ESHB 1202

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

C 186 L 11

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Creating a pilot project to allow spirits sampling in state liquor stores and contract stores.

Sponsors: House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Hunt, Taylor and Moscoso).

House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs

Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection


In Washington, spirits in the original package may be sold only in state liquor stores and contract liquor stores. (An exception allows limited sales of spirits by craft distillers.)

Sampling of spirits, beer, and wine by retail customers is permitted in some circumstances. Beer and/or wine specialty shops may serve samples of two ounces or less to a customer. Legislation enacted in 2010 allows certain grocery stores to conduct tastings with an endorsement issued by the Board. Breweries and wineries may also serve samples. A craft distillery may provide one-half ounce or less samples of spirits, up to a total of two ounces per day to a customer, on its premises.

An Alcohol Impact Area (AIA) is a geographic area, designated by a local government and recognized by resolution of the Board, that is adversely affected by chronic public inebriation or illegal activity associated with alcohol sales or consumption. The Board may place restrictions on licensees located in an AIA.

Persons who solicit or take orders for a distiller, manufacturer, importer, or distributor of spirits must hold a representative's license issued by the Board.

Liquor may not be consumed on the premises of a state liquor store.


The Liquor Control Board (Board) is directed to establish a pilot project for spirits sampling in state and contract liquor stores to promote the sponsor's products.

The pilot project consists of 30 locations with at least six samplings to be conducted at each location between September 1, 2011, and September 1, 2012. Only one sampling per week at a store is permitted. The Board must select the stores. In selecting stores, the Board must give:

The following conditions apply to sampling:

The Board may prohibit sampling at a store within the boundaries of an Alcohol Impact Area if the sampling is having an adverse effect on the reduction of chronic public inebriation. All other criteria needed to establish and monitor the pilot project are determined by the Board. The Board may adopt rules to implement the pilot project.

The prohibition against consuming liquor on the premises of a state liquor store is amended to allow spirits sampling, and contract stores are given explicit authority for sampling on their premises.

The Board must report on the pilot project to the appropriate committees of the Legislature by December 1, 2012. The report must include the results of a survey of state and contract liquor store managers. The act expires on December 1, 2012.

Votes on Final Passage:







(Senate amended)




(House concurred)


July 22, 2011