5231-S AMS HONE S2080.2

SSB 5231  - S AMD TO S AMD (S-2166.2/11)212
     By Senator Honeyford


     On page 5, beginning on line 1 of the amendment, strike all of section 2 and insert the following:

"Sec. 2   RCW 70.240.040 and 2008 c 288 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
     (1) Beginning six months after the department has adopted rules ((under section 8(5) of this act)) identifying chemicals of high concern for children, a manufacturer of a children's product in which a chemical of high concern was intentionally added, or a trade organization on behalf of its member manufacturers, shall provide notice to the department that the manufacturer's ((product)) children's products, or product components that a child is likely to come into contact with through reasonable and foreseeable use, contains a high priority chemical intentionally added during the manufacturing process. The notice must be filed annually with the department and must include the following information:
     (((1))) (a) The name of the chemical ((used or produced)) of high concern intentionally added and its chemical abstracts service registry number;
     (((2))) (b) A brief description of the product or product component, that a child is likely to come into contact with through reasonable and foreseeable use, containing the substance;
     (((3))) (c) A description of the function of the chemical in the product or product component;
     (((4))) (d) The amount of the chemical used in each unit of the product or product component. The amount may be reported in ranges, rather than the exact amount;
     (((5))) (e) The name and address of the manufacturer and the name, address, and phone number of a contact person for the manufacturer; and
     (((6))) (f) Any other information the manufacturer deems relevant to the appropriate use of the product.
     (2) Manufacturers may provide notification through a department-approved and certified third party."

     On page 5, line 28 of the amendment, after "assessments." insert "Only products identified as having a chemical of high concern added by manufacturers as required under RCW 70.240.040 may be included on the draft list."

     On page 7, line 7 of the amendment, after "comment." insert "Priority products must be identified by the manufacturer as having a chemical of high concern added during the manufacturing of the children's product as required under RCW 70.240.040."

EFFECT:  Limits the reporting requirements to those chemicals that a manufacturer intentionally adds to a product and those that a child is likely to come into contact with through reasonable and foreseeable use.

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