Passed by the House March 9, 2009 Yeas 97 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 8, 2009 Yeas 41 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1621 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2009 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to regulating the business practices of consumer loan companies for compliance with the secure and fair enforcement for mortgage licensing act of 2008; amending RCW 31.04.015, 31.04.025, 31.04.035, 31.04.045, 31.04.102, 31.04.105, 31.04.145, and 31.04.165; adding new sections to chapter 31.04 RCW; creating a new section; and providing effective dates.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The legislature finds and declares that accessibility to credit is
vital to the citizens of this state. The legislature declares that it
is essential for the protection of citizens of this state and the
stability of the state's economy that standards for licensing and
regulation of the business practices of lenders be imposed. The
legislature further finds that the activities of lenders and mortgage
loan originators and the origination or offering of financing for
residential real property have a direct, valuable, and immediate impact
upon this state's consumers, this state's economy, the neighborhoods
and communities of this state, and the housing and real estate
industry. The legislature therefore declares that this act is
necessary to encourage responsible lending in all credit transactions,
to protect borrowers, and to preserve access to credit in the
residential real estate lending market.
Sec. 2 RCW 31.04.015 and 2001 c 81 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
The definitions set forth in this section apply throughout this
chapter unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.
(((1) "Person" includes individuals, partnerships, associations,
limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, trusts,
corporations, and all other legal entities.)) (1) "Add-on method" means the method of
precomputing interest payable on a loan whereby the interest to be
earned is added to the principal balance and the total plus any charges
allowed under this chapter is stated as the loan amount, without
further provision for the payment of interest except for failure to pay
according to loan terms. The director may adopt by rule a more
detailed explanation of the meaning and use of this method.
(2) "License" means a single license issued under the authority of
this chapter with respect to a single place of business.
(3) "Licensee" means a person to whom one or more licenses have
been issued.
(4) "Director" means the director of financial institutions.
(5) "Insurance" means life insurance, disability insurance,
property insurance, involuntary unemployment insurance, and such other
insurance as may be authorized by the insurance commissioner.
(6) "Add-on method" means the method of precomputing interest
payable on a loan whereby the interest to be earned is added to the
principal balance and the total plus any charges allowed under this
chapter is stated as the loan amount, without further provision for the
payment of interest except for failure to pay according to loan terms.
The director may adopt by rule a more detailed explanation of the
meaning and use of this method.
(7) "Simple interest method" means the method of computing interest
payable on a loan by applying the annual percentage interest rate or
its periodic equivalent to the unpaid balances of the principal of the
loan outstanding for the time outstanding with each payment applied
first to any unpaid penalties, fees, or charges, then to accumulated
interest, and the remainder of the payment applied to the unpaid
balance of the principal until paid in full. In using such method,
interest shall not be payable in advance nor compounded, except that on
a loan secured by real estate, a licensee may collect at the time of
the loan closing up to but not exceeding forty-five days of prepaid
interest. The director may adopt by rule a more detailed explanation
of the meaning and use of this method.
(8) "Applicant" means a person applying for a license under this
(9) "Borrower" means any person who consults with or retains a
licensee or person subject to this chapter in an effort to obtain or
seek information about obtaining a loan, regardless of whether that
person actually obtains such a loan.
(10) "Loan" means a sum of money lent at interest or for a fee or
other charge and includes both open-end and closed-end loan
(11) "Loan originator" means a person employed, either directly or
indirectly, or retained as an independent contractor by a licensee, to
make or assist a person in applying to obtain a loan.
(12) "Making a loan" means closing a loan in a person's name, or
advancing, offering to advance, or making a commitment to advance funds
to a borrower for a loan.
(13) "Mortgage broker" means the same as defined in RCW 19.146.010,
except that for purposes of this chapter, a licensee or person subject
to this chapter cannot receive compensation as both a consumer loan
licensee making the loan and as a mortgage broker in the same loan
(14) "Officer" means an official appointed by the company for the
purpose of making business decisions or corporate decisions.
(15) "Principal" means any person who controls, directly or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries, alone or in concert with
others, a ten percent or greater interest in a partnership; company;
association or corporation; or a limited liability company, and the
owner of a sole proprietorship.
(16) "Senior officer" means an officer of a licensee at the vice
president level or above.
(17) "Third party service provider" means any person other than the
licensee or a mortgage broker who provides goods or services to the
licensee or borrower in connection with the preparation of the
borrower's loan and includes, but is not limited to, credit reporting
agencies, real estate brokers or salespersons, title insurance
companies and agents, appraisers, structural and pest inspectors, or
escrow companies.
(2) "Applicant" means a person applying for a license under this
(3) "Borrower" means any person who consults with or retains a
licensee or person subject to this chapter in an effort to obtain or
seek information about obtaining a loan, regardless of whether that
person actually obtains such a loan.
