Washington State

House of Representatives

Office of Program Research



Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee

HB 2618

This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.

Brief Description: Facilitating marine management planning.

Sponsors: Representatives Van De Wege, Dunshee, Blake and Stanford.

Brief Summary of Bill

  • Designates a portion of the revenue generated through the management of state‑owned aquatic lands to the Marine Resources Stewardship Trust Account.

  • Makes a few procedural changes to the ongoing marine management planning process.

Hearing Date: 1/24/12

Staff: Jason Callahan (786-7117).


Marine Management Planning.

A process for marine management planning was initiated in 2010. The planning is conducted by the Marine Interagency Team (team), consisting of the Office of the Governor and natural resources agencies with jurisdiction over marine issues. The team was initially tasked with, and has completed, an assessment of existing marine planning efforts in the state and a recommended framework for integrating marine spatial planning into management planning efforts.

The team was directed to coordinate the development of a comprehensive marine management plan (plan) for the state's marine waters. The team is authorized to develop the plan in geographic segments, and may incorporate elements from an existing plan. The plan elements include an ecosystem assessment that analyzes the health and status of marine waters, a series of maps providing information on the marine ecosystem, human uses of marine waters, and areas with high potential for renewable energy production and low potential for conflicts with existing uses and sensitive environments, recommendations to the federal government for use priorities and limitations within the Exclusive Economic Zone, and a strategy for plan implementation using existing state and local authorities.

The team has two years to complete the plan once it initiates the planning process. In developing the plan, the team must seek input from specified stakeholders. The marine management plan many not affect any project, use, or activity existing prior to completion of the plan. Upon completion, the director of the Department of Ecology must submit the plan to the federal government for review, approval, and inclusion in the state's Coastal Zone Management Plan.

A dedicated account, the Marine Resources Stewardship Trust Account, exists to fund marine management planning and associated activities.

Revenues from State-Owned Aquatic Lands.

When the state receives revenue from state-owned aquatic lands, funds are first distributed to the Resource Management Cost Account for the Department of Natural Resources' management costs and for any payments owed to towns. The remainder of the revenue is deposited into the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account, which is generally used for purposes such as aquatic lands enhancement projects, protection of aquatic lands for public purposes, and providing and improving access to aquatic lands.

Summary of Bill:

Modifies Marine Management Planning Authorities.

The statutes governing the marine management planning process are modified to:

Provides Funding for Marine Management Planning Using Revenue from State-Owned Aquatic Lands.

A portion of revenue from state-owned aquatic lands must be deposited in the Marine Resources Stewardship Trust Account (MRSTA) prior to being distributed to Resource Management Cost Account, as payments to towns, and to Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account. Until July 1, 2016, the MRSTA receives 4 percent of these revenues. After July 1, 2016, the amount is 2 percent.

Until July 1, 2016, the permissible uses of funding from the MRSTA are temporarily narrowed to:

Appropriation: None.

Fiscal Note: Requested on January 20, 2012.

Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.