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Legislative Digest No.
25 |
| SIXTY-SECOND LEGISLATURE | Thursday, February 16, 2012 | | 39th Day - 2012 Regular Session |
This publication includes digest and history for bills, joint memorials, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, initiatives, and substitutes. Engrossed measures may be republished if the amendment makes a substantive change.
Electronic versions of Legislative Digests are available at
House Bills HB 2216-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Hurst, Pearson, Van De Wege, Dahlquist, Tharinger, Goodman, Johnson, Dammeier, Sells, Kelley, McCune, and Kristiansen)
Increasing penalties for vehicular homicide and vehicular assault. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Increases the penalties for vehicular homicide and vehicular assault.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 9:00 AM. | Jan 30 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 9 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 13 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Judiciary. |
HB 2263-Sby House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Walsh, Carlyle, Ladenburg, Darneille, Goodman, Fitzgibbon, Jinkins, Roberts, Ryu, and Kenney)
Reinvesting savings resulting from changes in the child welfare system. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Recognizes the need to reinvest savings related to foster care caseload reductions into effective efforts that improve outcomes.Maximizes limited resources by continuing to focus on efforts to improve child safety, child permanency, and child well-being.Requires the department of social and health services, in collaboration with the office of financial management and the caseload forecast council, to develop a methodology for calculating the savings.Creates the child and family reinvestment account.Provides for sunset termination and review for the child and family reinvestment account and the methodology for calculating savings.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 23 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 13 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 59; nays, 38; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. |
HB 2264-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Walsh, Hinkle, Carlyle, Darneille, Jinkins, Roberts, Dickerson, and Ryu)
Concerning performance-based contracting related to child welfare services. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Reforms the delivery of certain services to children and families in the child welfare system by creating a flexible, accountable community-based system of care that uses performance-based contracting, maximizes the use of evidence-based, research-based, and promising practices, and expands the capacity of community-based agencies to leverage local funding and other resources to benefit children and families served by the department of social and health services.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Jan 27 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 13 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 77; nays, 21; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 2279-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller, Pettigrew, Blake, Hasegawa, Carlyle, Fitzgibbon, Dickerson, and Ormsby)
Implementing changes to child support based on the child support schedule work group report. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Implements recommendations made by the 2011 child support schedule work group.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. | Jan 30 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | Returned to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 2289-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Walsh, Roberts, Carlyle, Jinkins, Ormsby, and Dickerson)
Establishing a flexible approach to child protective services. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Implements a flexible response system within child protective services, including a family assessment response, to better serve families where alleged maltreatment does not present a serious or imminent threat of substantial harm to children.Requires the department of social and health services to: (1) Select at least two sites to begin the process of implementing family assessment response for child protective services statewide; and(2) Develop an implementation plan in consultation with stakeholders, and in compliance with intergovernmental agreements between the state and tribal governments.Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct a rigorous evaluation of each implementation site and define data to be gathered and maintained for evaluation purposes in consultation with a university-based child welfare research entity in the state and the department of social and health services in compliance with applicable provisions of intergovernmental agreements between the state and tribal governments.Prohibits family assessment response referral and case information from being disclosed for background check purposes.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Jan 26 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 8:00 AM. | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 11 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 13 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Human Services & Corrections. |
HB 2318-Sby House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Cody, Hinkle, Bailey, and Jinkins)
Concerning shared decision making. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Addresses the use of a patient decision aid to establish prima facie evidence of informed consent.Allows a patient decision aid to address any medical condition or procedure, including abortion.Allows the state health care authority to charge a fee to a certification applicant to defray the costs of the assessment and certification of the patient decision aid.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 8:00 AM. | Jan 26 | HCW - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM. | Jan 31 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 2328by Representatives Dammeier, Haigh, and Hunt