(4) "Depository institution" has the same meaning as in section 3
of the federal deposit insurance act on the effective date of this
section, and includes credit unions.
(5) "Director" means the director of financial institutions.
(6) "Federal banking agencies" means the board of governors of the
federal reserve system, comptroller of the currency, director of the
office of thrift supervision, national credit union administration, and
federal deposit insurance corporation.
(7) "Individual servicing a mortgage loan" means a person on behalf
of a lender or servicer licensed by this state, who collects or
receives payments including payments of principal, interest, escrow
amounts, and other amounts due, on existing obligations due and owing
to the licensed lender or servicer for a residential mortgage loan when
the borrower is in default, or in reasonably foreseeable likelihood of
default, working with the borrower and the licensed lender or servicer,
collects data and makes decisions necessary to modify either
temporarily or permanently certain terms of those obligations, or
otherwise finalizing collection through the foreclosure process.
(8) "Insurance" means life insurance, disability insurance,
property insurance, involuntary unemployment insurance, and such other
insurance as may be authorized by the insurance commissioner.
(9) "License" means a single license issued under the authority of
this chapter with respect to a single place of business.
(10) "Licensee" means a person to whom one or more licenses have
been issued.
(11) "Loan" means a sum of money lent at interest or for a fee or
other charge and includes both open-end and closed-end loan
(12) "Loan processor" means an individual who performs clerical or
support duties as an employee at the direction of and subject to the
supervision and instruction of a person licensed, or exempt from
licensing, under chapter 19.146 RCW.
(13) "Making a loan" means advancing, offering to advance, or
making a commitment to advance funds to a borrower for a loan.
(14) "Mortgage broker" means the same as defined in RCW 19.146.010,
except that for purposes of this chapter, a licensee or person subject
to this chapter cannot receive compensation as both a consumer loan
licensee making the loan and as a consumer loan licensee acting as the
mortgage broker in the same loan transaction.
(15)(a) "Mortgage loan originator" means an individual who for
compensation or gain (i) takes a residential mortgage loan application,
or (ii) offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan.
"Mortgage loan originator" does not include any individual who performs
purely administrative or clerical tasks; and does not include a person
or entity solely involved in extensions of credit relating to timeshare
plans, as that term is defined in section 101(53D) of Title 11, United
States Code. For the purposes of this definition, administrative or
clerical tasks means the receipt, collection, and distribution of
information common for the processing of a loan in the mortgage
industry and communication with a consumer to obtain information
necessary for the processing of a residential mortgage loan.
(b) "Mortgage loan originator" does not include a person or entity
that only performs real estate brokerage activities and is licensed or
registered in accordance with applicable state law, unless the person
or entity is compensated by a lender, a mortgage broker, or other
mortgage loan originator or by any agent of such a lender, mortgage
broker, or other mortgage loan originator. For the purposes of this
act the term "real estate brokerage activity" means any activity that
involves offering or providing real estate brokerage services to the
public, including:
(i) Acting as a real estate agent or real estate broker for a
buyer, seller, lessor, or lessee of real property;
(ii) Bringing together parties interested in the sale, purchase,
lease, rental, or exchange of real property;
(iii) Negotiating, on behalf of any party, any portion of a
contract relating to the sale, purchase, lease, rental, or exchange of
real property, other than in connection with providing financing with
respect to such a transaction;
(iv) Engaging in any activity for which a person engaged in the
activity is required to be registered or licensed as a real estate
agent or real estate broker under any applicable law; and
(v) Offering to engage in any activity, or act in any capacity,
described in (b)(i) through (iv) of this subsection.
(c) This subsection does not apply to an individual servicing a
mortgage loan before July 1, 2011.
(16) "Nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry" means a
mortgage licensing system developed and maintained by the conference of
state bank supervisors and the American association of residential
mortgage regulators for the licensing and registration of mortgage loan
(17) "Officer" means an official appointed by the company for the
purpose of making business decisions or corporate decisions.
(18) "Person" includes individuals, partnerships, associations,
limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, trusts,
corporations, and all other legal entities.
(19) "Principal" means any person who controls, directly or
indirectly through one or more intermediaries, alone or in concert with
others, a ten percent or greater interest in a partnership; company;
association or corporation; or a limited liability company, and the
owner of a sole proprietorship.
(20) "Registered mortgage loan originator" means any individual who
meets the definition of mortgage loan originator and is an employee of
a depository institution; a subsidiary that is owned and controlled by
a depository institution and regulated by a federal banking agency; or
an institution regulated by the farm credit administration and is
registered with, and maintains a unique identifier through, the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.
(21) "Residential mortgage loan" means any loan primarily for
personal, family, or household use that is secured by a mortgage, deed
of trust, or other equivalent consensual security interest on a
dwelling, as defined in section 103(v) of the truth in lending act, or
residential real estate upon which is constructed or intended to be
constructed a dwelling.
