By Senators Regala, Eide, Brown, Fraser, Shin, Hatfield, Hargrove, Sheldon, Murray, Prentice, Baxter, Swecker, Harper, Nelson, Tom, Haugen, Keiser, Conway, Kohl-Welles, Benton, McAuliffe, Chase, Kline, Carrell, Stevens, Parlette, Kilmer, Hobbs, Ranker, Rockefeller, White, Roach, Hill, Morton, Pflug, Fain, Holmquist Newbry, Becker, Honeyford, Litzow, Ericksen, Zarelli, Schoesler, and King

     WHEREAS, In 1979 President Jimmy Carter designated the month of April "National Child Abuse Prevention Month;" and in 1993, Washington became the first state in the nation to legislatively mandate a public education effort to help support parents in their understanding of how to cope with inconsolable crying; and
     WHEREAS, Our state has continued to work to advance knowledge, awareness, and support for parents to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome and abusive head trauma; and
     WHEREAS, The most recent National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) figures show that almost 700,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in the United States in 2009; and while exact figures are not known Shaken Baby Syndrome is the leading cause of abuse with estimates of as many as 1,400 children nationally suffering from such abuse; and
     WHEREAS, Shaken Baby Syndrome is a totally preventable form of child abuse, caused by a caregiver losing control and shaking a baby who is usually under the age of two years; and
     WHEREAS, The effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome can include loss of vision, brain damage, paralysis, seizures, deafness, learning, and intellectual disabilities; and
     WHEREAS, The most effective solution for ending Shaken Baby Syndrome is education and prevention programs, which have demonstrated that educating new parents about the danger of shaking young children can bring about a significant reduction in the number of cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome; and
     WHEREAS, Efforts to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome are supported by advocacy groups across the United States that were formed by parents and relatives of children who have been killed or injured by shaking, such as The Washington State Shaken Baby Prevention Task Force, whose mission is to educate the general public and professionals about Shaken Baby Syndrome utilizing evidence-based, affordable approaches that are easily accessible to families; and
     WHEREAS, The Washington State Legislature strongly supports efforts to protect children from abuse and neglect;
     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate honor the efforts of those who advocate on behalf of victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome during National Shaken Baby Awareness week, the third week in April, and encourage the people of Washington State to remember the victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

I, Thomas Hoemann, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8657,
adopted by the Senate
April 18, 2011

Secretary of the Senate