5297-S2 AMS ROAC S1958.1

2SSB 5297  - S AMD91
     By Senator Roach


     On page 3, beginning on line 17, strike all of subsection (1) and insert the following: "((If any legal voter of the state, either individually or on behalf of an organization, desires to petition the legislature to enact a proposed measure, or submit a proposed initiative measure to the people, or order that a referendum of all or part of any act, bill, or law, passed by the legislature be submitted to the people, he or she shall file with the secretary of state a legible copy of the measure proposed, or the act or part of such act on which a referendum is desired, accompanied by an affidavit that the sponsor is a legal voter and a filing fee prescribed under RCW 43.07.120.))"

     On page 3, at the beginning of line 27, strike "(2)"

EFFECT:  Removes the section of the bill that allows the secretary of state to set initiative and referenda filing fee amounts.

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