(22) "S.A.F.E. act" means the secure and fair enforcement for
mortgage licensing act of 2008, Title V of the housing and economic
recovery act of 2008 ("HERA"), P.L. 110-289, effective July 30, 2008.
(23) "Senior officer" means an officer of a licensee at the vice
president level or above.
(24) "Simple interest method" means the method of computing
interest payable on a loan by applying the annual percentage interest
rate or its periodic equivalent to the unpaid balances of the principal
of the loan outstanding for the time outstanding with each payment
applied first to any unpaid penalties, fees, or charges, then to
accumulated interest, and the remainder of the payment applied to the
unpaid balance of the principal until paid in full. In using such
method, interest shall not be payable in advance nor compounded, except
that on a loan secured by real estate, a licensee may collect at the
time of the loan closing up to but not exceeding forty-five days of
prepaid interest. The director may adopt by rule a more detailed
explanation of the meaning and use of this method.
(25) "Third-party service provider" means any person other than the
licensee or a mortgage broker who provides goods or services to the
licensee or borrower in connection with the preparation of the
borrower's loan and includes, but is not limited to, credit reporting
agencies, real estate brokers or salespersons, title insurance
companies and agents, appraisers, structural and pest inspectors, or
escrow companies.
(26) "Unique identifier" means a number or other identifier
assigned by protocols established by the nationwide mortgage licensing
system and registry.
Sec. 3 RCW 31.04.025 and 2008 c 78 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
((Each loan made to a resident of this state by a licensee is
subject to the authority and restrictions of this chapter, unless such
loan is made under the authority of chapter 63.14 RCW. This chapter
shall not apply to any person doing business under and as permitted by
any law of this state or of the United States relating to banks,
savings banks, trust companies, savings and loan or building and loan
associations, or credit unions, nor to any pawnbroking business
lawfully transacted under and as permitted by any law of this state
regulating pawnbrokers, nor to any loan of credit made pursuant to a
credit card plan.))
(1) This chapter does not apply to the following:
(a) Any person doing business under, and as permitted by, any law
of this state or of the United States relating to banks, savings banks,
trust companies, savings and loan or building and loan associations, or
credit unions;
(b) Entities making loans under chapter 19.60 RCW (pawnbroking);
(c) Entities making loans under chapter 63.14 RCW (retail
installment sales of goods and services);
(d) Entities making loans under chapter 31.45 RCW (check cashers
and sellers);
(e) Any person making loans primarily for business, commercial, or
agricultural purposes, or making loans made to government or government
agencies or instrumentalities, or to organizations as defined in the
federal truth in lending act;
(f) Entities making loans under chapter 43.185 RCW (housing trust
(g) Entities making loans under programs of the United States
department of agriculture, department of housing and urban development,
or other federal government program that provides funding or access to
funding for single-family housing developments or grants to low-income
individuals for the purchase or repair of single-family housing; and
(h) Entities making loans which are not residential mortgage loans
under a credit card plan.
(2) The director may, at his or her discretion, waive applicability
of the consumer loan company licensing provisions of this chapter to
other persons, not including individuals subject to the S.A.F.E. act,
making loans when the director determines it necessary to facilitate
commerce and protect consumers. The director may adopt rules
interpreting this section.
Sec. 4 RCW 31.04.035 and 2008 c 78 s 2 are each amended to read
as follows:
No person may engage in the business of making secured or unsecured
loans of money, credit, or things in action without first obtaining and
maintaining a license in accordance with this chapter, except those
exempt under RCW 31.04.025.
Sec. 5 RCW 31.04.045 and 2001 c 81 s 4 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) Application for a license under this chapter must be ((in
writing and)) made to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry or in the form prescribed by the director. The application
must contain at least the following information:
(a) The name and the business addresses of the applicant;
(b) If the applicant is a partnership or association, the name of
every member;
(c) If the applicant is a corporation, the name, residence address,
and telephone number of each officer and director;
(d) The street address, county, and municipality from which
business is to be conducted; and
(e) Such other information as the director may require by rule.
(2) As part of or in connection with an application for any license
under this section, or periodically upon license renewal, each officer,
director, and owner applicant shall furnish information concerning his
or her identity, including fingerprints for submission to the
Washington state patrol, the federal bureau of investigation, the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, or any governmental
agency or entity authorized to receive this information for a state and
national criminal history background check; personal history;
experience; business record; purposes; and other pertinent facts, as
the director may reasonably require. As part of or in connection with
an application for a license under this chapter, or periodically upon
license renewal, the director is authorized to receive criminal history
record information that includes nonconviction data as defined in RCW
10.97.030. The department may only disseminate nonconviction data
obtained under this section to criminal justice agencies. This section
does not apply to financial institutions regulated under chapters 31.12
and 31.13 RCW and Titles 30, 32, and 33 RCW.
