech research tx credit Tom,Schoesler FIN DP5 DNP4
ESSB 5717 f Market conduct oversight FI(Berkey) IFCP DP8
SSB 5721 Sports/entertainment LCRD(Kohl-Welles) CL DPA7
SSB 5731 Student in high demand field HIE(Shin) HE DPA9
ESB 5738 f Elections by mail Oemig,Swecker SGTA DPA6 DNP3
ESSB 5770 Higher edu public works HIE(Shin) SGTA DPA7 DNP2
SB 5773 f Treatment records Hargrove,Parlette HCW DP13
ESSB 5774 f Background checks HSC (Hargrove) APP DPA(APP w/o ELCS)s34
ESSB 5788 f Home inspectors LCRD(Spanel) CL DPA7
2SSB 5790 f Skill centers WM (Hobbs) APP DPA(ED)33
SB 5798 Design-build construction Swecker,Haugen TR DP21
ESSB 5803 f Regional transportation comm TRAN(Murray) TR DPA14 DNP8
2SSB 5806 f Higher education costs WM (Schoesler) APP DP33 DNP1
E2SSB 5828 f Early child development WM (Kauffman) APP DPA(ELCS)32 w/oRec1
SSB 5830 Home visitation HSC (Kauffman) APP DPA(ELCS)29 DNP2
ESSB 5836 Accrual of property tax GO(Fairley) LG DPA7
E2SSB 5841 f Student learning WM (Hobbs) APP DPA(ED)22 DNP11
E2SSB 5843 f Educational data WM (Oemig) APP DPA34
E2SSB 5859 f Retail liquor license WM (Kohl-Welles) CL DPA7
E2SSB 5862 f Passenger-only ferry service WM (Kilmer) TR DPA21
SSB 5881 f Water power license fees WET(Poulsen) APP DPA(APP w/o AGNR)s22 DNP11
ESSB 5894 f Large on-site sewage systems WET(Rockefeller) APP DPA(APP w/o ENVH)s22 DNP12
SSB 5919 f Insurance premium taxes FI(Hobbs) FIN DP7 DNP1
E2SSB 5923 f Aquatic invasive species WM (Swecker) APP
SB 5926 f Construction industry Kohl-Welles,Clements APP DP31
SB 5927 f Gambling licensee info Delvin SGTA DPA9
E2SSB 5930 f Blue ribbon comm/health care WM (Keiser) APP DPA(APP w/o HCW)s22 DNP11
SSB 5937 f High-accident corridors TRAN(Haugen) TR DP20 DNP4
2SSB 5955 f Educator preparation WM (Tom) APP DPA(ED)33
E2SSB 5958 f Primary health care delivery WM (Keiser) HCW DPA11 DNP2
SSB 5967 f Vehicle sale to nonresident WM (Pridemore) FIN DP9
SSB 5972 f Surface mining reclamation NROR(Morton) AGNR DP14
SSB 5984 Engineering services LCRD(Murray) CL DP7
2SSB 5995 f Economic development comm WM (Kastama) APP DPA(APP w/o CEDT)s26 DNP8
ESSB 6001 f Climate change WET(Pridemore) APP DPA(APP w/o TEC)s24 DNP7
SSB 6011 f Maury Island reserve WET(Poulsen) PUGT DPA8
2SSB 6016 f WorkFirst program WM (Regala) APP DPA(APP w/o ELCS)s22 DNP9
ESSB 6023 f Alternative assessments EDU(McAuliffe) APP DPA(APP w/o ED)s21 DNP12
E2SSB 6044 f Derelict vessels WM (Rockefeller) APP DPA(APP w/o AGNR)s30 w/oRec1
SSB 6053 Dept of fish and wildlife NROR(Spanel) AGNR DPA14
SB 6090 f Crowd management Delvin,Zarelli CL DP7
ESSB 6099 State route number 520 TRAN(Murray) TR DPA18 DNP3
E2SSB 6117 f Reclaimed water WM (Fraser) APP DPA(APP w/o AGNR)s28 DNP6
SB 6119 f Fire service training acct Eide,Keiser APP DPA33
ESSB 6120 f Rail and freight TRAN(Marr) TR DPA19 DNP1
ESB 6128 Candidate or committee Keiser,Kohl-Welles SGTA DPA5 DNP4
SB 6129 f State patrol highway account Murray,Haugen TR DP22 w/oRec2
SSB 6141 f Forest health NROR(Jacobsen) APP DP(w/oAGNR amd)s31
SSJM 8011 No child left behind act EDU(McAuliffe) ED DPA7 w/oRec1
SSJM 8012 National guard GO(Brown) SGTA DP7 DNP2
SJR 8212 Inmate labor Hargrove,Carrell HS DP7
SCR 8404 Workforce training Shin,Delvin HE DP8
SSCR 8405 Columbia river crossing proj TRAN(Haugen) TR DP20