6:26 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5006 Public works board projects Fraser,Brandland,etc.,DCD ,PWB WM DP19
SB 5015 State ornithologist Jacobsen,Poulsen,etc. NROR DPS8
SB 5064 State oak tree Jacobsen,Haugen NROR DP9
SB 5167 f Training system Shin,Kastama,etc. HIE DP6
SB 5275 Background checks/work group Kohl-Welles,Brandland,etc. HSC DPS7
SB 5374 f Exclusion from gambling Murray,Clements,etc.,GMB LCRD DPS6
SB 5392 Initiative filing fee Kohl-Welles,Swecker,etc. GO DP4 DNP2
SB 5441 f Veterans' access to services Hobbs,Fairley,etc. GO DP6
SB 5518 f Dept of retirement systems Fairley,DRS WM DP19
SB 5531 Parks and rec facilities Jacobsen NROR DPS8
SB 5615 f Motor vehicle offenders Rockefeller,Rasmussen JUD DP6
SB 5682 Voter's registration Kohl-Welles,Swecker,etc. GO DP6 w/oRec1
SB 5698 f Mentally ill offenders Hargrove,Regala,etc.,DSHS HSC DPS7
SB 5772 Employee organization Kohl-Welles,Franklin,etc. LCRD DPS5 DNP3
SB 5823 Lawful source of income Fairley,Kline,etc. CPH DPS8
SB 5870 Criminal case records Kline,Hargrove,etc. JUD DPS8
SB 5916 f Reports to legislature Regala GO DP7
SB 5986 Public facilities Prentice,Delvin,etc. WM DPS11 DNP6
SB 6068 $ Commuter rail service Hobbs,Stevens,etc. TRAN DPS15
SB 6135 f Scoliosis screening Marr,Berkey EDU DP10 w/oRec1
SB 6150 f Driver's license renewal Jacobsen TRAN DP17
SB 6185 Treasurer discretion Fairley,Hatfield GO DPS7 w/oRec1
SB 6186 f Campaign finance report Fairley,Roach,etc.,PDC GO DP7
SB 6201 f Candidate filing Oemig,Swecker,etc.,SEC GO DP7
SB 6202 Public office defamation Sheldon,Rasmussen GO DPS5
SB 6212 f Recreational opportunities Jacobsen,Morton,etc.,RES NROR DPS7
SB 6213 f Waterway structures Jacobsen,Morton,etc.,RES NROR DP7
SB 6214 f Aquatic lands leasing Jacobsen,Swecker,etc.,RES NROR DP7
SB 6217 f District court clerk fees Hatfield JUD DPS6 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 6239 Annexation review board Fairley GO DP8
SB 6258 Adulterated pet food Jacobsen,Murray,etc. ARED DPS6
SB 6318 f Insurance premiums Berkey,Shin,INS FI DP6
SB 6325 Juvenile offenders Hargrove HSC DPS7
SB 6342 f Military dept account Rasmussen,Swecker,etc.,MIL WM DP20
SB 6355 Tolls Haugen TRAN DPS10 DNP6 w/oRec1
SB 6362 f Statutes of limitation Marr,Brandland,etc. JUD DP8
SB 6408 Pet dealers Kohl-Welles,Kline,etc. LCRD DPS7
SB 6409 Employer delinquency tax Prentice,King,EMS LCRD DP8
SB 6410 Employer contribution rates Prentice,King,EMS LCRD DP8
SB 6412 Permanent resident cards Kohl-Welles,Keiser,etc. LCRD DP8
SB 6414 f Cigarette tax agreement Prentice,Honeyford,etc.,DOR WM DP19
SB 6419 Fisheries buy-back programs Hatfield,Roach,etc. NROR DP9
SB 6420 f Drivers' edu curriculum Jacobsen,Kohl-Welles,etc. TRAN DP17
SB 6422 f DV court order violation Hargrove,Regala,etc.,DOC HSC DP7
SB 6433 Labor regulations Murray,Kohl-Welles,etc. LCRD DPS8
SB 6450 f Performance audit costs Tom,McAuliffe,etc. WM DP13 DNP3 w/oRec2
SB 6475 Joint use dock appeals Oemig,Delvin,etc. WET DP11
SB 6478 Identifying marks on ballots Oemig,Swecker,etc. GO DPS7
SB 6489 f Level I offenders Hargrove,Regala,etc.,GOVG HSC DPS7
SB 6499 f Spyware regulation Weinstein,Delvin,etc.,ATTY CPH DPS9
SB 6503 f Math assessment McDermott,Brandland,etc.,SPI EDU DPS10
SB 6513 f Criminal justice info access Kohl-Welles,LI ,DSHS,EMS ,DOL ,ATTY,CJT LCRD DP7
SB 6535 f Teacher preparation programs McAuliffe,Tom,etc. EDU DPS11
SB 6589 Master collective bargaining Spanel,Kohl-Welles,etc. LCRD DPS8
SB 6601 Home care agencies Keiser,Zarelli,etc. HEA DPS7 w/oRec1
SB 6615 Watershed mgmt partnership Tom,Prentice,etc. JUD DP5 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6619 Traffic safety camera images Morton JUD DPS8
SB 6623 f Temporary medical housing Marr,Parlette,DOR WM DP21
SB 6636 Water-sewer dist contracts Fairley,Benton,etc. GO DP7
SB 6650 f Firefighters' survivors Murray,Holmquist,etc.,SCPP WM DP17 w/oRec1
SB 6652 f Survivor annuity option Pridemore,Schoesler,etc.,SCPP WM DP19
SB 6681 Political signage in condos Regala,Benton,etc. GO DP6
SB 6690 f Regulatory assistance office Kilmer,Kastama,etc. EDTM DP6
SB 6692 f Explosives act Murray,Kohl-Welles,LI LCRD DP5 DNP3
SB 6695 Distressed home transactions Weinstein,Kline CPH DPS7
SB 6698 Voter registration and info Shin,Delvin,etc. HIE DPS6