(3) In order to reduce the points of contact which the federal
bureau of investigation may have to maintain, the director may use the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent
for requesting information from and distributing information to the
department of justice or any governmental agency.
(4) In order to reduce the points of contact which the director may
have to maintain, the director may use the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting and
distributing information to and from any source so directed by the
(5) At the time of filing an application for a license under this
chapter, each applicant shall pay to the director or through the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry an investigation fee
and the license fee in an amount determined by rule of the director to
be sufficient to cover the director's costs in administering this
(((3))) (6) Each applicant shall file and maintain a surety bond,
approved by the director, executed by the applicant as obligor and by
a surety company authorized to do a surety business in this state as
surety, whose liability as such surety shall not exceed in the
aggregate the penal sum of the bond. The penal sum of the bond shall
be ((one hundred thousand dollars for each licensed location up to and
including five licensed locations, and an additional ten thousand
dollars for each licensed location in excess of five licensed
locations, except that a licensee who makes a loan secured by real
property shall maintain at a minimum a surety bond with a penal sum of
not less than four hundred thousand dollars)) a minimum of thirty
thousand dollars and based on the annual dollar amount of loans
originated. The bond shall run to the state of Washington as obligee
for the use and benefit of the state and of any person or persons who
may have a cause of action against the obligor under this chapter. The
bond shall be conditioned that the obligor as licensee will faithfully
conform to and abide by this chapter and all the rules adopted under
this chapter. The bond will pay to the state and any person or persons
having a cause of action against the obligor all moneys that may become
due and owing to the state and those persons under and by virtue of
this chapter. In lieu of a surety bond, if the applicant is a
Washington business corporation, the applicant may maintain unimpaired
capital, surplus, and long-term subordinated debt in an amount that at
any time its outstanding promissory notes or other evidences of debt
(other than long-term subordinated debt) in an aggregate sum do not
exceed three times the aggregate amount of its unimpaired capital,
surplus, and long-term subordinated debt. The director may define
qualifying "long-term subordinated debt" for purposes of this section.
Sec. 6 RCW 31.04.102 and 2002 c 346 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) For all loans made by a licensee that are not secured by a lien
on real property, the licensee must make disclosures in compliance with
the truth in lending act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1601 and regulation Z, 12
C.F.R. ((Sec. [Part])) Part 226, and all other applicable federal laws
and regulations.
(2) For all loans made by a licensee that are secured by a lien on
real property, the licensee shall provide to each borrower within three
business days following receipt of a loan application a written
disclosure containing an itemized estimation and explanation of all
fees and costs that the borrower is required to pay in connection with
obtaining a loan from the licensee. A good faith estimate of a fee or
cost shall be provided if the exact amount of the fee or cost is not
available when the disclosure is provided. Disclosure in a form which
complies with the requirements of the truth in lending act, 15 U.S.C.
Sec. 1601 and regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. ((Sec. [Part])) Part 226, the
real estate settlement procedures act and regulation X, 24 C.F.R. Sec.
3500, and all other applicable federal laws and regulations, as now or
hereafter amended, shall be deemed to constitute compliance with this
disclosure requirement. Each licensee shall comply with all other
applicable federal and state laws and regulations.
(3) In addition, for all loans made by the licensee that are
secured by a lien on real property, the licensee must provide to the
borrower an estimate of the annual percentage rate on the loan and a
disclosure of whether or not the loan contains a prepayment penalty
within three days of receipt of a loan application. The annual
percentage rate must be calculated in compliance with the truth in
lending act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1601 and regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. ((Sec.
