Passed by the House February 10, 2012 Yeas 73 ________________________________________ Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate February 29, 2012 Yeas 44 ________________________________________ President of the Senate | I, Barbara Baker, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2384 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. ________________________________________ Chief Clerk | |
Approved ________________________________________ Governor of the State of Washington | Secretary of State State of Washington |
State of Washington | 62nd Legislature | 2012 Regular Session |
AN ACT Relating to personal vehicle sharing programs; adding a new chapter to Title 48 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1 For the purposes of this chapter, unless the
context otherwise requires:
(1) "Owner's insurance policy" means an automobile liability
insurance policy, as defined in RCW 48.22.005, that includes:
(a) All coverage necessary to comply with the requirements of
chapter 46.30 RCW; and
(b) Any optional coverage selected by the registered owner,
(i) Personal injury protection coverage as defined in RCW
(ii) Underinsured coverage as defined in RCW 48.22.030;
(iii) Comprehensive property damage coverage for the vehicle; and
(iv) Collision property damage coverage for the vehicle.
(2) "Personal vehicle sharing" means the operation and use of a
private passenger motor vehicle, by persons other than the vehicle's
registered owner in connection with a personal vehicle sharing program.
(3) "Personal vehicle sharing program" or "program" means a legal
entity qualified to do business in this state engaged in the business
of facilitating the sharing of private passenger motor vehicles for
noncommercial use by individuals within this state. For the purposes
of this subsection, "noncommercial use" means use other than that for
a "commercial vehicle" as defined in RCW 46.04.140.
(4) "Private passenger motor vehicle" means a four-wheel passenger
motor vehicle insured under an automobile liability insurance policy
covering a single individual or individuals residing in the same
household as the named insured.
(5) "Program insurance policy" means an automobile liability
insurance policy that is obtained by the personal vehicle sharing
program and that:
(a) Includes all coverage needed to comply with the requirements of
chapter 46.30 RCW;
(b) Includes the following optional coverages:
(i) Comprehensive property damage coverage for the vehicle; and
(ii) Collision property damage coverage for the vehicle;
(c) Offers to the named insured on the program policy underinsured
coverage as defined in RCW 48.22.030;
(d) Offers to the named insured on the program policy underinsured
coverage as defined in RCW 48.22.005; and
(e) Does not include any other optional coverage selected by the
owner of the vehicle and included in the owner's insurance policy.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2 For each vehicle that the program
facilitates the use of, a program must:
(1) Provide a program insurance policy with coverage for the
vehicle and all persons who, with the consent of the program, use the
motor vehicle insured while in control of the vehicle in the program.
The limits for any coverage included in the program insurance policy
may not provide liability coverage that is less than three times the
limits specified in chapter 46.30 RCW and may not provide collision or
comprehensive coverage that is less than the actual cash value of the
(2) Prior to the first use of a vehicle in a program, and upon
renewal, cancellation, or change in insurance by the program, provide
the vehicle's registered owner with a proof of compliance with the
insurance requirements of this section and the requirements of chapter
46.30 RCW, underinsured motorist coverage elections made by the sharing
program under RCW 48.22.030 and personal injury protection coverage
elections made by the sharing program under RCW 48.22.085. A copy of
the proof of compliance must be maintained in the vehicle by the
vehicle's registered owner at all times when the vehicle is operated by
any person other than the vehicle's registered owner pursuant to the
(3) Collect, maintain, and make available to the vehicle's
registered owner, the vehicle's registered owner's primary automobile
liability insurer, and any government agency as required by law, at the
cost of the program, the following:
(a) Verifiable records that identify the date and duration that the
vehicle is under the control of a person other than the vehicle's
registered owner pursuant to the program. For vehicles with an
electronic tracking device, verifiable electronic records of the time,
initial and final locations of the vehicle, and miles driven when the
vehicle is under the control of a person other than the vehicle's
registered owner pursuant to the program; and
(b) In instances where an insurance claim has been filed, any and
all information, including payments to the registered owner by the
program, concerning accidents, damages, or injuries arising out of
personal vehicle sharing pursuant to the program.
(4) Not knowingly permit the vehicle to be operated as a commercial
vehicle by a personal vehicle sharing user while engaged in personal
vehicle sharing. For the purposes of this subsection, "commercial
vehicle" has the meaning given that term in RCW 46.04.140.
(5) Ensure that the vehicle is a private passenger motor vehicle.
(6) Facilitate the installation, operation, and maintenance of its
own signage and computer hardware and software, if and when requested
by the vehicle owner, necessary for the vehicle to be used in the
(7) Indemnify and hold harmless the vehicle's registered owner for
the cost of damage or theft of equipment installed by the program under
subsection (6) of this section and any damage caused to the vehicle by
the installation, operation, or maintenance of the equipment.
