5784-S AMH TAYL H2427.1

SSB 5784  - H AMD TO H AMD (H-2426.2/11)483
     By Representative Taylor

FAILED 04/05/2011

     On page 1, line 5 of the amendment, after "(1)" insert "(a)"

     On page 1, line 6 of the amendment, after "treasury." strike "All" and insert "Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this subsection, all"

     On page 1, after line 11 of the amendment, insert the following:
     "(b) No funds may be accepted for deposit into the marine resources stewardship trust account if acceptance of the funds obligates the state to maintain certain funding levels, fund a specific program for a time period longer than that provided by the funding, maintain specific staffing levels at an agency or for a program, or requires the state to adopt or renew specific rules."

EFFECT:  Prohibits the acceptance of funds into the marine resources stewardship trust account if the funds come with certain conditions.

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