[Part])) Part 226. If a licensee provides the borrower with a
disclosure in compliance with the requirements of the truth in lending
act within three business days of receipt of a loan application, then
the licensee has complied with this subsection. If the director
determines that the federal government has required a disclosure that
substantially meets the objectives of this subsection, then the
director may make a determination by rule that compliance with this
federal disclosure requirement constitutes compliance with this
(4) In addition for all consumer loans made by the licensee that
are secured by a lien on real property, the licensee must provide the
borrower with the one-page disclosure summary required in RCW
Sec. 7 RCW 31.04.105 and 2001 c 81 s 10 are each amended to read
as follows:
Every licensee may:
(1) Lend money at a rate that does not exceed twenty-five percent
per annum as determined by the simple interest method of calculating
interest owed;
(2) In connection with the making of a loan, charge the borrower a
nonrefundable, prepaid, loan origination fee not to exceed four percent
of the first twenty thousand dollars and two percent thereafter of the
principal amount of the loan advanced to or for the direct benefit of
the borrower, which fee may be included in the principal balance of the
(3) Agree with the borrower for the payment of fees to third
parties other than the licensee who provide goods or services to the
licensee in connection with the preparation of the borrower's loan,
including, but not limited to, credit reporting agencies, title
companies, appraisers, structural and pest inspectors, and escrow
companies, when such fees are actually paid by the licensee to a third
party for such services or purposes and may include such fees in the
amount of the loan. However, no charge may be collected unless a loan
is made, except for reasonable fees properly incurred in connection
with the appraisal of property by a qualified, independent,
professional, third-party appraiser selected by the borrower and
approved by the lender or in the absence of borrower selection,
selected by the lender;
(4) In connection with the making of a loan secured by real estate,
when the borrower actually obtains a loan, agree with the borrower to
pay a fee to a mortgage broker that is not owned by the licensee or
under common ownership with the licensee and that performed services in
connection with the origination of the loan. A licensee may not
receive compensation as a mortgage broker in connection with any loan
made by the licensee;
(5) Charge and collect a penalty of not more than ten ((cents or
less on each dollar)) percent of any installment payment delinquent ten
days or more;
(6) Collect from the debtor reasonable attorneys' fees, actual
expenses, and costs incurred in connection with the collection of a
delinquent debt, a repossession, or a foreclosure when a debt is
referred for collection to an attorney who is not a salaried employee
of the licensee;
(7) Make open-end loans as provided in this chapter;
(8) Charge and collect a fee for dishonored checks in an amount
approved by the director; and
(9) In accordance with Title 48 RCW, sell insurance covering real
and personal property, covering the life or disability or both of the
borrower, and covering the involuntary unemployment of the borrower.
Sec. 8 RCW 31.04.145 and 2001 c 81 s 11 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) For the purpose of discovering violations of this chapter or
securing information lawfully required under this chapter, the director
may at any time, either personally or by designees, investigate or
examine the loans and business and, wherever located, the books,
accounts, records, papers, documents, files, and other information used
in the business of every licensee and of every person who is engaged in
the business making or assisting in the making of loans at interest
rates authorized by this chapter, whether the person acts or claims to
act as principal or agent, or under or without the authority of this
chapter. For these purposes, the director or designated
representatives shall have free access to the offices and places of
business, books, accounts, papers, documents, other information,
records, files, safes, and vaults of all such persons. The director or
persons designated by the director may require the attendance of and
examine under oath all persons whose testimony may be required about
the loans or the business or the subject matter of any investigation,
examination, or hearing and may require such person to produce books,
accounts, papers, records, files, and any other information the
director or designated persons deem relevant to the inquiry. The
director may require the production of original books, accounts,
papers, records, files, and other information; may require that such
original books, accounts, papers, records, files, and other information
be copied; or may make copies himself or herself or by designee of such
original books, accounts, papers, records, files, or other information.
If a licensee or person does not attend and testify, or does not
produce the requested books, accounts, papers, records, files, or other
information, then the director or designated persons may issue a
subpoena or subpoena duces tecum requiring attendance or compelling
production of the books, accounts, papers, records, files, or other
(2) The director shall make such periodic examinations of the
affairs, business, office, and records of each licensee as determined
by rule.
(3) Every licensee examined or investigated by the director or the
director's designee shall pay to the director the cost of the
examination or investigation of each licensed place of business as
determined by rule by the director.
(4) In order to carry out the purposes of this section, the
director may:
(a) Retain attorneys, accountants, or other professionals and
specialists as examiners, auditors, or investigators to conduct or
assist in the conduct of examinations or investigations;
(b) Enter into agreements or relationships with other government
officials or regulatory associations in order to improve efficiencies
and reduce regulatory burden by sharing resources, standardized or
uniform methods or procedures, and documents, records, information, or
evidence obtained under this section;
(c) Use, hire, contract, or employ public or privately available
analytical systems, methods, or software to examine or investigate the
licensee, individual, or person subject to this act;
(d) Accept and rely on examination or investigation reports made by
other government officials, within or without this state;
(e) Accept audit reports made by an independent certified public
accountant for the licensee, individual, or person subject to this act
in the course of that part of the examination covering the same general
subject matter as the audit and may incorporate the audit report in the
report of the examination, report of investigation, or other writing of
the director; or
(f) Assess the licensee, individual, or person subject to this act
the cost of the services in (a) of this subsection.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The authority of this chapter remains in effect, whether such a
licensee, individual, or person subject to this act acts or claims to
act under any licensing or registration law of this state, or claims to
act without such an authority.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
An individual defined as a mortgage loan originator shall not
engage in the business of a mortgage loan originator without first
obtaining and maintaining annually a license under this act. Each
licensed mortgage loan originator must register with and maintain a
valid unique identifier issued by the nationwide mortgage licensing
system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The following are exempt from licensing as mortgage loan
originators under this chapter:
(1) Registered mortgage loan originators, or any individual
required to be registered;
(2) A licensed attorney who negotiates the terms of a residential
mortgage loan on behalf of a client as an ancillary matter to the
attorney's representation of the client, unless the attorney is
