1294-S AMH TAYL CALL 068

SHB 1294 - H AMD 80

By Representative Taylor

NOT ADOPTED 02/28/2011

    On page 5, after line 22, insert the following:

    "(4) Projects undertaken by the corps may not create any additional regulatory burden or financial costs on local governments under the growth management act or the shorelines management act, and participation in corps projects may not serve as a prerequisite to local governments for receiving funds from any other source.  However, nothing in this subsection limits a local government's ability to voluntarily participate in, or provide funding for, corps programs."




    EFFECT: Specifies that Conservation Corps projects may not create regulatory or financial burdens to local governments under the Growth Management and Shorelines Management acts and may not be serve as a prerequisite for funding.  Local governments could still voluntarily participate in the Conversation Corps.  



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