By Senators Pflug, Parlette, Rockefeller, Eide, Kohl-Welles, and Fraser

     WHEREAS, The students of Tahoma Senior High School in Maple Valley, Washington, enrolled in the program known as "We The People, The Citizen and Constitution," have exhibited that they have an exceptional grasp of the Constitution of the United States and the lessons our forefathers taught; and
     WHEREAS, The students of Tahoma Senior High School won first place in state competition – the 14th win in 16 years – and will be representing Washington State in national championship competitions in April; and
     WHEREAS, These students continued the standard of excellence that has become expected of Tahoma High School – even going above and beyond what was expected, including three work sessions during school breaks and after school every week; and
     WHEREAS, This exceptional constitutional knowledge has impacted these students' lives forever and, as one student described it, "This class has not only made me a stronger student, it has made me a better citizen"; and
     WHEREAS, This unparalleled constitutional knowledge and razor-sharp debate instills awe in anyone who sees these students perform; and
     WHEREAS, It inspires the students as well as their audience to actively participate in the democracy men and women have fought and died to preserve; and
     WHEREAS, These energetic, knowledgeable young people will one day lead this state and country, and there may very well be in their midst a legislator, governor, senator, member of Congress, or perhaps a future President; and
     WHEREAS, Their dedicated and talented teacher, Gretchen Wulfing of Tahoma Senior High School, can stand tall in the knowledge that her students can outperform university students on this topic; and
     WHEREAS, These students and their teacher were aided by countless hours of help from We the People alumni, former students who helped prepare this year's debaters by volunteering as guest judges; and
     WHEREAS, Studies have shown that eighty percent of seniors in high school participating in this program have registered to vote compared to an average of thirty-seven percent among other high school seniors, thereby proving that this program has increased the interest in politics and in participation in government; and
     WHEREAS, In 2000, Tahoma Senior High School was fourth in the nation, in 2002 and 2008 they won the Western Regional Award, and in 2003 the We The People Team won the top Unit Two in the Nation Award;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate honor all the participants in this program from Tahoma High School. Tahoma High School's first place team: Kathryn Adamson, Austin Bland, Connor Caler, Emily Duerson, Kendal Ferguson, Heath Guyer, Amanda Harding, Katie Hickman, Mary Illback, John Larsen, Kara Magee, Amy McCormick, Luke Milburn, Morgan Murrey, Chelsea Olson, Melissa Perincheril, Mollie Picha, Emily Pierre, Angela Ralston, Thomas Rothschilds, Joshua Tavenner, Conner Thomas, Jeremy Voss, Jennifer Watt, Jessica Warr, Peter Weiler, and Rina Wulfing; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the members of Tahoma High School's We The People Team, the school's teacher Gretchen Wulfing, and the principal of Tahoma Senior High School, Terry Duty, to further show the respect of this body for a job well done and wish them success in their endeavors.

I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8628,
adopted by the Senate
March 1, 2011

Secretary of the Senate