compensated by a lender, a mortgage broker, or other mortgage loan
originator or by any agent of a lender, mortgage broker, or other
mortgage loan originator; or
(3) Any individual who offers or negotiates terms of a residential
mortgage loan with or on behalf of an immediate family member.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 12 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
An independent contractor may not engage in residential mortgage
loan origination activities as a loan processor unless the independent
contractor obtains and maintains a license under this chapter. Each
independent contractor loan processor licensed as a mortgage loan
originator must have and maintain a valid unique identifier issued by
the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 13 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
An individual engaging solely in loan processor activities, who
does not represent to the public, through advertising or other means of
communicating or providing information including the use of business
cards, stationery, brochures, signs, rate lists, or other promotional
items, that such an individual can or will perform any of the
activities of a mortgage loan originator is not required to obtain and
maintain a mortgage loan originator license under this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 14 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
Applicants for a mortgage loan originator license shall apply on a
form as prescribed by the director. Each form must contain content as
set forth by rule, regulation, instruction, or procedure of the
director and may be changed or updated as necessary by the director in
order to carry out the purposes of this chapter, but must not be
inconsistent with that required by the nationwide mortgage licensing
system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
In order to fulfill the purposes of this act, the director is
authorized to establish relationships or contracts with the nationwide
mortgage licensing system and registry or other entities designated by
the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry to collect and
maintain records and process transaction fees or other fees related to
licensees or other persons subject to this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) As part of or in connection with an application for any license
under this section, or periodically upon license renewal, the mortgage
loan originator applicant shall furnish information concerning his or
her identity, including fingerprints for submission to the Washington
state patrol, the federal bureau of investigation, the nationwide
mortgage licensing system and registry, or any governmental agency or
entity authorized to receive this information for a state and national
criminal history background check; personal history; experience;
business record; purposes; and other pertinent facts, as the director
may reasonably require. As part of or in connection with an
application for a license under this chapter, or periodically upon
license renewal, the director is authorized to receive criminal history
record information that includes nonconviction data as defined in RCW
10.97.030. The department may only disseminate nonconviction data
obtained under this section to criminal justice agencies. This section
does not apply to financial institutions regulated under chapters 31.12
and 31.13 RCW and Titles 30, 32, and 33 RCW.
(2) As part of or in connection with an application for any license
under this section, the mortgage loan originator applicant shall
furnish information pertaining to personal history and experience in a
form prescribed by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry, including (a) the submission of authorization for the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry and the director to
obtain an independent credit report obtained from a consumer reporting
agency described in section 603(p) of the federal fair credit reporting
act, and (b) information related to any administrative, civil, or
criminal findings by any governmental jurisdiction.
(3) In order to reduce the points of contact which the federal
bureau of investigation may have to maintain, the director may use the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry as a channeling agent
for requesting information from and distributing information to the
department of justice or any governmental agency.
(4) In order to reduce the points of contact which the director may
have to maintain, the director may use the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry as a channeling agent for requesting and
distributing information to and from any source so directed by the
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The application for a mortgage loan originator license must
contain at least the following information:
(a) The name, address, date of birth, and social security number of
the mortgage loan originator applicant, and any other names, dates of
birth, or social security numbers previously used by the mortgage loan
originator applicant, unless waived by the director; and
(b) Other information regarding the mortgage loan originator
applicant's background, experience, character, and general fitness as
the director may require by rule, or as deemed necessary by the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.
(2) At the time of filing an application for a license or a license
renewal under this chapter, each mortgage loan originator applicant
shall pay to the director through the nationwide mortgage licensing
system and registry the application or renewal fee of up to one hundred
fifty dollars. The director shall deposit the moneys in the financial
services regulation fund.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 18 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) The director shall issue and deliver a mortgage loan originator
license if, after investigation, the director makes at a minimum the
following findings:
(a) The applicant has paid the required license fees;
(b) The applicant has met the requirements of this chapter;
(c) The applicant has never had a mortgage loan originator license
revoked in any governmental jurisdiction, except that, for the purposes
of this subsection, a subsequent formal vacation of such revocation is
not a revocation;
(d) The applicant has not been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo
contendere to, a felony in a domestic, foreign, or military court (i)
during the seven-year period preceding the date of the application for
licensing and registration; or (ii) at any time preceding the date of
application, if the felony involved an act of fraud, dishonesty, breach
of trust, or money laundering;
(e) The applicant has demonstrated financial responsibility,
character, and general fitness such as to command the confidence of the
community and to warrant a determination that the mortgage loan
originator will operate honestly, fairly, and efficiently within the
purposes of this act. For the purposes of this section, an applicant
has not demonstrated financial responsibility when the applicant shows
disregard in the management of his or her financial condition. A
determination that an individual has shown disregard in the management
of his or her financial condition may include, but is not limited to,
an assessment of: Current outstanding judgments, except judgments
solely as a result of medical expenses; current outstanding tax liens
or other government liens and filings; foreclosures within the last
three years; or a pattern of seriously delinquent accounts within the
past three years;
(f) The applicant has completed the prelicensing education
requirement as required by this chapter;
(g) The applicant has passed a written test that meets the test
requirement as required by this chapter;
(h) The consumer loan licensee that the applicant works for has met
the surety bond requirement as required by this chapter;
(i) The applicant has not been found to be in violation of this
chapter or rules adopted under this chapter;
(j) The mortgage loan originator licensee has completed, during the
calendar year preceding a licensee's annual license renewal date,
continuing education as required by this chapter.