(8)(a) Prior to the first use of a vehicle in a program, and upon
renewal, cancellation, or change in insurance by the program, provide
the vehicle's registered owner and any person operating the vehicle
pursuant to the program with a disclosure that contains:
(i) Information explaining the requirements of this section;
(ii) Full and clear disclosure of the coverages and coverage limits
provided under the program insurance policy;
(iii) Notice that the vehicle owner's insurer has no duty to defend
or indemnify any person or organization for liability for any loss that
occurs during use of the vehicle pursuant to a program; and
(iv) Notice that the vehicle owner or any person operating the
vehicle pursuant to the program may have liability for claims that
exceed the limits of the program insurance policy.
(b) The information in (a) of this subsection must be made
available to the vehicle owner's insurer upon the insurer's request.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3 (1) Notwithstanding any provision in the
owner's insurance policy and notwithstanding chapter 46.29 RCW, in the
event of any loss or injury that occurs at any time when the vehicle is
under the operation or control of a person, other than the vehicle's
registered owner, pursuant to a program, or is otherwise under the
control of a program, the program shall assume all liability of the
vehicle owner and shall be considered the vehicle owner for all
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section:
(a) Limits the liability of a program for any acts or omissions by
the program that result in injury to any persons as a result of the use
or operation of the program; or
(b) Limits the ability of the program to, by contract, seek
indemnification from the vehicle's registered owner for any claims paid
by the program for any loss or injury resulting from fraud or material
intentional misrepresentation by the vehicle's registered owner,
provided that the vehicle sharing program disclose in the contract
(i) The program is entitled to seek indemnification in these
circumstances; and
(ii) The registered owner's insurance policy does not provide
defense or indemnification for any loss or injury resulting from fraud
or material intentional misrepresentation.
(3) A program continues to be liable under subsection (1) of this
section until:
(a) The vehicle is returned to a location designated by the
program, as set forth in the contract between the registered owner and
the program; and
(b)(i) The expiration of the time period established for the
vehicle occurs;
(ii) The intent to terminate the vehicle's personal vehicle sharing
use is verifiably communicated to the program, as set forth in the
contract between the registered owner and the program; or
(iii) The vehicle's registered owner takes possession and control
of the vehicle.
(4)(a) A program shall assume liability, including the costs of
defense and indemnification, for a claim in which a dispute exists as
to who was in control of a private passenger motor vehicle when the
loss giving rise to the claim occurred.
(b) The insurer of the vehicle shall indemnify the program to the
extent of the insurer's obligation under the owner's insurance policy,
if it is determined that the vehicle's registered owner was in control
of the vehicle at the time of the loss.
(5) If a private passenger motor vehicle's registered owner is
named as a defendant in a civil action for any loss or injury that
occurs at any time when the vehicle is under the operation or control
of a person, other than the vehicle's registered owner, pursuant to a
program, or is otherwise under the control of a program, the program
shall have the duty to defend and indemnify the vehicle's registered
(6)(a) Notwithstanding any provision in the owner's insurance
policy, while the vehicle is under the operation or control of a
person, other than the vehicle's registered owner, pursuant to a
program, or is otherwise under the control of a program:
(i) The insurer providing coverage to the owner of a private
passenger motor vehicle may exclude any and all coverage afforded under
the owner's insurance policy; and
(ii) A primary or excess insurer of the vehicle owner may notify an
insured that the insurer has no duty to defend or indemnify any person
or organization for liability for any loss that occurs during use of
the vehicle pursuant to a program;
(b) In order to exclude such coverage, the exclusion allowed in
(a)(i) of this subsection and the notification required in (a)(ii) of
this subsection are not required for a policy that otherwise does not
provide such coverages.
(7) An owner's insurance policy for a private passenger motor
vehicle may not be canceled, voided, terminated, rescinded, or
nonrenewed solely on the basis that the vehicle has been made available
for personal vehicle sharing pursuant to a program that is in
compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4 A private passenger motor vehicle insured by
the vehicle's registered owner under an owner's insurance policy may
not be classified as a commercial motor vehicle or for-hire motor
vehicle solely because the vehicle's registered owner allows the
vehicle to be used for personal vehicle sharing if:
(1) The personal vehicle sharing is conducted under a program.
(2) The annual revenue received by the vehicle's registered owner
that was generated by the personal vehicle sharing does not exceed the
annual expenses of owning and operating the vehicle, including
depreciation, interest, lease payments, motor vehicle loan payments,
insurance, maintenance, parking, fuel, cleaning, automobile repair and
costs associated with personal vehicle sharing, including but not
limited to the installation, operation, and maintenance of computer
hardware and software, signage identifying the vehicle as a personal
vehicle sharing vehicle, and any fees charged by a program.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5 Sections 1 through 4 of this act constitute
a new chapter in Title
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6 This act applies to automobile liability
insurance policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2013.