SB 6699 BCC student position Shin,Delvin,etc. HIE DP4 DNP1
SB 6701 f Money laundering McDermott,Weinstein,etc. JUD DP6
SB 6702 f Offender treatment programs McDermott,Weinstein,etc. JUD DP7
SB 6715 Board of education director Tom,McAuliffe EDU DP11
SB 6716 Domestic partnerships Murray,Fairley,etc. GO DPS5 DNP3
SB 6721 Guardian ad litem task force Regala,Kohl-Welles,etc. HSC DPS7
SB 6723 f Animal health protection Rasmussen,Swecker ARED DPS6
SB 6727 Sufficient land/densities Tom,Delvin,etc. GO DPS5 w/oRec1
SB 6729 Self-storage facilities Murray,Holmquist,etc. LCRD DP8
SB 6736 $f Developmental disabilities Rasmussen,Fairley,etc. WM DP2S19
SB 6750 f Industrial insurance orders Kohl-Welles,Roach,etc. LCRD DPS5 DNP2
SB 6763 f Background checks Tom,Kohl-Welles,etc. JUD DP8
SB 6768 Used vehicles Weinstein CPH DPS8 DNP1
SB 6808 Bridge owner requirements Prentice TRAN DPS15
SB 6819 RCW terminology Kohl-Welles,Fairley GO DP5 w/oRec1
SB 6824 Process servers McDermott,Schoesler,etc. JUD DPS7
SB 6826 f Offender search and seizure Hargrove,Stevens,etc.,DOC HSC DP7
SB 6834 Conservation districts Rasmussen,Kastama ARED DP6
SB 6840 f County prosecutor/city atty Weinstein,Kline CPH DP6 DNP3
SB 6842 f Criminal offender provisions Hargrove HSC DPS7
SB 6846 Metal property transactions Sheldon,Kline,etc. JUD DPS8
SB 6848 f University stadium facility Prentice,Delvin,etc.,UW WM DP14 DNP2 w/oRec1
SB 6850 f Financial fraud and ID theft Prentice,Brandland,etc. WM DP15 w/oRec3
SB 6875 Condo governance task force Tom CPH DP9
SB 6903 f Education capital projects Fraser,Brandland,etc. WM DPS17 DNP1 w/oRec1
SB 6910 Western Washington Univ Shin,Brandland,etc. HIE DPS6
SB 6931 f Patrol funding Kline,Weinstein,etc. WM DP11 DNP4 w/oRec4
SJM 8016 Impeachment/Bush & Cheney Oemig,Regala,etc. GO DPS5 DNP1
SJM 8026 Bob Oke bridge Jacobsen,Swecker,etc. TRAN DPS13 DNP1
SJM 8027 Equal rights amendment Kohl-Welles,Franklin,etc. GO DP5
SJM 8030 Kollin Nielsen bridge Tom,Oemig TRAN DPS16 DNP1
SGA 9092 KAREN BROWN, Member, Higher Education Facilities Authority HIE BC6
SGA 9109 PHILIP EATON, Member, Higher Education Facilities Authority HIE BC6
SGA 9281 JOHN ELLIS, Member, Gambling Commission LCRD BC7
SGA 9288 REBECCA CHAFFEE, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 2 (Grays Harbor College) HIE BC6
SGA 9293 EDWARD DAVILA, Member, Board of Trustees, Highline Community College District No. 9 HIE BC6
SGA 9295 JOSEPH DOLEZAL, Member, Board of Trustees, Centralia Community College District No. 12 HIE BC6
SGA 9297 FRANK E. FENNERTY, JR., Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals LCRD BC6
SGA 9298 RENEE FINKE, Member, Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 HIE BC5
SGA 9304 SHERRY GATES, Member, Board of Trustees, Green River Community College District No. 10 HIE BC6
SGA 9310 MICHAEL G. HEUER, Member, Board of Trustees, Lower Columbia Community College District No. 13
SGA 9311 TONY HEY, Member, Board of Trustees, The Life Sciences Discovery Fund Authority LCRD BC6
SGA 9314 ROBERT HOLLOWAY, Member, Board of Trustees, Big Bend Community College District No. 18 HIE BC6
SGA 9320 LAURIE A. JINKINS, Member, Board of Trustees, Tacoma Community College District No. 22 HIE BC6
SGA 9331 THOMAS W. MALONE, Member, Board of Trustees, Seattle, So. Seattle and No. Seattle Community Colleges District No. 6 HIE BC6
SGA 9343 PHILIP A. PARKER, Member, Transportation Commission TRAN BC16
SGA 9346 BARBARA ROFKAR, Member, Board of Trustees, Community College District No. 21 (Whatcom Community College) HIE BC6
SGA 9353 KAREN SEINFELD, Member, Board of Trustees, Bates Technical College District No. 28 HIE BC6
SGA 9358 JERRY SMITH, Member, Board of Trustees, Shoreline Community College District No. 7 HIE BC6
SGA 9367 EMILY YIM, Member, Board of Trustees, Edmonds Community College District No. 23 HIE BC6
SGA 9370 BRUCE MONTGOMERY, Member, The Life Sciences Discovery Fund Authority Board of Trustees LCRD BC6
SGA 9374 SUSAN WILDER CRANE, Member, Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council LCRD BC6
SGA 9376 HARTLY KRUGER, Member, Horse Racing Commission LCRD BC7
SGA 9378 RITA COLWELL, Member, The Life Sciences Discovery Fund Authority Board of Trustees LCRD BC7

Total Count: 120