Addressing job order contracting. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Authorizes the regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and Sound transit (central Puget Sound regional transit authority) to use the job order contracting procedure.Removes the restriction limiting certain work orders to two per contract year.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 11 | First reading, referred to State Government & Tribal Affairs. | Jan 26 | SGTA - Executive action taken by committee. | | SGTA - Majority; do pass. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. | Jan 30 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 11 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 2432-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Moscoso, Ladenburg, Haigh, Jinkins, Appleton, Hope, Orwall, Kirby, Armstrong, Lytton, Goodman, Pollet, Moeller, Reykdal, Hasegawa, Kenney, Maxwell, Tharinger, Sells, Fitzgibbon, Liias, Probst, Blake, Ryu, Hansen, McCoy, Upthegrove, Dunshee, Roberts, Stanford, Kagi, Miloscia, and Darneille)
Promoting local intervention and prevention programs for reducing gang violence. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the Washington state partnership council on juvenile justice, when funding is appropriated for this purpose, to award grants to carry out local projects focused on criminal street gang prevention and intervention programs.Creates the criminal street gang prevention and intervention grant program account.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 23 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 6:00 PM. | Jan 26 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 8:00 AM. | Feb 6 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | Returned to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 2433-Sby House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Clibborn, Armstrong, Liias, Rodne, Maxwell, Moeller, Hurst, and Ormsby; by request of Department of Licensing)
Authorizing the implementation of a facial recognition matching system for drivers' licenses, permits, and identicards. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Eliminates the biometric matching system and establishes a facial recognition matching system for drivers' licenses, permits, and identicards.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 25 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 1 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | TR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 11 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | Returned to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 2443-S2by House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Goodman, Pedersen, Hurst, Kelley, Blake, Fitzgibbon, Ormsby, Hasegawa, and Miloscia)
Increasing accountability of persons who drive impaired. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Increases accountability of persons who drive impaired.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 18 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 9:00 AM. | Jan 19 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. | Feb 1 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 6 | TR - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 9 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 13 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Judiciary. |
HB 2448-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Goodman, Walsh, Maxwell, Dammeier, Kagi, Hope, Haigh, Santos, Roberts, Sullivan, Orwall, Dahlquist, Pollet, Jinkins, Lytton, Haler, Dickerson, Moscoso, Appleton, Seaquist, Springer, Kelley, Billig, Ormsby, and Kenney)
Creating the high-quality early learning act. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Establishes the high-quality early learning act.Requires the Washington preschool program to be implemented, beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, to provide voluntary preschool opportunities for children three and four years of age.Declares that, as the Washington preschool program is implemented, it is the intent that additional enrollment slots will be funded for the Washington preschool program and that existing enrollment slots in the early childhood education and assistance program will be transferred over time to the Washington preschool program.Requires funding for the Washington preschool program to be appropriated to the department of early learning.Requires the early learning advisory council to: (1) Establish a subcommittee to guide the development and implementation of the Washington preschool program; and(2) Establish a preschool readiness subcommittee, which shall be cochaired by the department of early learning and the nongovernmental private-public partnership.Requires the state institute for public policy to conduct an outcome evaluation of the Washington preschool program.Requires the department of early learning, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, and the education data center to provide the institute with the necessary data to conduct the evaluation.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 20 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Jan 23 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 6:00 PM. | Jan 27 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Jan 31 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Early Learning & Human Services at 1:30 PM. | Feb 4 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | Returned to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 2452-S2by House Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Representatives Wylie, Alexander, Kenney, Haigh, Hunt, Hudgins, Harris, McCoy, Ryu, Hasegawa, Springer, Billig, Maxwell, Upthegrove, and Ormsby; by request of Department of Enterprise Services)
