1846-S AMH HASE REIN 152

SHB 1846 - H AMD 395

By Representative Hasegawa

WITHDRAWN 03/07/2011

    On page 1, beginning on line 7, after "industry" strike all material through "center" on line 9 and insert "offered by: (a) A community or technical college; or (b) a training center operated by, or pursuant to a contract with, a statewide aerospace association governed by a board that includes representatives of business and labor"


    On page 2, line 11, after "from" strike "public and"


    On page 2, beginning on line 18, after "from" strike all material through "any other" on line 19


    On page 2, line 29, after "study." insert the following:



    On page 2, after line 30, insert the following:

    "(b) Provisions for forgiveness of payment shall be as follows:

    (i) One-half of the amount of the student loan shall be forgiven if the participant does not secure full-time employment for at least one year with wages in the band specified in section 7(2)(c)(iii) of this act, and employer-provided medical, dental, and retirement benefits; and

    (ii) The full amount of the student loan shall be forgiven if the participant does not secure full-time employment for at least one year with wages in the band specified in section 7(2)(c)(ii) of this act, and employer-provided medical, dental, and retirement benefits."


    On page 2, at the beginning of line 31, strike "(4)" and insert "(5)"


    On page 3, at the beginning of line 3, strike "(5)" and insert "(6)"


    On page 3, at the beginning of line 12, strike "(6)" and insert "(7)"


    On page 3, line 21, after "funds" strike "appropriated by the legislature" and insert "given to the board"


    On page 3, after line 27, insert the following:

    "NEW SECTION. Sec. 7.  The board, in collaboration with the Washington aerospace training and research center and the Spokane aerospace and technology center, shall submit an annual report regarding the aerospace training student loan program to the governor and to the appropriate committees of the legislature.

    (2) The annual report shall describe the implementation of the aerospace training student loan program, and shall include the following:

    (a) The total number of employment positions for which students are trained;

    (b) The number of full-time, part-time, and temporary employment positions for which students are trained as a percent of total employment;

    (c) The number of employment positions for which students are trained according to the following wage bands: (i) Less than thirty thousand dollars; (ii) thirty thousand dollars or greater, but less than sixty thousand dollars; and (iii) sixty thousand dollars or greater;

    (d) The number of employment positions for which students are trained that have employer-provided medical, dental, and retirement benefits, by each of the wage bands;
    (e) Information on the demographic tracking of: job training, placement, and pre-employment outreach and recruiting efforts; and

    (f) Information on success and failure rates of students in aerospace training and educational programs by race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, in-state residency, and residency within a community empowerment zone.

    (3) The annual report shall be submitted by December 1st of each year after the effective date of this section."


    Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.


    On page 3, line 28, after "through" strike "6" and insert "7"







    EFFECT: Defines aerospace training or educational programs as courses offered by community or technical colleges or by training centers operated by, or pursuant to contracts with, a statewide aerospace association governed by a board that includes representatives of business and labor (rather than courses offered by the Washington Aerospace Technology and Research Center or the Spokane Aerospace Technology Center).


Provides for loan forgiveness as follows: (1) one-half of the amount is forgiven if the participant does not secure full-time employment for at least 1 year with wages of $60,000 or more and certain benefits; and (2) the full amount is forgiven if the participant does not secure full-time employment for at least 1 year with wages of at least $30,000 (but less than $60,000) and certain benefits.


Provides that the student loan account consists of funds given to the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HEC Board) for the program (rather than funds appropriated by the Legislature for the program) and receipts from participant repayments.  Deletes other references to appropriated funds.


Requires the HEC Board, in collaboration with the Washington Aerospace Training & Research Center and the Spokane Aerospace & Technology Center, to submit annual reports regarding the loan program to the Governor and appropriate legislative committees.


Specifies that the report must include data about employment positions for which students are trained, and information about job training, placement, and outreach as well as success and failure rates by various categories.


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