60th Legislature - 2008 - Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore
BARBARA BAKER, Chief Clerk     


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1010 Juvenile taken into custody Moeller,Hudgins HS DPA8
HB 1232 Real estate excise tax Hunt,Alexander LG DP2S7
HB 1273 f Financial fraud Roach,Ericks IFCP DP2S8 w/oRec1
HB 1324 f Durable medical equipment Hunter,Lovick FIN DP2S9
HB 1534 f Elective office Hunt,Williams SGTA DPS8
HB 1545 f Workers' comp death benefit Kirby,Ericks CL DP8
HB 1750 Electing the president McDermott,Hankins SGTA DPS7 DNP1
HB 1773 f Imposition of tolls Clibborn,Jarrett TR DP2S17 DNP8
HB 1806 f Pesticides in schools Pedersen,Upthegrove APPE DP4S13 DNP5
HB 1957 DOT highway contracts Eddy TR DPS21 DNP2
HB 2015 f Genetic counselors Schual-Berke,McIntire APP DPS(HCW)23 DNP11
HB 2110 Fire protection facilities Simpson,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2143 f Lead weight wheels Campbell,Hunt ENVH DPS9
HB 2208 f Window tint requirements Wallace TR DP23 DNP3
HB 2210 f Veteran-owned businesses Skinner,Campbell SGTA DP8
HB 2332 f Levies by school districts Hunter FIN DPS6 DNP3
HB 2337 Televison reception district Armstrong TEC DPS10 DNP2
HB 2434 Canvassing board membership Miloscia,Hunt SGTA DPS4 DNP3
HB 2438 f Cougar hunting pilot project Kretz,Williams AGNR DPS10 DNP3
HB 2452 f Wildlife rehab committee Appleton,Campbell AGNR DPS9 DNP3
HB 2460 f Amphitheater property Fromhold FIN DP9
HB 2465 Legal financial obligations Warnick,O'Brien JUDI DP10 DNP1
HB 2468 f Community and urban forestry Van De Wege,Warnick APP DPS32
HB 2470 f Aquatic lands leasing Upthegrove,Dickerson EPAR DP9
HB 2471 f Washington geological survey Dickerson,Van De Wege APP DPS34
HB 2476 f Tribal police officers McCoy,Simpson SGTA DP
HB 2480 Public transportation fares Clibborn,McIntire TR DPS21 DNP4
HB 2483 Annexation valuation Moeller,Dunn LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2484 Annexation review board Moeller,Dunn LG DP4 DNP2
HB 2485 f Local infrastructure finance Fromhold,Orcutt FIN DP7 DNP2
HB 2492 School district boundaries Takko,Blake LG DP7
HB 2494 f Health care directives Moeller,Ormsby APP
HB 2501 f Malt liquor container size Williams,Newhouse CL DPS8
HB 2502 f Jurisdictional transfers Clibborn TR DP25
HB 2503 Offender's risk level O'Brien,Morrell PSEP DP7
HB 2519 f Smoking in vehicles Schual-Berke,Hunt TR DPS18 DNP8
HB 2523 f World language supervisor Hudgins,Schual-Berke APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)12 DNP6
HB 2535 Shoreline management act Lantz,Hunt LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2541 Condominium associations Kelley,McCune JUDI DPS11
HB 2542 f Cigarette taxes Ericks FIN DP9
HB 2547 Canine cruelty Dunshee,Lantz JUDI DPS11
HB 2553 f Puget Sound hazardous wastes Dickerson,Hudgins EPAR DPS6 DNP3
HB 2554 f Lid lift ballot propositions Dickerson,McIntire FIN DPS8 DNP1
HB 2571 f Armed forces Seaquist,McCoy TR DP24
HB 2575 f Fire sprinkler systems Simpson,Ormsby LG DPS7
HB 2577 Concurrency requirements Simpson LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2588 f Office of public defense Lantz,Rodne APP DPS(JUDI)32
HB 2595 County veterans' assistance Rolfes,Linville SGTA DPS8
HB 2597 f Kindergarten assessment Sullivan,Pedersen APPE DP2S(w/o sub ED)15 DNP3
HB 2602 f Victims' employment leave Kessler,Dickerson CL DPS6 DNP2
HB 2604 Impact fee exemption Simpson,Ormsby LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2609 f Property revaluation plans McIntire,Condotta FIN DPS9
HB 2618 Water-sewer districts Takko,Ross LG DP6 DNP1
HB 2621 f Vehicular homicide/assault Hurst,Lantz JUDI DPS8 DNP3
HB 2626 f Emergency eligibility Van De Wege,Kessler CL DPS8
HB 2637 f Criminal case records Pearson,O'Brien JUDI DP11
HB 2639 Renewable resources Takko,Kretz LG DPS6 DNP1