Centralizing the authority and responsibility for the development, process, and oversight of state procurement of goods and services. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Promotes open competition and transparency for all contracts for goods and services entered into by state agencies.Centralizes within one agency the authority and responsibility for the development and oversight of policies related to state procurement and contracting.Centralizes the location of information about state procurements and contracts.Provides state agency contract data to the public in a searchable manner.Requires the department of enterprise services to establish a sweat-free procurement policy and code of conduct that ensures purchases by state agencies are produced in workplaces free of sweatshop conditions.Provides that the state develop procurement policies, procedures, and materials that encourage and facilitate state agency purchase of goods and services from Washington small businesses.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 19 | Public hearing in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. | Jan 26 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 6:00 PM. | Feb 4 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM. | Feb 7 | WAYS - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 11 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 55; nays, 40; absent, 0; excused, 3. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections. |
HB 2501-S2by House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight (originally sponsored by Representatives Green, Cody, Jinkins, Ryu, Lytton, Sells, Reykdal, Kirby, Van De Wege, Moeller, Darneille, Miloscia, Santos, and Roberts)
Placing restrictions on mandatory overtime for employees of health care facilities. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Expands restrictions on mandatory overtime for health care facility employees.Excludes critical access hospitals from the definition of "health care facility."-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 24 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 10:00 AM. | Jan 27 | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Labor & Workforce Development at 8:00 AM. | Feb 2 | APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations & Oversight at 8:00 AM. | Feb 6 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 8 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 57; nays, 41; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 2510-Sby House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Kagi, Walsh, Pedersen, Orwall, Jinkins, Dickerson, Ryu, Van De Wege, Darneille, and Roberts)
Limiting government liability during preshelter care investigations of child abuse or neglect. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Requires the health and safety interests of a child to prevail when the child's physical or mental health is jeopardized or the safety of the child conflicts with the legal rights of a parent, custodian, or guardian.Provides immunity from liability, under certain circumstances, to governmental entities, and their officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, in tort for acts or omissions in emergent placement investigations of child abuse or neglect.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 25 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 8:00 AM. | Jan 30 | JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. | Jan 31 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 13 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 75; nays, 23; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
HB 2527-Sby House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Eddy, Upthegrove, Van De Wege, Springer, Moscoso, Armstrong, Asay, Fitzgibbon, Liias, and Moeller)
Concerning intermodal container chassis. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Declares an intent to ensure safe transport of intermodal cargo and fair treatment of all persons engaged in that transport.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 30 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | TR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. | Feb 14 | Returned to Rules Committee for second reading. |
HB 2722-Sby House Committee on Capital Budget (originally sponsored by Representatives Parker, Dunshee, Warnick, Zeiger, Angel, and Santos)
Concerning surplus property. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 2/13/12)
Requires the department of enterprise services to report to the appropriate legislative fiscal committees and the office of financial management on the status of certain surplus property.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing, executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM. | Feb 1 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM. | Feb 2 | CB - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM. | Feb 3 | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 98; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE SENATE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
HB 2785by Representatives Springer, Crouse, Ormsby, Shea, Billig, Parker, Probst, Kretz, Short, Tharinger, Ahern, Schmick, and Kelley
Concerning the local infrastructure financing tool program. Revises local infrastructure financing tool program provisions relating to: (1) Changes to the definitions of "annual state contribution limit" and "public improvements";(2) Application requirements for sponsoring and cosponsoring local governments;(3) Conditions for using local infrastructure financing; and(4) Reports on funded projects.Delays the expiration of chapter 39.102 RCW (local infrastructure financing tool program).-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
House Joint Resolutions HJR 4228-Sby House Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Armstrong and Clibborn)
Amending the state Constitution to require a two-thirds legislative majority to modify the designation of a fee that is used for highway purposes. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to require a two-thirds legislative majority to modify the designation of a fee that is used for highway purposes.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the House Committee on Transportation at 10:00 AM. | Feb 7 | TR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Referred to Rules 2 Review. | | Executive action taken in the House Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. |
Senate Bills SB 5468-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Pridemore, Shin, and Chase; by request of Governor Gregoire)
Creating the office of forecast councils. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Creates the office of forecast councils.Transfers the economic and revenue forecast council and the caseload forecast council to the office of forecast councils.-- 2011 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 14 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 15 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 1:30 PM. | -- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. |
