1732-S AMH KELL REIL 039

SHB 1732 - H AMD 137

By Representative Kelley


    On page 6, line 23, after "of" strike "five" and insert "((five)) one"


    On page 16, line 21, after "candidate" strike "for a period of" and insert "that has been distributed within the previous"


    On page 19, line 27, after "other" insert "person or


    On page 20, after line 32, insert the following:

    "NEW SECTION. Sec. 6.  A new section is added to chapter 42.17A RCW to read as follows: 

    A political committee may make an expenditure to another political committee only when the contributing political committee has received contributions of ten dollars or more each from at least ten persons registered to vote in Washington state."


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    Correct the title.




    EFFECT: Changes the dollar value for what constitutes an electioneering communication from $5,000 to $1,000; clarifies that political advertising sponsored by a political committee and open for public inspection includes only that advertising that has been distributed; and stipulates that a political committee may only make a contribution to another political committee if it has received contributions of $10 or more from at least 10 registered voters.



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