HB 2641 f Edu performance agreements Jarrett,Priest HE DPA10
HB 2651 f Public employees' benefits Fromhold,Morrell APP DP32
HB 2652 f Dependent care assistance Morrell,Fromhold APP DP32
HB 2654 Mental health services Hinkle,Cody HCW DPS13
HB 2661 Self-service storage Green,Morrell CL DPS5 DNP2
HB 2670 f Health events/incidents Campbell,Hunt HCW DPS13
HB 2676 Dairy farms Morris,Quall AGNR DPS12 DNP1
HB 2678 f Timber industry tax Kessler,Van De Wege FIN DP9
HB 2698 Teen pregnancy prevention Cody,Loomis HCW DPS7 DNP6
HB 2700 f Military dept account O'Brien,Morrell APP DP33
HB 2707 f Frequent flier programs Hurst,Conway CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2726 Cost recovery Fromhold,Ericks LG DP4 DNP3
HB 2727 Personality rights Lantz,Pedersen JUDI DPS9 DNP2
HB 2730 f Port district ferry service Rolfes,Appleton TR
HB 2734 f Shoreline bank structures Newhouse,Hudgins LG DP7
HB 2747 f Judicial district population Hunt JUDI DP10
HB 2750 f Regional support networks Cody,Hinkle HCW DPS10 DNP3
HB 2752 Aerial search and rescue O'Brien,Hurst JUDI DPS11
HB 2758 f Energy efficiency code Morris,Morrell TEC DPS11 w/oRec1
HB 2759 f Bail bond agents Conway,Wood CL DPS8
HB 2764 f DV court order violation O'Brien,Pearson HS DP8
HB 2767 Agricultural structures Blake,Kretz LG DPS5 w/oRec2
HB 2768 f Burns bans Campbell,Hunt ENVH DP7 DNP1
HB 2779 f Huckleberries Orcutt,Blake AGNR DPS13
HB 2780 Public works contracting Haigh,Kristiansen SGTA DP8
HB 2781 f State history/govt courses Wallace,Chase ED DP7 w/oRec2
HB 2788 Title 77 RCW definitions Van De Wege,Blake AGNR DPS11
HB 2792 Parimutuel system breaks Wood,Condotta CL DP7
HB 2796 f Ballot rejection Loomis,Chandler SGTA DPS8
HB 2813 f Teacher preparation programs Quall,Upthegrove ED DP9
HB 2816 f Health care device/procedure Campbell,Morrell HCW DPS9 DNP4
HB 2818 Waste reduction Campbell,Hudgins ENVH DPS8
HB 2821 f Parental rights hearings Kagi,Dickerson ELCS DP7
HB 2823 f Willapa harbor oysters Blake,Kretz AGNR DPS12 DNP1
HB 2833 f All mail voting Hunt,Appleton SGTA DPS5 DNP3
HB 2836 DV/animal protection Williams,Dickerson JUDI DPS11
HB 2838 f Personal information Williams,Roach IFCP DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 2843 f Ballot drop-off sites Upthegrove,Sells SGTA DP5 DNP3
HB 2848 f Multifamily property tax Ormsby,Barlow HOUS DPS7
HB 2852 Public office defamation Miloscia,Haler SGTA DPS5 DNP3
HB 2854 f Countywide policy compliance Miloscia LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 2859 Massage therapist licensing Williams,Hinkle HCW DPS13
HB 2864 f Certified payroll records Ormsby,Wood CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2871 f Sm scale prospecting/mining Kretz,McCune AGNR DPS13
HB 2873 f Housing finance commission Ormsby,Liias CB DP22
HB 2879 f Spyware regulation Morris,Ericksen TEC DPS12
HB 2881 Practice of dentistry Hinkle,Kenney HCW DPS13
HB 2884 f Restraints of students Pettigrew,Kagi ED DPS8 DNP1
HB 2885 Geoduck harvesters Williams,Conway CL DPS8
HB 2893 Forest practices board Van De Wege,Kessler AGNR DPS13
HB 2904 Publicly funded tv stations Haler,Hailey SGTA DPS6 DNP2
HB 2909 f Forest product resources Orcutt,Blake AGNR DP11
HB 2920 f Eminent domain info pamphlet Kessler,Rodne JUDI DP11
HB 2924 f Driver's license renewal Flannigan,Ormsby TR
HB 2925 f Minority/women's enterprises Kenney,Pettigrew CEDT DPS8 DNP1
HB 2938 Annexation procedures Simpson,Schindler LG DPS7
HB 2943 f Factory assembled structures Wood,Conway CL DPS7 DNP1
HB 2946 Leave sharing for victims Dickerson,Priest SGTA DPS8
HB 2950 Concurrency and impact fees Eddy,Simpson LG DP7
HB 2952 f Prostitution/conveyances O'Brien,Kirby JUDI DPS6 DNP5
HB 2954 f District treasurer Hunter,Priest ED DPS8 DNP1
HB 2958 f Lottery revenue Hunter,McIntire APP DPS32
HB 2959 f Craft distilleries Wood,Ormsby CL DPS8