SB 5895-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senator Murray)
Regarding certificated employee evaluations. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Provides a framework for professional development for implementation of new teacher and principal evaluation systems.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 14 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 46; nays, 3; absent, 0; excused, 0. | Feb 16 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Education at 8:00 AM in anticipation of other legislative action. | Feb 17 | Scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Education at 1:30 PM in anticipation of other legislative action. |
SB 5896-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senator Murray)
Implementing revised teacher and principal evaluation systems. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Establishes policies that support and advance educator performance based on objective and rigorous evaluations.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
SB 5984-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Murray, Zarelli, Parlette, Kilmer, Fraser, Harper, Kohl-Welles, and Chase)
Concerning local government financial soundness. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires the department of commerce to perform an independent financial feasibility review before any of the following events: (1) The formation of a public facilities district under chapter 35.57 or 36.100 RCW;(2) The issuance of any indebtedness, excluding the issuance of obligations to refund or replace such indebtedness, by a public facilities district under chapter 35.57 or 36.100 RCW; or(3) The long-term lease, purchase, or development of a facility under chapter 35.57 or 36.100 RCW.Prohibits a public facility district or any of its forming jurisdictions from restricting the statutorily authorized taxing authority of a public facility district.Authorizes the legislative authority of an anchor jurisdiction to impose a sales and use tax within the geographical boundaries of the anchor jurisdiction without submitting an authorizing proposition to the voters of the anchor jurisdiction or the distressed public facilities district.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 23 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Jan 26 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 9 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 32; nays, 14; absent, 0; excused, 3. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 11 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. | Feb 15 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 5991-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Kohl-Welles, Carrell, Tom, Hill, Hargrove, Conway, Haugen, Fraser, Litzow, Kline, Fain, Roach, and Frockt)
Extending mandatory child abuse reporting requirements to specified employees of institutions of higher education. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Requires certain employees of institutions of higher education who have reasonable cause to believe a child has suffered abuse or neglect to report the abuse or neglect immediately.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 13 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 8:00 AM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. | Feb 3 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 7 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 49; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
SB 6010-Sby Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Roach, Becker, Conway, Schoesler, Regala, Delvin, Stevens, and Shin)
Concerning worker safety at state hospitals. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Addressing safety issues at state hospitals. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/13/12)
Includes in the crime of custodial assault, the assault of a full-time or part-time staff member or volunteer, educational personnel, a personal service provider, or a vendor or agent thereof at any state hospital who was performing official duties at the time of the assault.Prohibits a jail from refusing to book a patient of a state hospital based solely on the patient's status as a state hospital patient.Authorizes state hospitals, under certain circumstances, to administer antipsychotic medication without consent to an individual who is committed as criminally insane by following the same procedures applicable to the administration of antipsychotic medication without consent to a civilly committed patient.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 19 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services & Corrections at 6:00 PM. | Feb 3 | HSC - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 1; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness. |
SB 6088-Sby Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Pridemore, Swecker, Conway, Ranker, Shin, Keiser, Kilmer, Kline, Zarelli, Prentice, Rolfes, Eide, Fraser, Kastama, Hobbs, Kohl-Welles, Tom, Benton, and Frockt)
Strengthening the review of the legislature's goals for tax preferences by requiring that every new tax preference provide an expiration date and statement of legislative intent. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE)
Requires introduced bills, that adopt a new tax preference or expand or extend an existing tax preference, to include legislative intent provisions, establishing the policy goals and any related metrics that might provide context and/or data for purposes of reviewing the preference.Provides that a bill that is enacted without the legislative intent provisions does not take effect.Requires the joint legislative audit and review committee, before a bill would take effect, but for the failure of such bill to meet the requirements, to provide written notice to the department of revenue of the bill's failure to meet the requirements.Requires the department of revenue to provide written notice of the bill not taking effect to certain parties.Requires certain tax preferences taking effect on or after July 1, 2012, to expire five years after the effective date, unless a specific expiration date is provided.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 25 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 11 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 45; nays, 3; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 14 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 6120-S2by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Nelson, Swecker, Harper, Hargrove, Kohl-Welles, Fraser, Kastama, Pridemore, Rolfes, Frockt, Ranker, Regala, Shin, Tom, Kline, Chase, Keiser, and Conway)