(2) If the director finds the conditions of this section have not
been met, the director shall not issue the mortgage loan originator
license. The director shall notify the applicant of the denial and
return to the mortgage loan originator applicant any remaining portion
of the license fee that exceeds the department's actual cost to
investigate the license.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 19 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) A mortgage loan originator license issued under this section
expires annually. The director shall establish rules regarding the
mortgage loan originator license renewal process created under this
chapter. At a minimum a mortgage loan originator may not renew a
license under this chapter unless the mortgage loan originator
continues to meet the minimum standards for a license, and has
satisfied the annual continuing education requirements.
(2) A mortgage loan originator licensee may surrender a license by
delivering to the director through the nationwide mortgage licensing
system and registry written notice of surrender, but the surrender does
not affect the mortgage loan originator licensee's civil or criminal
liability or any administrative actions arising from acts or omissions
occurring before such a surrender.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 20 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
For the purposes of implementing an orderly and efficient mortgage
loan originator licensing process, the director may establish licensing
rules and interim procedures for licensing and acceptance of
applications. For previously registered or licensed individuals the
director may establish expedited review and licensing procedures.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 21 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
To prevent undue delay in the issuance of a mortgage loan
originator license and to facilitate the business of a mortgage loan
originator, an interim license with a fixed date of expiration may be
issued when the director determines that the mortgage loan originator
has substantially fulfilled the requirements for mortgage loan
originator licensing. The director may adopt rules describing the
information required before an interim license can be granted.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 22 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) Each mortgage loan originator applicant shall complete at least
twenty hours of prelicensing education approved by the nationwide
mortgage licensing system and registry. The prelicensing education
shall include at least three hours of federal law and regulations;
three hours of ethics, which shall include instruction on fraud,
consumer protection, and fair lending issues; two hours of training
related to lending standards for the nontraditional mortgage product
marketplace; and at least two hours of training specifically related to
Washington law.
(2) A mortgage loan originator applicant having successfully
completed the prelicensing education requirements approved by the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry for any state shall
be accepted as credit towards completion of prelicensing education
requirements in this state.
(3) This chapter does not preclude any prelicensing education
course, as approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry, that is provided by the employer of the mortgage loan
originator applicant or an entity which is affiliated with the
applicant by an agency contract, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such
an employer or entity. Prelicensing education may be offered either in
a classroom, online, or by any other means approved by the nationwide
mortgage licensing system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 23 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) To obtain a mortgage loan originator license, an individual
must pass a test developed by the nationwide mortgage licensing system
and registry and administered by a test provider approved by the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry based upon reasonable
(2) An individual is not considered to have passed a test unless
the individual achieves a test score of not less than seventy-five
percent correct answers to questions.
(a) An individual may retake a test three consecutive times with
each consecutive taking occurring at least thirty days after the
preceding test.
(b) After failing three consecutive tests, an individual must wait
at least six months before taking the test again.
(c) A licensed mortgage loan originator who fails to maintain a
valid license for a period of five years or longer must retake the
test, not taking into account any time during which that individual is
a registered mortgage loan originator.
(3) This section does not prohibit a test provider approved by the
nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry from providing a test
at the location of the employer of the mortgage loan originator
applicant or any subsidiary or affiliate of the employer of the
applicant, or any entity with which the applicant holds an exclusive
arrangement to conduct the business of a mortgage loan originator.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 24 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) A licensed mortgage loan originator must complete a minimum of
eight hours of continuing education approved by the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry which must include at least three hours
of federal law and regulations; two hours of ethics, which must include
instruction on fraud, consumer protection, and fair lending issues; and
two hours of training related to lending standards for the
nontraditional mortgage product marketplace. Additionally, the
director may require at least one hour of continuing education on
Washington law provided by and administered through an approved
(2) The nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry must
review and approve continuing education courses. Review and approval
of a continuing education course must include review and approval of
the course provider.