HB 2967 f Apprenticeship programs Conway,Wood CL DPS4 DNP3
HB 2976 Math assessment Sullivan,Haigh ED DP7 DNP2
HB 2979 f Overtime compensation Williams,Conway CL DP5 DNP3
HB 2980 f Ex parte contacts Williams,Conway CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 2981 f Surface mines Williams,Blake AGNR DPS13
HB 2985 Local public works Liias,Ericks CEDT DPA9
HB 2986 Property tax collection Takko,Schindler FIN DPS8
HB 2996 f Antifreeze products Loomis,Dunshee CL DPS8
HB 3001 f Community athletics programs Rolfes,Nelson JUDI DPS7 DNP4
HB 3002 f Arbitration to bargaining Williams,Sells CL DPS8
HB 3003 f Mental health treatment Cody,Dickerson APP DP32
HB 3012 Estate distribution document Ross,Lantz JUDI DPS11
HB 3013 f Nursing facility payment sys Cody,Morrell APP DP22 DNP10
HB 3019 f TRS/SERS Fromhold,Conway APP DP32
HB 3025 f Higher edu retirement Fromhold,Conway APP DP32
HB 3031 Sewer/water utilities Simpson,Schindler LG DPS7
HB 3036 WA state quality award Miloscia,Hudgins LG DP7
HB 3047 f Higher edu course materials Armstrong,Newhouse HE DPA8 DNP2
HB 3052 Wildstock geoduck resource Appleton,Sells AGNR DPS13
HB 3067 f Life settlements model act Kirby IFCP DP8 w/oRec1
HB 3071 Condominium statutes Goodman,Rodne HOUS DPS7
HB 3076 f Aerospace manufacturing Liias,Rodne CEDT DPS9
HB 3088 Dental assistant education Cody,Hinkle HCW DP13
HB 3104 f Domestic partnerships Pedersen,Hankins FIN DP2S6 DNP3
HB 3106 Integrated pest mgmt Grant AGNR DP13
HB 3122 f Independent contractor Conway,Green CL DPS5 DNP3
HB 3131 f School safety Lantz,Goodman JUDI DPS11
HB 3134 Ethical conduct Simpson SGTA DP5 DNP3
HB 3143 Transportation benefit areas Liias TR DP26
HB 3148 f Firearm license Moeller JUDI DPS11
HB 3160 Nutrition information Springer,Newhouse CL DPS6 w/oRec2
HB 3167 f Environmental health Hunt,Campbell ENVH DPS8
HB 3176 f Bottled wine Kenney,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3179 Dog bites Ross JUDI DPS11
HB 3181 PFD board of directors Wood,Ahern LG DP7
HB 3192 f Alcohol beverage regulation Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3200 County cemetery district Schmick,Simpson LG DP7
HB 3201 Fire protection service Simpson,Sullivan LG DPS7
HB 3202 WA vesting laws Simpson,Sells LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 3203 Nursing facility residents Morrell,Campbell HCW DPS11 DNP1
HB 3204 Medicaid participation Morrell,Campbell HCW DPS12
HB 3206 f Annual econ impact report Kenney,Haler CEDT DPS9
HB 3210 Workforce training/education Jarrett,Wallace HE DP10
HB 3212 Groups of students Santos,Hudgins ED DPS9
HB 3218 Ferry vessels Clibborn,Van De Wege TR DPS22 DNP4
HB 3220 Raffles Condotta CL DP8
HB 3224 Commuter rail services Loomis,Hunter TR DPS23 DNP3
HB 3230 f Shoreline mgmt act notice Conway,Darneille LG DP7
HB 3246 School impact fee Fromhold,Flannigan LG DP5 w/oRec2
HB 3249 PEBB benefits Cody,Fromhold APP DP32
HB 3255 f Workers' comp coverage Wood,Conway CL DPS8
HB 3261 Wireless communications Flannigan,Wallace TR DP25 w/oRec1
HB 3276 f State horse park Eddy,Warnick EPAR DP9
HB 3281 Port district levies Seaquist,Rolfes LG DP7
HB 3292 f Executive sessions Kessler,DeBolt SGTA DP5 DNP2
HB 3297 f Professional athletics Green CL DPS8
HB 3317 Math/science standards Hunter,Anderson ED DP9
HB 3319 f Residential mortgage loans Kirby IFCP DPS6 DNP3
HB 3326 Telephone directories Simpson,Hudgins TEC DPS8 w/oRec4
HJM 4009 Taiwan in world health org Kessler,Ericksen HCW DP11 DNP1
HJM 4025 Presidential primary Appleton,Hunt SGTA DP6 DNP2
HJM 4028 Media ownership act Wallace,Hasegawa TEC DP12
HJM 4029 Marine conservation Liias,Loomis AGNR DP13
HJM 4030 Oliver "Punks" Smith Pearson,Clibborn TR DP26
HJM 4031 Ethiopia Santos,Pettigrew SGTA DP8
ESSB 5261 Ins commissioner authority HEA (Keiser) HCW DPA8 DNP5
SB 6310 Chapter 10.77 RCW references Hargrove HS DP8