Passed by the House March 6, 2009 Yeas 96 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate April 3, 2009 Yeas 45 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 1926 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 61st Legislature | 2009 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to exempting from certificate of need requirements hospice agencies that serve the unique cultural or religious needs of religious groups or ethnic minorities; and amending RCW 70.38.111.
Sec. 1 RCW 70.38.111 and 1997 c 210 s 1 are each amended to read
as follows:
(1) The department shall not require a certificate of need for the
offering of an inpatient tertiary health service by:
(a) A health maintenance organization or a combination of health
maintenance organizations if (i) the organization or combination of
organizations has, in the service area of the organization or the
service areas of the organizations in the combination, an enrollment of
at least fifty thousand individuals, (ii) the facility in which the
service will be provided is or will be geographically located so that
the service will be reasonably accessible to such enrolled individuals,
and (iii) at least seventy-five percent of the patients who can
reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health service will be
individuals enrolled with such organization or organizations in the
(b) A health care facility if (i) the facility primarily provides
or will provide inpatient health services, (ii) the facility is or will
be controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health maintenance
organization or a combination of health maintenance organizations which
has, in the service area of the organization or service areas of the
organizations in the combination, an enrollment of at least fifty
thousand individuals, (iii) the facility is or will be geographically
located so that the service will be reasonably accessible to such
enrolled individuals, and (iv) at least seventy-five percent of the
patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health
service will be individuals enrolled with such organization or
organizations in the combination; or
(c) A health care facility (or portion thereof) if (i) the facility
is or will be leased by a health maintenance organization or
combination of health maintenance organizations which has, in the
service area of the organization or the service areas of the
organizations in the combination, an enrollment of at least fifty
thousand individuals and, on the date the application is submitted
under subsection (2) of this section, at least fifteen years remain in
the term of the lease, (ii) the facility is or will be geographically
located so that the service will be reasonably accessible to such
enrolled individuals, and (iii) at least seventy-five percent of the
patients who can reasonably be expected to receive the tertiary health
service will be individuals enrolled with such organization;
if, with respect to such offering or obligation by a nursing home, the
department has, upon application under subsection (2) of this section,
granted an exemption from such requirement to the organization,
combination of organizations, or facility.
(2) A health maintenance organization, combination of health
maintenance organizations, or health care facility shall not be exempt
under subsection (1) of this section from obtaining a certificate of
need before offering a tertiary health service unless:
(a) It has submitted at least thirty days prior to the offering of
services reviewable under RCW 70.38.105(4)(d) an application for such
exemption; and
(b) The application contains such information respecting the
organization, combination, or facility and the proposed offering or
obligation by a nursing home as the department may require to determine
if the organization or combination meets the requirements of subsection
(1) of this section or the facility meets or will meet such
requirements; and
(c) The department approves such application. The department shall
approve or disapprove an application for exemption within thirty days
of receipt of a completed application. In the case of a proposed
health care facility (or portion thereof) which has not begun to
provide tertiary health services on the date an application is
submitted under this subsection with respect to such facility (or
portion), the facility (or portion) shall meet the applicable
requirements of subsection (1) of this section when the facility first
provides such services. The department shall approve an application
submitted under this subsection if it determines that the applicable
requirements of subsection (1) of this section are met.
(3) A health care facility (or any part thereof) with respect to
which an exemption was granted under subsection (1) of this section may
not be sold or leased and a controlling interest in such facility or in
a lease of such facility may not be acquired and a health care facility
described in (1)(c) which was granted an exemption under subsection (1)
of this section may not be used by any person other than the lessee
described in (1)(c) unless:
(a) The department issues a certificate of need approving the sale,
lease, acquisition, or use; or
(b) The department determines, upon application, that (i) the
entity to which the facility is proposed to be sold or leased, which
intends to acquire the controlling interest, or which intends to use
the facility is a health maintenance organization or a combination of
health maintenance organizations which meets the requirements of
(1)(a)(i), and (ii) with respect to such facility, meets the
requirements of (1)(a)(ii) or (iii) or the requirements of (1)(b)(i)
and (ii).
(4) In the case of a health maintenance organization, an ambulatory
care facility, or a health care facility, which ambulatory or health
care facility is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a health
maintenance organization or a combination of health maintenance
organizations, the department may under the program apply its
certificate of need requirements only to the offering of inpatient
tertiary health services and then only to the extent that such offering
is not exempt under the provisions of this section.
(5)(a) The department shall not require a certificate of need for
the construction, development, or other establishment of a nursing
home, or the addition of beds to an existing nursing home, that is
owned and operated by a continuing care retirement community that:
(i) Offers services only to contractual members;
(ii) Provides its members a contractually guaranteed range of
services from independent living through skilled nursing, including
some assistance with daily living activities;
(iii) Contractually assumes responsibility for the cost of services
exceeding the member's financial responsibility under the contract, so
that no third party, with the exception of insurance purchased by the
retirement community or its members, but including the medicaid
program, is liable for costs of care even if the member depletes his or
her personal resources;
(iv) Has offered continuing care contracts and operated a nursing
home continuously since January 1, 1988, or has obtained a certificate
of need to establish a nursing home;
(v) Maintains a binding agreement with the state assuring that
financial liability for services to members, including nursing home
services, will not fall upon the state;
(vi) Does not operate, and has not undertaken a project that would
result in a number of nursing home beds in excess of one for every four
living units operated by the continuing care retirement community,
exclusive of nursing home beds; and
(vii) Has obtained a professional review of pricing and long-term
solvency within the prior five years which was fully disclosed to
(b) A continuing care retirement community shall not be exempt
under this subsection from obtaining a certificate of need unless:
(i) It has submitted an application for exemption at least thirty
days prior to commencing construction of, is submitting an application
for the licensure of, or is commencing operation of a nursing home,
whichever comes first; and
(ii) The application documents to the department that the
continuing care retirement community qualifies for exemption.
