Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee

HB 1582

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Concerning forest practices applications leading to conversion of land for development purposes.

Sponsors: Representatives Lytton, Morris, Chandler, Blake, Wilcox, Orcutt, Tharinger, Hinkle, McCune, Pearson and Van De Wege.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Changes the description of forest land that the state assumes will convert to a non-forestry use from lands platted before 1960 to parcels that are 2-1/2 acres or smaller in size.

Hearing Date: 2/11/11

Staff: Jason Callahan (786-7117).


The Forest Practices Act establishes four classes of forest practices based on the potential for the proposed operation to adversely affect public resources. The Forest Practices Board (Board) establishes standards that determine which forest practices are included in each class. The different classes determine the level of Department of Natural Resources (DNR) involvement in the permitting process.

The four classes are:

Class IV-General forest practices include activities where forestland is to be converted to another use, activities on lands likely to be converted to urban development; and activities on lands platted after January 1, 1960.

Class IV-General forest practices are assumed to be related to land uses other than forestry. These proposals may require a license or permit from a local government. The local government assumes lead agency status for purposes of ensuring compliance with SEPA.

Summary of Bill:

References in the Forest Practices Act to lands that were platted after January 1, 1960 are removed. These lands are no longer defaulted into being lands that fall under the Class IV-General forest practices categorization and are no longer automatically assumed to be lands that will be converted to a non-forestry land use.

However, forested lots that are 2-1/2 acres or less in size are considered to be included in the Class IV-General grouping of forest practices. These lots can be removed from that categorization if the landowner:

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Not requested.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.