WHEREAS, 30 years ago, in 1981, Olympia, Washington and Kato
(formerly Yashiro), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, became sister cities; and
WHEREAS, The friendship between the two cities has flourished,
grown steadily, and deepened over these 30 years; and
WHEREAS, During these 30 years, there have been regular, annual
adult exchanges and, for the last 20 years, annual student exchanges,
resulting in approximately 600 adult exchange visits and approximately
400 student exchange visits; and
WHEREAS, Steady and enthusiastic leadership for these exchanges has
been provided by the Kato (formerly Yashiro) International Association,
and the Olympia-Kato (formerly Yashiro) Sister City Association; and
WHEREAS, Many peoples' individual lives, and many community
activities, have been enriched greatly, and sometimes altered
significantly in positive ways, from learning about and participating
in each others' cultures, histories, languages, educational
institutions, and governmental processes; and
WHEREAS, Kato City has honored the City of Olympia in the naming of
a major arterial, and the City of Olympia has honored Kato City in the
naming of a major bridge; and
WHEREAS, The City of Olympia hosts a beautiful Japanese garden, and
Kato City hosts a beautiful western style garden, each in tribute to
their great friendship; and
WHEREAS, Hundreds of citizens of each community have volunteered
over the years to assist in the exchanges and in deepening the
friendships between the two communities; and
WHEREAS, The Hyogo Business and Cultural Center, in Seattle, and
the Washington State International Protocol Office have each steadily
encouraged and supported the development of this great friendship and
other sister city relationships in Washington State and Washington's
sister state, Hyogo Prefecture;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate
congratulates Kato City and the City of Olympia for 30 years of
sustained, active, enthusiastic sister city exchanges for both adults
and students, and for the innumerable benefits it has created for each
community and many individual citizens; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate commends
Kato City, the Kato International Association, the City of Olympia, the
Olympia-Kato Sister Association, the Hyogo Business and Cultural
Center, located in Seattle, and the Washington State International
Protocol Office for their outstanding, sustained leadership in
promoting strong ties of friendship and intercultural understanding and
appreciation between the City of Olympia and Kato City, and between the
State of Washington and Hyogo Prefecture, Japan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be
immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to: The Mayor
of Kato City; the Mayor of Olympia; the President of the Kato
International Association; the President of the Olympia-Kato Sister
City Association; the Hyogo Business and Cultural Center; and the
Washington State International Protocol Office.