SB 5931 - DIGEST

Creates the department of enterprise services to provide centralized leadership in efficiently and cost-effectively managing resources necessary to support the delivery of state government services.

Creates the office of the chief information officer within the office of financial management.

Creates the information technology advisory board within the office of chief information officer to advise the chief information officer on information technology related matters.

Creates the consolidated technology services agency to achieve maximum benefit from advances in information technology.

Creates the consolidated technology services board.

Abolishes the department of general administration and transfers its powers, duties, and functions to the department of enterprise services.

Abolishes the public printer and transfers certain possessions and functions to the state archivist, the department of enterprise services, and the office of financial management.

Transfers certain powers, duties, and functions of the department of information services, the department of personnel, and the office of financial management to the department of enterprise services.

Transfers certain powers, duties, and functions of the department of personnel to the office of financial management.

Transfers powers, duties, and functions of the department of information services pertaining to high-speed internet activities to the department of commerce.

Requires the code reviser to prepare legislation for the 2012 regular session that makes the changes necessary as a result of the act.