Concerning children's safe products. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Prohibits manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, distributing for sale, or distributing for use in this state, a children's product containing intentionally-added TCEP (as defined in section 1 of the act) in amounts greater than one hundred parts per million in any component.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 17 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Environment at 10:00 AM. | Jan 20 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Environment at 9:00 AM. | Jan 26 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 9 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 10 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 41; nays, 6; absent, 0; excused, 2. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 13 | First reading, referred to Environment. | Feb 17 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Environment at 1:30 PM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6140-S2by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Kilmer, Becker, King, Regala, Conway, Shin, and Chase)
Concerning local economic development financing. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Permits certain cities, counties, and port districts to create local economic development finance authorities to act as a financial conduit that can issue taxable and nontaxable nonrecourse revenue bonds and participate in federal, state, and local economic development programs to help facilitate access to needed capital by the state's businesses.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 18 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 9:00 AM. | Jan 30 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Trade & Innovation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 34; nays, 14; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Community & Economic Development & Housing. | Feb 16 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Community & Economic Development & Housing at 10:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6152-S2by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Hatfield and Honeyford)
Streamlining water right permitting and appeals. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Enacts temporary water rights permitting reforms to enable the department of ecology's water permitting staff to focus on substantive permitting matters that do not duplicate other permit review procedures.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 19 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development at 10:00 AM. | Jan 23 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development at 10:00 AM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development at 10:00 AM. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. |
SB 6165-S2by Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Hargrove, Swecker, Ranker, Pridemore, Nelson, Rolfes, and Shin)
Authorizing flexible conservation futures taxing districts. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE)
Authorizes counties, in lieu of imposing a countywide levy, to create a flexible conservation futures taxing district to acquire and manage conservation futures in an area encompassing less than the entire county.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 30 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Tribal Relations & Elections at 10:00 AM. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 2nd substitute bill substituted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 31; nays, 17; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |
SB 6215by Senators Frockt, Kline, Nelson, Kohl-Welles, and Conway
Establishing an optional transportation benefit district rebate program for low-income individuals. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Authorizes certain transportation benefit districts to create an optional rebate program to provide rebates of up to forty percent of a fee, tax, or toll paid by a low-income person.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 16 | First reading, referred to Transportation. | Jan 26 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Jan 30 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Jan 31 | TRAN - Majority; do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 29; nays, 20; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
SB 6280-Sby Senate Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Senators Carrell, Swecker, Conway, Holmquist Newbry, and Parlette)
Concerning crimes against pharmacies. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Revises sentencing provisions for robbery in the first or second degree of a pharmacy.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM. | Feb 1 | Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Judiciary at 1:30 PM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Judiciary at 7:30 PM. | Feb 3 | JUD - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 48; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1. |
SB 6312-Sby Senate Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen, Hobbs, Honeyford, Hatfield, Hargrove, and Shin)
Promoting job creation by ensuring access to human domestic water for home construction. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Promoting job creation by ensuring access to domestic water for home construction. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/13/12)
