5784-S AMH SHOR H2430.1

SSB 5784  - H AMD480
     By Representative Short

FAILED 04/05/2011

     On page 2, after line 29, insert the following:

"NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3   A new section is added to chapter 43.372 RCW to read as follows:
     (1) If the expenditure of money from the marine resources stewardship trust account created in RCW 43.372.070 results in the creation of a new state program or rule, then the agency or agencies responsible for implementing the program or rule must identify any peer-reviewed science, scientific literature, or other sources of information reviewed by the agency or relied upon for the implementation of the program or rule.
     (2) As used in this section, "peer-reviewed science" means information developed using the scientific method for which the following factors are true:
     (a) The scientific information is provided by a qualified, scientific professional or professionals with issue-appropriate expertise based on the professional's credentials, certifications, earned advanced degrees, years of experience, recognized leadership in an appropriate scholarly area, formal training, and recognized ability to produce peer-reviewed professional literature;
     (b) The scientific information has been subjected to independent peer review by at least three reviewers who are qualified and are independent with no conflict of interest. Independent peer review may be performed by reputable scientific journals, scholarly organizations such as the national academies, commissioned by the relevant agency, or commissioned by qualified entities whose interests will be affected by the action;
     (c) The methods used to obtain the information are clearly stated, standardized for the pertinent scientific discipline, and are able to be replicated;
     (d) The conclusions underlying the information are based on reasonable and logical assumptions supported by other studies and consistent with the data presented;
     (e) The data underlying the information have been analyzed using the appropriate statistical or quantitative methods;
     (f) The information has been placed in a proper context and is appropriately framed with respect to the prevailing body of pertinent scientific knowledge; and
     (g) The information is based on assumptions, analytical techniques, and conclusions that are clearly stated and well-referenced with citations to credible literature and other pertinent existing information."

     Correct the title.

EFFECT:  Requires the agencies implementing any new programs or rules created as a result of expenditures from the marine resources stewardship trust account to identify any peer-reviewed science the agency relies upon; creates a definition for "peer-reviewed science."

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