1685 AMH HURS BARC 130

HB 1685 - H AMD 355

By Representative Hurst


    On page 2, after 19, insert the following:

    "NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  A new section is added to chapter 70.119A RCW to read as follows:

    (1)  A municipal water supplier, as defined in RCW 90.03.015, or a purveyor may not take any action to cease providing water to a person who has a water well that is lawfully constructed in accordance with chapter 18.104 RCW.  This subsection does not apply if the water well owner has requested the municipal water supplier or purveyor to cease providing water.

    (2) A provision in a contract or agreement between a property owner and municipal water supplier or purveyor that purports to prohibit or restrict the property owner from constructing or using a water well is void and unenforceable."


    Correct the title.



    EFFECT:  Prohibits a municipal water supplier or purveyor from taking any action to cease providing water to a person who has a lawfully constructed a water well with one exception. Makes void and unenforceable a contract or agreement between a property owner and municipal water supplier or purveyor that purports to prohibit or restrict the property owner from constructing or using a water well. 


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