(c) The sale, lease, acquisition, or use of part or all of a
continuing care retirement community nursing home that qualifies for
exemption under this subsection shall require prior certificate of need
approval to qualify for licensure as a nursing home unless the
department determines such sale, lease, acquisition, or use is by a
continuing care retirement community that meets the conditions of (a)
of this subsection.
(6) A rural hospital, as defined by the department, reducing the
number of licensed beds to become a rural primary care hospital under
the provisions of Part A Title XVIII of the Social Security Act Section
1820, 42 U.S.C., 1395c et seq. may, within three years of the reduction
of beds licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW, increase the number of
licensed beds to no more than the previously licensed number without
being subject to the provisions of this chapter.
(7) A rural health care facility licensed under RCW 70.175.100
formerly licensed as a hospital under chapter 70.41 RCW may, within
three years of the effective date of the rural health care facility
license, apply to the department for a hospital license and not be
subject to the requirements of RCW 70.38.105(4)(a) as the construction,
development, or other establishment of a new hospital, provided there
is no increase in the number of beds previously licensed under chapter
70.41 RCW and there is no redistribution in the number of beds used for
acute care or long-term care, the rural health care facility has been
in continuous operation, and the rural health care facility has not
been purchased or leased.
(8)(a) A nursing home that voluntarily reduces the number of its
licensed beds to provide assisted living, licensed boarding home care,
adult day care, adult day health, respite care, hospice, outpatient
therapy services, congregate meals, home health, or senior wellness
clinic, or to reduce to one or two the number of beds per room or to
otherwise enhance the quality of life for residents in the nursing
home, may convert the original facility or portion of the facility
back, and thereby increase the number of nursing home beds to no more
than the previously licensed number of nursing home beds without
obtaining a certificate of need under this chapter, provided the
facility has been in continuous operation and has not been purchased or
leased. Any conversion to the original licensed bed capacity, or to
any portion thereof, shall comply with the same life and safety code
requirements as existed at the time the nursing home voluntarily
reduced its licensed beds; unless waivers from such requirements were
issued, in which case the converted beds shall reflect the conditions
or standards that then existed pursuant to the approved waivers.
(b) To convert beds back to nursing home beds under this
subsection, the nursing home must:
(i) Give notice of its intent to preserve conversion options to the
department of health no later than thirty days after the effective date
of the license reduction; and
(ii) Give notice to the department of health and to the department
of social and health services of the intent to convert beds back. If
construction is required for the conversion of beds back, the notice of
intent to convert beds back must be given, at a minimum, one year prior
to the effective date of license modification reflecting the restored
beds; otherwise, the notice must be given a minimum of ninety days
prior to the effective date of license modification reflecting the
restored beds. Prior to any license modification to convert beds back
to nursing home beds under this section, the licensee must demonstrate
that the nursing home meets the certificate of need exemption
requirements of this section.
The term "construction," as used in (b)(ii) of this subsection, is
limited to those projects that are expected to equal or exceed the
expenditure minimum amount, as determined under this chapter.
(c) Conversion of beds back under this subsection must be completed
no later than four years after the effective date of the license
reduction. However, for good cause shown, the four-year period for
conversion may be extended by the department of health for one
additional four-year period.
(d) Nursing home beds that have been voluntarily reduced under this
section shall be counted as available nursing home beds for the purpose
of evaluating need under RCW 70.38.115(2) (a) and (k) so long as the
facility retains the ability to convert them back to nursing home use
under the terms of this section.
(e) When a building owner has secured an interest in the nursing
home beds, which are intended to be voluntarily reduced by the licensee
under (a) of this subsection, the applicant shall provide the
department with a written statement indicating the building owner's
approval of the bed reduction.
(9)(a) The department shall not require a certificate of need for
a hospice agency if:
(i) The hospice agency is designed to serve the unique religious or
cultural needs of a religious group or an ethnic minority and commits
to furnishing hospice services in a manner specifically aimed at
meeting the unique religious or cultural needs of the religious group
or ethnic minority;
(ii) The hospice agency is operated by an organization that:
(A) Operates a facility, or group of facilities, that offers a
comprehensive continuum of long-term care services, including, at a
minimum, a licensed, medicare-certified nursing home, assisted living,
independent living, day health, and various community-based support
services, designed to meet the unique social, cultural, and religious
needs of a specific cultural and ethnic minority group;
(B) Has operated the facility or group of facilities for at least
ten continuous years prior to the establishment of the hospice agency;
(iii) The hospice agency commits to coordinating with existing
hospice programs in its community when appropriate;
(iv) The hospice agency has a census of no more than forty
(v) The hospice agency commits to obtaining and maintaining
medicare certification;
(vi) The hospice agency only serves patients located in the same
county as the majority of the long-term care services offered by the
organization that operates the agency; and
(vii) The hospice agency is not sold or transferred to another
(b) The department shall include the patient census for an agency
exempted under this subsection (9) in its calculations for future
certificate of need applications.