1267-S2 AMH MILO TANG 063
2SHB 1267 - H AMD 196
By Representative Miloscia
FAILED 02/28/2011
On page 2, at the beginning of line 30, strike "services" and insert "delivery of a child under a surrogacy contract"
On page 44, line 24, after "health" strike
"may" and insert
On page 44, beginning on line 26, after "contract." strike all material through reference." on line 33
EFFECT: Changes the definition of "compensation." Makes it mandatory, rather than discretionary, for the Department of Health (DOH) to adopt rules pertaining to the medical and mental health evaluations and informed consent requirements for surrogacy contracts. Removes the provision allowing parties to use the guidelines of certain medical associations until the DOH has adopted rules. Removes the provision allowing the DOH rules to adopt those associations' guidelines by reference.
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