Promotes reasonable use by the public of the public's water to ensure that sufficient water to serve essential domestic needs be readily available for homes in rural areas where public water service is not readily available.Allows people in rural areas in the Skagit river basin to move forward with construction of their homes in a manner that is sufficiently protective of instream resources and water right holders.Provides funding for a more coordinated and effective mechanism to protect and, where possible, enhance impacts to stream flows for fish.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 19 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development at 10:00 AM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water & Rural Economic Development at 10:00 AM. | Feb 3 | AWRD - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 7 | Made eligible to be placed on second reading. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 39; nays, 7; absent, 0; excused, 3. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources. | Feb 17 | Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change) |
SB 6445-Sby Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senator Pridemore; by request of Department of Transportation)
Concerning the Interstate 5 Columbia river crossing project. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Designates the Columbia river crossing project as an eligible toll facility.Authorizes the tolling authority, for the Columbia river crossing project, to enter into agreements with the Oregon state transportation commission regarding the mutual or joint setting, adjustment, and review of toll rates.Requires the tolls to be charged only for travel on the existing and replacement Interstate 5 Columbia river bridges and prohibits tolls from being charged for travel on any portion of Interstate 205.Prohibits the total cost of the Columbia river crossing project from exceeding 3.413 billion dollars.Creates a special account to be known as the Colombia river crossing project account.Provides a contingent effective date.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | TRAN - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 33; nays, 15; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 6455-Sby Senate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Haugen and Shin; by request of Governor Gregoire)
Concerning transportation revenue. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/13/12)
Provides funds for the operation and maintenance of the state's transportation system.Increases fees for the following: (1) Abstracts of a driver's record;(2) Certificate of ownership application;(3) Original issue and replacement motorcycle plates;(4) Vehicle dealer original license;(5) Vehicle dealer license renewal; and(6) Records of traffic charges.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 24 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 3:30 PM. | Feb 6 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Transportation at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | TRAN - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Minority; without recommendation. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 9 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 31; nays, 18; absent, 0; excused, 0. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Transportation. |
SB 6477-Sby Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection (originally sponsored by Senators Conway, Holmquist Newbry, and Kohl-Welles)
Concerning spirits sampling in former contract liquor stores. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning liquor licensing, sales, and tasting. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Establishes a day spa permit that allows the holder to offer or supply without charge wine or beer by the individual glass to a customer for consumption on the premises.Establishes a senior center license that will be issued to nonprofit organizations that provide recreational and social activities for seniors on the licensed premises and permits the licensee to sell spirits by the individual glass, including mixed drinks and cocktails mixed on the premises only, beer and wine, at retail for consumption on the premises.Allows the liquor control board, in issuing an endorsement to a grocery store, to adjust the gross sales percentage requirement.Requires the liquor control board to allow spirits sampling in former contract liquor stores to promote spirits products.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 31 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 1:30 PM. | Feb 2 | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Labor and Commerce & Consumer Protection at 8:00 AM. | Feb 3 | LCCP - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | Feb 11 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | 1st substitute bill substituted. | | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 34; nays, 13; absent, 0; excused, 2. |
SB 6589by Senators Kastama and Tom
Requiring a direct patient-provider primary care practice services option for public employees. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/14/12)
Requires the public employees' benefits board, as a pilot project during the 2013 and 2014 plan years, to offer employees enrolled in a self-insured health plan the option to receive primary care services from a direct patient-provider primary care practice.Limits enrollment to no more than two thousand members living in King and Pierce counties.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Feb 6 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; do pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 14 | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 41; nays, 8; absent, 0; excused, 0. |
Senate Joint Resolutions SJR 8222by Senators Kastama, Tom, Rolfes, Hobbs, Hatfield, Regala, Hill, Haugen, and Litzow
Requiring six-year balanced budgets. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Requiring four-year balanced budgets. ) (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 2/13/12)
Proposes an amendment to the state Constitution to require four-year balanced budgets.-- 2012 REGULAR SESSION -- | Jan 18 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. | Feb 6 | Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 7 | WM - Majority; do pass. | | Minority; do not pass. | | Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. | | Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | Feb 10 | Placed on second reading by Rules Committee. | Feb 13 | Floor amendment(s) adopted. | | Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading. | | Third reading, passed; yeas, 36; nays, 12; absent, 0; excused, 1. | -- IN THE HOUSE -- | Feb 15 | First reading, referred to Ways & Means. |