62nd Legislature - 2012 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore

Bills Reported Out Of Committee

February 21, 2012 - Tuesday 44th Day 2012 Regular Session
2nd Supplemental
Bill No. Description Committee Ref. Ref.
HB 2190 Trans sup budget 2011-13 TR DPS22 DNP5 RUL
HB 2373 f State recreational resources WAYS DPS(w/o sub APPG)16 DNP11 RUL
SSB 5197 f Home care aides/nursing task HCW DP11 RUL
SSB 5217 f Comm. college board members HE DPA16 RUL
SB 5259 f Small wineries/tax & reports WAYS DP27 RUL
E2SSB 5292 Irrigation & port districts LG DPA9 RUL
SSB 5412 f Whistleblowers/conveyance LWD DPA8 DNP4 RUL
E2SSB 5620 f Dental anesthesia assistants HCW DP11 RUL
SSB 5631 Department of agriculture AGNR DP13 RUL
ESB 5661 f Derelict fishing gear AGNR DP13 RUL
SSB 5766 Fire protection districts LG DPA9 RUL
SSB 5966 f Health care auth. ombudsman HCW DP9 DNP2 RUL
ESSB 5978 f Medicaid fraud JUDI DP7 DNP4 WAYS
SSB 5982 f Aerospace technology center HE DPA15 DNP1 WAYS
SSB 5984 f Local government finances WAYS DP18 DNP8 RUL
SSB 5995 Urban growth area boundaries LG DPA9 RUL
SSB 5996 f Contiguous land/current use AGNR DP13 WAYS
SSB 6025 District judge retiremnt age JUDI DP7 DNP4 RUL
SB 6030 License suspension errors JUDI DP12 RUL
SSB 6044 PUDs bordered by Columbia AGNR DP13 RUL
SB 6046 Gambling commission SGTA DP11 RUL
ESSB 6078 f Natural resources management SGTA DP10 w/oRec1 CB
SB 6079 Institute for public policy SGTA DP11 WAYS
ESSB 6103 f Reflexology & massage thrpy HCW DPA11 APPH
SSB 6105 Prescription monitoring prog HCW DPA11 RUL
SB 6108 Theft of rental property PSEP DP11 RUL
SB 6133 f Electrician certifications LWD DP8 DNP4 RUL
SSB 6135 f Fish & wildlife enforcement AGNR DP13 APPG
2SSB 6140 Local econ devel. financing CDH DPA8 DNP1 CB
ESB 6141 f Lifelong learning program LWD DP8 DNP4 RUL
ESSB 6147 Tribes in Indian country SGTA DPA7 DNP4 RUL
SB 6175 f Indian tribes and state govt SGTA DP8 DNP3 RUL
SSB 6216 f Nonprofit corp's/eyeglasses JUDI DPA12 RUL
ESB 6217 Irrigation districts LG DP9 RUL
ESSB 6237 f Medical assistants HCW DPA11 APPH
ESSB 6251 f Commercial sex abuse/minor PSEP DP11 RUL
ESSB 6252 f Commercial sex abuse/minor PSEP DP11 RUL
SSB 6253 f Commercial sex abuse/minor PSEP DP11 RUL
ESB 6254 f Prostitution crimes PSEP DPA11 RUL
ESB 6255 f Prostitution crimes PSEP DP11 RUL
SB 6256 f Gangs/commercial sex abuse PSEP DP11 RUL
ESB 6257 f Sexually explicit act PSEP DPA11 RUL
SSB 6258 f Unaccompanied persons PSEP DP11 RUL
2SSB 6263 f Marine management planning AGNR DPA13 APPG
ESSB 6280 Crimes against pharmacies PSEP DP11 APPG
SB 6289 f Self-employment training LWD DP10 DNP2 RUL
ESB 6296 f Background checks PSEP DP11 RUL
ESSB 6312 f Home construction/water AGNR DPA7 DNP6 CB
SSB 6315 f Fair tenant screening act JUDI DP10 DNP2 RUL
SSB 6328 f Mental health professionals HCW DPA10 DNP1 RUL
ESSB 6355 f Associate development orgs CDH DPA9 RUL
SB 6385 f Habitat and recreation lands AGNR DP13 RUL
ESSB 6392 f Farm internship program LWD DPA8 DNP4 APPH
SSB 6403 Vulnerable adult protection JUDI DPA12 RUL
SB 6412 Health benefit plan coverage HCW DPA11 RUL
SSB 6421 f Wage affidavits/public works LWD DP12 RUL
SB 6440 f Health care purchase options HCW DPA9 DNP2 RUL
SB 6465 Raffles SGTA DP11 RUL
SSB 6468 f Research universities/funds HE DPA15 DNP1 WAYS
ESSB 6470 f Fire protection services LG DP6 DNP3 WAYS
ESSB 6477 f Liquor SGTA DPA10 DNP1 RUL
ESSB 6486 Postdoctoral & clinical empl LWD DP8 DNP4 WAYS
SSB 6493 f Sexual predator commitment PSEP DPA11 WAYS
ESSB 6512 Irrigation & rehab districts LG DP7 DNP2 WAYS
SJR 8223 f Research universities/funds HE DPA13 DNP3 WAYS