(3) A licensed mortgage loan originator may only receive credit for
a continuing education course in the year in which the course is taken,
and may not take the same approved course in the same or successive
years to meet the annual requirements for continuing education.
(4) A licensed mortgage loan originator who is an instructor of an
approved continuing education course may receive credit for the
licensed mortgage loan originator's own annual continuing education
requirement at the rate of two hours credit for every one hour taught.
(5) A person having successfully completed the education
requirements approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry for any state must have their credits accepted as credit
towards completion of continuing education requirements in this state.
(6) This section does not preclude any education course, as
approved by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, that
is provided by the employer of the mortgage loan originator or an
entity which is affiliated with the mortgage loan originator by an
agency contract, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such employer or
entity. Continuing education may be offered either in a classroom,
online, or by any other means approved by the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 25 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The director shall establish a process whereby mortgage loan
originators may challenge information entered into the nationwide
mortgage licensing system and registry by the director.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 26 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in section 1512 of the S.A.F.E.
act, the requirements under any federal law or chapter 42.56 RCW
regarding the privacy or confidentiality of any information or material
provided to the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry, and
any privilege arising under federal or state law, including the rules
of any federal or state court, with respect to that information or
material, continues to apply to the information or material after the
information or material has been disclosed to the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry. Information and material may be shared
with all state and federal regulatory officials with mortgage industry
oversight authority without the loss of privilege or the loss of
confidentiality protections provided by federal law or state law.
(2) For the purposes under subsection (1) of this section, the
director is authorized to enter agreements or sharing arrangements with
other governmental agencies, the conference of state bank supervisors,
the American association of residential mortgage regulators, or other
associations representing governmental agencies as established by rule,
regulation, or order of the director.
(3) Information or material that is subject to a privilege or
confidentiality under subsection (1) of this section is not subject to:
(a) Disclosure under any federal or state law governing the
disclosure to the public of information held by an officer or an agency
of the federal government or the respective state; or
(b) Subpoena or discovery, or admission into evidence, in any
private civil action or administrative process unless, with respect to
any privilege held by the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry with respect to that information or material, the person to
whom the information or material pertains waives, in whole or in part,
in the discretion of that person, that privilege.
(4) Chapter 42.56 RCW relating to the disclosure of confidential
supervisory information or any information or material described in
subsection (1) of this section that is inconsistent with subsection (1)
of this section is superseded by the requirements of this section.
(5) This section does not apply to the information or material
relating to the employment history of, and publicly adjudicated
disciplinary and enforcement actions against, mortgage loan originators
that is included in the nationwide mortgage licensing system and
registry for access by the public.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 27 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
Each consumer loan company licensee who makes or brokers a loan
secured by real property shall submit to the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry reports of condition, which must be in
the form and must contain the information as the nationwide mortgage
licensing system and registry may require.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 28 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The director is authorized to regularly report violations of this
act, as well as enforcement actions and other relevant information, to
the nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 29 A new section is added to chapter 31.04 RCW
to read as follows:
The unique identifier of any mortgage loan originator must be
clearly shown on all residential mortgage loan application forms,
solicitations, or advertisements, including business cards or web
sites, and any other documents as established by rule, regulation, or
order of the director. This section does not apply to consumer loan
company licensees.
Sec. 30 RCW 31.04.165 and 2001 c 81 s 13 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The director has the power, and broad administrative
discretion, to administer and interpret this chapter to facilitate the
delivery of financial services to the citizens of this state by
consumer loan companies and mortgage loan originators subject to this
chapter. The director shall adopt all rules necessary to administer
this chapter and to ensure complete and full disclosure by licensees of
lending transactions governed by this chapter.
(2) If it appears to the director that a licensee is conducting
business in an injurious manner or is violating any provision of this
chapter, the director may order or direct the discontinuance of any
such injurious or illegal practice.
(3) For purposes of this section, "conducting business in an
injurious manner" means conducting business in a manner that violates
any provision of this chapter, or that creates the reasonable
likelihood of a violation of any provision of this chapter.
(4) The director or designated persons, with or without prior
administrative action, may bring an action in superior court to enjoin
the acts or practices that constitute violations of this chapter and to
enforce compliance with this chapter or any rule or order made under
this chapter. Upon proper showing, injunctive relief or a temporary
restraining order shall be granted. The director shall not be required
to post a bond in any court proceedings.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 31 In order to facilitate an orderly
transition to licensing and minimize disruption in the mortgage
marketplace, sections 10 through 14, 16 through 19, 21 through 25, and
27 through 29 of this act take effect July 1, 2010.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 32 In order to facilitate an orderly
transition to licensing and minimize disruption in the mortgage
marketplace, section 5 of this act takes effect January 1, 2010.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 33 The director of financial institutions or
the director's designee may take the actions necessary to ensure this
act is implemented on its effective dates.